
CBHT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 11:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>> Good morning. Thank you all for joining us. Thank you for your patience as we work together all available facts regarding this incident. Obviously it is of great public interest, so we appreciate you providing us the time to ensure that we release accurate information while the judicial process is occurring. We are grateful to pga officials and mayor greenberg for bringing this prestigious event to our city for last week, but last week, tragically, we lost a beloved community member in an accident. Lmpd expresses its sincere condolences to the family of john mills who was fatally struck by a shuttle bus outside valhalla golf club. His passing has left a notable void in the golfing community and in the city. Regardless of the results of our internal investigation, detective gillis did have an encounter, as we know, with mr. Scottie sheffler. Detective gillis should have turned on his body-worn camera but did not. His failure to do so is a violation of lmpd policy on uniforms and equipment, subcategory body-worn camera, and he was sustained for a violation of the policy and procedures. Detective gillis did not have his body-worn camera operationally ready as required by our policy. He was performing a law enforcement action as defined in our policy. Further, in section 4.31.7 states, members will maintain their B.W.C. in a constant state of operational readiness. Detective gillis was counselled by his supervisor. We understand the importance of this factor which is why the officer has received training correction. This is in line with our disciplinary protocol and practises. We respect the judicial process, and we will allow the courts to proceed accordingly. We will not be able to make any further statements as it relates to this. At the conclusion of the press conference, we will release the documents as follows. You will find the investigative findings memorandum by the commander of the unit. You will see the failure to activate form filled out by detective gillis as well as the two afore mentioned video footage that the mayor has mentioned. Also, all of this information will be uploaded to our youtube page. I'd like to take a point of privilege to thank mayor greenberg, the local media, and national media for making every effort to make fair reporting but I'd also like to take a moment to thank law enforcement officials around the nation for all the work you do every day and I'm particularly thankful for the lmpd community for keeping louisville safe during this process. I'll now turn it over to the mayor. >> Thank you, chief. In louisville, around the country, but especially here in louisville after the recent past, activating body-worn cameras is critically important for our police department to have evidence, to maintain the community's trust, to be transparent. Chief, I appreciate the speed with which you have conducted the investigation into this situation. You've dealt with it transparently and straightforwardly, and we are all looking to move forward. I know there are a lot of questions, about you we have to let the process play out -- but we have to let the process play out. We want to move forward. Mr. Sheffler has said he wants to move forward, and lmpd wants to move forward.

lmpd remains committed to keeping our community safe, reducing the amount of gun violence. That's what they do every day. That's what they were doing working a detail last friday at valhalla. We understand there are a lot of questions. We're going to respect the legal process, and I'm very hopeful that, on june 3, the next step in the legal process, that all parties are in a position to move forward. Thank you all very much. >> Natasha: okay. Folks, we've been taking you live to louisville, kentucky, for a live update on the situation in the town concerning golfer scottie sheffler who was arrested and is now facing multiple charges. I want to turn now to journalist steve futterman who has been following this story and joins us live. Steve, before we get what was said by the mayor and police chief, can you tell us what happened? >> Reporter: well, this past weekend, a man was killed by a shuttle bus early in the morning. Scottie sheffler was showing up around 6:30 in the morning to begin his practicing that morning for that day's round. He went through a checkpoint that he said he was given direction by one officer and a second officer said no. The officer that you heard about, officer gillis, eventually arrested him, and he was accused of not following orders and assaulting a police officer. That's the incident that took place. At this news conference, three important things, natasha, came out. First of all, the officer involved in this, officer gillis, did have a body cam but it was not in a position to record the incident and he did not activate the body cam, so that's very important. Number two, the mayor and police chief says they are going to allow the investigation and judicial process to play out. They hope that when there's a court hearing next week, they hope that everyone can move forward. Scottie sheffler does face right now a very serious charge, one felony among the charges. His lawyer said they're not going to work out a plea deal where he pleads guilty to a lesser charge. Things can change, negotiations can change. I would think that all parties are going to try to work together and see if they can resolve this case, but it's going to be interesting to see if prosecutors insist that sheffler plead to a very minor charge. >> Natasha: right now, he's facing a felony, second degree assault of a police officer, third degree mischief, and failure to follow directions from an officer directing traffic. Pretty serious charges there. >> Reporter: yes. >> Natasha: it'll be interesting to see how those charges play out, Welcome to Canmore, Alberta. This will be your toughest day yet. -Get back up! Boom! -Don't eavesdrop. -i can't shut my ears off. Well then shut your mouth off. Announcer: Canada's Ultimate Challenge. Watch free onCBC Gem. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way.

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