
CBCN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

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in his 70s is a commanding presence on social media. And even when he feels that he is falling behind he finds a way to catch up. Like recently when modi cozied up to india's young social media influencers, handing out awards and getting a hero's welcome. >> Join your hands together for the influencers of the influencers, the honourable narendra modi. [applause] >> Reporter: an every man, but also a strong man. ( ) take kashmir, india's only muslim majority state. In 2019 after he handedly won a second term, modi stripped the region of its special autonomy, bringing it directly under new delhi's control. A move that many in the country applauded. Thousands of police descended on the region when modi visited for the first time since that change this past march. He told the crowds kashmir was finally at peace and could now breathe freely. Human rights groups though say that there's systematic repression in the state. >> Freedom of expression is at risk. They don't get what they used to get. >> Reporter: and the kashmir situation is just a piece of the main pillar of modi's decade long tenure as india's prime minister to promote a muscular hindu nationalism. Some say at the expense of the country's minorities, muslims in particular. On full display with another key promise of his right-wing party delivered, an ornate new hindu temple devoted to the lord god rahm, built on the ruins of a mosque destroyed by a hindu nationalist mob in 1992. It is where many believe that a temple once stood, and where rahm is said to be born. The inauguration was a pre-election move. >> They do this house-to-house. >> Reporter: says the political analyst -- >> Jut reach to the hindu nationalist sentiment, you know, that we will take care of hindus. We are the hindu party. We are your party. >> Reporter: that's what worries many about what anticipated third term for modi could mean -- more authoritarian practises, with few checks on his power and possibly more religious discrimination. And with modi already leaning into rhetoric more overtly than before. He's called muslims infiltrators at a rally and framing them as outsiders who don't belong. >>(speaking alternate language). >> Reporter: modi claims his political opponents would take the wealth of hindus and give it to muslims. That's part and parcel of a new india, some analysts say, with the leader narendra modi who is emboldened on the global stage, a pow broker, wooed by many who want to be india's friend, leaving many here with a sense that nobody would say anything as things get darker in india. >> Asha: cbc news south asian correspondent salimah shivji. She's the host of a new four-part podcast series all about the phenomenon that is narendra modi. It is called "modi's india: understood," you can find it wherever you get your podcasts.

>>> Next, an unlikely distraction on a michigan road. >> I was just dumbfounded. >> Asha: how this inflatable duck went flying in our "moment." >>The Great Canadian Baking Showis back. >> And the winner is... >> Alan, no, it's too soon for that. [upbeat jazz] >> How about after? >> Give me that. >> Ok, sure. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Start your 30—day home trial at Terms apply. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. ( ) (Wincing) Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? My brother and I started Duradek when that wardrobe was- groovy. For 50 years now, we've been waterproofing decks and balconies so people can relax and enjoy rain or shine. Duradek. Some things never go out of style. If you're lost You can look And you will find me Time after time For everything you care about. Intact Insurance. Dry skin needs a little extra care. And it's natural. Treat it that way. With Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion. Formulated with nourishing prebiotic oat. Proven to moisturize dry skin. All-day. Also, try our face formula. Aveeno. I'd do anything Welcome to the new PetSmart Treats rewardsTM. Ready go Collect points with every purchase. And save big on their favourite services. Anything for you PetSmart. Anything for Pets. >> Asha: drivers in michigan came up against an unexpected obstacle after a massive inflatable duck took an unusual flight path. The duck belonged to an antique shop owner who hoped that it would help to attract some attention. She never guessed that it would be for this. The migration deviation is our "moment." ( ) >> Don't hit the duck! >> I was just dumbfounded really. It looked like it was going to be a tornado because those clouds were horrible. But the wind picked up and it kind of rolled on across the street. And then up over the putt-putt golf area. And I was just praying that no one would get hit with it, because it was a busy road. ( ) it kind of unfortunately deflated and there he rested. We had to use a front loader because he was about a hundred pounds. I bought that duck to bring in people for advertising -- you know, get pictures with it and things like that. It cost me $3,000 and three years of research to find it. But, unfortunately, god had other plans with it. >> Oh, my god. >> Asha: okay, so ironically enough this wasn't the only

