
CBCN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #23

considered or talked about? I understand this is not about judging the work of the rcmp, but do you think the rcmp should still be in the business of outsourcing police business? >> The police contract we have is the model for british columbia. I do not see that changing. They do remarkable work around the province. In fact, british columbia made the largest investment in rcmp resources in the history of this province. Indeed, I think of any rcmp jurisdiction in the country. We're just over 18 months ago we announced influx of $230 million to hire an additional 256 members to fill the provincial vacancies we have in B.C. and we're well under way to accomplishing that. >> Rosemary: I want to ask you -- because I have you -- a little bit about decriminalization. We've been talking about it a lot. The federal government approved the parameters around your pilot to recriminalize the use of drugs in public spaces. Tell me, is that happening now? And can you already see a difference? >> Yes, it is in place. Responding to public concerns about public drug use which was never what decriminalization was about. And I'm hearing anecdotally from people that I run into on the street, that they're seeing a difference already. I think that the changes that we made respond to concerns and the needs of police, but also the public and communities that we have been hearing from. >> Rosemary: do you still believe in the idea of decriminalization as part of a harm reduction strategy? I'm sure you know, minister, there are some who looked at what happened and said, oh, this is a sign this is failure. >> We have a toxic drug crisis in this province like provinces do across the country. And we've taken an approach that recognizes this is a health issue, not a criminal issue. And so we did the pilot, we put that in place. We wanted to ensure that people get the treatment they need, but also are in a position to be able to recognize, you know what? This is not about public drug use. And we're seeing individuals that seem to think they can use drugs wherever they want to and that is not the case. That's why we brought forward the legislation which is tied up in courts and it's also why we decided we need to take the action we did. And so our approach is that, you know, you cannot use drugs in public. In your own home, that's fine. We don't want people to not call 911 or the police for fear of being arrested in their own home, but we also want to make sure we have the treatment in place and the health supports and we've made over a billion dollars in this year's budget to accomplish just that. >> Rosemary: okay, minister, thank you for taking the time appreciate it. >> Coming up, donald trump gets a surprise welcome at the libertarian party convention. [booing] >> Rosemary: there was a lot of boos there mixed with a little bit of cheering. We'll talk about that, including nikki haley endorsement on the american roundtable. It's sunday. We're live. We'll be Welcome to Canmore, Alberta. This will be your toughest day yet. -Get back up! Boom! -Don't eavesdrop. -i can't shut my ears off. Well then shut your mouth off. Announcer: Canada's Ultimate Challenge. Watch free onCBC Gem. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Tap into BetMGM Casino and you're entering a huge library full of exclusive games. Games you won't find anywhere else. Looking for jackpots? Right this way. You'll always find someone ready to give you a hand. Or some dice. Your favorite games waiting for you... On BetMGM Casino. ( ) (Wincing) Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Inu Nagamu is one of Canada's largest Indigenous and alcohol-free music festival. In the heart of the Cote Nord region in Mani-Utenam, Inu Nagamu Festival proudly celebrates its 40th edition to the rhythm of Indigenous artists from near and far, in addition to presenting world-class performances

