
CBCN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #15

>>> New forecast from meteorologists meteorologists indicate that the update coming hurricane season could be severe. International climate correspondent susan ormiston has more. >> Reporter: when hurricane adelia flooded floor last august and otis snuck up on acapulco, it was bad, but this season is worse. >> This season is looking to be an extraordinary one. >> Reporter: all the elements in place for an explosive storm season. El niño giving way to la niña usually linked with more severe storms. A lack of strong upper winds that can help weaken a hurricane. And the big one, ocean warmth. In parts of the tropical atlantic temperatures are mimicking august. >> The level of heat in the ocean right now is unprecedented. >> Reporter: noaa predicts 17 to 25 named storms, up four from last year. >> Forecast is the highest noaa has ever issued for the may outlook. >> Reporter: typically, canada sees about 35% of the southern severe storms. Models can't predict this far out where they'll land. Lee hit nova scotia in new brunswick last fall after feeding on southern atlantic waters. Another worrisome pattern, fast-moving hurricanes. Otis in mexico went from a tropical storm to a killer overnight. >> Well, we see water temperatures this warm, you're looking at intensity and the rate of intensification which can be tremendous as well. >> Reporter: noaa names hurricanes. Remember fiona. It's picked 21 names this year and that may not be enough. >> Marianne: that was international climate correspondent susan ormiston.

>>> A look at st. John's this hour. You can see it's a gloomy day. Clouds visible and rain is expected later today. We'll have the full national weather forecast ahead. You're watching cbc news network. [ ] Welcome to Canmore, Alberta. This will be your toughest day yet. -Get back up! Boom! -Don't eavesdrop. -i can't shut my ears off. Well then shut your mouth off. Announcer: Canada's Ultimate Challenge. Watch free onCBC Gem. A new arrival alarms the brotherhood of muscle. Muscular features signal power and performance. Attributes they've never seen in this build. ( ) Behold a new breed. Ready to swarm, ready to sting, ready to electrify. ( ) The defiant power packed hybrid electric Dodge Hornet r/t. Performance electrified. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it. Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Payment plans available at Terms apply. They'd help you too (Applause, cheers) See you through Whatever life looks like to you, we're here for it. For life as you know it. Insurance, investments, advice. Canada Life. I love walking, but it can be frustrating if my legs and feet are slowing me down. My pharmacy recommended revitive Medic Circulation Booster and I haven't looked back. Drug-free Revitiveis clinically proven to actively improveleg circulation, relieve achesand pains and help youwalk further. Revitive Medicis also suitable for peoplediagnosed with Osteoarthritisor Diabetes. I believe using Revitive has really helped me. Give it a go today! For latest offers on the Revitive pain range see instore or I am pumped! Yes! Announcer:The finish line is finally in sight. Maestro: One team will be crowned Race Against the Tidechampions. Announcer:On this beach anything can happen. Mm. -Oh, It makes your heart pound, it's going to be really exciting, no matter what. [ ] >> Marianne: the oilers were hoping to ride their winning momentum into game two against the stars. Emily fitzpatrick has the details. >> Reporter: while it wasn't the results edmonton oilers fans were hoping for, dallas ended up winning game 2, but it was quite a match. Within seconds of the first period, dallas scored first, but it won't long before connor brown responded and tied it up. Things slowed down. It wasn't until the third period that dallas scored again. And again securing the win. What is good news is how many edmonton oilers fans came out to support the team for an away game. Downtown was full of oilers fans, wearing jerseys, going to watch parties. Rogers place was full. The mosh pit people lined up hours and by face-off, it was at capacity. Regardless of where the game was played, the oilers fans came out to support their team. It was an evenly matched game. There was fear. Dallas was on quite a run. They took out the last two winners of the stanley cup in record time. There was some fear going up against the dallas stars. But the thing is both teams are hungry to move on to the finals. Edmonton hasn't won a stanley cup since 1990. Dallas stars since 1999. So both teams are hungry for a win here and they're going to do what it takes. Game 3 will be on monday played in edmonton, so the team finally gets a home-ice advantage and I'm sure the fans will be back to support their edmonton oilers. >> Marianne: the series levelling win is a familiar feeling for the stars, who have been poor starting playoff rounds. They've lost seven straight series openers.

