
CBCN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #32

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moment. That gives you a sense for how it must be for the voters. I'm in delhi where things are slightly better organized where we have shade and trees. In the rural areas a lot of these things are not available. The election commission has organized things like mist fans, coolers and things like that to ensure that more and more people are coming out to vote and to exercise their democratic right to vote. Prime minister narendra modi's alleged comments and opposition parties say he made these elections very polarizing in the sense there has been an increasing rhetoric against the muslim communities. But the prime minister is says he's not attacking the minority communities and only quoting what the parties have said. One of the statements got a lot of backlashes when there was a referral to india's muslim population as intill traitfiltrateorinfiltrators. Later they fired back saying the prime minister was quoting someone else. This led the opposition party to point out that it is a possibility that these statements rile up the voter base and ensure they are coming out and voting in large numbers in his favour and they're also saying it is probably one of the reasons along with the massive developmental agenda the modi party promoted. >> Linda: that was reporter ishan garg on you wouldn't's general election. >>> The pope, who is a keen soccer fan, provided a symbolic kickoff to a children's soccer match. The game was part of celebrations for the vatican-hosted festival. Francis appeared in high spirits greeting children from more than 100 countries. Earlier he met with children from war-torn countries spreading a message of hope. Celebrations of the festival continue tomorrow with a special mass. We're back in just a moment. [ ] I did not know what my future would look like. The energy wasn't set up for me to thrive in. I didn't realize how formative 25 to 30 would be. I was so excited when they said I got to do an interview with you. Announcer: q with Tom Power. Available now onCBC Listen or wherever you get your podcasts. Discover BetMGM casino [Lion roar] and leap into a world filled with all your favorite casino games. Including popular picks like mgm Grand Millions. And premium Blackjack Pro. All of it, right at your fingertips. BetMGM casino. Start your adventure. The King of Casino's is available in Ontario. Kevin and Sarah have one of the world's largest collections of souvenir plates. [crash] They also have a teenager, so they got their plates insured. But they don't have life insurance. Kevin's worried his diabetes will make it hard to qualify, and Sarah does not like medical exams. So we got them some new plates to tell them about Canada Protection Plan. Canada Protection Plan hassolutions for both the healthy and hard to insure. With no needles or medicalexams required on most plans. You'll get great coverageat a price you'll love and there are no paymentsin your first month. Anybody between18 and 80 can apply and there are greatmember benefits including rewards for activeliving and giving back. As part of the Foresters family,your coverage is backed by our excellentfinancial strength. Contact your advisor or call now to get a no-obligation quote in minutes. Canada Protection Plan. Protecting what matters most... you. [crash] I love walking, but it can be frustrating if my legs and feet are slowing me down. My pharmacy recommended revitive Medic Circulation Booster and I haven't looked back. Drug-free Revitiveis clinically proven to actively improveleg circulation, relieve achesand pains and help youwalk further. Revitive Medicis also suitable for peoplediagnosed with Osteoarthritisor Diabetes. I believe using Revitive has really helped me. Give it a go today! For latest offers on the Revitive pain range see instore or [rock] go hard go wild Woman: And the crowd goes wild! you fear the blood the sweat the tears We fight the best we can. Man: We build our own legacy. Arena announcer: She scores! [ ] >> Linda: it's a day many have waited a very long time for.