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>> This issue has been taking so much band width, so much political band width. There is an area of division in the democratic party that is a challenge for the president, even if he still says that the U.S. is fully behind israel, not necessarily the choices made by israel's prime minister. Certainly if a cease-fire could be achieved, there is a lot of reasons both political and humanitarian why that would be very helpful both to the president and obviously the people in gaza. So the white house has been pushing for this. They have expressed optimism repeatedly there would be a deal and repeatedly they've been disappointed. >> Rosemary: yep. I'll switch to the other candidates. We saw donald trump get booed at a libertarian convention. We played it because it's rare that happened, but at the same time nikki haley has endorsed trump and he says she'll now be on our team. What should this tell us? Is nikki haley going to be a V.P. candidate? What is going on in terms of the partnership? >> Donald trump has a lot of work to do to consolidate the party and now he's reaching out to libertarians to expand his base. The people that come to his rallies, that doesn't equal a majority of the american people. It's not a winning coalition. He's even going into hostile territory. When it comes to nikki haley's endorsement, that is important to the trump coalition, because we've seen nikki haley getting hundreds of thousands of votes even after she dropped out of the race. People who don't like donald trump's brand of republican politics and now that he has nikki haley's endorsement, he can say I'm opening the door to these people, I'm putting them on my team and maybe even offering V.P. spot to win back the votes. She is in a power position. It's remains how that's going to play out going forward. >> Rosemary: a biden official met with nikki haley supporters. What is going on there? How should we interpret that kind of rare move I would say? >> Thinks the other side of the coin. Nikki haley is getting 15% in republican primaries even as trump has clinched the nomination. The biden campaign sees opportunity there. These are voters voting against trump. Nikki haley is the vessel for the voters' angst. The biden campaign has put more than a million dollars behind ads where nikki haley got a lot of votes, trying to reach voters in the suburbs and other soft republicans. Now how many of them they'll actually get is unclear, but they're working to have an organising effort where republicans talk to republicans about voting for biden instead of trump. >> Rosemary: that's super interesting. I want to talk to you about louisiana where they approved the legislation of making possession of abortion pills as a crime. Biden is saying this is chaos. What do you expect from the president or democrats in terms of political manoeuvring? >> This is going to be a piece with an ongoing conversation that democrats and president biden are having highlighting the women who haven't been able to get health care, not just abortions, but i.v.f., other health care, troubled pregnancies they haven't been able to receive health care for. You can expect to hear those stories right through election day and especially at the convention. >> Rosemary: yesterday was the fourth anniversary of george floyd's death. You coauthored the book, it's now out in paper back. President biden called on congress to move on a police reform bill. Give us a sense if anything has changed dramatically since the killing of george floyd? >> If you look back four years ago, there has been change at the local level, but the federal level we have never seen civil rights law passing. President biden has done something with action, but it all falls short of what the family of george floyd were calling for in the after math of his death. That is political liability for president biden. A lot of people that voted are asking why should we give you another four years when you had four years to deliver on your promises? This is a political liability. He's going to try to show that

he's done as much as we can, but it's going to be a tough sell and he's going to have to lean in on that to show the people who were active in 2020 but now are disillusioned. >> Rosemary: he's trying to work hard to make sure he can keep african-americans on side and this would speak to that? >> I was interviewing black voters in north carolina for a story I'm working on. And again and again I heard I voted for democrats all my life, yet things just don't change. And so biden is not getting credit for half steps or executive actions. That's the challenge that the biden campaign and his supporters have to work through to try to convince those voters to vote for him, to not stay home, but to come and vote and also not to vote for trump. That's probably an easier sell, but getting the turnout from voters disillusioned is a real challenge. >> Thank you for spending part of your long weekend. I hope there are barbecues in your sunday future [laughter]. Good to see you both. Bye, guys. We have a lot coming up in the next hour. The U.S. palestinian, I'll speak with him about the I.C.J. ruling. The recognition of the palestinian state by three countries. And I'll speak with kevin cramer about the letter we talked about off the top. A bipartisan group of senators urging canada to increase its defence spending to reach that nato 2% target. And I'll speak with exiled crown prince, the death Announcer:Stories that make you think. -Will you lower prices? Announcer:If it matters in your home -I'm going to get in more debt. Announcer:or to this country -Affordable housing. -Climate change. Announcer:it's onCanada Tonightwith Travis Dhanraj. Watch onCBC News NetworkandCBC Gem. (Keys jingling, click of light switch) Your boss' name is Heather And she made you have an awful day Let me sing all your problems away Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. (Sniffling) Feeling Claritin Clear is like... ( ) Is she...? Claritin Clear? Yeah. Get fast, non-drowsy allergy symptom relief. Live Claritin Clear. Around here, light can bring out the best in you. It can make you believe you'll find the buried treasure. Tempt you to bet on yourself. Convince you there's room for one more bite. And beg you to stay out way past your bedtime Don't say we didn't warn you. Come find your island. Prince Edward Island ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Loving the uncommon is a wonderful thing we have in common. ( ) Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the difference! Genacol® Makes me feel so good! When Heart to Home Meals delivers my order. It takes me back to the good old days. When I don't feel like cooking, I have great tastingmeals on hand that are just right for me. And Jeff will even put themright in my freezer, if I like. He's an old soul. I simply order my favorites,like beef stew and honey garlic chicken,and there's no contracts. I just pay for what I order. Heart to Home Mealsmade for seniors. Why cook when youcan simply enjoy. Being a Dad means sometimesmaking decisionsthat don't win youany popularity But you do itbecause you care. That's why I'm taking steps to protect my family'sfinancial future. Welcome to Cover Direct.How can I help? Hi, I'd like toget a quote on Family LifeInsurance please? No problem.There's no complicated forms and you can arrangeeverything right now. If you're a CanadianResident aged 18-70, you can apply for upto $1.5 million of coverage,

