
CBCN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #22

fastsigns. Make Your Statement™. [ ] >> Dianna: hello, everyone. Welcome inside the cbc news room. I am natasha fatah. We begin in the middle east with a move that could only escalate tensions in the region. The israeli military has granted permission for jewish settlers to return to three former west bank settlements that had been shut down in 2,005. All of them are close to the stronghold of armed palestinian groups, end this comes as israel is reacting with anger to political announcements far from the west bank or even gaza. Ireland, spain and norway say they plan to formally recognize a palestinian state as of tuesday. Ireland's prime minister says he expects more countries to follow suit. >> It is a statement of unequivocal support for a two state solution. The only credible path to peace and security, for israel, for palestine, and for their peoples. >> Reporter: the white house was quick to react to the decision of the three countries. The biden administration says he two state solution is something that can be achieved through negotiations, not unilateral declarations. Meantime, in central gaza, palestinians told the press that they are optimistic about this recognition, but said it will be difficult to achieve lasting peace without israel's -- israel guaranteeing support from the united states. One man from gaza said that the appellant does palestinian state will be established alongside the 1967 borders and the bases of a two state solution. Bringing you much more on that story and just moments. But for now we need to bring you to montréal, where police are providing an update on a deadly broad last night where three people died from stab wounds, including a 15 year old. Let us listen. >> This should tell us in details what happened. We will probably be able in the next few hours or days what happened, and what the event was exactly. But for the time being, we already have a good idea. But we will keep the details to ourselves to continue the investigation. That summarizes the situation. These three victims, could they be the suspects? Is it possible nobody else is involved. >> It is a conflict where there were 15 people involved. We are determining the implication, the involvement of each one of these people. But in fact the people who died participated in the conflict. So we are looking at what was done by whom. Because it's quite complex. And if we want to have activation and keep the public aware of the information, we have to look at all the videos so we can find out exactly what happened. But I can tell you that it's a possibility we are looking at currently. The people involved... Inaudible. I can tell you that these are people who knew each other. Without necessarily telling that they had a criminal past, police are keeping our comments to ourselves, but these are people who knew each other. >> What pressure doesn't put on this, four odesa and four murders last week, and this today? >> I am not going to lie. It's a lot of work. We have had four homicides. We made three arrests in three out of four of those -- three out of four of those files. We are satisfied with the results. We have evolved well and the investigators have worked well, which allows us to send a message that there is no violence tolerated and we are deploying every effort possible so we will do the same thing with this advance yesterday. Yesterday's advance. We will work hard so they can come to a conclusion quickly with quality of the evidence we will get. >> How do you explain that we've had seven murders. >> If it had really been murders that were related to organized crime, with turf wars or gang wars. Then I would have told you. I would have been very, transparent. But now, it's not that type of event. These are it events, if you look at the one by one, it's often

conflicts or people that are targeted in a direct manner by the suspects. Unfortunately, is circumstantial. But we know they've increase those ones. So we have to decrease in armed violence this year. -- we have a decreased in armed violence this year. So all of them were standing except one. Often these are conflicts that are deteriorating. It is not always planned. >> To think that criminality is transforming itself? >> It's a possibility putting a lot of pressure on the environment. And these deaths are done with firearms. But of course we have less legislation. But often it's people who will protect themselves are attacked to defend themselves or whatever. And sometimes it turns deadly in hospitals cannot save them. But I will tell you the hospitals are saving a lot of people as well. Sometimes it circumstantial. Yesterday there were three but often the hospitals can't save them. And unfortunately this was not the case yesterday. It's difficult to say, but were putting pressure on firearms because we want the violence to decrease in montréal. And today we are seeing results. But I'm never going to say it's completely solved, because we are one or two events from hit coming back. And we always take a step back before we say these types of things. You said organized crime was not involved, could it be street gangs? >> The information we have due date is a personal conflict. Without going in to all the details we have several people on the list and they're not people who collaborate well with police. So it's taking a bit longer to get some details. But what I can tell you is that is not a gang conflict. It's not a turf war. It's a personal conflict, which unfortunately escalated. What do you tell the media, what is your message for them, with that many homicides in a few days? Is montréal safe with the summer season coming? >> Montréal is a safe city compared to all the other big cities in north america. Montréal is a very safe city. But it is concerning to see that many murders in so few days. What I can tell you -- the montréal population is that over the past week we made some arrests. People are behind bars. They will be accused of crimes that they committed. And when it comes to homicide, we do all we can in the investigation to solve these crimes as quickly as possible so we can send the message that violence in montréal is unacceptable, especially when it comes to homicides. You said there were maybe 15 people involved, do you have suspects? >> We have several suspects. Are they met by police officers or are they held. >> Nobody is being held right now. We talked about an arrest in the media. But it's an arrest outside of the event. >> What do you mean? >> It's an arrest following where we stopped to validate the story, we arrested someone. But is not related to yesterday's arrest at all to be clear. >> So there are not suspects? >> As there are suspects. These are people that we are looking at. You can understand we have not had a time to look at all the evidence. Before we can inform the population on the number of people who participate or not we will wait and see and look at all the evidence before we communicate this information to you. When was the last time such a young person was murdered in montréal? >> Fifteen is very young. We've had some young people. But 15 is obviously very difficult. I do not remember the last time we had a victim of that age except for that conflict. But murders related to street crime or conflicts, it's pretty rare at 15. >> Are these people that met by happenstance and it degenerated? >> For the time being we don't have that info. We are still investigating the deposition people have said that someone has died early.

