
CBCN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #18

while I am in hospital so I'm looking forward to seeing them. But other than that, yeah, just -- yeah, so far, just been on my own. But it's been -- it's been okay. Just been on medication, I haven't really, you know, been able -- just sleeping anyway. >> Well, listen, your mother, as I was mentioning, a mutual friend with somebody on my news team and I think she's just about to board that plane. So she will be glad to see through and I'm sure you will be glad to see you there. Bradley, I won't exert you anymore because I'm sure this has been tiring for you to talk to me all of this time. I can't thank you enough, sending you the best wishes for recovery and good health and hopefully these injuries as you say will certainly subside in time. But what a pleasure to have this conversation and, again, the thoughts are were you in this recovery. >> Tnk you so much too. >> Cheers to you, bradley richards in bangkok in the icu with those spinal injuries. Not even aware of what had happened or the scene that followed really until he himself, that was really extraordinary, just woke up with the blood gushing from his head. You're watching cbc morning live. Welcome to Canmore, Alberta. This will be your toughest day yet. -Get back up! Boom! -Don't eavesdrop. -i can't shut my ears off. Well then shut your mouth off. Announcer: Canada's Ultimate Challenge. Watch free onCBC Gem. Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? I play with myself. I just started playing with myself. I still play with myself. I'm playing with myself right now. Casino Days - register for free today. Yes yes yes! Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. ( ) ( ) Power through your to-do list... ( ) ( ) and create a space that makes a splash. Find stihl tools, starting at $179.99. Shop local. Buy stihl. Find yours at - [Narrator] Guys, every year, your body loses more testosterone. Ageless Male has been proven to support testosterone levels in men, and it supports energy too. Get Ageless Male and bethe man you want to be. Summer starts... now! The new dq Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at dq. Happy tastes good. Andrew Chang: It makes sense that they get a larger share, or does it? -Welcome to the Greenbelt. Andrew: All of this, just single detached homes? -Yes. Andrew: What do we know? I think we can explain. Announcer: About That with Andrew Chang. Watch free onCBC Gem. >> Heather: let us once again check the national forecast for this thursday. Matt, still recovering from pretty wild weather, violent storms in and around the toronto area from last night, the afternoon, the warning started on throughout evening and things have moved east. >> Yeah, and it was a couple of days in the making, right, heather? The heat and humid was building and really we're not quite as humid now in parts of ontario after those storms passed through yesterday. But now the severe weather takes its aim into the maritimes. New brunswick in particular. But in ontario yesterday, here in shelburne, you see the rotating wall cloud pretty menacing looking storm clouds here. Hail was a big factor along with those strong damaging wind

gusts, power knocked out for some. Take a look at this hailstone, this photo captured in kirk field, ontario. Now, much nicer weather today. Tomorrow, the same story looking quite nice, but into saturday, we do have some active weather moving through. That could bring some thunderstorms for the beginning of the week and also a temperature drop as we get into the weekend for toronto and much of southern ontario. Meanwhile, for northern ontario, we had some heavy overnight snow. That will fizzle out, just some lingering showers into this afternoon. Don't get much of a break, though, more showers moving in friday, more organized rainfall into saturday. Now are here's the big focus for severe weather today as we see the severe possible here shaded in orange for a little slice of quebec, but for a good chunk of new brunswick could see some storms into parts of nova scotia and pei as well, but not quite as storm as what we have forecast in western new brunswick. Now, we have some morning storms in this part of the cup but really into the afternoon, that's when the stronger storms appear to be coming into the fray. For tomorrow, you see things shift over to newfoundland, not as much storm energy there, but some showers and wet weather. Meanwhile, a very nice-looking day in terms of sunshine and good temperatures for the maritimes. Maybe a bit windy, though, into our friday. Here's a look at the 7 day forecast for fredericton. We see temperatures certainly dropping into saturday, 27 tomorrow, 21 on saturday. So a 6° difference there. This afternoon across western canada, cooler temperatures, that's kind of been the theme this week where we have that cooler air really not allowing much in terms of warmth in the eastern prairies in particular. Here's a look at the storm threat today for parts of bc and alberta. Non-severe in nature, but we are tracking that, along with a bit of moisture to go along with this system. Now, tomorrow wreaked see some storms