INFLATABLE ANIMAL INCIDENT ON MICHIGAN ROADS THIS WEEK. THERE WAS ALSO AN INFLATABLE ELEPHANT THAT A DRIVER FILMED IN DETROIT ROLLING AWAY. SOMETHING TO TAKE NOTE OF FOR PEOPLE POSSIBLY PLANNING A ROAD TRIP OUT THAT WAY. >>> THANK YOU FOR BEING WITH US. YOU CAN WATCH ANYWHERE, ANY TIME ON THE FREE CBC NEWS APP AND SUBSCRIBE TO "THE NATIONAL'S" YouTube CHANNEL. >>> I'M ASHA TOMLINSON. TAKE CARE. ( ) ( ) [surfer rock plays] [giggling] Ahh! One of these days we're going to have to grow up, but today is not that day. I don't want us to get older either. Announcer: Son of a Critch. Watch free onCBC Gem. ( ) Interrupted by dry eyes? Get fast-acting relief with hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Made with a naturallysourced lubricant. hydraSense eye drops. Meet the Melville's.They've had GlobalDecking vinyl on their deckfor over 3 and now they're readyfor a new look. By using global decking systemsdeck membranes. There'sno need to rip up the old deck and send to a landfill or purchase more lumberto rebuild a new one. Just pick one of our attractive prints and have it installeddirectly over the old one. Good for another 30 years. Global Decking Systems. The only decksurface you will ever need. I I was standing ( ) You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us apart ( ) I I was standing You were there Two worlds collided When you live with diabetes,confidence comes from knowing your glucose levels and where they're headed. Manage your diabeteswith confidence with Dexcom G7. They'd help you too (Applause, cheers) See you through Whatever life looks like to you, we're here for it. For life as you know it. Insurance, investments, advice. Canada Life. ( ) In here... you can expect to find... crystal clear audio... expansive display space... endless entertainment... and more comfort for everyone... But even with all that... we still left room... for all the unpredictability... spontaneity.. and unexpected things... you'll find out here... Jeep. Grand Cherokee. The most awarded SUV ever. (sigh) Italy... KFC's $5 Sandwich of the Day is back. Only in Canada. Have a great trip... What? Sit down. Not everyone's happy. But you will be. ( ) I'm lost in love... (Electronic chime) So lost in love with you Get started for free on eharmony. (Giggling) Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Air Wick. How far would you go to set the ambiance of your space? Try the Air Wick way with Air Wick Essential Mist. Infused with natural essential oils, to fill your moment with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. Now that's a breath of fresh Air Wick. Hi, I'm Mae Martinand I cannot tell youhow stoked I am to get a bunch of selfies with celebs

at theCanadian Screen Awards. [beep] I mean, I can't tell you how excited I am to host the awards. That is the main and most important thing. ( ) >> Asha: tonight, a parking lot brawl in montréal ends with three people dead, including a 15-year-old. >> It was very -- very sa haos unfolded and a father shares the last words spoke to his son. >>> What's behind the skyrocketing cost of olive oil? >> It's almost getting to the point where, you know, if it gets worse you just won't buy it anymore. >> Asha: why those prices could be here to stay. >>> And in one city, 10,000 people are about to lose their family doctor. >> Nobody realizes how helpless you actually feel. >> Asha: we break down a life-or-death crisis. >> These are people that you know. These are people that I love. ( ) >> Announcer: from cbc news, this is "the national" with asha tomlinson. ( ) >> Asha: thank you for joining us. Adrienne is on assignment. >>> Police in montréal are searching for multiple suspects tonight after a brawl outside of an apartment building left three people dead. It happened in a parking lot in the early evening. The victims are between the ages of 15 and 25. Police say that they all knew each other. Jennifer yoon now with how witnesses described what unfolded and the father of one of the men killed who shares his final message to his son. >> Reporter: jean-marie célestin told his son "be careful," as he left the house on tuesday afternoon. >> [Speaking French] >> Reporter: "don't forget that you have a 2-year-old daughter," he remembers saying. Those were some of the last words that he spoke to ulrick peterson célestin. The 25-year-old among three people killed in a stabbing in front of a montréal apartment building. >> [Speaking French] >> Reporter: three different parents left with the pain, he said. 23-year-old alexandre vatamanu was one of the other men killed. As was a 15-year-old boy. Angélique langevin was a classmate and she came to the scene to lay flowers. >> [Speaking French] >> Reporter: "he was a good guy, a very nice guy," she said. This is a very residential area. There's a police station about a block away and there's a popular park nearby and residents say that it's normally safe, but now many, especially witnesses from that building, say that they're in shock. >> All of a sudden I heard the noise of people screaming and some objects falling on the ground or hitting the cars and people are running. So I came outside on the balcony and I saw two people or bodies lying on the ground next to this car. Both of them very young. It was very -- sad seeing. >> Reporter: this picture was taken by a witness. Police say that more than a dozen people were involved in the fight. >> We have some footage but we're really trying to establish what happened. >> Reporter: investigators say that all three victims knew each other. Adding that there's no connection to gangs or organized crime. Instead, calling this a chance event. >> Crime like this -- that is like this -- it's hard to understand. >> Reporter: police say they have identified a number of suspects. So far though there have been no arrests. Jennifer yoon, cbc news, montréal. >> Asha: interpol says that police forces around the world are identifying hundreds of vehicles every single week that were originally stolen right here in canada. Thomas daigle found one himself for sale in the united arab emirates and he managed to track down the original owner back in toronto. >> Reporter: it was early one morning last june when a chevrolet suburban vanished from this toronto street. Now nearly a year later, cbc news has found it -- advertised online for sale in the united arab emirates. We tracked down the owner. >> Never went there. >> Reporter: and showed him the vehicle identification number, confirming that one was his. What went through your mind? >> I considered the vehicle long gone, but it still comes as quite a surprise to you when you see a picture of it and you find out that it's halfway around the world. >> Reporter: he's hardly alone, with interpol now saying that each week another 200 vehicles stolen from canada are identified by authorities abroad. >> It's a global effort here and it's not just -- not just nationally here, what we're seeing here in ontario and

