
CBCN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #25

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but the want to talk about the supreme leader meeting with the leader of hamas. The reigning government supports hamas. What is your view about the role that iran a is playing in that war and then the proxy wars happening around it? >> Obviously, the approach that ebrahim raisi had is justification of proxy wars he has maintained throughout these last 30 years, since the end of the iranian-iraq wars. They have silenced them, equipped them with weapons and all sorts. As a result, we've seen that it is interfering in the region and trying to establish his own regiment under the shi'ite calumet and they're bringing their proxies to bring more pressure in the region, whether it's hamas or hezbollah or islamic jihad or even the houthis. This is part of the proxy involvement in the immediate region and well beyond that with the irgc that stretches to venezuela and other places. >> Rosemary: where do you think the people of iran stand or what are they thinking about the escalating tensions between israel and iran right now? >> I think the people of iran have always tried to message the world that a liberated iran, a democratic iran, will seek only peace and good relations with our neighbours, whether it's the arabs and the israelis, completely opposite what this regime has been standing for. The only way to eliminate the problem is by this regime no longer being in power. The guarantee of having an opportunity for the whole world to be released of the problematics involved with the regime. Whether it is nuclear threat, terrorism, or radicalism spreading. Put an end to it. It's why we have the escalation unless we offer a better solution and that means investing on the people of iran as the alternative at the end of the day. That's why I think the canadian government and other governments should support the iranian people and bring as much as there is economic sanctions to put pressure on the regime, but parallel to that, a policy on maximum support to give people equal footing to be able to, you know, fight against an extremely repressive regime. >> Rosemary: you were recently in canada and met with government officials. Is that the message you sent to them? And what does that look like for canada to support iranians without being caught up in support of the regime? >> Well, first of all, I would like to offer my appreciation from the state, coming from prime minister trudeau, that rather than sending condolences it was support in the iranian people which is what we expect from democratic leaders. I think canada could do more. One of the key issues on the table is the inscription of the irgc as a terrorist organization. This is something critical because if you look at it, irgc has been the main operating mechanism whether at home or interference abroad. That is additional pressure on the regime, but it also sends a strong signal to the iranian people that we are taking measures. And beyond that and I think depending on which political party is more inclined to do that, one of the key issues inned in is the money laundering operations by the regime. These have to be dealt with politically. My approach to foreign governments, has been expectation of bipartisan support. It should not be exclusively one party when it comes to human rights and liberty, although some parties are more responsible than others. But in general, I think canada is showing at least that they have the correct approach, but we hope they will do more. I think the precedence is set and that should be the case of the g7. It will be critical to have the inscription of the irgc as a terrorist organization. It's been legislated for, but governments have to make the final decision. >> Rosemary: there was a motion where it was voted on in parliament here, although that's not binding for the government. One of the -- I'm sure you know -- one of the reasons the government has given for not doing that is complexity in labelling who you would go after given you are forced to participate in military service in iran. Do you understand that reasoning? Or do you think they're making it more complicated than it needs to be? >> There is a possible answer to that problem in the sense that you could say as of now, whoever continues with the irgc will be subject to that, but those prior are now residents in canada, it may not necessarily have to

