
CBCN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>>> Canadians looking to buy some olive oil may be experiencing sticker shock. >> Retail prices in canada on average have gone up 25%, 26% since january. >> Asha: so is there any relief in sight? ( ) >>> Plus, the rcmp's fleet is going green, but choosing the cars may be a challenge. >> It's not the best vehicle for someone who might be trying to escape. >> Asha: and the duck that went flying straight into traffic. >> And I was just praying that nobody got hit with it. Because it was a busy road. >> Asha: we're back in two. ( ) [dramatic] Announcer:What's new? What's breaking? What's really going on? Cbc News Network. BullseyePro, the smarter, faster, hands free way to fill it up with air. BullseyePro is equipped with a rechargeable lithium-ion power plant. So fast, so strong and so convenient. Go online now and get the complete BullseyePro inflation system, all for just $79.99. That's our best Canadian dollar price ever. You get it all. An incredible value for one low price. Go online to order now. You do all sorts of thingswhen you're a parent.(Laughter) Wiping up Bomb disposal Taking outLife Insurance Welcome to Cover Direct, you're speaking to Sally, how can I help? Hi, I'd like aquote for your Family LifeInsurance please. Ok. If you'reaged 18-70, you can get coverage for upto $1.5 million dollars, and help give your familysome peace of mind. You won't need a medical or blood testto be approved, there are justa few health and lifestyle questions... ...for $100,000of coverage, prices start from $9.66a month, or just 32 cents a day. That's less thanI thought! And with that money, we could pay the mortgage and a few expenses. I'll go right ahead. We're Canada's MostTrusted Direct Life Insurance Provider. To get a free, no obligation quote, call one ofour trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-934-3220 or visit Andrew Chang: It makes sense that they get a larger share, or does it? -Welcome to the Greenbelt. Andrew: All of this, just single detached homes? -Yes. Andrew: What do we know? I think we can explain. Announcer: About That with Andrew Chang. Watch free onCBC Gem. >> Andrew Chang: Join us in celebrating the many contributions Asian Canadians make to Canada. >> Asha: canada's largest documentary film festival has announced a temporary closure of its flagship toronto theatre. Hot docs is also laying off staff, blaming what it calls urgent financial challenges. The orginisation says that it will use a three-month closure as time to regroup. It's not yet known how many jobs will be affected.

>>> The cost of olive oil is way up across the country. Prices are soaring, and some shoppers are thinking twice before they buy. Erin collins looks at what is driving the increase and how long it could last. >> Reporter: dubbed liquid gold by some, the price of olive oil is surging on shelves across canada. But that spike is no deterrent for some. >> I'm going to pay the price because I'd rather have the quality. >> Reporter: still, rising olive oil prices have other shoppers thinking twice. >> It's almost getting to the point where, you know, if it gets worse, then you just won't buy it anymore. >> Reporter: drought in europe devastating olive crops, driving the uptick in prices. >> Retail prices in canada on average have gone up 25%, 26% since january. >> Reporter: and experts say that climate change means high prices could be here to stay. >> I think that it already is considered as a luxury item at the grocery store. It certainly is a luxury vegetable oil. >> Reporter: that dry weather in southern europe impacting olive crops there -- >> We only produce about 25% of the olive oil that we normally produce. >> Reporter: and business at this alberta-based company that produces olive oil in greece. >> A challenge because it's more expensive to produce it. We now have to invest a great deal of capital and also a challenge to sell it to customers. >> Reporter: back at the market a warning that the prices could go up again in the fall. >> They're predicting around a 45%, almost 50% increase. >> Reporter: and some advice for those facing olive oil sticker shock. >> So if people are struggling with the increase in the prices of olive oil, is there anything that they can do? >> There's a couple of options, they can either purchase an olive oil that is maybe not extra virgin olive oil, or they can opt for a blend of one like this right here, a mixture of sunflower oil and olive oil. >> Reporter: like all gold -- cheaper when it is diluted. Erin collins, cbc news, calgary. >> Asha: an ontario healthcare centre is dropping thousands of patients, leaving them with no family doctor and few options. >> Reporter: what are you going to do? >> Can I know very honest -- I don't know. >> Asha: why doctors say that they had no choice. >> I know that without care -- [indiscernible] >> Asha: india's prime minister vies for an historic third term. Why his enduring power has