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to report on the implementation of these orders. >> Rosemary: let me talk about the other sort of big development that happened last week and will happen officially next week. That is norway, ireland and spain officially recognizing a palestinian state. Why do you think these countries are choosing to make this recognition now? How significant is that for you? >> It is very significant. These countries came to the conclusion that they want to invest in peace and the two-state solution. Their dominant thinking among europeans was for a long period of time, wait until the negotiation is completed between the palestinians and the israelis and then issues of recognition and admission will follow. Now, there has been shift in that thinking and many european countries -- and there will be more -- who are saying this is the time to invest in peace and saving the two-state solution instead of waiting until the end of the process. Let us recognize the state of palestine, admit it to membership at the beginning of the process as investment in peace and saving the two-state solution. We are grateful for that and we expect more countries in europe and other parts of the world, including in asia, and here I'm referring to new zealand, australia, japan and south korea, these four countries voted among the 143 countries that voted in favour of the resolution adopted asking the security council to reconsider the mission of the state of palestine. It's very unfortunate that canada abstained on that resolution and did not join the other two countries, new zealand and australia. We will continue court in canada. We believe that canada should also follow the same path. We have good constructive discussions with their representative as we are negotiating the language of the resolution which was adopted in the general assembly united for peace by 143 countries versus only nine countries that voted against. >> Rosemary: you know that was a shift, of course, for canada even to get to the point of abstaining in that vote. There was a shift in policy. But I do want to ask you about president biden who obviously supports a two-state solution, but he does not believe that palestinian independence should come -- it should come, rather, as negotiation between parties, not through this unilateral recognition we're seeing from other countries. How do you convince the united states to move in that direction? And what does it mean for the U.S. to say, we don't think that this is the right way forward? >> We disagree with the united states in that. The recognition of states -- of other states, this is unilateral. It is sovereign right of any state to recognize any other state. All those view the state of israel, it was unilateral and sovereign right. When you decided you want to recognize the state of palestine. So when we have spain, ireland and norway to act normally in the same manner as they acted with israel, there is nothing wrong with that. This is congruent with how countries behave on the basis of their sovereign right to make decisions including the citizens recognizing other states. Now with regard to the united states, this approach was tried for a long period of time. It was tried since oslo, more than 30 years ago, to have the recognition of the state of palestine and its admission tend of the process. Now we don't have a process. And the situation is much worse. It doesn't make sense to continue trying something that did not deliver and did not succeed expecting different results. Now european thinking is shifting and also global thinking that let us recognize the state, admit it to membership at the beginning of the process, while we are willing and ready to negotiate all final status issues, borders, jerusalem, refugees, settlements, water and so on and so forth between us and the israelis. But let us be equal. Two equal states, member of the united nations, negotiating all the issues that they should negotiate in order to end the occupation and to implement the global consensus on the two-state solution which canada is -- of this -- >> Rosemary: how does it, ambassador, though, complicate

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