apply to them retroactively. That's one way of satisfying the concerns of government that hesitate doing that because of that issue, but at the same time it doesn't eliminate the fact that the we have to hold the irgc accountable. This may be a way around it and I don't know if it could be implemented or not. >> Rosemary: what needs to happen to make sure that the war we're seeing in israel and gaza doesn't get to be a broader war? What kind of things need to happen from the international community? >> Looking beyond the status quo and limiting your options to either diplomacy which has failed and conflict, military intervention, which is not desirable. As a result, you're faced with only one possibility, that direct support to the people of iran as the agent of change. It starts from the inside of the country. It doesn't require foreign intervention if you opt for that strategy. On the other hand, if the iranian people are not given the proper support, you have other options less desirable lingering. All of us want to avoid conflict because that's definitely lose-lose. I believe the only win-win solution for the world and the iranian people is to get rid of the regime. There has to be a decision made about regime change. Why do I say that? Because the free world was based on the false premise of expecting behaviour change by the regime. And behaviour cannot change in this regime, because the dna is what it is. They're not about to change face. You cannot turn a wolf into a sheep. You cannot redesign and change that. That won't ever happen. So therefore, rather than lingering on expecting that attitude to -- behaviour to change, the solution is the regime itself has to no longer be there. So regime change ought to be the final solution. That's what the people of iran are crying for. 80% of iranian society are done with the regime. They want to go beyond the regime. I hope the world acknowledges this is ultimately the desire of freedom-seeking iranians and be on the right side of history. >> Rosemary: thank you so much for making the time. Appreciate it, sir. Always want to know about what you think you see on the show. You have an opinion. Something you want to say. Send us an e-mail at Announcer:Can heartbreak help break records? You want to be great, you need to sacrifice. Announcer:Do bigger fans have higher blood pressure? How's your heart rate? Announcer:Why do we love rooting for underdogs? Gotta support the home team. Announcer:When you get curious, you getCBC. Do you remember when I gave you that? 50 years ago, and I'm still trying to figure it out. Well, one thing we did figure out was a better way to waterproof decks and balconies. Certainly did. It takes no time at all to solve your decking needs at (Opening Mnemonic) (music throughout) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The all new GoDaddy Airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. Just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. Make now the future at ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. Parrots are incredible animals. [Parrot] Another overdue bill! Yeah. They're also extremely intelligent. [Parrot] Forgot to pay again! They also repeat things they hear a lot. The new bmo eclipse rise Visa card rewards you with points for paying your bill on time every month to help build a routine. [Parrot] Rewards you with points! And you get 5x the points on things like groceries, dining and recurring bill payments. [Parrot] For paying your bill! —But also you can... — [Parrot] Every month! —And just remember. —[Parrot] Build a routine! [Parrot squawking] He is a talker. When a bank helps you make real financial progress. That's the bmo Effect. Bmo Duradek is a family business supporting dedicated contractors for over 45 years. We're growing, and demand is high for more dealers and installers. For opportunities in your area visit >> Adrienne Arsenault: You are constantly on the move, and so are we, making sense of the moments that matter, together. >> I really like the good ideas that come out of these conversations. >> Adrienne: With you, and for you. >> Are you ok? >> Been quite a day, to be honest. >> I'm Adrienne Arsenault. This isThe National.

[ ] >> Rosemary: HAMAS SAYS IT LAUNCHED A LARGE MISSILE ATTACK ON TEL-AVIV TODAY. [SIRENS SOUNDING] >> Rosemary: THERE ARE THE ROCKET SIRENS BLARING THROUGH THE CITY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOUR MONTHS. ISRAEL ARMY SAYS EIGHT ROCKETS WERE FIRED IN THE CENTRAL PART OF THE COUNTRY AND THEY CAME FROM RAFAH. HOWEVER THE MILITARY SAYS IT HAS INTERCEPTED SEVERAL OF THE ROCKETS. ISRAELI MEDICAL SERVICES SAY THEY RECEIVED NO REPORTS OF CASUALTIES. THE PRIME MINISTER ANNOUNCED TODAY HE'LL BE TRAVELLING TO FRANCE IN JUNE TO MARK THE 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF NORMANDY AND D DAY. JUNE 6, 1944 CANADIANS STORMED THE BEACH. NOW, 80 YEARS LATER, THE PRIME MINISTER WILL TRAVEL TO NORMANDY TO MARK THE DAY AND THE CONTRIBUTION OF SO MANY CANADIANS. THAT IS "ROSEMARY BARTON LIVE" FOR THIS SUNDAY. HOPE TO SEE YOU BACK HERE NEXT WEEK IF NOT BEFORE. HAVE A GREAT REST OF YOUR DAY. BYE-BYE. [ ] Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Owning an NHL team. Penguins head office went through your offer and it looks good. Wow. [he chuckles] Get me on the phone with Copps Coliseum, tell them I want to buy it. [upbeat rock] Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it. Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Start your 30—day home trial at Terms apply. Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims Dry skin needs a little extra care. And it's natural. Treat it that way. With Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion. Formulated with nourishing prebiotic oat. Proven to moisturize dry skin. All-day. Also, try our face formula. Aveeno. ( ) In here... you can expect to find... crystal clear audio... expansive display space... endless entertainment... and more comfort for everyone... But even with all that... we still left room... for all the unpredictability... spontaneity.. and unexpected things... you'll find out here... Jeep. Grand Cherokee. The most awarded SUV ever. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The CHIP Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation CHIP Reverse Mortgage Guide. With CHIP you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider CHIP too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit CHIP dot ca. Call CHIP today and live retirement your way. Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the difference! Genacol® Makes me feel so good! Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. Financial goals. At Fidelity, we know that everyone's got them. And they're all different. But the one thing we share? We all want to get to them sooner. ( ) ( )