come at a cost. >> There's the freedom of expression. >> Asha: "the national" breaks down the stories shaping our world next. >> Andrew Chang: So you want to watchCBC News Explore, a new kind of news channel. Here's how to find us. We're on theCBC Newsapp, onCBC Gem, and on your smart tv. Stream any time. It's always free. Cbc News Explore. Happy birthday, big guy. Your old minivan? Your old minivan. It still runs? Like new! And thanks to Fountain Tire's trusted, reliable service, you'll be driving this for a loooong time. Never getting rid of this baby. Great. And of course! Quality tires. Why's that guy there? Because honey. Wherever you go, Fountain Tire's right there with you. Right there in that radical sidecar! What do you got under the hood? Just my legs. ( ) ( ) [Thunder] It's live! Feel the fun of a live casino experience at Play Ojo, with gameshow hits like Mega Wheel. Download the app. Feel the fun! Play Ojo. They'd help you too (Applause, cheers) See you through Whatever life looks like to you, we're here for it. For life as you know it. Insurance, investments, advice. Canada Life. ( ) Interrupted by dry eyes? Get fast-acting relief with hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Made with a naturallysourced lubricant. hydraSense eye drops. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Hi, I'm Gina and I'm Todd. And this is our TimberTech story. We have a 200 year old farmhouse, and, uh, about 13 years ago, we added a wood deck. It was constant maintenance. Constant maintenance. We were most concerned too with durability because we have dogs. You know, the scratches were driving me crazy after I spent time staining the deck. We just wanted something that we didn't have to keep working on year after year after year. We chose TimberTech because it's a quality product and it looks like real wood. It's a forever home

and a forever deck. [rock] go hard go wild Woman: And the crowd goes wild! you fear the blood the sweat the tears We fight the best we can. Man: We build our own legacy. Arena announcer: She scores! >> Asha: canadian soccer legend christine sinclair now has her own barbie doll, complete with a team canada jersey and a gold medal. It's part of a special project celebrating female athletes. Eight others, including the tennis great venus williams, also got their one-of-a-kind doll. >>> The rcmp is about to undergo a major shift as it prepares to transition its fleet of thousands to electric vehicles. But as catharine tunney tells us, it already looks like there could be a few speed bumps. >> Reporter: when it comes to the rcmp and horsepower, this might come to mind. But soon enough this could be the norm. Responding to a federal request to switch its fleet to zero-emission vehicles by 2035. >> We want to see what is in the realm of possible and be ahead of the curve. >> Reporter: an unprecedented challenge at that. The rcmp has the largest land fleet in north america, roughly 12,000 vehicles on the road, including in many remote communities. >> It's not just taking retail and putting it out on the road. There's all kinds of equipment that goes into the vehicle and that in itself is already very complicated. >> Reporter: this tesla needed to be fitted with lights, a radio, computer, and a new back seat for suspected criminals. One lesson learned so far -- this glass roof -- not ideal. >> It's not the best vehicle for someone who might be trying to escape from the car. >> Reporter: the rcmp says that teslas like this probably aren't suited for every detachment, but it's giving them valuable data on how mounties can go electric. Charging is easy in ottawa. But it is a major concern for remote areas where the rcmp has jurisdiction. >> When you head out into the prairies and the northern part of canada, and the northern parts of our provinces as well, we cover a lot of ground and our detachment area is quite large. >> Reporter: the force is going ahead this year and testing more E.V. models including the ford f-150 lightning, similar to the gas model already in the fleet across the country. Even as the pilot ramps up, it's unlikely that northern and remote detachments will see an E.V. any time soon. >> They don't want to put them into a situation where they might fail and put a member at risk. >> Reporter: there's not an upfront cost of buying new E.V.s and they also say that it's too soon to tell how much they'll save in the long run on gas. Catharine tunney, cbc news, ottawa. >> Asha: now it's time to dig deeper into the stories shaping our world. ( ) how india's narendra modi is using religion to build devotion and to help to clinch the election. >> Something is there, it's our internal energy. >> Asha: but, first, a northern ontario city in crisis. >> Reporter:THIS is a place where 10,000 people are about to lose their family doctor. >> Asha: and many are elderly. >> Reporter: what are you going to do? >> Can I be very honest -- I don't know. >> I think they have every right to be