
CBCN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #19

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>>> Closing arguments on donald trump's hush money trial begin this week. This comes after a wave of crucial testimony from key players in the case. Prosecutors and the defence will be given one last chance to sway the jury's opinion. That's before they begin deliberations on the former president. For more, we're joined by jeffrey jacobo -- he joins us this morning from washington. Thank you for taking the time. >> Good morning. >> Marianne: tuesday, all eyes will be on the courthouse in new york. Let's talk about the closing arguments, starting with the prosecution, of course. They've got to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt for the jury. What will that be like for them? >> The prosecution has put on a number of witnesses. The last witness being michael cohn, who is the most controversial, but a lot of testimony has been corroborated by the witnesses. Pepper, the documentation and the issues is whether donald trump knew the payments were being made to stormy daniels and if they were made, were they made to interfere with the election. And the prosecution has put forth significant evidence on this issue. >> Marianne: you mentioned that corroboration, what does that mean then for the defence as it enters its closing arguments? >> The defence will put on two witnesses and their last witness was costello, almost an attorney for mike for mike for thecohen. His testimony did not go well. It's sort of incomprehensive that michael cohen would reach into his pocket and pay stormy daniels all this money just to protect donald trump. And there is evidence that donald trump did know about it and that's what the jury will have to decide. >> Marianne: after the closing arguments, the judge will give the instructions to the jury, the jury will start deliberating. >> It's very difficult to read a jury. And for those who say, oh, I think the jury is leaning this way or that way, I don't see how they do that with merit. But we have two lawyers and an engineer on the jury, who are left on the jury, and it's possible somebody like that could hang up a jury. In other words let's say the jury votes 9-3 for conviction. If something like that happens, the judge in new york will have to decide whether he wants to rebring the case and when he can bring it. And question will be will it be before the elections? But jurors tend to end up with unanimous verdicts. >> Marianne: it's interesting, because this is not only the first prosecution of a U.S. president, donald trump is a presumptive presidential nominee in the upcoming election in november. If convicted, what barriers could there be for him for not only become the party's presidential candidate and ultimately if elected president? >> The felony of the business records and election interference which would be what he would be convicted of if he's convicted does not bar him from running for president. The question is, will he lose votes if he's a convicted felon. And that we're not sure about. There are people on the margin. There are people who will not change no matter what. And first you have to see if he's convicted and then we'll see what the poll says. >> Marianne: how well do you think the justice system has held up the rule of law in this case? There were the violations with the gag order, you know, the fines and the punishment he had to deal with. What is your takeaway looking back? >> I think the justice has done an excellent job here. He had the gag order issued. He balanced a lot of interests. The judge had the option of blocking him out, either just for a few hours, overnight, or for the duration of the trial, but the judge didn't do that. And he knew that it would be very controversial if he did that with the presumptive

republican nominee. It's not clear whether donald trump wanted to be locked up for a few hours or 24 hours and that's nothing he would pitch to his potential voters. But I think overall the judge held firm in the case and did a very good job. >> Marianne: and let's see how things all shake out on tuesday in new york. Thank you so much for your time and insight. Criminal defence trial attorney. Thanks, again. >> Thanks, marianne. [ ] I did not know what my future would look like. The energy wasn't set up for me to thrive in. I didn't realize how formative 25 to 30 would be. I was so excited when they said I got to do an interview with you. Announcer: q with Tom Power. Available now onCBC Listen or wherever you get your podcasts. At Fidelity, we know that everyone's got financial goals. And they're all different. But the one thing we share? We all want to get to them sooner. ( ) Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the difference! Genacol® Makes me feel so good! Summer starts... now! The new dq Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at dq. Happy tastes good. Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it. Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Payment plans available at Terms apply. When arthritis pain makes the stairs feel like a summit... There's Tylenol Arthritis. With 2 layers of pain relief, one acts fast, one lasts for up to 8hrs and it's gentle on your stomach. Tylenol Arthritis: made for everyday moments. ( ) When we work to end inequity... ( ) we help start something better. Support Even the Odds. Expected to hit the 50° mark in pakistan as the intense heat waves through the country. A number of patients have been admitted with heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Officials are saying the extreme temperatures are due to climate change and that conditions will become more unbearable in the coming months when the humidity increases. It's expected to last until at least next week.