despite the loss, the oilers coach was optimistic after the game. >> If you would have told me four or five days ago we could come in here and split against dallas who just knocked out vegas, colorado, two really good teams, and for us to come into their building where they play well and us split one? Yeah, we would have taken that. Now it's a little more bitter when you win the first one and lose the second one, but, yeah, we're just excited to go back to edmonton and play on our home ice. >> Marianne: and now time for the weekend forecast with rachel schoutsen looking at our home ice. We're not talking ice, we're looking at the last days -- I can't believe june is around the corner. >> I know. We're still talking potential for a little rain-snow mix in places like the avalon. We were looking at that wet snow yesterday in dauphin. I know, we want to stop talking about ice. The only ice we want is a cold margarita. In edmonton, 17. Thunderstorm risk lingers for you. 14 in calgary. We'll be looking at the thunderstorm potential widespread across the west today. As we look at atlantic canada, that drizzle is with you in places like gander. We're looking at overcast skies for the maritimes and then showers come back into the picture for places like truro, maybe even halifax. Not a washout of a day. It is a beautiful day across ontario and québec. But a big colorado low is coming. So this is really the first hint of it tonight. That thunderstorm risk rises windsor through london. And then through monday, big potential for storms across ontario and québec. Lots of heavy rainfall moves into the picture. >> Marianne: thank you, rachel. An alberta man expecting a package got something else from canada post instead and that sent him outside in search of the carrier. He told the story to cbc news. >> Working from home, I was in my work meeting and front door is just upstairs there and I could hear footsteps coming up and I could hear the mailbox open and shut. I got a notification on my phone saying there was motion detected at the front door. I didn't hear any knocking or doorbell, but I assumed my package was left on the steps. When I went upstairs, there was no parcel there on the steps. So I was confused. Then I looked in the mailbox and there was a prewritten delivery slip. I thought it was strange, since I didn't hear knocking at the door. It said I could pick up the parcel the next business day at the post office. So I checked my security footage and I could see the mailman walked up the steps and threw the delivery slip in the mailbox and took off. Hopped the car, cruised a couple of streets until I found him. I parked behind his car until he got back to it. And then when he came back, I confronted him and said, do you have any parcel? Strange it's out for delivery, but you came to my mye house and delivered it. He said, oh, yeah, it's in the car. And I was quite confused as to why he failed to knock or ring the doorbell. He decided that he wasn't going to deliver my parcel without even giving me the option to answer my door, so I thought that was pretty strange. >> Marianne: in a statement to cbc news, canada post says we apologize to our customer for the situation. The parcel should have been delivered at the time the employee arrived at the address. [ ] >> Marianne: back in 2016, maggie rogers gained recognition for her song "alaska". It was played to pharrell williams during a master class of the new york school of the arts. She's now releasing her third album. This is the kill from don't forget me. It's the highest jumper on the cbc top 20. Here's another listen. Stay with us. [ ] >> Rosemary: nearly a quarter of U.S. senators are urging canada to increase its defence spending to reach nato target. I'll ask kevin Rosemary:Every week the issues that matter to Canadians. -These are acts of desperation. Rosemary:Connecting politics to people. -Some people have lost everything. Rosemary:Join me for Rosemary Barton live.

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>> Go to and you could end up on this very stage. [cheers and applause] [theme plays] [ ] >> Marianne: hello. You're watching cbc news network. I'm marianne dimain. We begin with the new push to get desperately needed aid into gaza from egypt. A convoy of trucks carrying supplies is entering the territory for the first time since israel stormed rafah earlier this month. Journalist irris makler tells us about the efforts that went into making the deliveries a reality. >> Reporter: some 200 trucks have been going in. They include food trucks and fuel trucks. And we have that from the head of the red crescent in sinai. I've seen footage from the egyptian television. The significance of this is these trucks were not getting in through the rafah border crossing. Egypt and israel blaming each other for that, but either way it took intervention by the U.S. president joe biden. He called the egyptian president. They agreed some of the trucks could be rerouted and that's great news because, you know, fresh food on the trucks was rotting. Nothing was getting through. Hundreds of trucks were just standing there. So now we see trucks go in. But there is a criticism for the U.N. agencies on the ground and that's about distribution. We heard from the head of unrwa and he said it's all very well it gets in, how do we get it to the people who have left rafah, the palestinians who have fled rafah to avoid the fighting? They're in an area on the coast, just tents, not much infrastructure. How do we get food to them safely for them and for us? You know, food delivery, any kind of delivery is hard in war-time, nevertheless, you do have to say this is an achievement today for washington and the for the palestinians in gaza. >> Marianne: that's journalist irris makler in jerusalem. For more, we're joined by the medical team leader in gaza for doctors without borders and she just returned from the region and joins us now this morning from paris. Thank you so much for talking to us this morning. First, I want to get your reaction to this new aid finally getting into gaza. >> Good morning. It's a very small drop in the ocean. Hopefully a start. But the closure of rafah has very, very significant impact. So whatever efforts to reopen it has to be the first priority so at least we can get some of the food, the medical supplies that are stuck on the egyptian side crossing it will help. Be the first priority to reopen rafah for all the reasons we all know. >> Marianne: once that aid does in in through southern israel, there are questions on the logistics of all of this, so as someone who works in the region, how big of a challenge will be it be once that aid comes in to actually distribute it >> So it's the flow of the aid and we heard about recently in one of the first one that comes to mind, because the resources are life-saving in gaza for everything and everyone. How do we prioritize W.H.O. has to make choices, difficult ones. And then we have three weeks or more of people not having receiving the aid they needed for the last three weeks. And they live in very, very dire conditions. No access to water. Limited access to food. Crowded places. So, of course, if we keep going that way, it's going to be the same, huh-uh -- if we don't get the food to the people, it's very difficult to get is distributed safely and in a sustainable manner. So that the task has to be open, very, very open, in order to prevent the distributions where people are fighting with each other to have access to basic needs. >> Marianne: of course, there are the concerns with the temporary measure right now, whether enough aid is getting

