
CBCN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #32

in the west bank. It is the university have no bases in fact. Our counteroffer stems that the office of the president has the ability to create new processes and procedures to make decisions on issues like divestment. There's an ongoing genocide. Over 40,000 people have been murdered. Now is the time to make these decisions. Now is the time to divest. We know he can do that again for palestine. >> Linda: a reminder to our viewers, the I.C.J. is looking into whether genocide is occurring in gaza or not. I want to ask you about the decision to remain camps. The university says you had ample time to protest. There are ways to continue that protest that don't involve in encampment. Why do you feel you need to remain, specifically camped out and continue this protest? >> Right. It is 2024 encampment. This call to disclose and divest iss not new. We have been calling for this for years. For the past eight months, we have been outside protesting doing rallyies. The university has not met us. They have failed to acknowledge the gravity of the situation at hand. They have failed to speak to us about our demand. He hasn't attended one negotiation meeting since our encampment started. The offer they did give to us was a restatement of university policy. It wasn't an offer. This is the fist time that they are discussing disclosure and divestment with us. That's why we have to escalate and set the encampment up. Eight plus months we were protesting and asking for them to speak to us. They refuse. This is only way to get their attention. This time we will made steadfast. >> Linda: this isn't only something we've even at u of f. We've seen on the universities go through this. Where have you seen protests like yours resolve well? >> Right in the u.s., for example, there are examples of universities agreed and made commitments to things like divestment and disclosure. Ontario tech were able to strike a deal. McMASTER was able to strike a deal. In u of t we're not looking for what they reach at McMASTER. We are asking for immediate divestment and immediate disclosure, cutting ties with specific institutions, for example the hebrew university. Our demands are a little bit different. We have seen these encampments have been able to at least get admin to recognise the gravity of the situation and to begin working on divestment and disclosure. >> Linda: there's consequences here potentially. If police do show up at the encampment on monday morning and force that trespass order. Is the group ready to deal with the consequences here? >> We do think that it is appalling that the university is not allowing us to practice our freedom of expression on campus. They are threatening students with academic extension and faculty that their jobs will be taken from them. Admin said they want a peaceful resolution. We ask for them to actually negotiate with us in good faith so we can reach a peaceful resolution. Of course, the consequence of academic sanction is real. It is scary for some. But at the same time, what is more scary there's an ongoing genocide with over 40,000 people murdered. Many of our campers lost hundreds a hundred of family members. >> Linda: hoping that there are productive talks with this upcoming meeting in just under two hours. Thank you very much for your joining us today. For the first time in months, hamas has hit central israel with rocket attacks. The militant group said it launched a barrage of projectiles. A barrage of projectile from rafah in southern gaza. Journalist irris makler is in jerusalem and has the details. >> Reporter: what we know is that the barrage of something like eight rockets, crossed into israeli airspace. Most of them were intercepted. There was minor injuries, minor damage. Very few injuries to people. Nevertheless, most of that was injuries from shrapnel. Israelis in the centre of the country were running to the bomb

shelters. Airport was closed. It did have an impact on israel. What hamas said it's interesting. It's been four months since the last barrage to central israel. Hamas claimed responsibility. Pretty smartly. They said they were doing it in retaliation to israel's massacre. What israel says is this. They are firing from rafah. That's also significant. They are firing from rafah as israeli troops advance. They know once those rockets and weapons are located, they will destroy them. They are using it before they can be destroyed. Nevertheless, they have given some ammunition to right wing politicians in israel who say how can you stop fighting in rafah when there's still sufficient weapons there to be fired into central israel? >> Linda: this latest escalation came after eight trucks came through israel to bypass the rafah crossing through egypt. What can you tell us about that? >> Reporter: hundreds of trucks were lined outside the rafah crossing since israel took that crossing on may 6th. It's not far, 5 kilometres down the road to an israeli border crossing. They are going in from there. Some 200 trucks ready to go in. Much of the food has already spoiled. We have heard from palestinian sources inside the gaza strip that eight trucks had gone in with fuel and cooking gas. That is significant. What's coming in from the other pier that the U.S. set up is a smaller amount of aid. It's more expensive to get in. It doesn't come in the same quantity. Everybody is advocating for aid to come in by land through the old system through these border crossings. However, the problem is distribution. What we're hearing from the owner of the U.N. refugee agency, once it gets in it's hard to get it out. Especially to the something like 900,000 palestinians estimated to be on the coast having fled rafah. How do you get them to the coastal area. There's nothing there but the but the tents that they put up. There's no infrastructure. All of those issues, has to be said the fact that some aid is going in. >> Linda: that's irris makler in jerusalem. Representatives from dozens of countries are in brussels to talk about the future of the palestinian authority. The meeting comes just days before three european countries are set to recognise a palestinian state. >> The palestinian government calls on all states that have not yet recognised the state of palestine to take this principle decision as soon as possible. >> Linda: that was palestinian prime minster today thanking spain, norway and ireland for their decision to officially recognise the palestinian state later this week. He calls on the international community to pressure israel for a cease-fire. Today's meeting in brussels is a chance for countries to exchange views about the plans and priorities of the palestinian authority which currently controls the west bank. Several european countries say that the palestinian authority should take over the control of gaza from hamas. Still ahead. A mid-air turbulence scare on dozen people on qatar airways flight to dublin. Details after the break on cbc news network. >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) I'm lost in love... (Electronic chime) So lost in love with you Get started for free on eharmony. (Giggling) Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Good. Good. Good morning. Hey. Good morning with Dulcolax

