
CBHT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

affordability is to have a good-paying job. And right now our community is losing a lot of them. And it is -- it is devastating. And I don't know if we can even quantify the loss right now. >> Tom: when you look around this community and you know that this issue has divided this community over the years -- how do you -- how do you think that this community moves on? >> Good question. We spend a lot of time trying to figure it out as a community to see if we can move on. But for me it's about community. It is about having people, having secure jobs, being able to come home at 5:00 and being able to raise their families and to be here for their families. And when you have that number of good-paying jobs leaving overnight, it's just devastating. >> Tom: and the fact is that the mill hasn't been operating full time for some time now. But you're seeing that impact of that -- that temporary shutdown and now what would seem to be a permanent shutdown. >> And it's a slow drip, right? Like it doesn't happen all at once and people don't pull up their houses the day after the announcement. I'll give you an example. In our community there's a lot of farms in our community that have five, 10, 20 head of cattle. There's a gentleman that takes them to the market. And over time those people running those farms they have to sell off their livestock and they didn't have to have time to do it, and they were not home at night. >> Tom: working at the mill but farming on the side. >> Or hauling chips or they could have been cutting or doing all kinds of things in the forestry business. But as a community we gotta figure out what we want. Like, do we want to have, um, a service-based industry? Or do we want to make things? And I think that is where we have to start putting our heads around. >> Tom: you told me earlier this is a community that historically has made things. >> Yes. >> Tom: pulp and paper and so on. >> Yep. >> Tom: does that -- does that change? >> I hope not. Not everybody goes to work and puts their feet on their desk. Not everybody does that. People go in the woods and they work in the woods and we had car works here and we had all kinds of stuff. And our manufacturing base has been eroded over the last 20 years. We had just looked at our industries around here. And where we need -- we need to come to grips with this and we need to do something to organize the communities a little better. >> Tom: is part of you surprised that this day has come this quickly? >> Well, I was on the environmental liaison committee and that was up and running. And what I can tell you is that the talk around the table was harsh towards the mill. But it was tough conversations. And the hope was that they'd come up with a plan that was suitable for everyone. And we thought that the transformation plan had a bit of life in it, but apparently not. >> Tom: well that hits the head on the nail, doesn't it? Can you have an industry in pictou county -- must you have an industry in pictou county -- that respects the environment but also is a job creator? >> I guess what I'll say to sathat is tothatis to read the transformation report they had, because it answers a lot of questions from the people -- on the environmental regulator -- I'm a community person. My hope is that there would be some kind of way that we could all work together. >> Tom: do you think that there is a lost opportunity here? Do you think that pictou had tried harder they might have been able to save this mill? >> It's a complicated history, I guess, is the best way to put it. And I don't know if -- if -- I don't know if it's a communications issue -- that's for other people to figure out. I can't -- I can't answer that. >> Tom: and others will feel like good riddance, the mill sort was calling the shots for a long time in this part of the province and the fact that bow harbour even existed was even wrong because of what happened to the first nations community. So is there any solace in that given today's development? >> What I will say is that for people in all corners of the county, I just want them to think about the people that depended on their livelihood in the forest industry.

and my concern is moving forward -- now what, what are we going to do next? Like, we know that if you look at a mill in liverpool, it's not helping -- it's not helping the forest industry today. Like, our forests are in bad shape and what are we going to do next to fix that? >> Tom: a lot of questions today, for sure. Thank you for taking ours. Thank you very much. >> Okay. ( ) >> Amy: coming up, a worldwide shortage is making the price of olive oil spike. It comes as european growers Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! The qeii Home Lottery final deadline is midnight tomorrow! Live lakeside in Glen Arbour with the 1.8 million dollar Grand Prize Showhome awarded with $50,000! Absolute final deadline midnight tomorrow! Some days you just need an easy win. So why not start saving with Eastlink's Perfect Pair. Gig internet and unlimited mobile for $99 a month. For cashing in before we come to our senses. So, I know we agreed on price, but this car's taller than I was expecting. Egg? I gotta go. ( ) That's Clutch. ( ) Even though some things are far away, we plan for them ahead of time because they're important. When it comes to your celebration of life, it's really no different. You want to plan ahead now so your family doesn't have to later, and create a service that reflects your values, character and traditions—no matter what they may be. At Dignity Memorial®, we listen to every detail and make sure every oneis remembered. Bluenose rv has moved to a bigger and better location to serve you! Now is the perfect time to get ready for summer! Check out all the incredible RVs on sale! Come by and see our state of the art rv facility on Harold Whynot Road in Pinegrove or visit us at! [explosion] [dynamic] How can any of this be fair? It shows you where it starts, where it ends. Andrew:Where we're all aboutexplaining and expanding. Hello! Dad is the master of marketing. So handsome, both of them. How big is my face? Bigger. -Dad is a superstar wherever he goes. Two-one! -Daddy marketing works! Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! She's dreaming to the max! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [ ] You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! ( ) >> Amy: welcome back. A new government bill tabled in the house of commons today would allow canadians to pass citizenship rights down to their children born outside of the country. A move that would add an unknown number of new citizens and reverse a decision by the federal conservatives under stephen harper. Raffy boudjikanian has more. >> Reporter: katherine burton worked for the citizenship and immigration department for years. But though she is of mi'kmaq descent, she is not born here. That has consequences for her two boys. >> There's only one passage to canadian citizenship. So, therefore, my boys could not receive citizenship, albeit they