scared. >> Asha: at the end of the month, in a little more than a week, that's when most patients will be cut loose and on their own to find care. Nick purdon breaks down all of the reasons they're so afraid. >> Okay, I'm going to take a listen to your heart. People will get sicker and this will cause health problems and an exacerbation of health issues for people with health problems that no longer have healthcare. This is devastating. >> Across ontario this is death. >> Reporter:YOU can see the effects of the primary care crisis all across the country, but probably the most dramatic example is about to happen here in sault ste. Marie, ontario. In a town of 70,000 people, 10,000 are about to lose their family doctor. >> Nobody realizes how helpless you actually feel when you realize that you can't access anything without a doctor first. That's the entry level to our healthcare system. >> Reporter: that's mike depratt. He's one of the 10,000. In fact, everyone at this meeting at the local union hall will soon be de-rostered. That's what they call it when you lose your family doctor. >> My name is barry armstrong and I'm 85 years old. I will be de-rostered at the end of may. I suspect that I will never have a family doctor during my lifetime. >> To me it's creating a lot of anxiety that I don't have a doctor.

and going to emergency -- I've had to do that a couple of times. One was a 12-hour wait to say, could you please renew my prescription. >> If anything happens, if I have issues like I've had in the past and if I don't have the medical doctor, I'm not making it. Because it's going to take too long to figure out what is wrong with me. I will be six feet under. >> Reporter: everyone here now struggles with those kind of sentiments. What's going on with primary care is the biggest issue in sault ste. Marie today by far. And what you need to know is that almost everyone who lives here when they go to see their family doctor they come to this building. This is a group health centre. This is the place where 10,000 people are about to lose their family doctor. Now, obviously, that is not a good news story. But when I called them it surprised me that they were happy to talk with us about the situation. Dr. Jody stewart, a family doctor herself, is the C.E.O. of the algoma district medical group. She is in charm of the physicians who work here. Why are you de-rostering the patients in a city of 70,000? >> At this point we don't have the manpower in terms of providers to provide ongoing care to those patients. >> Reporter: dr. Stewart says that the reality here is no different than anywhere in the country. There's a shortage of family doctors to replace those who leave or retire. I spoke to some patients who are being de-rostered and they're angry and frustrated and scared. >> Yeah. >> Reporter: and they don't blame it on the doctor shortage necessarily and they blame it on you and they blame it on the group -- the group health centre. What would you say to them? >> I understand their feelings. I understand being scared. I think they have every right to be scared. These 10,000 people, these families in these 10,000 people -- my kids' teachers are in these 10,000 people are friends are definitely in this 10,000 people. So it's not easy. >> Reporter: so this for you as a family doctor in this position is personal? >> Oh, yes. Yes. This keeps me up at night. I worry about the health of this community long term. It's very personal. Yeah. >> Reporter: it becomes clear as we talk that leaving 10,000 people without primary care is taking a toll on dr. Stewart. >> Sorry. >> Reporter: what is the worry? >> These are people that I know, these are the people that I love. And I know that without primary care, they won't do well. We know, and statistics show that if you don't have a family doctor or good comprehensive primary care, your chronic disease will not be managed and you'll end up in emerg, and end up in hospital and you will end up in long-term care. [indiscernible] it's not what I want for any of the members of the community. >> Reporter: the news about the 10,000 has shaken sault ste. Marie. That's because since the 1960s when the group health centre was built, it's always been a source of pride here. The local steelworkers built it as a place for people to get their healthcare even before medicare existed across canada. >> The first time that I came through the doors of the group health centre here in sault, I was a newborn being carried by my mother in a basinet and now years later, decades later, I am very proud and honoured to work here as a paediatrician. >> Reporter: he has been very public about defending the group health centre. He says that the news about the 10,000 doesn't mean that the place is broken. >> What I'm worried about is that people are losing faith in this as an institution. The group health centre is the model that the rest of the province should be following in order to rescue healthcare. I worry that the group health centre because of this large de-roster is receiving negative perspectives amongst the population. Hi, how are you? >> Reporter: dr. Delavodova still believes in this place and he wants to show me how it works. >> Follow my finger with your eyes. >> Reporter: he sees 9-year-old camilla for her diabetes. >> Very good. And the sugars -- >> Reporter: what is different here is if he orders blood work or any other tests, she can get it done without ever leaving the building. She can also see another specialist. There are 80 primary care and