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Asian Heritage Month. Join us in celebrating the many contributions that Asian Canadians make to Canada. >> Hello, you're watching cbc news network. I'm linda ward. Coming up, hamas launches a rocket attack at tel-aviv for the first time in months. We'll bring you all the details. Also ahead. A big meeting today at the university of toronto school administrators are set for talks with pro-palestinian activists ahead of tomorrow morning deadline to remove a protest camp set up on campus. The professional women's hockey league could crown its first ever champion later today. We begin with another mid-air incident that left multiple injured today. It happened on a qatar airways plane flying from doha to dublin. Cbc news's albert delitala is looking into this story. Take us through what happened here. >> Reporter: 12 people were injured when that qatar airways flight hit turbulence on its way to dublin. The airport does say that it landed safely an on time. But certainly, some scary moments. Let's show you on a map just where it happened. The our port confirms the qatar flight over turkiye. The incident reportedly lasting less than 20 seconds according to passengers. It happened during the food and drink service on the plane. Six passengers and six crew reported injuries. You can see some of the scenes there after that plane safely landed meeting emergency crew when it did on the ground. Here's some passengers who spoke to irish public broadcaster R.T.E. after they got off the plane. >> We were all over the plane and everywhere. [ indiscernible ] >> Flight attendant went into the air. Food went everywhere. It was panic everywhere. >> Reporter: the airline calls the injuries minor and said that those who were injured are receiving medical attention. It didn't directly comment on the turbulence. It did say that an internal investigation is happening into that incident. >> Linda: sounds like a pretty harrowing incident according to the passengers on that flight. It also sounds like we're hearing about these things more frequently lately. This comes just days after a fatal incident on a singapore airlines flight. Tell us more about that. >> Reporter: that was on tuesday singapore airlines flight. That flight hit severe turbulence on its way to singapore from london. A 73-year-old british man died of suspected heart attack. You can see some of the scenes on that plane after all of that. 20 people sent to the I.C.U. the U.S. transportation safety board says turbulence is the most common kind of airplane incident. Most of those incidents result in one or more serious injuries. One airline say the analyst says turbulence is becoming more common with climate change. That airlines are adjusting their planes accordingly. >> Over the last 20 years, aircraft [ indiscernible ] multiscan, which is mentioned really good picture of what the weather is like ahead. They are making progress into turbulence detection as well. Also, airlines are now sharing data between aircraft encounters with turbulence everybody can be advised that's on that same flight track. >> Reporter: in terms of that singapore airline incident, the airlines says it is cooperating with investigators on the investigation there. That plane that returned to singapore today from bangkok where it made that emergency landing. Many of the passengers remain in bangkok where they are being treated. >> Linda: albert delitala. Thank you very much. Joining us with more on this story is keith mackey. He's an aviation expert. President of mackey international, former airline pilot. Thank you very much for being on the show today. 12 people injured on this flight. It sounds like, according to

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