
CBCN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #27

be in the atlantic. Storm season starts on july 1 and extends into november. We've had storms in every month of the calendar year. It doesn't mean that if a storm forms outside the traditional hurricane season it's extremely abnormal because we've seen it before, but certainly, the bulk of storms happen in the months of august, september, and october. So those are the names that we're going to be using this year. There's an area that's being watched right now in the caribbean. It's got a low percentage of formation, but if it does become a named storm, whether it's this one or some other storm later on, it will be named alberto, followed by burrow, chris, and so on. If we run out of names, we may have to use a supplemental list of names. We no longer use the greek alphabet, but we have a supplemental list of names that we may have to use this year. To get the most updated information, please download our weather can app. Also, our community hurricanes website, and for tips on how to get prepared, you can go to Thank you. >> Natasha: okay. Folks, we've been taking you to an update to noaa in the united states. They anticipate there will be a lot of hurricane activity in the months ahead. So far, they're anticipating 25 named storms. Eight to 13 will become hurricanes, and of those, four to seven will become major hurricanes. Canada has response zones and you can sign up for alerts from the C.H.C. website and their app. We will cover any developing stories concerning hurricanes when they come into this country.

>>> The federal government has tabled legislation meant to extend citizenship to some children of canadian parents who were born outside of canada. Here's some of the announcement from ottawa. >> The proposed legislation will extend citizenship beyond the first generation. If passed, the bill extends citizenship to anyone born outside the country to a canadian parent before the bill comes into force. We've also raised concerns brought up at parliamentary committees. They're called last canadians, someone who was never able to become a citizen or who lost citizenship because of outdates regulations. >> Natasha: the lastost canadians, one example is a parent who spent at least 1,095 daysn this country to a child you want to pass citizenship onto. >>> After years of frustration and anger from music fans, washington is accusing ticketmaster's owner of a monopoly. The government explained last hour why they decided to take action. >> In the past years, ticketmasters outrageous fees have been criticized by fans and artists alike. But we are not here today because live nation's ticketmaster's actions are inconvenient or frustrating. We're here because that action is anticompetitive and illegal. >> Natasha: CBCs richard madan was listening in on that conference. Richard, what can you tell us? >> Reporter: well, garland didn't hold back, and the D.O.J. is suing live nation, calling for its break up from ticketmaster. Garland says it monopolizes all aspects of the business, saying it stifles competition and squeezes fans by tacking on outrageous fees on ticket prices. Watch this. >> Live nation ticketmaster has made itself ubiquitous in the ticket industry. It directly manages more than 400 artists and controls more than 60% of concert promotions across the country, and it owns or controls more than 60% of large amphitheatres in the united states. We allege to sustain this dominant live nation relies on unlawful anticompetitive conduct. >> Reporter: now, live nation, as you heard the attorney general point out, is a large company, but it's not known how much it can divest because of live nation's actions. >> Natasha: as was said earlier today, there was so much anger over what was happening, so is it surprising that washington is launching this lawsuit now? >> Reporter: it was not expected. The attorney general is following the white house's lead, but you can credit this lawsuit to the legions of angry swifties, furious at the prices and experiences at ticketmaster sites last year, paying outrageous prices for tickets that were already scooped up. >> May I suggest respectfully that ticketmaster ought to look in the mirror and say I'm the problem. It's me. You are the ones ultimately responsible for the astronomically rising prices, the exorbitant hidden fees. >> Senator, we agree there are a lot of problems in this industry, and as the leading player, we have an obligation to do better. >> Reporter: the organization has denies its breaking any laws, citing the regulations