as well, looking further ahead into our friday, we have some heavy rainfall in parts of southern manitoba. So we'll be keeping an eye through that. Here's a look all of the way through saturday, up to 50-plus millimeters of rain in southern manitoba. [ ] [ ] I'm Mike, and I'm Lori, and this is our TimberTech story. There are certain things you can do in a house that will last for the ages. TimberTech decking is one of those things. It was an obvious choice for all of the things that we wanted appearance, durability. It was a no brainer. We love the TimberTech products so much that we had to do the railing as well. With what we've experienced with TimberTech, there is no other choice. It's that good. Tap into BetMGM Casino and you're entering a huge library full of exclusive games. Games you won't find anywhere else. Looking for jackpots? Right this way. You'll always find someone ready to give you a hand. Or some dice. Your favorite games waiting for you... On BetMGM Casino. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. Inu Nagamu is one of Canada's largest Indigenous and alcohol-free music festival. In the heart of the Cote Nord region in Mani-Utenam, Inu Nagamu Festival proudly celebrates its 40th edition to the rhythm of Indigenous artists from near and far, in addition to presenting world-class performances in a family-friendly atmosphere. We look forward to see you in Mani-Utenam from July 30th to August 4th, 2024. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. [ ] Pick-up is quick and easy. You do all sorts of thingswhen you're a parent.(Laughter) Wiping up Bomb disposal Taking outLife Insurance Welcome to Cover Direct, you're speaking to Sally, how can I help? Hi, I'd like aquote for your Family LifeInsurance please. Ok. If you'reaged 18-70, you can get coverage for upto $1.5 million dollars, and help give your familysome peace of mind. You won't need a medical or blood testto be approved, there are justa few health and lifestyle questions... ...for $100,000of coverage, prices start from $9.66a month, or just 32 cents a day. That's less thanI thought!

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>>> We're going to begin this hour with breaking news on one of canada's worst-ever environment disasters, one that has been making people in the grassy narrows first nation sick for three generations. There's a new study just out this morning from western university in london, and it has found industrial discharge from a nearby paper mill is combining with mercury that was previously leaked to create the most toxic form, methyl mercury. You remember the story, we've been talking about for years from 1962 to 1975, 9,000 kilograms of mercury were dumped into english wabagoon river, the system there. Can methyl mercury accumulates in fish and.s people who eat those fish. It can cause neuromuscular problems and eventually lead to death. In 2017, the federal government promised to build a mercury care centre in the community. Construction is supposed to begin this summer. Now, there is a news conference on this story set to begin in the next hour. Our reporter, meagan fitzpatrick will be there and she will join us with more just ahead on what we are learning in this new study out this morning. >> A toronto woman who uses a wheelchair is the latest person to speak out about an upsetting incident involving an airline passenger with disabilities. She says she did everything she had to do to let the airline know her needs in advance, but it still wasn't enough. This happened earlier this month. It's just coming to the forethis morning, but it's an incident that took place earlier this month, in fact in the very same week the airline industry promised to do better at the first air accessibility summit. Cbc news has reported extensively on this issue in the past r greg ross has our latest story. >> This video posted on tory lacey ace TikTok account was recorded on the tarmac at a costa rican airport, lacey clearly appears uncomfortable as workers carry her off the plane. >> As you can imagine, it's really like a lot of anxiety to have people touching your body that they don't know you, they don't understand how your body works and how you need to be lifted. Lacey has a neuromuscular disease and is confined to a wheel chair; she says the air canada staff were helpful and she doesn't blame them at all. But she says she did make arrangements with the airline before embarking on a trip to costa rica earlier this month. This trip was booked for months and months. I have a file with the air canada desk so I have all of the paperwork filled out by my doctor. We talked to them many times to book my ticket, to book my caregiver's ticket, to let them know that I have a disability and that I needed help getting off the plane and that I could not navigate stairs at all. >> She says the situation wasn't necessary because the airport does have jet bridges to get passengers on and off planes. Several of the other air crafts around us were pulled up to a jet bridge, so this wasn't a lack of the library airport not having jet bridges, just our particular aircraft was not pulled up to one. >> In a statement to cbc