
CBCN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

claiming they knew their emissions were harmful. Their deceit and denial going back decades has created the conditions that persist here today. [Susan] The oil companies reject the lawsuit, Chevron saying climate change is global, calling for a "policy response, not piecemeal litigation benefitting attorneys and politicians." -The resolution is adopted.-[cheering] [Susan]In Oregon,a county lawsuit blames the fossil fuel industry for thoseheat dome deaths. With this action,we seek to hold these fossil fuel companiesaccountable for the damagesthat have arisen from one of the mostdeadly and destructive human-made weather disastersin American history. You've taken millions! -Millions of dollars! -[people shouting] And you're killing us! [Susan] And youth are emboldened in this US election year. Go home to Mommy. Your mommy is waiting. Go home to Mommy. Thank you. [Susan] In Canada, young citizens seem to be leading the charge, in public and in court... suing the federal government for breaching its climate obligations and taking on Ontario over its climate plan. We have not come here to beg politicians for change. We have come here to show them that change is coming. [cheering] [Susan] Sophia Mathur was 12 years old when she and a group of kids launched that lawsuit, accusing the government of weakening its climate targets, risking people's health and lives. [photographer] Open up those eyes a little more for me. [Susan] Sophia is four years older now. So is that lawsuit. Beautiful. Chin down a bit. Well, it's been a phrase that I've been saying, but, uh, when all else fails, sue. Uh, we felt like when activism and going out and protesting, it kind of feels like we're talking to politicians and they can choose not to listen. [Susan] Today's task-- a publicity shoot, part of a campaign to capture attention and grow funding. Last year, a judge agreed with parts of their argument. Climate change will have a disproportionate impact on youth and indigenous people, but dismissed the case. What chance do you think, or why do you think it could have success at the appeals stage? Regardless if it has, like, a final win, there's a lot of people that are paying attention to this and realizing that their government is not paying attention to their future. [Susan] Today is their hearing in Ontario's Court of Appeal. [Sophia chuckles] We're walking to court! I am, like, nervous and excited at the same time [Madison] I feel like I'll just keep going. [laughs] Yeah, as long as it takes. [Susan] Madison Dyck, is focused on the endgame. [laughing] I think I just feel-- I feel really emotional. Yeah, I feel emotional that-- that I need to be in this position. And I really also hope that... the next generation doesn't have to stand on these courts, fighting for their future. [cheering] [Susan] Their case may fail on appeal, but across North America, dozens of climate lawsuits are ongoing against governments and corporations. Well, so, here in Victoria, I've been to three demonstrations, walking around with my-- Tracey and I, and the placard sign. [Susan] And in British Columbia, one woman won't stop either. Do you think in your lifetime, it will make a difference? I hope so. Yeah, I think so. [Susan]Jane Armstrongis living in Victoria now, carrying on with a campaignin honour of her sister, who diedin that heat dome. ...and obviously we miss her. But then the messageI put on the back, when I was making this,is, like, "What is the message?" The message is, like,fossil fuel dependency plus denial plus delay equals disasters and deaths. At least that's what came out of my head when I was making this poster. I don't know, I kind of like to bring her out into public and say, "This was my sister and she died and it mattered. And we need to do things differently or more Traceys will die." [Susan] Meanwhile, 2023 was declared officially the hottest year on record. Scientists say 2024 is tracking to be the same... or hotter. [somber music plays] [Steven] Next week on The Fifth Estate. Parrots are incredible animals. [Parrot] Another overdue bill! Yeah. They're also extremely intelligent. [Parrot] Forgot to pay again! They also repeat things they hear a lot. The new BMO eclipse rise Visa card rewards you with points for paying your bill on time every month to help build a routine. [Parrot] Rewards you with points! And you get 5x the points on things like groceries, dining and recurring bill payments. [Parrot] For paying your bill! —But also you can... — [Parrot] Every month!

