
CBCN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #20

in an historic stadium like that. >> There will be thousands -- will this be your biggest crowds, do you think, in terms of matches you've refereed? >> Absolutely. I think commonwealth games in berming ham a couple of years ago was phenomenal. Really, really big crowds there, excited to be refereeing in, in olympics, paris, I'm sure, the fans are going to be just as much. >> It's going to be wild. Listen, we're heading over there too. I will look forward I hope to reconnecting with you there and may you have a deep run. May we see you in the gold medal match. >> Thank you so much. Hopefully I'm not there because canada's going to be there. >> Oh, so they are in the gold medal match you can't referee? >> That's correct. We don't referee our own countries. >> Clarification. >> Yes. We're impartial, but we do for our own teams. >> Okay, then maybe we will see you in the stands because we hope -- nothing percentage, but I think that the hope would be that canada's in the medal round to play, is that it? >> Absolutely. >> Thanks for coming in today. >> Thanks, heather, thanks for having me. [ ] Andrew Chang: It makes sense that they get a larger share, or does it? -Welcome to the Greenbelt. Andrew: All of this, just single detached homes? -Yes. Andrew: What do we know? I think we can explain. Announcer: About That with Andrew Chang. Watch free onCBC Gem. Discover BetMGM casino [Lion roar] and leap into a world filled with all your favorite casino games. Including popular picks like mgm Grand Millions. And premium Blackjack Pro. All of it, right at your fingertips. BetMGM casino. Start your adventure. The King of Casino's is available in Ontario. There's so much pressure these days. Work doesn't seem to stop. And parenting never does. So when my time comes, I want to make things as stress free as possible for my family. Welcome to Seniors Choice. How can I help? I'd like to get a quote please. If you're a Canadian Resident aged 50-80, you can choose the right amount of coverage for you and your family up to $250,000. Okay. You can choose to apply over the phone now in just minutes. With no medicals or blood tests, just a few health and lifestyle questions. It's that easy? Depending on the coverage you choose, it would be as little as $14.88 a month. That's just 49 cents a day. That's cheaper than I thought and this coverage could save my family from having to pay for my funeral when the time comes. There might even be some left over as a gift for them. I'll go ahead. Seniors Choice are the #1 Direct Choice for Canadians Over 50. To get a free, no obligation quote, call one of our trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-848-8154 or visit A new arrival alarms the brotherhood of muscle. Muscular features signal power and performance. Attributes they've never seen in this build. ( ) Behold a new breed. Ready to swarm, ready to sting, ready to electrify. ( ) The defiant power packed hybrid electric Dodge Hornet r/t. Performance electrified. A delicious McWrap can be hard to put down. But with new Creamy Avocado Ranch sauce, it's even harder. So what'll it be Sarah? Juicy text, or juicy bite? Obviously. For the McWrap fans. ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! >> Andrew Chang: So you want to watchCBC News Explore, a new kind of news channel. Here's how to find us. We're on theCBC Newsapp, onCBC Gem, and on your smart tv. Stream any time. It's always free. Cbc News Explore. >> Heather: we have a remarkable story of resilience for you next, from one of the passengers who was badly injured when that singapore airlines flight hit extreme turbulence. Bradley richards is one of more than 100 passengers and crew who were hurt on tuesday. As we've been reporting, a 73-year-old passenger died of a suspected heart attack. But there are now, according to a bangkok hospital, 20 of the victims still in intensive care. A spokesperson adds many of them have spinal injuries. Well, bradley richards is one of them. And you are going to hear some of the interview we had with him last hour from his hospital bed in the icu. >> I definitely feel like I'm on the mend. Yeah. Myself, I feel a bit better. >> Heather: I hope so. >> My pipe still hurts. >> Heather: well, I'm looking at you, and just for as long as you are able to hold the phone, don't overexert yourself.