news, a representative for air canada said the costa rica airport was not able to make an aircraft bridge available, requiring us to use an alternative method of having customers get on and off the plane using air stairs. We have procedures for customers with disabilities to safely embark and disembark aircraft in such cases, and in this instance, all protocols were followed. >> The reality is that air travel today is still vastly inaccessible to people with disabilities. >> Myron zib is a founder of access now, a platform that shares accessibility platform about places all over the world. Zib says air canada does bear some responsibility here. >> Just like any other passenger who books a ticket with an airline, you expect that airline to take care of you, to treat you respectfully, to have a good experience and to not have to sacrifice your dignity. If you are a passenger with a disability, the experience is often dehumanizing. >> Air canada says it will be reviewing airport procedures, including at smaller foreign stations to find ways to provide more consistent service. Greg ross, cbc news, toronto. >> Heather: on line this morning, will you find a piece on what came out of that air accessibility summit. You can read more about what the industry is pledging to do to improve access as well as look at the pattern of disturbing incidents cbc news has reported on that helped lead to these changes. That's up on our website this morning and on the cbc news app. >> A story that was broken by cbc sports is coming up next. The wnba is making things official very soon and is set to formally announce its expansion

to toronto next hour, marianne dimain, as people count down to the big announcement. >> Really exciting, because, yeah, 9 A.M. eastern, that's just around the corner. We're hoping to get more details about this wnba expansion team coming to the city of toronto, kilmer sports saying they have an important announcement, that's all they're saying at this point and so all ears and eyes will be on that once it does get underway and of course we are keeping a close eye on that and the details eventually released. But to refresh your memory here, this is a story that was first reported here on cbc news. Cbc sports reporter sahrine ahmed broke this story, saying that the team, the 14th expansion team of the wnba was coming to toronto. That's big news because it's also the first expansion team of that league outside of the united states, statistically, the first one in canada. Now, it will be led by kilmer sports which is run by toronto billionaire larry tanenbaum f that name sounds familiar, tanenbaum is the minority owner and chairman of maple leaf sports and entertainment and he had actually tried to bring and pursue an expansion team through the mlse, that was eventually turned down. A big question for sports fans though is when will we see the wnba team in toronto playing here? Look ahead to 2026. And according to sources who have spoken to cbc sports, they will be playing at the coca-cola coliseum. That's on the toronto exhibition grounds. This is the coliseum here filled with fans that are watching the toronto marlies. Imagine they are instead at the hard court, court side seats with fans. We know, heather, there is an appetite for this. As for who will be leading this team, cbc sports report manage that theresa resh will have a role in the team. The globe and mail saying that she will be the president. So we are standing by for any confirmation on that. But that is the buzz right now as we look ahead to that news conference. >> Hoop dreams becoming a reality for so many with this announcement and what a time because it's a great moment for the wnba but also for women's sport in general. >> Yeah, and we've seen that not only with basketball but also with the pwhl, the provincialsal women's hockey league, record crowds there, not only here in the city but montreal as well as ottawa. Looking ahead to the canadian soccer league that's set to play here next year. But specifically when it comes to the wnba, we've already seen the appetite here in the city of toronto with that pre-season game at toronto scotiabank arena, sold-out crowds there, record attendance that merchandise was snapped up, 98%ful it already sold and then there's of course kaitlin clark effect. She's of course the ncaa star breaking records, there now playing in the wnba, with indiana fever, also already bringing in big crowds. She drew in 2.1 million viewers, the highest for the wnba game on the network just for her opening game and then other names like angel reith and cameron rink credited with bringing in those crowds. So, again, 9 A.M. eastern, about an hour from now, we are going to get more details on that and I know toronto fans excited to to hear more as well blackout absolutely. We certainly are, maryann, thanks very much. Let's look ahead to that live coverage of that wnba announcement, this will be the first expansion for the league outside the united states, 9:00 A.M. eastern, sharine ahmed will be with us, she broke the story and she's there to cover the announcement, she will be with us a little bit later here on cbc morning live.