instead. >> Natasha: cbc's richard madan in washington, thank you. >> Reporter: you bet. >> Natasha: we are following breaking news in kentucky concerning the world's number one golfer. Scottie sheffler is charged with striking an officer, but police are also concerned with that officer not turning on his body camera device. >> Detective gillis did have an encounter, as we know, with mr. Scottie sheffler. Detective gillis should have turned on his body-worn camera but did not. His failure to do so is a violation of lmpd policy on uniforms and equipment subject category body-worn camera, and he was sustained for a violation of the policy 4.13.6 procedures and 4.31.7, operations. Detective gillis did not have his body-worn camera immediately available and operational as per department policy. >> Natasha: journalist steve futterman is following this story for us. Steve, what else was said by the chief and the mayor? >> Reporter: well, two major things came out of the news conference. First of all, the detective. This is the detective that scottie sheffler had an encounter with, this is the detective that arrested sheffler. They say that the detective should have had his camera ready to turn on, and he did not do that, and that could affect the prosecution. But the mayor and police have said they are not going to interfere with the judicial process. They have tossed it to the county attorney there in louis victim ville. >> Activating body-worn cameras is integral to our police department to maintain the community's trust, to be transparent. Chief, I appreciate the speed with which you have conducted the investigation into this situation. You've dealt with it transparently and straightforwardly, and we are all looking to move forward. I know there are a lot of questions right now from every member of the media here and people across the entire city, but we have to respect the legal process, and that's what we are going to do, and we are going to let that play out. >> Reporter: and that's the situation we face right now. Next week, scottie sheffler is due in court for his arraignment. The mayor said he hopes that scottie sheffler, the attorneys, that everyone can come to some sort of understanding and move forward. That sounds like he would love for this to go away, but right now, it's not going away. Technically, scottie sheffler is charged with including one very serious felony charge of assaulting a police officer. >> Natasha: while it's not going away, that charge is still going. What are we looking for? >> Reporter: well, I think there will be a lot of discussions involving scottie sheffler's people, his attorney, the mayor, the police chief, and the prosecutors. Can they work out some sort of deal? Now complicating this is scottie sheffler's attorney said there will be no deal. He will either have the charges dropped or go to trial. Well, I've always heard some sort of deal, maybe where scottie sheffler apologizes, but at this point, scottie sheffler does face charges, this very serious charge. I think everyone would like to resolve this and have this go away. >> Natasha: steve futterman repo Announcer:Closed captioning forthis program is brought to youin part byTour Watch all three episodesofCome and Say G'Day, a paid content series byTourism Australia,onCBC gem. Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200

in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. (sigh) Italy... KFC's $5 Sandwich of the Day is back. Only in Canada. Have a great trip... What? Sit down. Not everyone's happy. But you will be. ( ) ( ) Get that ojo Feeling with big progressive jackpots and no playthrough requirements, plus all wins paid in cash - restriction-free. ( ) feel the fun play ojo [rock] we're legendary Man: You don't scare me. Look out! [explosion] Ain't nobody gonna stop me. Stadium announcer: We have a new world record. Arena announcer: She scores! Both: Oh my God. Woman: We're a team. [woman yells indiscernibly] we're legendary We fight the best we can. Stadium announcer: Unbelievable. >> Natasha: canada is getting its first professional women's basketball team. Canada has been granted a franchise from the women's national basketball league. Here's part of the announcement. >> I'll never forget at scotiabank arena when I attended the toronto game, a lot of women came to me and said thank you for bringing the game to toronto and making a dream come true. That's when I knew this was the right decision, and hopefully the tens of thousands or millions of girls that were inspired that day is just something you cannot replicate without bringing a team to canada. With that, I am pleased to announce that we have awarded the city of toronto the 14 wnba franchise. >> Natasha: even though the home base of this new team is going to be toronto, fans in montreal and edmonton are going to get a chance to experience these games in person. The team will play its first season in 2026. A name for the team has not been decided on.