specialist physicians who work here. >> What could have been three or four different visits we can accomplish with all of the professionals that she needs to see in the same room. >> Reporter: he says that it's more efficient this way and saves money. He doesn't want people in sault ste. Marie to forget the importance of this place. He says even after the de-rostering and with the shortage of doctors, 50,000 people will still continue to get their care here. How does that work that this is supposed to be the solution but you are de-rostering 10,000 people? >> Yeah, I think that, one, the doctors are just not there. Right. We have family doctor graduates who are not choosing to do family medicine. We have empty family medicine residency spots because people would rather choose any other specialty than family medicine right now. So something has to change within the practise itself. >> Reporter: but in the meantime the stark reality remains -- 10,000 people are about to lose their family doctor here. Josée tenasa is one of them. >> I am so grateful that I have such wonderful doctors. I have been so grateful all of these years that I had them. And I could get at them. And I can call them. >> Reporter: josée has been going to the group health centre since she was young. >> My doctor saved my life because I had a brain tumour and she realised that and I was immediately sent to have brain surgery to have that tumour removed. And that's why I'm here today. >> Reporter: but on may 31st, josée, at 79 years old, will be one of the 10,000 to lose her family doctor. What are you going to do? >> Can I be very honest -- I don't know. I don't know. I would have to go either to emergency -- nobody knows my history -- thank god so far I've been okay but who knows what happens next week, next moment, I don't know. >> Asha: nick, things look bad for the sault right now but they could get worse. Walk us through that. >> Reporter: they predict by the end of 2024, somewhere around 0% of people in sault ste. Marie could be without primary care which is startling. And it is a fluid situation because we have learned this week that 3,000 of the 10,000 that have been de-rostered could find a new home in a new clinic opening. But primary care is in decline in sault ste. Marie. And what surprised me is when I spoke to people. Of course they're worried about their own healthcare, but they're all worried about something bigger too -- that's the future of their town. Will people want to move there if primary care is in trouble? This is a problem for small cities and towns all across the country. >> Asha: a definite crisis. Thank you, nick. >> Reporter: you're welcome. >> Asha: india's prime minister is set to clinch a third term as his popularity seemingly grows. >> Draw your hands together for the influencer of influencers, the honourable narendra modi. >> Asha: his strongman tactics to win another election next. ( ) Announcer:Who cries more, winners or losers? Cry if you want to cry. Announcer:How far will champions go to win? I was just curious. Announcer:Does it matter if they have nothing to lose? Is that a yes? Announcer:When you get curious, you getCBC. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! I love walking, but it can be frustrating if my legs and feet are slowing me down. My pharmacy recommended revitive Medic Circulation Booster and I haven't looked back. Drug-free Revitiveis clinically proven to actively improveleg circulation, relieve achesand pains and help youwalk further. Revitive Medicis also suitable for peoplediagnosed with Osteoarthritisor Diabetes. I believe using Revitive has really helped me. Give it a go today! For latest offers on the Revitive pain range see instore or Summer starts... now! The new dq Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at dq. Happy tastes good. My name is Egypt Sherrod. I'm an interior designer and real estate broker. I'm Mike Jackson. I'm a contractor builder. When we decided to take our old deck down, we knew right away we were going in with TimberTech. The longevity, the sustainability, and you get 50 years out of it. I mean, more than with wood. You get, at least... You get probably one year. The thing about it, it doesn't look like plastic from a design perspective. It's beautiful. So for our family and maybe for yours, there's just so many reasons to have a TimberTech deck.

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