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[ ] >> Deana: newfoundland welcomes . >> Deana: newfoundland welcomes home the remains of an unknown soldier who fought in world one war. >>> Trespass notices go up at university of toronto. Protesters there have until monday to clear out or face consequences. >>> Toronto police and the hate crime forces unit are investigating after a shot early saturday morning at a jewish girls' school. [ ] >> Deana: hello. I'm raywat I'm I'm deana sumanac-johnson. We begin in newfoundland and labrador where a casket arrived from beaumont-hamel, france where he was killed in 1916 in the battle of the somme. >> I'm from saskatchewan, and I had no idea this was happening. I think it's pretty cool. >> I had no idea this was happening. It's a very proud moment. >> Reporter: newfoundland, and now newfoundland and labrador was not part of canada at that time, so it's a very distinct very important timetor the province. >> I think it's -- for the province. >> I think it's good that people here now have a place to go and pay their respects. >> I just had a moment during your question. I actually have an uncle who died in world war I and I'm buried in france. >> Deana: and in the war in ukraine, ukrainians are dealing with a russian guided missile strike in a crowded hardware store. Ukrainian officials say two russian guided bombs hit the store, killing two people and injuring dozens more. Several more people were injured in a missile strike in a residential area. Ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky called it another demonstration of russian madness. Zelensky offered his sympathies to the victims' families and says ukraine needs help from western leaders to beef up air defence systems which has been the target of russian attacks for weeks. Russian officials say there was also an attack by ukraine inside their borders. >> There's a lot of attacks that are going to take place physically and diplomatecally. >> Reporter: there's a summit next month in switzerland that russia will not be present. >> Both sides are positioning themselves into a better negotiating position, if you will. >> Reporter: the international conference in june is set to be in sweden, but russia's -- russia says any talks without ukraine present is a waste of time. >> Deana: word of a new

diplomatic push in the israel war with hamas began to leak out when prime minister benjamin netanyahu said his government would defy a court order and press on with the war in gaza. Now with fighting in its 34 week, pressure is growing on the netanyahu government domestically. This was the scene in tel aviv as many people, including family members of those in captivity, say new negotiations need to take place. >> Reporter: what we've seen the last few hours is there were these meetings in paris between the C.I.A. chief, the israeli mossad chief, and the qatari prime minister. Next week, there's going to be talks between the same parties and egypt, and then hamas will be brought in. It's significant also because of the i.c.j., the international court of justice of israel to stop fighting and particularly -- particularly in gaza. The health ministry in gaza, hamas run, they say there's been dozens more deaths of palestinians, so if there were to be talks and if there was another way to solve this issue, it would be very welcome. >> Deana: journalist irris mackler in jerusalem.

>>> Students at the university of toronto in pro-palestinian encampments have been issued a warning to leave by monday at 5:00 p.m., but students say they are going to stick around. >> U.F.T. knows how to bargain. They bargain with unions on campus all the time. The first win offer cannot be the final offer, so we're preparing orur counteroffer so hopefully we'll be able to present that at the next meeting on sunday. >> Deana: protesters that don't leave by 5:00 P.M. on monday could face consequences, including a five-year suspension and expulsion. >>> Meanwhile, some pro-palestinian university encampments are coming to an end. On saturday, students in hamilton packed up after reaching a deal with McMASTER university. >> This morning, we are disbanding the camp and pack up. >> Reporter: this university student didn't want to reveal his full name out of fear for being retaliated against for those who aren't in favour of the encampment. >> If they weren't willing to hear us out or if we weren't willing to negotiate, none of this would have happened. >> Reporter: McMASTER has made several concessions, including inviting students to a meeting about its investment strategy and annual disclosure of all investments. >> We're going to make sure we hold the university responsible to stay responsible for the demands they committed to. >> Deana: in graduation ceremonies, valedictorian speeches are part of the ceremony, but one speech garnered viral reaction on-line. Remarks by a university of manitoba med school graduate are at the heart of this story. Dr. Gem newman urged graduates to speak out on the israel-hamas war as well as the actions of israel in gaza. Those condemning the remarks were earnest rady, the donor of the largest donation in the university's history. He called the speech "hate and lies." . Newman responded by saying it's ironic that demanding a ceasefire and calling for the rights of humans is considered hateful. >> Universities have faced major cutbacks from the public sector over the last couple of decades and are increasingly reliant on these things, and that's why they're taking this position. I think it's not particularly controversial to call for a ceasefire, and the donor has the right to withdraw that contribution. The problem is there's a power imbalance here and that the university really requires the funding, and so the honour gets more priority in this conversation. >> Deana: toronto police are looking for two suspects after finding evidence of gunfire at a jewish elementary school. The investigation began after a report of a bullet in the window for the jewish school for girls. Just after 5:00 a.m., two occupants in a vehicle pulled up and fired a gun towards it. >> The integrated task force is