>>> In this country, icebergs could attract crowds to the newfoundland coastline, but this year there are fewer of them and smaller in size. The implications for iceberg seasons. >> Reporter: you can see lots of signs for icebergs in twillingate, but there is one place you can't find the real thing. >> There is no ice right now. >> Reporter: barry rogers is getting ready for his first tour of the season. About half of the customers in iceberg quest are looking for -- well, icebergs. >> It's disappointing. We've been doing this data for a long time. There is no two seasons that are the same to us. >> Reporter: he helps protect icebergs but a warmer ocean meant there was less ice. Sea corp is a non-profit company that tracks icebergs. Data shows that the amount of sea ice has been shrinking. >> We're going to continue to see decreased ice cover, thinner ice, fewer icebergs. And that's something we just have to deal with. >> Reporter: it's not good news for people like peter lemark with one goal from the netherlands. >> 60 years, I haven't seen an iceberg in my life. >> Reporter: for businesses, it means a pivot. Deborah borden runs a pub, a hotel and restaurant. When her guests can't see icebergs icebergs, they encourages them to hike and see the people. >> When many of them leave, I'll be back. >> Reporter: it's still early in the season. A few icebergs may still float by. But for the long-term, all people here can do is hope that the icebergs and the tourists keep coming. >> Marianne: let's bring in rachel from the weather network. Foggy skies. That was my view driving in this morning. >> I know. A lot of the fog has started to burn off. If you looked out the window and thought, oh, it's not going to that nice. Look again. Because now we're starting to see skiez like this. We had a beautiful sunrise over top of lake erie. The fog advisories quickly dropping and get into the afternoon it's going to be baufl. 25 in ottawa. Beautiful day up and down the slaurnz. As we focus in on the next system coming in to ontario, that sparks up the thunderstorm risk this evening. So around 8:00, 9:00 P.M. and that thunderstorm potential will move east through the overnight and fleesh into tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll see widespread rain and we're going to watch east of toronto, cakawarthas, kingston and ottawa, that's a target zone. We're going start off the week with a soggy note. We're going to keep that trend on the west coast as well. >> Marianne: thank you, rachel. [ ] [ ] >> Marianne: the composer behind that classic song, richard sherman has died at the age of 95. He was part of a team with his late brother robert and they brought joy generations. They were uninducted into the song writers hall of fame. Disney said he passed away due to an age-related illness. Here's more of his iconic work. When there is hardly no day hardly no night there's things >> Adrienne Arsenault: You are constantly on the move, and so are we, making sense of the moments that matter. >> Are you ok? >> Been quite a day, to be honest. >> I'm Adrienne Arsenault. This isThe National. I'm lost in love... (Electronic chime) So lost in love with you Get started for free on eharmony. (Giggling) Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylenol. It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol.