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airlines says it is cooperating with investigators on the investigation there. That plane that returned to singapore today from bangkok where it made that emergency landing. Many of the passengers remain in bangkok where they are being treated. >> Linda: that was cbc's albert delitala. Police in india have arrested the owner of a clinic for babies after a fire there killed seven infants. It happened in the capitol new delhi. A fire spread quickly after igniting oxygen tank at the facility. 12 babies were there at the time. The firefighters managed to save five who were taken to another hospital. They say limited access slowed them down. The building had a single staircase and no fire escape. The blaze happened on the same day as the fire at an arcade killed 27 people. You're watching cbc news network. >> Andrew Chang: So you want to watchCBC News Explore, a new kind of news channel. Here's how to find us. We're on theCBC Newsapp, onCBC Gem, and on your smart tv. Stream any time. It's always free. Cbc News Explore. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! A new arrival alarms the brotherhood of muscle. Muscular features signal power and performance. Attributes they've never seen in this build. ( ) Behold a new breed. Ready to swarm, ready to sting, ready to electrify. ( ) The defiant power packed hybrid electric Dodge Hornet r/t. Performance electrified. How can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. My SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. And for most plans, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Call or visit now for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. That's ["Pull up" by Keys n Krates and Haviah Mighty] feeling heavy chillin but I'm feeling ready pulled up in a big old Chevy dance floor stop see mi gal dem drop queen with the locs and the crown on top beat of a boss neversound on pause of it ain't the Henny gimme Crown on rocks ah Announcer:Stories that make you think. -Will you lower prices? Announcer:If it matters in your home -I'm going to get in more debt. Announcer:or to this country -Affordable housing. -Climate change. Announcer:it's onCanada Tonightwith Travis Dhanraj. Watch onCBC News NetworkandCBC Gem. >> Linda: the first season of the professional women's hockey league could come to a conclusion tonight in minnesota. >> Next up sunday with a chance to hoist the walter cup. >> Linda: that was the scene on friday when host minnesota beat boston in game three of the pwhl finals to take a 2-1 series lead. If minnesota wins today, they'll take the best of five series and hoist the walter cup. If boston extend the series with a win on the road, the deciding game will take place in boston on wednesday. The puck drops for game four 5:00 P.M. central time and 6:00 P.M. eastern in st. Paul, minnesota. In the nhl playoffs the dallas stars tied up the western conference finals last night with a win over the edmonton oilers in game two. The stars were able to pull ahead in the 3rd period when mason marchman tipped a shot passed the oiler's goalie. The sars would end a goal to win the game 3-1. Game three takes place in edmonton tomorrow night.

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a major union is encouraging its members to join student at the site tomorrow in a show of support. Cbc's lisa shing reports from the encampment. >> Reporter: the encampment here at the university of toronto has been going on for three weeks now. Time is ticking. The university has given protesters a notice of trespass meaning they could face legal penalties if they don't clear the encampment by monday morning. They also told students that they could face suspension if they don't clear the encampment and faculty and staff could be fired as well. For three weeks now, hundreds of protesters have been sleeping in tents here on campus in a bid to get the school to restructure its finances as well as its academic relationships to sanctions israel AMIDst the gar in gaza. The university said the protest must end. It has put stress on the entire community. University president had outlined an offer to the students saying, it would consider strike up a committee including students to consider divesting from israel over the next few months. Protesters here say that's not good enough. Here's what they said earlier today about their counteroffer. >> We're interested in committees. We're interested in commitments. We're getting the university of toronto to divest from weapon manufacturing. The proposal they put forward is the processes for divestment. We know that these processes are not a guarantee. >> Reporter: meanwhile, the ontario federation of labour, which represented about million workers in the province, have thrown its support behind the students and staff protesting here, saying the university has to bargain in good faith without the threat of police interference. Its organizing a rally here monday morning as a show of support behind the protesters as well, there are negotiations tonight at 5:00 P.M. between the university as well as protest organizers. Lisa king, cbc news, toronto. >> Linda: for more on this, we're joined by a first year master student at the university of toronto, an encampment spokesperson. Thanks for joining us. It's been more than three weeks you rejected an offer from the university of toronto and have received a trespass notice. Now you put together this counteroffer. What are you hoping for at this meeting at 5:00 p.m.? >> We rejected that the first written offer is the final offer. They know that the first offer cannot be the final offer. Yet, here we are with a trespass notice and injunction. We're trying to negotiate in good faith as we have been trying to do since day one. As you mentioned, we get present our counteroffer earlier at the press conference and we will be presenting the same offer to them at the 5:00 P.M. meeting. >> Linda: okay. We've also heard there the o.f.l., ontario federation of labour saying if you move against the students, you'll have to go through workers first. How does this change your strategy going into this meeting? >> We are beyond faithful to the solidarity of the workers. Over a million people are represented by the O.F.L. over 54 unions. It does add layer of protection we know that university of toronto wants to shift the blame calling police on student, staff and faculty. We know that community will mobilize and protect us. That is what keep us safe. >> Linda: when it of cos comes to what you're asking for. U of t saying that has investments in weapon manufacturing companies such claim have no bases in fact, according to a statement they released today. What is your understanding what investments the university has and what do you specifically need them to divest from in order to remove your encampment? >> That is untrue. We know from publicly available disclosure reports that 17 out of the 44 managers over see investments in at least 55 weapons. Most have direct relationship with the israeli defence forces. These managers have investments in at least 34 companies that have directly profited off israel's genocidal campaign. Finally, at least 12 out of 44 manager have direct investment in companies listed under U.N. in the west bank. It is the university have no

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