[ Inaudible ] sorry, the question is not audible. You are talking about the murder I imagine? >> We are following this and we are very aware. We are investigating on that file as we do with all the others. And we are very aware of the dynamics of the conflict when it comes to the gangs. By currently it would be false to say there is an escalation there. It is a murderer and that is unfortunate. But if we look at everything we are only at six homicides related to organized crime at the beginning of the year, as opposed to 16. It's an average and we cannot say there is an increase for the summer. It's always unfortunately a gas. The criminal environment is very unpredictable. So to say that it would be false at this point you -- but to say it's not going to be a hot summer would also befall. But you -- balls. You have to say the police officers in the field were very aware of the situation and put pressure on the environment. Were very active. And nothing is left to chance. We want to have as calm a response as possible. >> Any questions in english. >> Yesterday night, there was a battle with two gangs. Around 16 people where they are. And there was a fight with -- there was unfortunately a meeting that was not permitted. And the person that was there did not cooperate with the police. And they have three victims. So we are looking for all the proof that we have in the fight to know exactly what is happening yesterday. Videos, and we are interrogating some people. And we're checking out the neighbourhood to see if they have videos and information about it. To be sure that we understand all the events happening yesterday. Right now it is to early to tell. Too soon to let you know what is happening exactly with the link. For sure, the person knows the charters. But we do not know exactly right now what the conflict was about. >> Dianna: we have been taking you live to montréal where police and the city are offering an update regarding an absolutely horrific stabbing scene that took place last night. As a result of that brawl two young man and a 15 -year-old boy have been killed. The police are saying it was a personal conflict. They at this point do not believe it was part of organized crimes or a turf war. Montréal has been dealing with issues regarding gangs. The policing confident that that is not what they say is. They're confirming they had a 911 call around 7:00 pm about seven people know several people fighting. The police believe as many as 15 people were involved and once they arrived on the scene the three individuals, ages 15, 23 and 25 were found stabbed in the upper body. They were rushed to hospital but subsequently died as a result of their wounds. We will stay on top of that story and bring you further updates as it comes in. The investigation is now just in the further stages. But we need to get back to the big story of the day. Ireland, spain and norway formerly saying they are going to recognize a palestinian state on tuesday. Ireland's prime ministers says he expects more countries to follow suit. Lettuce digging deeper with julia chapman, who is in london tracking this story for us. Let us begin with those european leaders and those announcements. What more can you tell us? >> A coordination move from these countries, all of whose leaders said the reason this decision was being taken was to promote a two state solution, which has fallen to the wayside during the last few months of war in gaza. And it is because of that conflict that they said that this was the right moment to make this step. The norwegian prime minister is saying that the war has underlined the need to resolve the palestinian question in order to promote peace in the region. He also said this was a step aimed at putting forward moderate voices and bolstering those voices. In the palestinian state. The spanish prime ministers says that the two state solution could not destroyed by force. During the war in gaza. And the irish prime minister said that peace will be built on the recognition of both an israeli and a palestinian state.

