
CBHT - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Yeah. But the top one's very light. The top one looks beautiful, doesn't it? It's very strange because the tahini is a-- it's quite strong. Hmm. It's a surprise. Yeah. But I quite like it. And the ginger and the lemon work really well together. You know as the two king flavours in there. Thank you, Marc. It is like a character that yousee all over the place in Japan. And it is very cute. I sort of feel you could've made the character look a little more like a pineapple. It's a bit uneven inside. It's an indication that it has concertina-ed, the weight of the fondant and everything on top has pushed all the ones down at the bottom. Tastes amazing, though. It's delicious. Oh yeah it's a happy cake. Citrusy yuzu. It's really strong. And the pineapple's there. Sponges are all light. Even the concertina-ed one's quite light as well. Flavour of that whole thing is very, very good. Thank you. Well done, Laura. [Exhales] I mean they're cute. A little bit scruffy. But they are cute. I love it. It's witty. It's charming. Just gotta taste good now. [Mark] Hope so. That's very neat, accurate layering. It's a bit tight that sponge. You've got the yuzu is it going through that? [Mark] Yeah yeah. You, you get that. And then that's it. The cake's very dry which you didn't expect it to be. The oil from the avocado should've kept that really silky smooth. And it hasn't. It's a shame. Yeah I don't know if the nine inch cake is a little bit better at the bottom I'm not sure. Let's have a look. Hmm, no? No. Probably worse. [Mark] Oh no. It's cruel to say it's inedible but it's getting that way. The biscuit is actually delicious but as that's only you know less than one per cent of the whole lot I don't think it'll save it. [tense] Well, bakers, I think we can all agree Japanese week was a joy. And the showstopper was fantastic. I've got the great job of announcing this week's star baker. And that person is... Lottie. [applause] Thanks, guys. Well done, Lottie. Which means it's time to tell you who will be leaving us this week, and it's somebody who always has a smile, somebody I've really bonded with, someone that I know we all adore and we're all really gonna miss. And I'm afraid the baker leaving us this week is... Mark L. [Mark] That's all right. Mate. Come here, Mark. [Mark] It's all right. Sorry, mate. [Mark] That's all right. When you know, you know, don't you? [theme]

-ounce. >> Announcer: this is cbc nova scotia news. >> Tonight, on the move, sources say the owner of the northern pulp mill is considering a new location in queens county. >> Delayed alerts. Parents of a child who died in last summer's flash flood say the tragedy could have been avoided. >> And missing the deadline. Nova scotia acknowledges you won't be barrier free by 2030 after all. >> Very warm conditions, inland areas near 30 in some spots today. We'll see that warm weather sticking around tomorrow. We'll talk about the next best chance for rain as well. Those details are coming up. >> Good evening, a mainstay and a major employer in pictou county half a century but the northern pulp mill has not been without controversy. Shut down in recent years for handling of environmental waste. >> Ever since the company that owns the mill has been contemplating its future in the province. Now it's considering a move to nova scotia's south shore. >> According to multiple sources who have spoken to cbc news, and as michael gorman reports, an announcement could come as soon as tomorrow. >> Reporter: officials with paper excellence started talking about trying to reopen the mill in pictou county almost as soon as it shut down in 2020. Now, sources tell cbc an announcement is imminent the company plans to explore the possibility of moving to queens county. The south shore region is no stranger to having a large mill operation. Famed industrialist founded the paper company there in 1929. Best known as bowwater, the mill continued to operate outside liverpool in brooklyn until the parent company shut down for good in 2012. Darlene norman declined comment, and spokesperson for paper excellence did not immediately respond. While all the public comments about restarting have focused on pictou county, officials have mused in court documents related to northern pulp creditor protection proceedings, they could look at a move. They put it to kim masland last week following a cabinet meeting. Masland said she had no intel but would be open to the idea. >> I would welcome any industry in the province if they are meeting all the requirements, environmental, permitting, but absolutely there is a strong need for a pulp mill in the western end of this province. >> Reporter: what a new operation in queens county might look like remains to be seen. There are a number of differences between the former bowwater set up and northern pulp, not the least of which is the footprint of the two locations. Masland thinks people would be receptive to a proposal if done properly. >> Amy: learning more about what went wrong during last year's deadly flash flooding. A new report shows how emergency alert issues made a bad situation worse for some desperate families. Kayla with parents who say more needs to be done. >> Reporter: 6-year-old colton was fast asleep when floodwaters began to fill his home. His dad tried to get him out of the area. >> The water had a strong current, I can't know where it went. >> Colton was 1 of 4 who died after being swept away in two separate vehicles last july. Now a new report from the municipality of west hants says an emergency alert was delayed telling people to shelter-in-place. >> We need the emergency alert for west hants. >> Reporter: the request comes again. >> I need the emergency alert. >> Reporter: and again. At 2:28, colton's mom gets wind of these attempts and calls to wake his dad and finally, nearly two hours after it was first requested, the alert is issued. >> By the time the alert was issued, colton was dead. >> Reporter: what do you think went wrong? >> I don't think anything went wrong, it was an unprecedented storm. >> Reporter: the report says part of the problem was poor cell service. And no access to flood mapping. This report has been released, centre of climate adaptation released a report in 2020 prior to the nova scotia floods raising similar concerns. >> Quite frankly, the more lethal outcome associated with the event could have been avoided. >> Reporter: the municipality has created templates to help write alerts faster and increase the number of people who can

