
CBHT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 11:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> Child care centres in ontario are facing a number of challenges from the province's funding model to problems implementing the $10-a-day child care model. Some may be forced to close their doors. Today the opposition N.D.P. spoke with reporters about that daycare and the larger problem. >> Having failed to provide certainty and sustainable funding, the ford government has pushed centres like sunnyside garden to the brink. In a letter to premier ford and to minister lecce, the centre made it very clear, without immediate intervention, sunnyside faces two options. Either withdraw from the $10-a-day child care program and increase fees significantly for parents or stay the course and risk insolvency. >> Natasha: the opposition wants the province to share its funding model with providers right now so that the centres can plan their budgets for the upcoming year. It's also asking for emergency funding so that specific toronto daycare and others like it can stay open until the national program is fully implemented. >>> And you can head to our website to learn more about this. Cbc's mike crawley has a story up on the website about the threat of closure to the sunnyside garden daycare. It delves into the funding issues that threaten not-for-profits. You can check it out at or get the cbc news app. >>> Coming up, the university of toronto issues an ultimatum to pro-palestinian demonstrators. >> Should an agreement not be reached, we will issue a notice of trespass and pursue any subsequent legal steps. [ ] >> Natasha: the school has given them 24 hours to leave or face possible arrest. Protesters have just reacted and we will bring you that reaction coming up right here on cbc news network. [ ] >> Announcer: Breaking news that shapes your world with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home. It's news you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. gimme what you got yeah we're coming coming coming coming we're coming coming coming coming coming coming Announcer: The Volleyball Nations League. Saturday onCBCandCBC Gem. Ladies and gentlemen, out there, it's a beast, its hunger for adventure insatiable. Behold the Subaru Crosstrek Wilderness! (Mixed gasps) ( ) New Herbal Essences is packedwith naturally derivedplant based ingredientsyo and none of the stuffit won't. Our sulfate free collections,smell incredible and leave your hairtouchably soft and smooth. New Herbal Essences. What do you do if your child needs hospital treatment but your family lives far away? Ronald McDonald House is a place for families to stay while their child is in hospital. [kids laughing] Because when families stay together, sick children get stronger. Hey Max! We're going to play a board game if you wanted to join us? Oh I love you Is your cat getting too cool? Give them TemptationsCreamy Purrrr-ee. I play with myself. I just started playing with myself. I still play with myself. I'm playing with myself right now. Casino Days - register for free today. Yes yes yes! - I'm going to grab us some cold foam... coffee...? Wait... Cold foam coffee... at home! - It's International Delight Cold Foam - We're foaming baristas! Foam and cream your coffee with International Delight Cold Foam. It's foaming delicious. Bleeding gums? Hold on. It could be a sign of gingivitis. Listerine mouthwash contains antibacterial essential oils that kill up to 99.9% of germs and fight plaque and gingivitis. Listerine. Trusted for generations. With 125 years of germ-killing power. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( )