this is not necessarily an unusual move. There is more than 140 countries, members of the un that recognize a palestinian state. But not many of them are western ones. Very few european countries have taken this step. >> Let us talk about what's going on in terms of israel's reaction, what are you seeing there? >> It's been a strong reaction from israel which has condemned this move, and immediately recalled its ambassador is to all three countries. It is also summoned the three ambassadors of those countries in israel for what they have called -- for dressing down effectively being shown a video of israeli female soldiers being kidnapped by hamas on october 7th. And the israeli foreign minister , israel katz said this is a distorted step. It questions israel's right to self defence. And it undermines the chance for peace. He also warned of further consequences to come. And israel has announced today that it is allowing settlers to return to three villages in the west bank, which could be unrelated, but is being seen by some as an effort to assert israeli control over palestinian territory. >> Julia chapman in london. Thank you, julia. Okay, let us continue to stick with the story. We have reached dave, a former senior adviser to us president barack obama's special envoy for middle east peace and a former director of the us agency for international development where he spearheaded efforts to respond to crises and stabilization efforts in the west bank and gaza. Thank you for your patience. It's good to have you back on the show. >> Thank you, natasha. Good to be back with you. >> I wonder if we can begin with this declaration being made that coordinated efforts taxpaying tact ireland and norway saying there is a palestinian state that we choose to recognize, starting next week. What does that mean in practical terms? >> This is interesting because this is the eu and we should look at this is the first chapter of recognition. This will not be the last. Norway in particular is important because they were the architect of the oslo accords. And they are the convening authority under the quartet and have played a historically important role between the israelis and the palestinians. I think this is a big deal picked up more to the point, the israelis think it's a big deal. And your reporter kind of laid out all the steps they are taking. >> Do you anticipate that israel will see this as a wake-up call, okay, maybe we need to reevaluate? Fact or they are going to dig an even deeper in to the current path that they are on. >> This will not be a wake-up call for the israelis. The minister of finance has just said that they are going to withhold palestinian tax revenues, which the israelis collect. On behalf of the palestinian authority. And they will withhold those, that fund transfer to the palestinian authority, which will mean that it will put an enormous stress on the palestinian authority. And will serve and police -- police and security officials may not get paid on time. So the israelis are demonstrating very clearly that they will dig in. You also saw that minister of finance up at the temple mount today, as a flashpoint. So the israelis are not reacting positively. >> There has been criticism of spain and ireland and norway that they are not really directly involved. You are not big in the region, you're not big players in this particular argument. The big guys are kind of staying out of it or are frustrated by this move, what you think is in it for the countries that have decided to make this declaration? While they are not alone, the timing of it is quite important. >> Look. There is 140 countries that recognize the state of palestine. This is three more. I think norway has an outside impact in that they were and have historically been deeply involved in negotiations with the israelis and palestinians over the years. So I don't think it's right to say that these are not important players. These are important players. And the eu, they represent a significant donation to the palestinian authority. So this is the next round. But there will be further rounds. France is very much in play. I think there's some other eu companies countries that are looking at that. So it's a big deal. Obviously the us is not anywhere

close. To recognizing palestine. >> What would it take for the us to say, okay. We will recognize a palestinian state. >> I don't know the biden administration is there at all. I think the israelis also risked being -- the saudi normalization dealer, which would be recognition by saudi's of israel. >> 100 million palestinians are not leaving. They are not leaving. These are two groups of people that will work together or they will not. And the only realistic way is a two state solution. >> Let us clarify this a bit. Certainly for some of us we talk about this idea of a palestinian state. What does not actually look like we we have heard talks of it would go back to the 1967 borders. If we got to a point where there is a two state solution and there's a palestinian state, what do we imagine it would look like, and what would israel theoretically have to give up for it? >> It's an interesting question. From the us perspective. Let me say, to find borders are not a precondition for recognition. The best case in point is when the us recognizes israel. Israel in 1948 did not have defined borders. Ends borders changed between 1948 and 1949 capturing the recognition period. When you look at norway and spain and ireland recognizing palestine right now, those borders are not fixed, and I think it will have to be along the 1967 or 1949 armistice finds. With some modifications to reflect some of the realities that are in place today. And those modifications are going to have to be fair not only to the israelis, because there is a whole host of closed in settlements that are not going to be dismantled realistically. But it has to be fair to the palestinians. Which means quantity and quality of land swaps. >> David, thank you for your time and insight todays. >> Thank you natasha. Thank you for having me again. >> Dianna: let us get to news here at home. The head of media and telecommunications company, quebecor, is calling on the federal government to intervene beat -- in a deal between loblaw and a company owned by rogers and bell. He says the deal will push the telecom company out of 180 loblaw owned stores. Calling it anticompetitive and bad for consumers. Janyce mcgregor is tracking the story and joins us now live from auto. Janyce, what can you tell us about the deal and why peladeau is upset about it? >> Natasha, if you shop at a loblaw owned stores. You may have seen these mobile shop kiosks. They are independent. They market themselves as not being affiliated with any particular telecom company as selling products from seven different carriers, saying that they do not pick favourites. That they work for consumers, and that some of their promotional materials -- with some of their promotional materials. And they are located across canada. But they are now accused by the head of quebecor of engaging in some behaviour to try to shut out certain carriers from those shops. Carl peladeau's letters to injure series minister françois-philippe champagne says he has become aware of a new deal that would see the stores -- and grocery stores only carry products from rogers and bell. They have worked together on a joint venture called glen tell. And in the future it will apparently have a supply contract so the mobile shop only includes their products and services. We remember freedom mobile, the quebecor brand of self-service. It has only been a part of quebecor for the last year. It was previously part of shaw communications. Shahed to divest that and sell it off as part of its merger with rogers. And the intent here was for quebecor to run a fourth national cell phone carrier. Making a commitment to keep prices low in western canada, in ontario to expand its 5g infrastructure to really give consumers more choice. But if they're going to be shut out at certain shops, peladeau's point is will that choice really come to pass? The mobile shop till cbc our colleague, kate mckenna that was

