
CBHT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 10:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

shifts, and I call them touches. Really good touches. Every time the puck was on the stick he made a smart play with. It he held on to it. He protected it at the right time and also moved it. You'll need offence out of him eventually here. But I think this is a good sign for him taking this one for the net. Getting good touches. Playing with kreider and zibanejad and hopefully in the third period that pays off. He's a big guy and concussion kind of history, kell. >> Kelly: yes, for sure. >> Kevin: you never know what you'll get with that. Will he be comfortable in the physical battle? Looks good to far. >> Kelly: garry talked about a forty liner like -- fourth liner like lomberg. He only played 5:15 after two periods, but early on in the game, here's trouba going to go for the big hit. He evades that. Gets around miller. Shesterkin with the first big save I thought of the game. But lomberg is more than that. He's got to hit. He's got to make his physical presence be known against zibanejad. A play along the boards right here and he could have hit vesey, but it would have been late. And he doesn't want to take a penalty, right? Now he gets another scoring chance. He's leading the panthers with three shots on goal this period. A beautiful defensive play coming back. But now he'll get a chance at vesey one more time and he goes for it. Unfortunately for vesey, he did leave. I'm not sure if you'll return for the third, but that's what lomberg has to do, right? He is very impactful in very limited minutes. >> Kevin: his teammates love him, too. >> Ron: the insider is rick bowness. [ Laughter ] your second in command scott arniel is at the helm in winnipeg. Big news today. >> Rick: I'm very happy for scott. He is more than prepared for this job. He is the perfect guy to take over. He's going to continue to build what we've done for the last couple of years. Hopefully he can have more success in the playoffs than I did, but he is more than ready for this job. He's going to do a great job for the winnipeg jets. >> Kevin: at the next level, manny malhotra is getting the opportunity to head coach for the first time in his young career. He's been an assistant with vancouver. He started, and then he went to toronto. And now I think probably the progression is you got to be ahead in the al if you want to go ahead in the nhl. Vancouver, abbotsford, that's a great organization. Abbotsford is close to vancouver. A lot of back and fourths. The sedins are in abbotsford a lot on the ice. Mani takes the helm there. >> Ron: great news in the two cities. We want to thank our coach steve felon, providing us statistics and information. You want to tell a great story, you want to add details to the story. As an example, tyler myers reaches 9'9". Little specific. When schauffele won the pga, you say the putt was 6'," 2 not 6. He always gives us the details to enhance the drama inch -- inch 6'2". Twenty five days at sportsnet. You deserve a day off. >> Congrats. >> Ron: more of our coverage and more permanent information from steve felon to come as our coverage from madison square Witness nhl history as the league's future stars take center stage at Sphere in Vegas. The nhl Draft. Buy your tickets now at Financial goals. At Fidelity, we know that everyone's got them. And they're all different. But the one thing we share? We all want to get to them sooner. ( ) I find it hard to believe you don't know I've gotta go, okay? Bye. The beauty you are Mom? ( ) -Thanks. -Yeah. ( ) 'Cause I see you ( ) I'll be your mirror You were made to dream about it for years. We were made to help you book it in minutes. Now don't you ever Be sad Lean on me-me-me-me... Lean on me Lean on me, lean on me Lean on me, lean on me Hold on I'm comin' Hold on I'm comin' Hold on I'm comin' Hold on Dash that, and more, with DoorDash. My window's like a Mirrored reflection I have to steer you in The right direction On every trip, you can depend on Esso to be the place between places, connecting you to what's next. [rock] [stadium din] Announcer: Diamond League Track and Field. Saturday onCBCandCBC Gem. Welcome to Canmore, Alberta. This will be your toughest day yet. -Get back up!