authorise them. >> I'm so disappointed. >> Reporter: they want someone with the ability to request an alert on call 24/7. They say they'll never stop advocating for colton's friends. >> I don't think I could just stop knowing that a whole generation is going to have to face this. >> Reporter: she says her family's tragedy should serve as a reminder the time for action on climate change is now. Cbc news, west hants, nova scotia. >> Tom: for years, the province of nova scotia has been working to deliver on a huge goal, to become accessible by 2030. But now, cbc news has learned nova scotia believes it will not be able to accomplish that goal in time. >> Reporter: victoria remembers the day in 2017 when the province passed the accessibility act. >> I thought oh, good, they'll finally do something. >> Reporter: a goal accessible by 2030, 13 years to act. Three years behind the province's original schedule. >> We are moving with you moving slower than we need to, if we want to be accessible by 2030. >> Reporter: we went to the province to ask about the delay. They have taken steps to speed up the process but also said this. >> The goal of an accessible nova scotia by 2030 in act is tied to standards and our understanding of that obligation is that all six standards will be enacted with compliance and enforcement wrapped around them by 2030. >> Reporter: how realistic is it that we would have a barrier-free province in 2030? >> Nova scotia will be more accessible and equitable province by 2030, but we will not be completely barrier-free. >> Reporter: that's not what the province has said in the past. >> Last year as many of you would know, nova scotia passed the historic legislation that will make the province accessible and barrier-free by 2030. >> Reporter: I went back to victoria and told her what the province told me. >> Do they realize they are not going to reach the goal they had set in 2017? Instead of saying oh, well we didn't reach our goal, which sounds bad, like breaking a promise, they have chosen to move that goal. >> Reporter: she still believes nova scotia can become a truly inclusive and accessible province some day but feels it's not right to treat the 2030 goal as aspirational and says the province's position is deeply saddening. Cbc news, halifax. >> Amy: police have charged a man from moncton after he stole a fuel delivery truck and crashed off highway 104. Sunday about noon, officers received a report about the stolen truck. Police attempted to stop the driver near the toll. He refused to pull over, pulling into oncoming traffic instead. Officers stopped their pursuit, deeming a safety risk. A short time later the truck rolled on to its side spilling off on 10. The man was arrested as he tried to flee the scene and they seized what they believed heroin from the truck. He is facing charges. >> Tom: emergency department visits for people with a minor injury or ailment are down almost 10%. The measures to give people an alternative to visiting the hospital seem to be working. >> Which is extraordinary and trying to achieve, and achieving it through many different ways, a chatbot, urgent treatment centres we have opened, expanded scope of the pharmacies, all of these things are having a total impact. How much is any one of those having, I'm not sure. The total number declined 9.2%. >> Tom: and the number with serious health issues is up 10%. Attributes to a growing population. >> Amy: and a farmer had avian flu, it killed geese, guinea fowl and chickens. It's under a biosecure quarantine. >> Reporter: montana uses two pairs of boots here on the form in lower branch. One for inside the biosecure zone and another for everywhere else. Some places like this red barn and the nearby greenhouse are off limits entirely. >> We have four months to go before we can set foot in our

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