but I can see six a band-aid to your head. Can you describe your injuries to us and how extensive they are? Yeah, I mean, like, I'm not too sure exactly how it all unfolded, but I've got lacerations on my skull and it required about 20 stitches, and I've had about 6 fractures on my spine and neck. >> Your mom was telling us that you were asleep when the plane hit the turbulence. Is that right? >> Yeah, I think -- all I remember, really, from being on the plane, the accident, was just waking up, my head was pouring with blood and lots of people panicking and laying on the floor and luggage everywhere. And it was -- it was -- it was medics on board that seemed to be helping people. But even some of the crew member was sort of out, knocked out, you know, on the floor. So, you know, the trained medical people were even sort of taken -- as well. >> Heather: so that is bradley richards. You are going to hear more of the interview, it was an extraordinary conversation earlier. We will play more of it in the 9:00 o'clock eastern hour. At the end, there was some news coming from that conversation. The ceo of singapore airlines was about to pay a visit to him, indicating that singapore airlines will be paying for their injured passenger's hospital bills and will also pick up the cost of his mother's flight from the U.K. to bangkok to be with him as he receives that additional care, and of course arranges for his return to the U.K. so we'll bring you more of that in the nine o'clock hour. As we look next to the markets, it's earning season again, td just coming out with its second quarter numbers, and, scott, what has the bank earned? >> The bank earned $2.6 billion, that was net earnings for the second quarter, down a little bit from last year, but overall, it was a pretty good quarter for the bank. We saw the revenue was up as well, to $12 billion, and also what is interesting with td is they put aside money for investigations were their -- the aml provisions in the U.S. so $615 million has been put aside and this is in regards to the department of justice in the u.s., looking at anti-money laundering provision that is td bank has now put in place, and the rest of the canadian banks are going to be reporting next week starting on tuesday as well and what's a big focus for the banks now is what they are putting aside for loan loss provisions. For example, td has put up just over $1.1 billion for the quarter. This is -- what they are putting aside for bad loans and that is way up from about $599 million from the quarter before. What this signals is a lot of worry about the softness of mortgage payments from consumers out there, and that's what we will be watching for next week as well as far as the loan loss provisions that banks are putting aside. In the meantime, we are looking at the rest of the markets and they are somewhat point about earnings continuing to move forward. The price of oil down a little bit, $78 a barrel there. The canadian dollar, the euro and the british pound a little positive against the U.S. dollar and the markets, we are seeing blockbuster earnings last night after the bell, $28 billion in sales. They are the artificial intelligence chip maker. A lot of enthusiasm, the stock is up 92% so far until this year. Also watching live nation as well, you were talking about that this morning, about 9% on those potential of anti trust violation that is they've had there, but in the meantime, markets enthusiastic. >> Thank you, scott. >> Thanks, heather.

>>> Recognize into sound? The buzz of sakadas that you hear everywhere in the southwestern and mid united states this year. This year it is extra intense because of a rare phenomenon, the double brood that only happens once every 221 years. There are 13 year peeriad call cicadas and they have matured at the same time as the 17-year period idea call cicadas brewed and now as I said, for the first time in 221 years they are hatching at the same time. They spend years underground and then they emerge briefly to mate and die. Canada has every species of cicadas but they are the annual variety, so just normal population for us this year. We're watching what's happening in the U.S. here on cbc morning live. [buzzing] ( ) Get that ojo Feeling with all the latest slot and live casino games plus exclusive games you won't find anywhere else. ( ) feel the fun play ojo [ ] Pick-up is quick and easy. Summer starts... now! The new dq Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at dq. Happy tastes good. Announcer:Who cries more, winners or losers? Cry if you want to cry. Announcer:Can heartbreak help break records? You want to be great, you need to sacrifice. Announcer:Do bigger fans have higher blood pressure? How's your heart rate? Announcer:Why do we love rooting for underdogs? I support the home team. Announcer:What makes top dogs go the distance? How far will champions go to win? I was just curious. Announcer:Does it matter if they have nothing to lose? Is that a yes? Announcer:When you get curious, you getCBC. >> Heather: so incredible new pictures coming out of peru, of a gio gliff that could be between 1,000 and 1500 years old. Archeologists found the large bird-shaped stone art fact during an excavation last fall, they were using a drone. They also uncovered ceramics associated with ancient civillation. Geoglifs are not rare in peru. Some are popular tourist attractions, and their massive scale can only be seen from the air. So those images give you an idea this morning. >> Let's check in were matt again before we conclude this hour. What's happening in the west coast today, matt? >> Well, heather, we are seeing a little bit of a chance for some thunderstorms in parts of british columbia's interior into alberta. But the real strong storm today kind of what we saw yesterday in southern ontario. That energy has now shifted over into parts of the maritimes. New brunswick in particular. Let's start off with what we're seeing in parts of bc today, maybe a bit of stormy energy, but for the south coast, it's actually fairly quiet today, cloudy in tofino, a mix of sun and clouds for vancouver. Cloudy conditions for vancouver on friday, and maybe a bit of rainfall into sunday and monday. Now, here's a look, things quiet today in the south coast, getting a little bit busier into tomorrow and later in the weekend. Here's a look at the thunderstorm threat, a good chunk of bc's interior, soar alberta could see non-severe storms firing up this afternoon, a bit of rain associated with that as well. We'll keep an eye on. Now, tomorrow, also a chance of some thunderstorms, again, non-severe in nature. Now, for tomorrow, though, stretching into parts of southwestern saskatchewan. Now, looking at the prairies as a whole, we do see a fairly brett system building in tomorrow in parts of southern manitoba, maybe even some snowflakes in there as well. But take a look at the rainfall, including the city of winnipeg. Up to 50 millimeters forecast right now. So we'll keep an eye on that. Now, for eastern canada, a nice day in parts of southern ontario, after yesterday's stormy action, we're back to sunny skies and grey temperatures, but it's really into new brunswick and a little sliver of quebec where we have the orange area, that's where severe storms are possible. You see the state of maine, a good chunk of that state, a chance for those severe storms as well. Now, taking a look here, we do see a bit of action in the morning, but it's really into the afternoon, that next round of storms where we have the greater energy for some severe activity for our thursday afternoon. Taking a look at fredericton, we see quite a dip in temperatures, from tomorrow into saturday, we'll lose about 6° and that will be true for a good chunk of