the remains of an unknown soldier who served in the royal newfoundland regiment during the first world war are now returning home. [ ] >> Linda: these are some of the scenes from a ceremony this morning in beaumont-hamel, france. A party of canadian armed forces personnel accepted the casket. Premier andrew furey was also in attendance. Our cbc team in st. John's spoke to people today to hear their thoughts on the soldier's return. >> I think that's amazing. I can't believe I'm here when it's happening. I'm from saskatchewan and just happened to be here at the same time this is happening. I had no idea. That's pretty cool. >> I think it is absolutely amazing that this is taking place today. I'm quite moved by it today. >> Certainly a very proud moment for the province. As the premier has mentioned, newfoundland and now newfoundland and labrador, was not part of canada at that time. So it's a very distinct, very important time for the province. >> I think it's a really good idea, knowing that he's back home and buried in a spot where even if he didn't have direct descendents or relatives of his can now and go and see where he is and pay respects. >> I just had a moment as you asked me that question. It means so much. I have a great-uncle who died during world war I and he is buried in france. >> Linda: wildfire evacuees from fort nelson, b.c., are being told not to return home early. Around 4700 residents have been out of their homes for two weeks now. The mayor is asking residents to stay put until the evacuation order has officially been lifted. >> There are still a lot of other safety concerns we need to be looking at. To have a sustainable community of our size, 3500 to 4,000, you know, you need to make sure you've got public safety, you need to make sure you've got medical services, you need to make sure you have education in order to make sure the community is sustainable for the long term. >> Linda: officials say they're working hard to let residents return early next week. Some passes were first provided to people who needed to return to feed livestock and then to essential workers. The mayor says the final hurdle is re-establishing emergency operations at the hospital. The parker lake wildfire which led to the initial evacuation of flels sits at 4600 square kilometres in size. The B.C. wildfire service is telling the municipality that the fire currently is not posing an imminent threat to the community.

>>> The town of cumberland house, a remote community in the northeastern of saskatchewan has declared a state of emergency and people who live there are unable to leave. Heavy rains have washed out the only road to and from the village. Highway 123 is the only access route for transporting food, fuel, and emergency services. The mayor says essentials like milk, bread, baby formula and prescription medications are in short supply. Community leaders are calling for emergency meetings with the provincial and federal government. This is cbc news network. Top stories are straight ahead. But first, we want to show you this. A pair of pink river dolphins in bolivia rescued yesterday after a long ordeal. Take a look. The mother and her 7-month-old calf had been left stranded in a stream for 40 days. Severe flooding in the region had swept them there and they couldn't get back to the main river. Rescuers and environmentalists worked together to secure the pair. A health check was carried out and then the dolphins were taken to the river and released. We'll be back in just a moment. [ ] >> Andrew Chang: So you want to watchCBC News Explore, a new kind of news channel. Well here's one way to find us. We're onCBC Gem. Stream any time for free. Cbc News Explore. The future is not just going to happen. You have to make it. And if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and Now becomes the Future. A Future where you grew a dream into a reality. It's waiting for you. Mere minutes away. ( ) The Future is nothing but power and it's all yours. The all new godaddy airo. Get your business online in minutes with the power of ai. Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. ( ) (Wincing) Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Hi, I'm Mae Martinand I cannot tell youhow stoked I am to get a bunch of selfies with celebs at theCanadian Screen Awards. [beep] I mean, I can't tell you how excited I am to host the awards. That is the main and most important thing. [ ] >> Linda: hello. You're watching cbc news network. I'm linda ward. Canada's last hope in the stanley cup playoffs is back on the ice tonight. The edmonton oilers have in dallas to take on the stars looking to build on their overtime victory in game one. Freelance journalist ed klajman explains what the oilers need to do. >> The dallas stars are going to be a real tough opponent. They're as deep and balanced a team in the national hockey league. Edmonton, it comes down to two things. They have to maximize how they play tonight. One, they have connor McDAVID and leon draisaitl, by far the best one-two punch in the national hockey league and they have to be the best two on the ice, maximizing how much they're out there and the number of chances. However, edmonton draws it up a, they have to make sure that those two guys are in the centre. The other key thing is the other end of the ice. Stuart skinner. He really struggled against

