
CBCN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #28

not loosely fastened but keep it firmly fastened. If you're in a car wreck, you won't don't want to have a loosely fastened seat belt. >> Linda: the turbulence that they hit, are there any clues that you can glean from what we're hearing about the flight about what this airplane encountered? >> Well, here's the situation. If you have no turbulence, if flying through area of thunderstorms. You know the storms are there. You warn the people what to expect. Usually if it's some turbulence associated with it. It's not for naught turning the seat belt sign on. When you get through, you can turn the sign off. You don't know when to turn the seat belt sign on. If you leave it on all the time, people are going to ignore it. They'll get up and walk anyway to use the restroom. You can expect the seat belt sign won't be on more than likely when you encounter this unexpected turbulence. >> Linda: if you can't see it coming, clear turbulence as a pilot, what can you do beyond quickly turning that seat belt light on? >> Well, by then it's too late. We have speeds called turbulence penetration speeds. If we had anticipated the turbulence, we could have slowed the airplane to that particular speed. Because there's no warning, we can't do anything. Once the turbulence occurs, turn on the seat belt sign on it's really too late. >> Linda: we had a pretty similar incident even more severe earlier this week. A man dying of suspected heart attack, dozens injured in a flight to singapore. Given that these incidents happened just days apart and we heard of recent incidents that are similar as well. How do you think this is affecting the public's perception about flight safety? >> Well, you're going to incur a certain amount of turbulence as well as normal turbulence. If you fasten your seat belt, it's probably not going to bother you. It's the folks that didn't do that that got injured. It's easy to prevent injury. That's the main takeaway. Passengers have to be prepared at any time to anticipate some turbulence. >> Linda: that's aviation expert keith mackey president of mackey international and former airline pilot. For the first time in months, hamas has hit central israel with rocket attacks. Militant group says it launched a barrage of projectile from rafah in southern gaza. Journalist irris makler is in jerusalem and has the details. >> Reporter: what we know is that the barrage of something like eight rockets, crossed into israeli airspace. Most of people were intercepted. There was minor injuries, minor damage. Very few injuries to people. Nevertheless, most of that was injuries from shrapnel. Israelis were running to bomb shelters. Airport was closed. It did have an impact on israel. What hamas said it's interesting. It's been four months since the last barrage to central israel. Hamas claimed responsibility. They said they were doing it in retaliation to israel's massacre. What israel says is this. They are firing from rafah. That's also significant. They are firing from rafah as israeli troops advance. They know once those rockets and weapons are located, they will destroy them. They are using it before they can be destroyed. Nevertheless, they have given some ammunition to right wing politicians in israel who say how do you stop fighting in rafah when there's still sufficient weapons there to be fired into central israel? >> Linda: this latest escalation came after eight trucks came through israel to bypass the rafah crossing through egypt. What can you tell us about that? >> Reporter: hundreds of trucks were lined outside the rafah crossing since israel took that crossing on may 6th. It's not far, 5 kilometres down the road to an israeli border crossing. They are going in from there. Some 200 trucks ready to go in. Much of the food has already spoiled. We have heard from palestinian sources inside the gaza strip that eight trucks had gone in

with fuel and cooking gas. That is significant. What's coming in from the other pier that the U.S. set up is a smaller amount of aid. It's more expensive to get in. It doesn't come in the same quantity. Everybody is advocating for aid to come in by land through the old system through these border crossings. However, the problem is distribution. What we're owning from the U.N. refugee agency, once it gets in it's hard to get it out. Especially to the something like 900,000 palestinians estimated to be on the coast having fled rafah. How do you get them to the coastal area. There's nothing there but the but the deputies they -- tents they put up. There's no infrastructure. All of those issues, has to be said the fact that some aid is going in. >> Linda: that's irris makler in jerusalem. Representatives from dozens of countries are in brussels to talk about the future of the palestinian authority. The meeting comes just days before three european countries are set to recognise a palestinian state. >> The palestinian government calls on all states that have not yet recognised the state of palestine to take this principle decision as soon as possible. >> Linda: that was palestinian prime minster today thanking spain, norway and ireland for their decision to officially recognise the palestinian state later this week. He calls on the international community to pressure israel for a cease-fire. Today's meeting in brussels is a chance for countries to exchange views about the plans and priorities of the palestinian authority which currently controls the west bank. Several european countries say that the palestinian authority should take over the control of gaza from hamas. Meanwhile, at the university of toronto, organizers from a pro-palestinian encampment have released a counter proposal they plan to present to school officials later today. >> This process is slow. Bureaucratic and archaic. We reject playing a game that will go nowhere. Our counteroffer is built on the fact that the office of the president has the ability to create new processes and make decisions on divestments. >> Linda: they want the university of toronto to divest fully from israel and suspend any ties to the country. The counterproposal will be handed to school officials ought 5:00 P.M. eastern time. Protesters have been issued a trespass notice and told to leave by 8:00 tomorrow morning. U of f presented an a ever last week that the school says claims has investment in weapons manufacturing companies in israel has no bases in fact. Also in toronto, police are searching for multiple suspects who fired gunshots at a jewish girl elementary school. >> Suspects arrived at the school in a vehicle. Dark coloured vehicle. They exited the vehicle and opened fire at the school causing damage to the front of the school. The suspect then got back in the vehicle and left the area. There were no reported sound of gunshots at the time. There was no reported injuries. >> Linda: the force hate crime unit is helping with the investigation and police are increasing their presence in the local community. Prime minster justin trudeau and ontario premier doug ford have taken to social media to condemn the shooting and call it an act of anti-semitism. Still ahead, iran's exiled crown prince speaks about the war between israel and hamas and his home -- hope for his country's future. >> We are liberated from this regime. >> Linda: more of his comments straight ahead. You're watching cbc news network. >>The Great Canadian Baking Showis back. >> And the winner is... >> Alan, no, it's too soon for that. [upbeat jazz] >> How about after? >> Give me that. >> Ok, sure. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. This is our future, ma. GoDaddy airo. Creates a logo, website, even social posts in minutes! -How? -a.i. Ay I like it! Who wants to come see the future?! Get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo. Looking for a natural

