
CBCN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #23

>> In addition to the five days of morning, the government has suspended cultural activity -- and... For many days. Sports and weddings will be postponed until after that period. Rebecca collard is on the story for us today. This is the second day of funeral proceedings for ebrahim raisi. Tell us more about what were witnessing today. >> Natasha, you can see tens of thousands of people, most dressed in black is a taught -- sign of respect, filling the streets to mourn the losses of these men. Despite as we talked about yesterday, he was often called the butcher of tehran, or the hangman of tehran, because of the key role he has played in cracking down on dissent in iran over the last four decades. Also you just mentioned the dignitaries attending the ceremony today in tehran. If you look at its neighbouring countries, and also countries that are iran's allies. Countries like pakistan, afghanistan, turkey. Iraq, as you mentioned, and also leaders of militant organizations like hamas and hezbollah. And what is noticeably missing is western dignitaries and leaders from western europe or from north america. If you look at this, who is there and who is not there, you can go see the foreign-policy environment of which ebrahim raisi has been operating since he took power in 2,001. But also his agenda. He had really worked to facilitate relationships with other countries that also had animosity towards the current global world order and what they see as us hegemony. You can really see that when you look at who is there and who is not there today, natasha. >> Dianna: that is interesting. And many will be watching for what happens next. Ebrahim raisi was a close ally to the... What happens now, what could be the potential of all out of this especially with the upcoming presidential election. >> First thing what we saw on sunday from iran's supreme leader and other members of the regime is trying to show it stability and continuity within iran. They do not want to be seen as weak, chaotic. They have been very clear about the procedures that are in place, and that is that there will be elections, presidential elections at the end of june. In the middle of june candidates can put forward their candidacy, or the present -- for the presidential election. They put that candidacy on something called the guardian committee, and that committee is able to select who gets to run for president. And that gives you an idea of how democratic that process might be, natasha. But I will say having covered iran, authoritarian regimes, over the last decade or so, the thing that iran will be looking for is high voter turnout. That is what they are going to feel is going to end the regime, natasha? >> Reporter: rebecca collard in berlin. Thank you. >> Dianna: the head of the international atomic energy agency says that ebrahim raisi's death has brought talks with iran to a temporary halt. The nuclear watchdog had been trying to expand their inspections of iranian facilities, but is meeting with rigid -- resistance. The chief said that they aren't -- respecting the mourning period, but hope the interruption will end after that -- mourning. [explosion] [dynamic] How can any of this be fair? They might think, hey, we just need more doctors, but that's not really it. Ah, Russian's came here. Shows you where it starts, where it ends. Were you really willing to risk that job? Yes. At Thunder Bay's favourite festival "Wake the Giant". Ta-da! There it is. [ Serene music playing ] Welcome to the Wayborhood. The Wayfair vibe at our place is Western. My thing, Darling? Shine. Gardening. Some of us go for the dramatic. How didn't I know Wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] This. Wow! Do you have any ottomans without legs. Sure. You'll flip for the poof cart. in the Wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. Wayfair. Every style. Every home. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better,