are status first nations. >> Reporter: that is due to a change of immigration law brought in under former prime minister stephen harper meant to crackdown on so-called canadians of convenience, facing pressure after ottawa paid $85 million to extract canadian citizens from lebanon in 2006 during the war between israel and hezbollah. >> This is, again, a free-for-all and this is truly about a technical fix to a bill that should have been done a while ago. >> Reporter: but instead it's been a long time coming. The liberal government fought a legal battle against reversing the move. Only getting a court to end the cutoff. >> We want citizenship to be fair and accessible, with clear and transparent rules. Not everyone is entitled to it, but for those who are, it needs to be fair. >> Reporter: marc miller is proposing the foreign born children of canadian parents that have spent three cumulative years in this country would become canadian citizens. His legislation has the n.d.p.'s backing. >> I have talked to family members where their children are stateless, lost in the system, because of this unjust punitive unconstitutional law. >> Reporter: but it's not clear how the conservatives will react. They say that they're still studying the liberals' proposal. Also unclear how many people would be impacted by the measure. The immigration minister suggesting that there could be thousands of raffy boudjikanian, cbc news, ottawa. >> Amy: in a massive show of force, china has launched a series of military drills off of the coast of tie taiwan. They call it a punishment for seeking governance in the south island. And it's a jeopardy to the region. Philippe LeBLANC reports. >> Reporter: the planes are doing 48-hour military drills in the taiwan strait in the five areas surrounding taiwan. This comes three days after the swearing in ceremony of taiwan's new president, someone that beijing long called a pro-independence political figure. His speech was deemed by many experts in canada, the U.S. and taiwan as being cautious in regards to the relationship with china. But beijing today had a spokesperson from the ministry of foreign affairs in beijing that said that these military drills were a stern warning for all of the pro-independent voices in taiwan and also a punishment. Here in taiwan, it's being called provocation and in the new president said that he wouldn't hesitate to join his troops on the frontline if need to be to defend freedom and democracy. As for the u.s., a deputy commander for the U.S. forces in the indo-pacific region said that there would be a deep consequences if there was to be any sort of military confrontation in the region. >> I cannotunder cannot underscore enough how much devastating a conflict would be in the year. And lives and trillions of dollars of economic damage and the maintenance of international order that has given peace and stability over the past 80 years. >> Reporter: china warned the U.S. to stop backing and selling arms to taiwan. Now how are taiwanese reacting here? Well, some of them are saying that it is just like last year -- it is just like to 2022 when the chinese military had held similar drills. They say that these chinese threats, sadly, are part of life and that it is hard to be a taiwanese. Philippe LeBLANC, cbc news, taipei. >> Amy: the U.S. justice department has an anti-trust lawsuit against ticketmaster and accusing it and live nation of establishing an illegal monopoly in the music concert business. >> Our complaint makes clear what happens when a monopolist dedicates resources to entrenching its monopoly power and insulating itself from competition, rather than investing in better products and services. >> Amy: the U.S. attorney general says that it has led to higher costs for fans, fewer opportunities for artists, and the end of business for many small promoters. Live nation called the allegations baseless. Ticketmaster owns or controls more than 265 concert venues in north america.

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