>>> And folks, let's get back to our top story. A new study has found that the grassy narrows first nation has been experiencing methyl mercury poisoning for three decades now. I want to bring in an expert on this. Professor george, can we bring in the 101 on this story. What is methyl mercury? >> Well, I think going back a little bit further, the mercury that was introduced into the environment in the grassy narrows first nation was not mercury, it was used in the manufacture of bleach which in turn was used by the pulp and paper industry in manufacturing their products, and the waste was dumped, it was thought it was inorganic mercury and different than methyl mercury and less harmful in many ways, and that was dumped into the environment. And that's what left the sediment in the river bottoms in grassy narrows now. There are microorganisms that will convert that to methyl mercury. It'll particularly affect developing children. Methyl mercury is insidious. It gets into you and it does terrible things. One of the most awful things about methyl mercury is it particularly targets developing fetuses. So if a pregnant woman is exposed to methyl mercury, it will affect the developing fetus. It would gather in the child and save the mother, but at huge cost to the child. The mother would remain unscathed, but it would gravitate towards the fetus. Methyl mercury is this toxic form that does all kinds of bad things. Milder, it causes things like cognitive impairment or neuropathy where you'll lose your sense of touch, your sense of smell or taste or your ability to walk. You might be born microcephaly, which is being born with a small head or a number of other things. >> Natasha: I want to keep this conversation going because it's so fascinating, what you're telling us. We've got this methyl mercury that's being -- we've got this mercury that's coming out of the mill that's being converted to methyl mercury because of the material in the river, which is being eaten by the fish. 90% of the grassy narrows first nation is exhibiting what you

just described, the symptom does, so I guess the question is, can we get it out? Can we fix this, and if so, how? >> Well, what the pulp and paper industry is doing, I mean, they introduced the mercury in the first place, so it being there in that level is their fault, but they're putting other things in, like sulphate and organic material. That will convert the mercury that's trapped in the mud and sediments into methyl mercury. Also, the sulphate that they're pushing in, which is benign in some other forms, but it's used as food by some of the bacteria that's doing this work. It's accelerating what would happen naturally. What would happen very naturally is a very slow release, and the idea being put forward now that the introduction of this organic material and this sulphate is really accelerating this and exacerbating the problem. How can we get rid of it? That's a very challenging question. I think perhaps the first thing to do is to stop dumping additional things into the waterways. I think that's important. We need to move on from where we are. Getting rid of the mercury that's already there is very challenging. You'd have to dig up just huge amounts of material. That in itself would be hugely disruptive to the environment. In future, there may be ways of doing it that people are researching now. One is to develop plants that are able to mobilize the mercury, take it up and pump it out into the atmosphere, so this is a technique of fighter remediation. That's the name people have given it, fighter plant remediation, and the idea is something that has a lot of promise, but that technology isn't there yet. So unfortunately, there's very little we can do. Long winded answer. Sorry about that. >> Natasha: no. Well, it's the honest answer, and I appreciate that. In the meantime, a whole bunch of people getting quite sick as a result. Let me ask you, could this have been predicted? How could this happen? There was already an issue with the pollution, there was already all of these studies being done. Could this have been prevented? >> Well, anyone who knows about the field could say yeah, that might happen, so I suppose yeah, it could have been predicted, but it's not obvious, let's put it that way. This is a very unique piece of work that I think is very important, and I think it's teaching us how careful we nooed to be with the environment. I believe the companies that were responsible are still in operation, and I believe that the -- in 2019, I think, the federal government decided they should be responsible for cleanup if they can do it. But the surprise is the sulphate and the organic matter are accelerating these natural processes. Could it be predicted? Probably, but it's not something I would have expected to occur without thinking deeply about it, but yeah, it's an unfortunate circumstance. I'm not sure that's really an answer, but that's where we are, I think. >> Natasha: the answers are absolutely solid and you're giving us a >> Adrienne Arsenault: You are constantly on the move, and so are we, making sense of the moments that matter, together. >> Asking what? Why? When? >> Soon as the ban was announced, Dermott ordered more. >> Adrienne: To the centre of the biggest stories, meeting the people living them. >> I really like the good ideas that come out of these conversations. >> Adrienne: Making sense of our world. >> Are you ok, by the way? >> It's been quite a day, to be honest. >> What on earth? Why didn't you leave? >> Adrienne: With you, and for you. I'm Adrienne Arsenault. This isThe National. We're traveling all acrossCanada to talk to peopleabout their hearts. Who wants to talkabout their heart?

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