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If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Al-Anon and alateen can help call 1-866-200-0223 or visit Al-Anon dot org slash Help. [ ] >> Marianne: hello. You're watching cbc news network. I'm marianne dimain. We begin with breaking news. Hamas is claiming responsibility for a fresh attack on israel. The armed ring of the militant group says it launched a rocket barrage on tel-aviv. Irris makler is here with the details. We know for the first time in months sirens sounding in tel-aviv. What more do we know? >> That's right, tel-aviv and throughout central israel. Haven't been heard there for four months. The rockets came from rafah in the south of the gaza strip. Israel says most of the rockets were intercepted and what we see actually is shrapnel and people who have been injured on their way to a bomb shelter. So no severe injuries, no serious damage, but the fact that it came from rafah and the fact that it came at this stage in the war with hams making the statement this is revenge for israel's massacres for civilians in the gaza strip and it shows their strength, too, that they still have the capacity to do that eight months into this war. The fact that it comes from rafah is significant, because troops are getting closer. When they find the weapons stored, they destroy them. Hamas wanted to use it or lose it before the israeli soldiers exposed them. >> Marianne: this is just breaking, so I know we'll continue to monitor developments and details as they become available. Let's talk about humanitarian aid right now, because there is a new momentum this morning to get humanitarian aid into gaza from egypt with a convoy of trucks bringing in supplies. I know you've been talking about some of the supplies that have seen spoiled over time. What can you tell us about the latest front? >> I can tell you that now there are 15 to 20 tonnes per truck of food, four trucks worth of fuel. All coming from the gaza strip, also coming in via new pictures today, coming from the maritimes, from the sloejen pier, that is american sponsored delivery of aid. But what aid agencies are saying, once it gets in, the distribution is the problem. There is no mechanism now for distributing on the ground. Plus they're trying to avoid a war zone. Yes, it's good news and U.S. president joe biden an intervention with the egyptian president. >> Marianne: earlier this morning we spoke with the medical team leader in gaza for doctors without borders. She told us about her recent experience. >> It was unprecedented. 700,000 people fleeing rafah. [indiscernible] anything, just -- and ending up in -- so they moved here, but they're exhausted. They can't make it anymore. And every extra challenge, they were having access to food supply in rafah, this supply disappears because there is not enough aid coming in. This aid is not reaching them because they moved. It's -- in kerem shalom. It will not. They just want the world to stop because they can't take it anymore. It's really difficult on a daily basis to witness that, to know that we -- rafah wide open, then aid will flow in and reach the people when they need, where they need. [indiscernible] and continue to

strengthen for us to -- across the board. If not, there is no -- just -- and that is beyond our means. But it's extremely frustrating to have a solution just not relief from many, many people on both sides. >> Marianne: hundreds of people have attended the funeral of an israeli hostage whose body was recovered on friday. Brazilian israeli michel nisenbaum was killed on october 7 and his body was then taken into gaza. It was retrieved by an operation by israeli forces. Pressure is mounting on benjamin netanyahu to get the last remaining hostages home. Protests have become commonplace with demonstrators calling for a hostage release as well as fresh elections. Time is running out for a pro-palestinian incapital in the university of toronto. Protesters have been told to leave by 8:00 tomorrow morning. They're scheduled to meet with school administrators later today. >> We are currently preparing our counter-offer. >> Marianne: the protesters say they won't budge until they get a commitment from u of t they will end their funding of israel companies. >> The number of deaths in papua new guinea is growing significantly, following a major landslide on friday. Cbc albert delitala joins us with more on the disaster. What is latest developments? >> Reporter: there are fears the number of deaths could keep going up. Right now they're saying 670 people are feared dead, at least that many. And where they're getting those numbers, it's the U.N. migration agency there. They're saying 150 homes have been buried by the landslide on friday. You can see where it happened on that map there. It's in the remote northern village of yambali. And that landslide burying many dozens of homes. With the earth and rubble to be estimated between six and eight metres deep, so really a massive scale. You can see some of the debris there still falling from that -- the cliff in that picture. The map of the debris trail, it covers an area of three to four soccer fields and also blocking a highway that cuts through the province. Emergency responders have been working throughout the day to move survivors to safer ground, to the side of that debris field. They have set up evacuation centres and they're working to get people to those safer spaces even as we speak. >> Marianne: and, you know, it is a tricky operation right now because as you mentioned this is in a remote area north of the capital. What is leading to how difficult this operation is? >> It's remote, but it is a highly travelled area. It's also densely populated, so that is partly why that number of deaths is estimated to be as high as it is. On top of that, unstable debris is still causing problems, fear of smaller landslides. There is ongoing tribal clashes add to this. Even delaying an aid convoy that was trying to reach people in need of help there. The military had to be called in to let that convoy through. One journalist who is with the newspaper in the capital, she spoke to media about some of these rescue efforts. >> Papua new guinea rescue team already are on its way to the enga province. The location is very hard to access. You can only have helicopters or choppers access that place. >> Reporter: the U.S. and australia have already said they're willing to do what they can to help, but we're still waiting to see if the papua new guinea government if they'll request that international aid. Marianne, global affairs canada, I've reached out to them to see

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