in. There is that continued push to reopen the border crossing to get aid in through the rafah border crossing. But you've been on the ground there. You just returned a few days ago. Give us an idea also of the frustration that aid workers are dealing with. We're hearing about food that was going bad, spoiling on board the trucks, aid that could have been used to feed people in desperate need there. What would that reality be like on the ground right now? >> So it's -- so it was something -- [indiscernible] this 700,000 people was terrible. It was a constant people being left with almost anything and ending up in -- they moved us back here, but then adjusted. They can't take it anymore. And every extra challenge like they were having access to food supply in rafah, this food supply disappears because there is not enough aid coming in. This aid is not reaching them because they -- it's still in kerem shalom. At any point in time -- it will not. So they just want the war to stop because they can't take it anymore. So it's extremely difficult on a daily basis to witness that, to know that we could change it. If we have rafah wide open, the aid will go in and we'll reach the people when they need, where they need. It's just a matter of -- [indiscernible] and frustrating for us to -- solution for the needs, across the board. So there is no process, nothing to eat. Just how do we get it in? And that is beyond our means in terms of humanitarian -- [indiscernible] but it's extremely frustrating to know we have the solutions, just not good in place from many, many people on both sides. So it's -- and on the medical side is the same. The medication, everything we use on a daily basis like gauze, et cetera, at some point -- [indiscernible] because their route was rafah, so the way -- egyptian side and inside we're lacking the basics because it's on the other side of the goa. It's an extreme situation. >> >>. Tt >> Marianne: hundreds of people have attended the funeral of an israeli hostage whose body was recovered on friday. Brazilian-israeli was killed by hamas in the october 7 attacks and his body was then taken to gaza. It was retrieved with two others. Pressure is mounting on the government of benjamin netanyahu to get the last remaining hostages home. Protests have become commonplace across israel with demonstrators calling for new truce and hostage releases as well as fresh elections.

>>> Now to russia's war on ukraine. Ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is calling on the U.S. and china to join an upcoming peace summit in switzerland. Dominic valitis joinsz us now. What can you tell us about the new appeals by zelenskyy? >> Reporter: well, marianne, this was a highly produced prerecorded video message featuring zelenskyy which was filmed inside the burnt-out remains of a canadian printing press which was destroyed on thursday. It's a direct appeal in english to U.S. president joe biden and china xi jinping to attend next month's peace summit in switzerland, which neither country has yet agreed to attend. Here he is. Take a listen. Here's the clip. >> And I am appealing to the leaders of the world who are still of the global efforts to president biden, the leader of the united states, and to president xi, the leader of china, we do not want the U.N. charter to be burned. Burned down just like these books. And I hope you don't want to either. Please show your leadership in advancing the peace, real peace, not just a pause between the strikes. >> Reporter: now the wider context here, the background, of course, is the situation on the ground over the last couple of weeks or so. Russian forces have been making some significant advances on the battlefield, especially with the new offensive north and northeast of kharkiv. And in this video address zelenskyy claims that russia is now forming another grouping of troops near ukraine's northern border, presumably preparing for a further offensive action there. Another sign zelenskyy says that putin doesn't want peace. Now russia, of course, hasn't been invited to next month's summit in switzerland and although dozens of other countries, including india, will be there, there is still no word if the U.S. and china will attend. Ukraine especially wants china to be there, because, of course, beijing has a certain amount of influence on moscow. It's worth mentioning that the zelenskyy address comes days after russian sources told reuters that putin was -- cease-fire he's reportedly offering would be nothing more than an opportunity for moscow, for russia, to prepare for future offensive operations. Marianne. >> Marianne: in the meantime, what can you tell us about the air strike on kharkiv? >> Yeah, this is a terrible strike yesterday on a crowded hardware store in >> Reporter: 150 is the number believed, and that number of dead has risen from friday when it was hundred or more. We have a map to show you where this is. 4,000 live in the village of yum ball -- yambali. The landslide hit burying dozens of homes. The rubble is said to be six to eight metres deep and the massive trail is estimated to be -4 soccer fields in size. So just a massive debris field. You can see some of it there.

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