[ ] >> Natasha: a pro-palestinian encampment on the campus of university of toronto is at a key stage today. You see, the university has issued a proposal to the protesters and has given them a deadline to respond. Cbc's meagan fitzpatrick joins us now live from that impetus. Meagan, I know you've gotten the response from the students, but let's begin with the actual proposal the university has offered. What exactly are they saying? >> Meagan: yes, the university made the proposal to the protesters yesterday and they also released their offer publicly putting it online addressing the various demands the protesters have been making since this encampment started. The university is offering to have some of the encampment representatives attend a meeting on june 9th with the business of governing council. They're also proposing to set up an advisory committee on divestment and the university is proposing it be made up of students, staff, alumni and faculty. There can be suggestions for who will be parted committee. It won't necessarily be accepted, but there can be suggestions. The university also proposing to set up a working group to address the demand from the protesters on greater disclosure of the university's investments, setting up a working group that would report back with recommendations on how to increase transparency by mid-july. On the demand that the university of toronto cut academic ties with certain academic institutions, israeli academic institutions, u. Of t. Is saying essentially that is a no go. They are rejecting that demand saying it wouldn't be in line with commitment to academic freedom and the university says they're working to increase opportunities for palestinian scholars here at the u. Of t. And they have continued that work. They say that was already underway when the encampment began. In terms of the timing of issuing this offer to the protesters and setting a deadline of 4:00 P.M. today to accept that offer or else face trespass notices, the university has been saying all along they believe the protesters are trespassing. Here is the university president speaking on "metro morning" radio this morning about what he says are rising tensions being caused by this encampment. >> The tensions that have been generated by the continued presence of the encampment have reached a point where we feel now is the time to end the encampment. The students have had ample opportunity to exercise their right of freedom of expression and their right of protest. They will continue to be able to do that but through other means. >> Meagan: he is saying if the protesters want to achieve this goal of divestment, there is a process. There are policies the university follows. They have done that before. He has said in cases like divesting from fossil fuels and he says the university has been offering these protesters assistance and following that process. He says that if this trespass notice is issued and if it's not obeyed, all options are on the table. He was asked whether toronto police would be called to clear this encampment. He said they're doing their best to avoid any police involvement. He did also say convocations are set to begin on june 3rd, they happen right over there at convocation hall and he said the university is determined to go ahead with those convocation ceremonies, regardless of what happens with this offer, whether it's accepted or rejected, natasha. >> Natasha: okay. Let's get to whether it's accepted or rejected. What are you hearing from the students? >> Meagan: several of the spokespeople just answered questions from reporters. For starters, they're not happy how this is playing out in terms of the timing and the process. They did have a meeting yesterday with some members of the administration where they were presented for this offer and they were asked for an instant response to it, which they say was unfair. They're not happy that the president of u. Of t. Held a news conference while this meeting was going on. Basically they say they haven't been given sufficient time to respond to this, but regardless they also say the offer from the university doesn't go far enough, it's not good enough and doesn't meet their demands. Take a listen to one of the protesters. >> This is not an offer. This is an ultimatum. They are trying to force us to accept these outrageous terms by threatening to clear us out at the same time. Again, it is clear that by their actions that the administration believes that we are inexperienced, I am by sillic negotiators. Let it be on the record that it

is the administration, not us, that walked away from these negotiations. >> Meagan: so they're accusing the university of not negotiating in good faith. They called this a joke of a negotiation. The bottom line, natasha, are they going to accept this offer? We couldn't really get a clear answer from them. They said they are going to spend the rest of the afternoon essentially discussing their next steps. >> Natasha: I know you'll be watching. The cbc's meagan fitzpatrick at the university of toronto. Thank you. >>> Still ahead, a new report today saying canada's competition bureau has opened an investigation into loblaws and sobeys grocery stores. Scott peterson has the details for us coming up right here on Across Canada, parents face... Natural Negotiators. He's got more no's in him than you have minutes in a day. She can go limp faster than overcooked spaghetti. ( ) She can turn five more minutes into two whole hours. But with Maple Leaf Natural Top Dogs there's nothing to negotiate. Except wanting more. ( ) Frizz, dryness, breakage. New Dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask, with patented peptide complex, fortifies hair bonds, helps reverse ten visible signs of damage in one minute. Keep living. We'll keep repairing. "you can have it all" by george mccrae You. Look. Fabulous. - No, you. - You! You! - Youuuuuu! - Youuuuuu! - It's Old Navy. - It's Old Navy. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Loving the uncommon is a wonderful thing we have in common. ( ) Voltaren Emulgel Extra Strength contains an anti-inflammatory... ...that has the power to relieve your muscle and joint pain. It penetrates deep to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. And you can go 12 hours between applications. Voltaren. The joy of movement. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! [ ] >> Natasha: the competition bureau has opened a new probe into anti-competitive behaviour of the parent companies of loblaws and sobeys. Now, that's according to documents seen by "the canadian press." cbc's scott peterson is following. >> Scott: yeah, we're hearing that this is another black eye for the grocery industry as if they haven't had enough bad press already. This has to do with documents that canadian press has seen filed by the competition bureau back on may 6 in regards to anti-competitive behaviour, including in particular property control limits and these property control limits, this is what the competition bureau is saying are unfair competition because when they sign lease agreements, whether it is loblaws group of companies or empire that they have a contract with the lessee that they cannot lease any space to any other grocers and the competition bureau calls this anti-competitive. Through both subsidiaries as well that loblaws and empire also own the property renters that they in effect some of their subsidiaries rent from subsidiaries they already own to make complicated matters further. We have calls out to loblaws and sobeys. So far this is just a C.P. story having seen the documents back to may 6. The competition bureau has been armed with extra teeth in respect to ottawa and the bill c-56 bill passed last fall. This is about anti-competitive manipulation of leases is no longer allowed by the competition bureau. We're watching this story as it

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