Boom! -Don't eavesdrop. -i can't shut my ears off. Well then shut your mouth off. Announcer: Canada's Ultimate Challenge. Watch free onCBC Gem. [ ] >>> I'm eric johnson. We'll get you back to hockey in a minute, but first a look at what we're working on tonight on "the national." >>> Cbc news has learned charges have been laid against the passenger in a u-haul van involved in a deadly crash on ontario's 401. He's accused of robbing a liquor store sparking that tragic police pursuit. What we've learned about the charges and robbery. >>> The ontario government announced it's accelerated plans to expand alcohol sales in the province this summer. We'll have more on the expansion that will also allow convenience stores and gas stations to sell beer, wine, and ready-made cocktails in september. We'll have that story tonight on "the national" on cbc news network, on cbc gem, on youtube, and following hockey on cbc. Now back to "hockey night in canada." >> Announcer: men's clothing provided by jack victor. >> Ron: memorial day weekend in the U.S. and that's where the memorial cup is this year in saginaw. Moose jaw trailed 4-0, but get back in the game. Braid braid yegg has two goals in the game -- brayden jagr -- we go to the third period. Habs' second-round pick in 2022, owen beck feeds josh bloom. Beauty. 5-3 the saginaw spirit lead. But moose jaw isn't going away. Eight minutes to play in the third in the memorial cup game number one. >>> To the pwhl, series tied 1-1 boston-minnesota. A centring pass to taylor heise who is on fire in the final. Fifth goal now of the playoffs makes it 1-0 minnesota. To the third we go. 2-1 minnesota on the rush. It's kava again. Finishes on the backhand. She has goals in all three finals games. Minnesota takes the 2-1 series lead on the strength of a win tonight by a score of 4-1.

>>> We'll come right back. John bartlett, garry galley, and shawn McKENZIE at madison square garden new york. It's the panthers and rangers tied at one. Faced with losing Joe Sakic, the Avalanche attempt to match a $15 million offer from the New York Rangers and find a lifeline from an unexpected place. Watch Saving Sakic. Now on Prime. [crowd chanting] They ignored your potential, and mocked your ambition. But it's not the critic who counts. With every swing and block, your game plan never changed. Some still call it luck. Let them. Because you know what it's always been. Inevitable. I want you to...take the future.Let 'er rip. ( ) This is what we callvibrant collaboration. (Gasp) Woman:Last night, a Jedi was murdered. Home, please. The trio is back! (Snap) (Cheering) ( ) The Doctor:These are great, like, the best, like, wow! ( ) ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at So I know we agreed on price, but this car is taller than I was expecting. I like your dinosaur shirt. ( ) That's Clutch. ( ) gimme what you got yeah we're coming coming coming coming we're coming coming coming coming coming coming Announcer: The Volleyball Nations League. Saturday onCBCandCBC Gem. I am pumped! Yes! Announcer:The finish line is finally in sight. Maestro: One team will be crowned Race Against the Tidechampions. Announcer:On this beach anything can happen. Mm. -Oh, It makes your heart pound, it's going to be really exciting, no matter what. This game is brought to you by Rogers. Catch every goal on Canada's largest and most reliable 5g network. Tough enough toget the job done.Smart enough toget it done right. Tough this smart canonly be called f-150. ( ) Step into a world far beyond expectations. Beyond exclusive. Beyond exciting. Only Rogers Beyond the Seat gives you exclusive access to unique experiences across Canada. Get more with Rogers. Operatic singing ( ) ( ) (Fans roaring) (Suspenseful music) ( ) [ Singing ] [ ] >> Shawn: it's time now for stats after 40 brought to you by rogers. Canada's largest and most reliable 5g network. Just like wednesday night, not much separating these two teams. 47-46 the shot attempts. The rangers lead the way in hits. We are all knotted up after 40 minutes. Aleksander barkov almost had something to say about that. Late in the second period, he drives past mika zibanejad. He just can't beat igor shesterkin. A great player, a great leader for the panthers and that's always on display. He waited. Fist pump for every single guy. Word of encouragement. Paul maurice says he's the perfect man to be the captain of the florida panthers. Before tonight's game he had another interesting line. He says it's like young kids at cool. When the cool kid showings one a new pair of shoes -- shows up -- everyone else wants that pair of shoes. He says in that dressing room when guys see barf winning buck battles -- barkov -- they want to be just like him. We'll see what the third period has in store. John bartlett and. >> Gary: gal with the call. -- garry galley with the call. >> John: thank you, shawn. Trocheck and barkov with the

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