the lead investigator on this, however, we have the support of the hate crimes unit, as well. One of the questions that people are asking is, is this a hate crime or is this a terrorist act? What I'm going to say is it's too early to saw that. We're not going to ignore this and what the target of the shooting was, but at the same time, it would be premature to react to that at this point. >> Deana: the prime minister has put out a statement, calling this a despicable act of cowardice. >>> Microgroups and their supporters protested saturday in montreal. They're demanding a faster pace by the federal government on its commitment to regularize the status of undocumented workers. >> Reporter: outside justin trudeau's riding office, community groups gathered, criticizing the federal government's work to regularize the status of undocumented workers. >> We want to stay here. >> Reporter: the federal liberals pledged in 2021 to explore ways of regularizing status of undocumented workers, but that study is on going. In the meantime, they say, immigrants are suffering. >> They work below minimum wage, sometimes working 50, 60, 70 hours a week. Sometimes they face even not being paid. [speaking Spanish language] >> Reporter: in a statement sent to cbc news, immigrations, refugees can't refugees canada says it's looking at the situation. >> On the behest of, like, a faucet, when we need more healthcare workers when we need more construction workers, when they need, but actually, on the basis of human values and solidarity. >> Reporter: canada's immigration marc miller has said that he's on track to present a proposal from his-- to his fellow cabinet members next month. >> Deana: a town in northeastern saskatchewan has declared a state of emergency and people there are unable to leave. Heavy roads and washed out the only road to and from the village. The mayor says essentials like milk, bread, baby formula, and prescription medications are in short supply. Community leaders are calling for emergency meetings with the provincial and federal governments.

>>> U.S. regulators have filed an antitrust lawsuit against parent company of ticketmaster. We'll hear from a music editor for his reaction to the lawsuit next on cbc news network. >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. I I was standing ( ) You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us apart ( ) I I was standing You were there Two worlds collided -I'm Jason. -And I'm Kelly. And we built our TimberTech deck. There was a question. If we were able to do this ourselves? We just decided to go for it. Yeah. I mean, I'd say the hardest part of the whole project was just getting the materials out of the truck. We wanted a product that looked like real wood, but maybe didn't have the same wear and tear as real wood. This is our forever home, so it's great to have TimberTech and have the longevity of the product. It looks amazing and now the family can enjoy it for years to come. That's one of the things that we're so excited about. Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? A new arrival alarms the brotherhood of muscle. Muscular features signal power and performance. Attributes they've never seen in this build. ( ) Behold a new breed. Ready to swarm, ready to sting, ready to electrify. ( ) The defiant power packed hybrid electric Dodge Hornet r/t. Performance electrified. ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylenol. It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol. I am pumped! Yes! Announcer:The finish line is finally in sight. Maestro: One team will be crowned Race Against the Tidechampions. Announcer:On this beach anything can happen. Mm. -Oh, It makes your heart pound, it's going to be really exciting, no matter what. >> Deana: welcome back. This week, the U.S. government announced it's suing live nation-ticketmaster for maintaining a monopoly over the concert industry. Live nation ticketmaster has long been the target of consumer outrage, including when websites crashed during the announcement of the taylor swift eras tour. >> I asked some officials myself, and they said traditionally, when a monopoly is broken up, things improve for all parties except for the stakeholders in the monopoly , of course,. Ticketing is such a dark art, and it is so hard to understand. There's so many potential places for it to become corrupt that it's hard to know what the solution is or if this break up would actually make the difference because what are the things that people complain about the most? Exorbitant prices on the secondary market, the fact that ticketmaster essentially went offline when all the taylor swift tickets went on sale. They did recommendlymington remedy that, to their credit, but there are almost no specific solutions for this. In the lawsuit, they're just saying break it up and that will solve the problem. A lot of people are not

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