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norway in spain and the others have been working for the case towards a two state solution, and we used to think that there -- the national recognition would happen at the end. We think like many other countries in the world we need to strengthen the definition of ... And the palestine authority, and the plo. And the people who many years ago saw the violence and said they would now help people. These are the people we support with this information. And we think that it would be good to list the mission of a two state solution again. In the on toast it does not change the situation on the ground. We just thought it was right to play that card now. >> In playing that card now, do you worry that your solidarity with palestinians for the peace process that it might come at the risk and clearly demonstration of antagonizing israel, israel has recalled its ambassador is from these three countries. How do you plan on smoothing out over? 's. >> First by saying that norway has always been at war. -- norway has always been a true friend of israel. We were one of the first countries to recognize it and we actively supported it. It was... We were there when palestine was established. And we have always had israel in our hearts. However, we agree with the current israeli -- we disagree with the current israeli government. And we have seen over the last few months in last few years that we are moving away from the idea of a dual state, including with all the illegal settlements in the west bank, and we need to be clear on this as a friend of israel and a friend of the palestinian people, we think only a two state solution can be the final move. So we do this in support of the people of israel. >> Minister, most leaders in the west would agree with you on the two state solution. President biden has come out today. The biden administration has said that this will only be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties that are involved and not quote unilateral recognition such as what you all have demonstrated. What is your response to that? >> Our responses that we also want this. We have been in talks about negotiations for 30 years. So we know about this. From the oslo process, and at the end of the day there will have to be conversations for outstanding issues of border security, statements of jerusalem and statements of the refugee. But we think at this point, if it's correct, and if there is no alternative to a two state solution, we do this in the context of what has been known as the arab peace initiative, which looks to connect palestinian faith to saudi arabia and those other arab states. With credible security guarantees to israel. That -- and the strengthening of the palestinian authority over palestinian territory. This is the package in which our recommendation comes. So I agree with everybody. But that's also part of the problem and this is why we are so clear in that context and we think that it is the same. And I'd like to remind you that there was a madrid conference, a direct precursor to the oslo accords. And we have joined forces to send the signal that we need to think outside of the box. >> Dianna: you referenced a few times, and earlier in the show we had another guest representing the us perspective of how critical norway has been in this ongoing conversation of israel, palestine, and how to bring about peace. You reference the early 1990s, 1993, those oslo accords that were instrumental in where we were going to move. And that iconic image of bill clinton and the others holding hands together. Such a moment of optimism for so many in the world watching this closely. How did we go from there to here? How did this happen? >> That is an excellent question.

entire books have been written, and we have really reflected on it, it's a great question. I came to the conclusion that [ Inaudible ] what was right was building the palestinian authority so that it was ready when the final preparations were in place. But the error that we made was that we... [ Inaudible ] those leaders really believed in this, but we did not take into account that other leaders would sabotage this. And we built into many mechanisms where we would be delayed or would undermine the path towards a successful political settlement. And that is why the architects of that are now saying that we can try to think somewhat out of the box. We still want a two state solution. We want the two sides to agree to that. The guns for hamas and the weapons used for the tax on october 7th, the extreme response from israel... The illegal settlement spreading in the west bank. This is exactly the cycle of violence that we want to get out of. That is why we do it, and redo it in the context of those constraints. >> We are running out of time. But one quick and final answer, when these two sides -- and it's complicated to bring it down to two sides in this argument. For the purposes of this conversation, how was the international community, including the leadership in norway going to bring them together. >> It's by working together with the forces in that two state solution. I would like to say since I have this opportunity that I have recognized a positive development in canadian qualities here as well. That the un has gone against. And now they have abstained. That is a move when it comes to palestine membership. And we have seen that there has been an a fence -- and attempt to calibrate canada's stance a little bit more. This is difficult for all of us. But what is quite unified is the recognition that neither the one state solution of hamas are the one state solution of the extreme right in israel is the solution. We need a jewish democratic state to try and. And we also need the expression of the inherent drive of the palestinian people to run themselves. And we need to get back to talking about it at the table. [ Inaudible ] >> Natasha: minister, thank you so much for your time, sir. >> Thank you. I am pumped! Yes! Announcer:The finish line is finally in sight. Maestro: One team will be crowned Race Against the Tidechampions. Announcer:On this beach anything can happen. Mm. -Oh, It makes your heart pound, it's going to be really exciting, no matter what. Tap into BetMGM Casino and you're entering a huge library full of exclusive games. Games you won't find anywhere else. Looking for jackpots? Right this way. You'll always find someone ready to give you a hand. Or some dice. Your favorite games waiting for you... On BetMGM Casino. Summer starts... now! The new dq Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at dq. Happy tastes good. ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) Our hero Paul lovesto help others.But today,

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