>>> Also this morning, new video into us from central gaza today, the aftermath of a strike on the nuserat refugee camp. It's said 35 palestinians were killed overnight by aerial and ground bombardment. Royalers news agency is reporting those attacks have caused a new exodus of hundreds of thousands of palestinians fleeing their homes. The israeli military also continues to fight and advance further into the southern city of rafah. The international court of justice says this morning it will rule tomorrow on a request from south africa to order a halt to israel's incursion in rafah. >>> Campaigning now underway across the united kingdom, the first full day of an election campaign announced yesterday by prime minister rishi sunak, months earlier than most people expected. >> Earlier today, I spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of parliament. The king has granted this request. And we will have a general election on the 4th of july. >> It was an inauspicious beginning with that rain pouring down, and photos of rishi sunak with his soaked hair and suit are on the front pages this morning, down-and-out is now drown and out, and ten drowning street. British voters haven't gone to the polls since 2019, but there have been three conservative prime ministers since. Boris johnson first in 19 and then liz truss and soon soon. Support for the party is way down, with most polls suggesting the tories are trailing the labour party by some 20 points. Julia chapman is in london. >> Good morning, heather, that's right. That's right of the. Already making there case to the voting public as they get on to the campaign trail right away. They are wasting no time. Prime minister rishi sunak has already begun a tour of the four nations of the united kingdom and opposition leader keir starmer had a little bit less warning. He only was told about the election yesterday and he got to work today holding a campaign rally in southeastern england, trying to appeal to the conservative party heartland and convince them to vote for him instead. Both of these main leaders are trying to make their case to the british public to reflect on the last 14 years of conservative party rule. Here's what rishi sunak had to say at his first event. >> People can judge people on my record. I have been prepared time and time again to do what I think is right for our country even when it's difficult, all right? That requires the ability to take bold action, it requires an ability to stick to a plan even when it's tough. >> And we've been hearing from keir starmer as well who have said the last 14 years have seen the conservative party going round and round in circles. He's being trying to make a case for change while rishi sunak makes the case for conthe new. The prime minister talking about what he sees as his main legacies and the legacies of the conservative party. He's pointed to growth in the economy, tough action on migration, the recruitment of more doctors as well as an increase in defence spending while keir starmer has been criticizing rishi sunak saying working people are worse off than they were when he took office. Also saying that the younger generations are losing hope. So setting out their stalls ahead of a 6-week campaign that gets underway today. >> And at the end of it, julia, we could see major political change. Voters there haven't had the chance to cast a ballot since 2019. For boris johnson, there have been three conservative prime ministers since that time. So what is -- if you put it -- the mood of the british voter, the british people, what are you hearing in terms of the reactions to this election? >> There does certainly seem to be an appetite for change. Many british voters welcoming the fact that the election has been called this early t didn't have to be held until much later in the year. And people have been responding saying that it is time to go to the polls, they are ready for a change and they are going to be casting their ballots on issues like housing, the economy, health care crucially, among other issues. So it's up now to the two main party leaders and others, it should be said, to make their cases, that they are the right ones to vote for in six weeks' time. >> Julia chapman from london. She's covering things from downing street through the day on cbc news network.

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