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today. She's filled you our hearts with joy. She is sanctuary super star. She's never managed to have a companion who will accept her. >> Eddie the alpaca arrived in october last year. In very poor shape. He's quite a bit older. We don't know how old. He is completely crippled from not being able to move for so long. Because his coat was so heavy. He is slowly recovering. In that recovering stage, just recently, we happen to bring the two alpacas into the same paddock. They met up and formed a bond. A bond that is most unlikely. It's precious. >> Eddie was observing her. I saw him watching her. He couldn't take his eyes off her. I think he was noticing that when the others were mean to her, she didn't retaliate. She didn't react in the normal llama alpaca way. I think that interested him. He up until then, couldn't think of mixing with anyone. He got up. He went over. He said hello. That was it. He started humming. She followed his hums. At last she had a sound to follow. They were inseparable. >> The two find a companion for her or for her to find a companion is miraculous. It really uplifting. >> Linda: heartwarming alpaca love story there. Well, with just more than 60 days to go until the olympics in paris. We're getting a preview of the surfing venue for the game. Take a look. Tahiti competition being held the same spot where many of these athletes will return to in late july after a few lay days due to poor conditions. The competitors are stoked. This is cbc news network. >> Adrienne Arsenault: You are constantly on the move, and so are we, making sense of the moments that matter. >> Are you ok? >> Been quite a day, to be honest. >> I'm Adrienne Arsenault. This isThe National. ( ) (Wincing) Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) ( ) Interrupted by dry eyes? Get fast-acting relief with hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Made with a naturallysourced lubricant. hydraSense eye drops. [ Serene music playing ] Welcome to the Wayborhood. The Wayfair vibe at our place is Western. My thing, Darling? Shine. Gardening. Some of us go for the dramatic. How didn't I know Wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] This. Wow! Do you have any ottomans without legs. Sure. You'll flip for the poof cart. in the Wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. Wayfair. Every style. Every home. Physical activity decreases tension. ( ) So you can unwind better. >> Announcer: Breaking news that shapes your world. With localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home. It's news you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. >> Linda: hello, you're watching cbc news network. I'm linda ward. Coming up, hamas launches a rocket attack at tel-aviv for the first time in months. We'll bring you all the details. Also ahead. A big meeting today at the university of toronto school

administrators are set for talks with pro-palestinian activists ahead of tomorrow morning deadline to remove a protest camp set up on campus. Some fireworks at the U.S. libertarian party's national convention. Where donald trump gets heckled and booed. We begin with another mid-air incident that left multiple people injured today. It happened on a qatar air aways plane flying from the middle east to dublin. Cbc's albert delitala is looking into what happened. >> Reporter: 12 people were injured when that qatar airways flight hit turbulence on its way to dublin. The airport does say that it landed safely and on time. But certainly, some scary moments. Let's show you on a map just where it happened. The airport confirms the qatar flight over turkiye. The incident reportedly lasting less than 20 seconds according to passengers. It happened during the food and drink service on the plane. Six passengers and six crew reported injuries. You can see some of the scenes there after that plane safely landed meeting emergency crew when it did on the ground. Here's some passengers who spoke to irish public broadcaster R.T.E. after they got off the plane. >> We were all over the plane and everywhere. [ indiscernible ] >> Flight attendant went into the air. Food went everywhere. It was panic everywhere. >> Reporter: the airline calls the injuries minor and said that those who were injured are receiving medical attention. It didn't directly comment on the turbulence. It did say that an internal investigation is happening into that incident. >> Linda: sounds like a pretty harrowing incident according to the passengers on that flight. It also sounds like we're hearing about these things more frequently lately. This comes just days after a fatal incident on a singapore airlines flight. Tell us more about that. >> Reporter: that was on tuesday singapore airlines flight. That flight hit severe turbulence on its way to singapore from london. A 73-year-old british man died of suspected heart attack. You can see some of the scenes on that plane after all of that. 20 people sent to the I.C.U. the U.S. transportation safety board says turbulence is the most common kind of airplane incident. Most of those incidents result in one or more serious injuries. One airline say the analyst says turbulence is becoming more common with climate change. That airlines are adjusting their planes accordingly. >> Over the last 20 years, [ indiscernible ] multiscan, which is mentioned really good picture of what the weather is like ahead. They are making progress into turbulence detection as well. Also, airlines are now sharing data between aircraft encounters with turbulence everybody can be advised that's on that same flight track. >> Reporter: in terms of that singapore airline incident, the airlines says it is cooperating with investigators on the investigation there. That plane that returned to singapore today from bangkok where it made that emergency landing. Many of the passengers remain in bangkok where they are being treated. >> Linda: that was cbc's albert delitala. Keith mackey the former airline pilot and aviation expert. He spoke to us how to protect yourself. >> Reporter: well, it sound like they were serving meals. It can happen suddenly without any warning. If you're not strapped in there's a good chance you'll get brain and upper spinal injuries. While you're seated, keep that belt fastened. Not loosely fastened but keep it firmly fastened. If you're in a car wreck, you

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