doing the reporting on this that it accounts for only 5% of the total sales of phones and cell phone plans in canada. And it says because it has only kind of event -- a limited market presence, it does not think decisions that it might make about its suppliers necessarily affects competition in these sectors sort of on a national scale. It says it does continue to offer a range of options to its customers. But the concern here is that that range has shrunk with this new deal. >> In peladeau's letter he's directly addressing the industry minister, françois-philippe champagne. What actions could the federal government take. >> What are the minister's powers here and what are his limitations. He was stopped on his way in to the liberal national caucus meeting on parliament hill this morning. Here is what he had to say. >> That's a question for the competition bureau. I think the ledgers should be addressed to the competition bureau. And we would give them powers to conduct a investigation. So I would prefer that to the bureau. But is the competition bureau which has the power to work with the government on that. >> Let's unpack this a little bit. The minister does not direct the investigations of the competition bureau and the ones they might choose to undertake. In a way he wrote to the wrong office, if you will. It would be, as the ministers said, the competition bureau that would have the powers as an independent enforcer of the competition back to conduct and investigation and. >> Dianna: remedies on behalf of consumers that they find this is anticompetitive behaviour. It could be possible for the minister to sit down and drop the terms of reference for some kind of a market study with the competition bureau's commissioner. But it's not clear that that would sort of really be appropriate in this situation. When the minister referenced it in his answers, they recently made some changes in a bill that is now law to the competition act to expand what its definition of abuse of dominance in a market is. Or unfair prices and practices. Because they have expanded the scope, if you will about the competition bureau could consider and it's investigations, it is possible that these recent let us -- legislative changes could help ears of the commissioner decide to take up this case and begin an investigation. Spee me -- >> Janyce mcgregor in ottawa. Thank you. >> Your welcome. Announcer:Closed captioning ofthis program is brought to youin part byDesjar Insurance with a heartso big, it shows. Visit,today. (Horn honking) Hi, Dad! (Vehicle departing) How's your visit with Noah going? He took out my Jag! (Chuckle) But he doesn't know how to drive stick. He doesn't? (Tires screeching, thud) Ah, f... Fix Auto! The first words that should come to mind after an accident. With fastsigns, signage that gets you noticed turns hot lots into homes. FastSigns. Make Your Statement. ( ) Interrupted by dry eyes? Get fast-acting relief with hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Made with a naturallysourced lubricant. hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Get that ojo Feeling with big progressive jackpots and no playthrough requirements, plus all wins paid in cash - restriction-free. ( ) feel the fun play ojo >> Announcer:Transforming the country into one massive obstacle course. >> Here we go. >> Announcer: Gruelling competitions. >> This is a steep peak. It's no joke. >> This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. >> Announcer: Game changing twists. >> Brace yourselves. >> This is my worst nightmare. >> Fierce rivalries. >> If we could just get in there. >> Break his little heart. >> I'm about to lose it. >> Maybe don't eavesdrop. >> I can't shut my ears off. >> Well then shut your mouth off. >> I love it. >> Announcer:Canada's Ultimate Challenge, watch free onCBC Gem. >> The prime minister of iraq greeting the new active president of iran. Foreign dignitaries attended the ceremony commending the dose commemorating the death of the president and foreign ministers killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. Among those paying respects cut the prime minister of pakistan and the chairman of the legislature. Plus the political leader of hamas. [ Singing ]

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