québec. >> Reporter: since february, the rcmp is sharing more data with global partners, meaning more cars found overseas are showing up in stolen vehicles searches. In fact, interpol says that canada ranks among the top 10 out of 137 countries connected worldwide. >> Canada, obviously, has a problem that is out-sized compared to the size of our country, especially when you put it against the other countries that are part of this interpol investigation. >> Reporter: as for that S.U.V. stolen off the street last year, this is the used car lot near dubai recently found to be selling it. So we called. It was stolen from here in toronto. Does that happen often, you selling stolen vehicles? >> Not yet. >> Reporter: cbc news agreed to identify the owner only by his first name -- richard. Because he fears being targeted again. >> It is clearly an epidemic of car theft. And I would like it never to happen to me again. >> Reporter: he received an insurance payment and that S.U.V. is now listed as sold and gone for good. Thomas daigle, cbc news, toronto. >> Asha: the C.E.O. of singapore airlines is apologising to passengers after a flight encountered extreme turbulence on tuesday. >> We are deeply saddened by this incident and I would like to express my deepest condolences to the families and the loved ones of the deceased. >> Asha: a 73-year-old british passenger died of a suspected heart attack. 30 others were injured when the plane hit turbulence over the indian ocean. The flight from london to singapore was forced to make an emergency landing in thailand. >>> Cbc news has uncovered new information about a possible connection between the indian government and the killing of a man once accused of the air india bombing. And as evan dyer tells us in this exclusive, the rcmp say that his son may now be under threat. >> Reporter: the bombing of an air india's passenger jet, canada's worst ever mass murder, with 329 killed. Ripudaman singh malik was accused of being one of the conspirators. But prosecutors failed to make their case, and malik was acquitted. Years later malik was shot and killed outside of his office in surrey. Now cbc news has learned that the rcmp is investigating whether the indian government was behind that shooting, and has warned his son his life could be under threat. By 2018, india's narendra modi government seemed ready to forgive malik. He was able to get a passport and visit india and even go on tv there, where his brother thanked the head of india's foreign intelligence service for making the trip happen. He was recently identified as a key figure in a U.S. indictment alleging an indian government plot to kill a close collaborator of hardeep singh nijjar, the sikh activist who was also gunned down in surrey last year. Canada accused india of being responsible. Then there's this man, amar jit singh of india's consulate in vancouver, who helped malik get his name off the black list and befriended him and then appears in malik's phone, next to three calls to malik the night before his murder and then to an exchange of whatsapp messages in the very early morning, about four hours before malik was shot by two men who investigators believe that were contract killers. In malik's agenda a cryptic entry right at the hour that he died. Amar jit -- lunch. At the school that he ran in surrey, malik's son hardeep, also a businessman, had stepped into his father's shoes as a board member. Last week he received a warning that police are required to give when they have solid intelligence of a threat against someone's life. >> At this point given what has happened with some of the murders and the assassinations that have taken place and how easy it is to find a gun for hire, I would tell them to take this very, very seriously and to look at possibly relocating for a period of time. >> Asha: evan, do we know why ripudaman singh malik's son may be under threat? >> Reporter: no, we don't know specifically why he might be, but what we do know generally is that in most cases these warning letters are issued when a wiretap or a confidential informant tips police off to an actual plan or an actual conspiracy. And it strongly suggests also that the indian government's reconciliation with the malik family may not have actually been genuine with some of the dangers that hung over malik senior may have been inherited by his son. But there are some in the community who believe that this is really just the indian government generally trying to sow distrust and confusion among the sikh community in canada. >> Asha: evan dyer in ottawa, thank you.

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