the maritimes, a little bit of a cooldown after this active weather. Beautiful conditions today, but as we look into southern ontario saturday, we do have a bit of potentially stormy weather moving through. Through see for toronto or saturday, not just a chance of some storms, but cooler temperatures as well down to 19 for the daytime high as we begin the weekend. In northern ontario, we have some snowfall overnight, heavy at times. That will fizzle out, lead to shshowers, and parts of the northwestern ontario not done with the rain quite yet. [ ] [ ] Hey, let's go, man. [laughter] You're one of my favourite interviewers. Announcer: q with Tom Power. Available now onCBC Listen or wherever you get your podcasts. How can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. My SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. And for most plans, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Call or visit now for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. That's Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Start your 30—day home trial at Terms apply. >> Heather: good morning, it is thursday, may 23rd, I'm heather hiscox. This morning, the wnba officially announces it is coming to canada. The league formally unveils its new toronto franchise, any minute now. Cbc sports was the first to report the league was making the move north, and we're standing by to take you live to the announcement this morning.

>>> Breaking this morning, pumping more toxic chemicals into grassy narrows water supply, troubling new research reveals the environmental disaster is actually getting worse. And a passenger who uses a wheelchair records her experience getting off an air canada plane in costa rica. >> That's really what a lot of anxiety, to have people touching your body that they don't know you, they don't understand how your body works and having to be lifted. >> Her story coming out just weeks after air canada promised to do better to accommodate air passengers with disabilities. Also ahead this morning, you are going to hear from one of the passengers who was hurt in that singapore airline flight that encountered severe turbulence. An interview from his intensive care unit hospital bed in bangkok where he's recovering from serious spinal injuries, plus. >> Good morning. Coming up, we'll take a look alberta some of the severe weather we saw in parts of the country yesterday, and discuss where the severe weather might be taking its aim later today. >> Thank you, matt! >>> Hell, hoop dreams are about to become reality. This is a story which about sports had for you first and in just moments, we're going to get the formal announcement that the wnba is going to expand into toronto. Here's the scene as guests, dignitaries, players, owners, managers, all sorts of very excited people, arrive for the announcement today, and maryann, this is going to be a very big moment. So we'll take it live once it gets underway, but set it up. What do we know about this team joining the league? >> Well, we know that this is quite significant because this would be the 14th expansion team for the wnba league. Not only because it's number 14, but also because it would be the first one in canada and it would be a great surprise, for those in toronto who have not had the pleasure of sitting and watching one of these games, those who are able to sit down in that news conference will have a first view of exactly what's going to be announced and again we'll take you there once it begins. But we could see the team in toronto playing as early as 2026. This is a story, to refresh your memory, that was first reported by cbc sports reporter sharin ahmed. She broke this story that toronto would host the wnba expansion here. It would be led by kilmer sports which is run by toronto billionaire larry tanenbaum. If you know that name that's because he's a minority opener and chairman of maple leaf sports and entertainment and actually tried to pursue a wnba expansion team through mlse but in the end that didn't go through. The question is how soon again could we see them playing? 2026 seems to be the year. We're going to confirm that once this news conference gets underway. As for where they will be playing, a source has told cbc sports they will be at the coca-cola coliseum. That's the coliseum there where currently the toronto marleys are playing, but imagine that image there with the stands full and the hard court there with some court said seats. That's what you can imagine once this team starts playing here in toronto. And, again, a lot of questions about what this will look like, who will be leading it when cbc sports had been saying that former raptors theresa rush would be part of this. The globe and mail reporting she would be president of this time, hoping to confirm that once this gets underway. >> Heather: we'll take who takes the seats and makes the announcement, on my screen, which I'm watching just out of this side, the news conference will begin shortly. So we'll keep talking until it does. The timing, I mean, I dare say what you see in that graphic is going to be borne out in real life with thousands of people in that venue for the games because wnba, the appetite is huge, women's sport having a real moment as well. >> Yeah, we saw the kaitlin clark effect. We were talking about the crowds that came out when she was an ncaa star. Big crowds also coming out now that she's part of the wnba with the indiana fever. In fact, during her opening game with indiana fever, she drew a crowd of 2.1 million viewers. That's the highest for a wnba game on the network. If you are new to the wnba, also angel reyes, cameron brink credited with bringing in some extra viewers there. But we've seen the appetite here in the city of toronto as well. Last year, the scotiabank arena in toronto was sold out for the first wnba pre-season game. It's set record for attendance, the merchandise was quickly snapped up there at scotiabank arena. That gives you an indication of how much not only canadian fans but specifically toronto fans are enjoying the wnba. Not to mention the professional women's hockey league bringing in record crowds not only in toronto but also in ottawa and montreal. We're looking forward to a professional canadian soccer league also next year, so it is just the right time. >> It really is. When you talk about women's basketball, of course the canadian national team, lots of hopes for what happens in paris,ing to be having a big trning coming up, 17