vancouver so much so he had got benched. He came back for 6 and 7 and was exceptional. He needs to continue playing really well for them to have a chance. I expect another really close game like the last one and I expect this to be a long series. These two teams match up well. Entertaining. Nervous times for oilers' fans, but for sure this should be a good game tonight. >> Linda: that was ed klajman in toronto. >>> Our next guest has a unique way to prepare for the oilers' game. It involves spending a good amount of time and effort on his appearance before heading to the arena to support the team. Dale style joins us today from dallas. He's an edmonton oilers super fan. The super fan of super fans. Thanks for joining us today, dale. >> Yeah, absolutely, thanks for having me on, good times. >> Linda: you're in dallas for tonight's game, already to go, how are you feeling as we head into the next matchup? >> Really good. The boys were buzzing around there on thursday. They were looking good. Edmonton kind of coming to the series as an underdog, it was good we pulled out game one. Looking forward to it. >> Linda: I have to ask you the story about your outfit. I understand it is quite the ensemble beyond what we can even see on screen and weighs quite a bit as well. Can you tell us what makes up the super fan attire and how long it takes to get ready for a game like tonight? >> Yeah, so I go by my alias, banjo guy. It's like my alternate personality. [laughter] I got my overalls, custom-painted cowboy boots. Bunch of lights. Chains. My sombrero is custom, too. Lights bling blinking around. The overalls them self-s, they probably have 350 lapel pins and patches. It comes in at 35 pounds and then everything else on top of it. The face painting takes about two and a half, three hours before every game to start getting ready. >> Linda: that is commitment. Why did you start dressing up like for this for the games? >> Yeah, two playoffs ago our season tickets showed up for game one as a normal fan. Me and the wife went to the game and they ended up losing game one. So I kind of poked at my wife candace, observation, I'm going to start painting my face, my spirit. My spirit animal came out a little bit heavy, little overkill, but tonight is the 102nd different face paint we've done. Ride the wave. It's a lot of fun. >> Linda: amazing. You receive a lot of attention from the fans when you go to the games, but I'm sure especially when you are not on home turf? >> Yeah, so luckily, I've been able to go to los angeles for round one, vancouver for round two and now we're here in dallas. Yeah, sometimes it can get a little hostile. Enemy territory they say, right? But the fans here in dallas have been really welcoming. I don't think they've kind of seen anything like me before, right? So kind of take it to the next level for hockey, especially being a canadian. They looked at me a little different, too, right? So it's a lot of fun. >> Linda: do you have to tone it down when you're there in enemy territory? >> No, I like to turn it up a little bit to be honest. I'm kind of by myself which is a little dangerous, but it's pretty fun. >> Linda: as a super fan I have to ask you, you know, about the team's success, which I'm sure has added some more sort of inspiration to what you're doing here. To what do you put down their success this season? >> Yeah, like I know -- yeah, people haven't really given them much of a shot, right, because last year colorado swept us -- no, two years ago colorado swept us in the western final. It was bust at the start of the year and the rough start until the middle of november, it was looking bleak to start the season. But the boys and everyone sure turned around. Yeah, if they can get through

here, it will be unbelievable. >> Linda: three games -- three wins really, until that stanley cup final. So what do you think they need to do if they're going to do that? >> Well, special teams has been kind of their specialty of this playoff. The penalty-kills are mid 90s. Power plays 30, 40%, so they have to stay out of the box when they can. They have to score when dallas is in the box. Even stuart skinner, he had a phenomenal game one, he got thrown under the bus with vancouver, but again, the boys have been turning it around. They're starting to look like a solid unit, working as a whole unit is pretty good. >> Linda: okay, fingers and toes crossed for tonight and we're going to leave it to you to bring the style to the arena there in dallas. Daily steil, thank you for joining us today. >> Thanks so much for having me. Go, oilers, woo. >> Linda: we're going to turn to a story we've been following for a few weeks now. The ongoing tensions on that the university was essentially trying to offer them a process that already exists and they wanted commitments from the university instead. Here's one protester who says they remain resolute on their demand. >> We do not plan to leave anytime soon. I want to come back to the reason they issued this notice. They put out the first offer to us yesterday, more of an ultimatum. They know how to bargain. They bargain with unions on campus. The first written offer cannot be the final offer. We're preparing our counter-offer and hopefully we'll discuss that at the meeting in ontario. >> Reporter: they're troubled the university is talking with the protesters. He says there has been anti-jewish messaging over the past few weeks. >> Students deserve to be able to go to university. And the university has a responsible to follow with policies and procedures to ensure the safety of jewish students, of course, all students. They haven't been doing that. >> Reporter: now the clock ticks toward the meeting later tomorrow and the 8:00 A.M. local time deadline for students to leave campus. Albert delitala, cbc news, toronto. >> Linda: McMASTER university in hamilton, ontario, has had a different approach from many universities. They have not filed an injunction for called on police to intervene. Instead protesters and school officials spoke and agreed to terms. Today protesters are breaking up the encampment as agreed after the talks. One of the terms includes providing up to $200,000 in support for qualified palestinian academics and students.

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