
CBHT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 11:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

problem of high service fees which is so frustrating for so many people. The other thing the government could do is simply cap fees, saying listen, you can't have more than 30% of the ticket price allocated to service fees. Sometimes it's far in excess of that, so there are things that could frustrate consumers relative to ticketmaster. I think it remains to be seem what's going to happen from this attempt by the D.O.J. >> Natasha: you and I both know there's some curmudgeon watching saying, what's the big deal? It's just live music. What's your position? >> I think it gets to the very purpose of what government and society is trying to promote and protect. Live -- especially post pandemic, when concerts are a way that we can connect with one another as well as the artists on the stage and have something meaningful and enduring, something that lasts. I think out of that it's essential. I think, you know, to have a society devoid of culture and a government that doesn't care about that in any way, shape, or form would be frustrating and kind of sad, frankly. >> Andrew Chang: So you want to watchCBC News Explore, a new kind of news channel. Well here's one way to find us. We're onCBC Gem. Stream any time for free. Cbc News Explore. I love walking, but it can be frustrating if my legs and feet are slowing me down. My pharmacy recommended revitive Medic Circulation Booster and I haven't looked back. Drug-free Revitiveis clinically proven to actively improveleg circulation, relieve achesand pains and help youwalk further. Revitive Medicis also suitable for peoplediagnosed with Osteoarthritisor Diabetes. I believe using Revitive has really helped me. Give it a go today! For latest offers on the Revitive pain range see instore or Summer starts... now! The new dq Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at dq. Happy tastes good. I play with myself. I just started playing with myself. I still play with myself. I'm playing with myself right now. Casino Days - register for free today. Yes yes yes! [rock] we're legendary Man: You don't scare me. Look out! [explosion] Ain't nobody gonna stop me. Stadium announcer: We have a new world record. Arena announcer: She scores! Both: Oh my God. Woman: We're a team. [woman yells indiscernibly] we're legendary We fight the best we can. Stadium announcer: Unbelievable. >> Natasha: has just revealed its outlook for the 2024 hurricane season. CBCs chief correspondent susan ormiston was listening in. Susan, what can you tell us? >> Reporter: more storms for this hurricane season for the atlantic from noaa this morning. Not entirely unexpected in that we've seen a lot of conditions ripe for this kind of thing. The administrator of noaa says things are lining up. There will be big storms with lots of energy and they're lining up to be here between now and october. Here is the administrator of noaa. >> This season is looking to be an extraordinary one in a number of ways based on our models with the la nina and el nino playing a significant role. Of note, the forecast for named storms and hurricanes are the highest highest highest ever issued.

why is this? Well, the ocean is cooling off as this weather pattern la nina comes into force in august, but oceans are slow to warm and cool, which means that the oceans are still holding a lot of heat. In fact, already this spring in some areas, the ocean in the atlantic where the hurricanes typically are were as warm as in august every year. >> Natasha: and we know the east coast, they look over this data carefully as they prepare for another season, so is there anything that you're looking for? >> Reporter: well, we know that we'll be looking at this very closely. A couple of things that came out from the noaa, major storms are becoming more frequent. It used to be hurricanes, you could see them a long time in the distance. Three days, even. You had time to prepare. Well, the national weather service said this morning hurricanes generally, they're getting worse faster. Here's what they said. >> Every category five storm that made landfall in the united states in the last 100 years, ready, is a tropical storm or less three days prior. The big ones are fast. Several didn't even exist three days prior. >> Reporter: so a couple of other things that they will be noting on the atlantic coast is water kills more than wind. We don't know when or where exactly they'll hit. It will depend on a number of other things coming out later this year. We know that storms are named, but we may almost get to the end of the alphabet, and two names on the list, one is my husband's, and one is my son's. >> Natasha: senior international correspondent susan ormiston, thank you. >> Reporter: you're welcome. >> Natasha: and the woman national -- women's national basketball league has officially announced a team in toronto. Here's part of the announcement. >> That's when I knew that this is the right place as we're thinking about expansion, and the tens of thousands and hopefully millions of girls who were inspired that day is something that you can not replicate. With that, I officially announce we've awarded the city of toronto the 14 wnba franchise. >> Natasha: now, the home base of this women's basketball team is going to be toronto, but this is a canadian celebration. Fans in ottawa and montreal will get a chance to celebrate. As for the name of the new team, that has not been decided just yet. >> The oilers are headed to dallas for the western conference finals. >> Natasha: the oilers advance thanks to their 3-2 victory over vancouver in thethanks to their game seven victory. Edmonton is the lone canadian team remaining in the playoffs. A canadian team hasn't won the stanley cup since 1993. That's 31 years ago. The CBCs madeleine cummings is

in edmonton for tonight's game. Madeleine, have you seen any fans that are going to tonight's game? >> Reporter: I've seen lots of fans saying they're going to tonight's game. This is curtis craig who's from leduc, alberta. He's been living in the dallas area since 2005. Curtis, what are you waiting for? >> Just to see the oilers play against the stars. I'm really looking forward to going into work tomorrow and rubbing it into my co-workers' faces the oilers victory. >> Reporter: so you moved to texas. Tell me about that? >> Well, we found out we were going to be moving to dallas, and we found out we were going to be moving soon. We were having a going away party, and somebody thought it would be funny if they bought me a dallas stars jersey. We decided to send it back to the gods, so we took it out to the backyard and tried to send it back but it wouldn't burn, it only melted. When the stars won the cup in 1999, hockey took off. Kids started playing the game, and there's centres in the area with adult leagues and kids league. There are stars in the nhl that grew up in the dallas area. It's a small but rabid fan base, that's for sure. >> Reporter: you took the day off rather than just the night. Tell us about that? >> Yeah, I took the first two days off on the game days just to prepare. Even I knew about this, I took the day off. I want to get myspace prepared in the house and get the space prepared and get the dogs walked, get in a good frame of mind. Get a good lunch, same as I did in the first round, a tuna sandwich. Sounds ridiculous, but hey, what works. >> Reporter: what do you feel will happen? >> If goaltending is good, we can win the series. I believe the oilers can win in seven, I really do. >> Reporter: thank you so much. >> Thank you. >> Natasha: that level, the tuna sandwich, walk the dogs, clean the house, take the day off work to prepare, oh, and the jersey on the barbecue, he could have donated it, but any way, that level of dedication from fans has got to be really helping the players in the series. Tell us about that? >> Reporter: yeah, that's just some of the superinternational space stations people have. Edmonton lost the last two out of three meetings, only winning one in overtime, so people in dallas are feeling very confident in this series. The edmonton oilers have an uphill battle, but fans are saying don't count them out, they have superstars in connor mcdavid and leon draisatl. >> Natasha: and, folks, we're going to be listening in to officials speaking about the arrest of scottie sheffler before last weekend's pga competition in kentucky.

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