players have been named to that, think of kia nurse and all of her great exploits and you see her playing in the wnba professionally so who will be on toronto's team and who will be in attendance at this briefing. Here's my breaking news, we have the schedule. The prime minister will participate in an event to mark a milestone in canadian sport. Do we think this might be it? >> I think this might be it. >> It sounds good, doesn't it, accompanied by the minister of sport and physical activity carla qualtrough who we've seen in the audience getting set for this to begin. So whenever that conference gets underway, we will take you live, and marie ann, until then, thank you very much. Also in our news this morning, until we turn to that live briefing, a toronto woman who uses a wheelchair is the latest to speak out about an upsetting incident involving an airline passenger with disabilities. She says she did everything she needed to do to let the airline know her needs in advance. But it still wasn't enough. Now, this latest incident happened earlier this month, and we're just learning about it now. But it happened the very same week the airline industry was gathered for the first time, promising to do better at the first air accessibility summit. Cbc news has reported extensively on this issue. Greg ross has our latest story. >> This video posted on tory lacey's TikTok account was recorded on the tarmac at a costa rican airport, lacey clearly appears uncomfortable as workers carry her off the plane. >> As you can imagine, it's really like a lot of anxiety to have people touching your body that they don't know you, they don't understand how your body works and how you need to be lifted. Lacey has a neuromuscular disease and is confined to a wheel chair; she says the air wheelchair; she says the aircanada staff were helpful and she doesn't blame them at all. But she says she did make arrangements with the airline before embarking on a trip to costa rica earlier this month. This trip was booked for months and months. I have a file with the air canada desk so I have all of the paperwork filled out by my doctor. We talked to them many times to book my ticket, to book my caregiver's ticket, to let them know that I have a disability and that I needed help getting on and off the plane and that I could not navigate stairs at all. She says the situation wasn't necessary because the airport does have jet bridges to get passengers on and off planes. Several of the other air crafts around us were pulled up to a jet bridge, so this wasn't a lack of the library airport not having jet bridges, just our particular aircraft was not pulled up to one. >> In a statement to cbc news, a representative for air canada said the costa rica airport was not able to make an aircraft bridge available, requiring us to use an alternative method of having customers get on and off the plane using air stairs. We have procedures for customers with disabilities to safely embark and disembark aircraft in such cases, and in this instance, all protocols were followed. >> The reality is that air travel today is still vastly inaccessible to people with disabilities. >> Myron zib is the founder and ceo of access now, a platform that shares accessibility platform about places all over the world. Zib says air canada does bear some responsibility here. >> Just like any other passenger who books a ticket with an airline, you expect that airline to take care of you, to treat you respectfully, to have a good experience and to not have to sacrifice your dignity. If you are a passenger with a disability, the experience is often dehumanizing. >> Air canada says it will be reviewing airport procedures, including at smaller foreign stations to find ways to provide more consistent service. Greg ross, cbc news, toronto. >> Heather: greg, thank you. On line this morning, a piece about what came out of that inaugural air accessibility summit. You can read more about what the industry is pledging in terms of improving access, and look at the pattern of disturbing incidents on which cbc news is reported. They help lead to those charges. That's up on our website this morning, and on our cbc news app.

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