
CBCN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #27

and thorough of "does coffee cause cancer?" great to have you on the show. >> Always great to be here. >> Linda: there has been interest for various reasons in what we know as ozempic. Lots of studies have been done. Why is this one different? >> This one is different because it was the first large trial looking at kidney outcomes. We've fairly well established this medication is a good diabetes treatment. We established it can lead to weight loss. We have established there are cardiac benefits. Now we have a trial establishing that there are kidney benefits as well. And this is important because the goal of giving this medication to people is not for esthetics, it's not for cosmetics, it's not just to pretty up the numbers on your blood test, it's to prevent disease. So if we can prevent cardiovascular events, we have people reducing morbidity and people having heart failure or needing dialysis because of kidney failure. There are benefits and that's why we're talking about these medications as often as we do. >> Linda: people have been using ozempic off label for things like weight loss. This wasn't a study that looked at weight loss. >> No, it wasn't. These are all medical studies, but this was a study specifically looking at medical outcomes about the health benefits that go with it. This is a very real problem. I mean, I'm a cardiologist by training so obviously we talk about the cardiovascular outcomes, but the renal outcomes are important too. And especially with diabetics one of the most common causes of kidney failure is because of diabetes. So if you have a new medication that can help prevent that and help prevent worsening renal function or needing dialysis, that's going to have a profound impact and cost savings on our health care system as well. There are important implications to this study above and beyond this medication's use as a weight-loss drug. >> Linda: ozempic as we know is often not covered by government insurance. Would this study change that, do you think? >> Hard to say. A lot of that is going to depend on how medicare in the U.S. acts. How medicare in the U.S. will affect it and canada usually follows suit. I don't know whether this will be used as a weight loss medication but it about will give increasing argumentation to the point we should be using it more broadly in diabetic patients especially nose with underlying cardiovascular and renal problems because it is preventing the secondary consequence of that disease. >> Linda: it is expensive, as we say. Is this a long-term, viable solution for patients with kidney disease with the price tag that it comes with? >> I think it is. Now, we can do some quick back-of-the-envelope mathematics. Each dose is several hundreds of dollars. When you consider the end-term complications of renal failure which is dialysis, that is going to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to keep a patient on dialysis. There is obviously an economic argument to be made for using these medications to prevent disease. And of course you add on the fewer number of heart attacks, less heart failure, all those types of things, this all makes a difference. There is a whole science to doing cost-effective analysis and a lot of it is going to depend on the ultimate price tag of what this is if it was bought in bulk by ohip or whatever the provincial funding source is in your province. There is an argument to be made and why they're talking about it. It is going to prevent these long-term health complications which will be expensive when there are chronic heart failure patients or dialysis patients. >> Linda: we've seen people flocking towards ozempic semuglutide but there are warnings from medical experts that it sounds great but it's not a fix all. Certainly sounds like when we hear about all these benefits that it might be a fix-all. You can kind of understand why people might think that way. Do the benefits outweigh the side effects here? >> Yes, absolutely. If you use it in the right population. We had a first conversation around aspirin in the 1980s. It makes a big difference if you're having a heart attack,

and yet not everyone needs to be on aspirin that was a big debate in the 1990s. Not everyone over 50 needs to be on aspirin. We have to use this medication in the right way. Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Absolutely, if you're a diabetic or if you have high blood pressure or at higher risk for heart disease or suffering from kidney disease now, there is a compelling argument to be made for using this class of medication. We just need to steer that middle ground where we use it appropriately in the cases where people need it and steer it away from people getting it from non-reputable sources for cosmetic reasons which is not where the medical debate is. >> Linda: always great to talk to you, dr. Andrew Chang: It makes sense that they get a larger share, or does it? -Welcome to the Greenbelt. Andrew: All of this, just single detached homes? -Yes. Andrew: What do we know? I think we can explain. Announcer: About That with Andrew Chang. Watch free onCBC Gem. When Heart to Home Meals delivers my order. It takes me back to the good old days. When I don't feel like cooking, I have great tastingmeals on hand that are just right for me. And Jeff will even put themright in my freezer, if I like. He's an old soul. I simply order my favorites,like beef stew and honey garlic chicken,and there's no contracts. I just pay for what I order. Heart to Home Mealsmade for seniors. Why cook when youcan simply enjoy. The Jeep No Limits Eventis here.Which means more trailsto blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoyno payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee,the most awarded suv ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off msrp for up to eighty sevenhundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. Parrots are incredible animals. [Parrot] Another overdue bill! Yeah. They're also extremely intelligent. [Parrot] Forgot to pay again! They also repeat things they hear a lot. The new bmo eclipse rise Visa card rewards you with points for paying your bill on time every month to help build a routine. [Parrot] Rewards you with points! And you get 5x the points on things like groceries, dining and recurring bill payments. [Parrot] For paying your bill! —But also you can... — [Parrot] Every month! —And just remember. —[Parrot] Build a routine! [Parrot squawking] He is a talker. When a bank helps you make real financial progress. That's the bmo Effect. Bmo Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. (Keys jingling, click of light switch) Your boss' name is Heather And she made you have an awful day Let me sing all your problems away Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. [ ] >> Linda: well, canada's last hope in this year's stanley cup playoffs is back on the ice tonight. The edmonton oilers are in dallas to take on the stars, looking to build on their overtime victory in game one. Freelance journalist ed climbin is in toronto. Ed, exciting times for oilers fans tonight. What does the strategy need to be to secure that win? >> Reporter: yeah, great question, linda. Because the dallas stars are going to be a real tough opponent tonight. They're as deep and as balanced a team as you'll find in the national hockey league. I think for edmonton, it comes down to two things they have to maximize when they play tonight. One, they've got connor McDAVID and dry sooilt very, the best one-two punch. They have to maximize the number of chances. However edmonton draws it up, they just need to make sure those two guys are at the centre of the action to create opportunity. The other thing is at the other end of the night. Stuart skinner, their goalie. He struggled against vancouver and got benched and had to be replaced. They brought him back and he was exceptional. He needs to continue playing really well for them to have a chance. I expect another real close game like the last one and I expect this to be a real long series. These are two teams that match up well. Entertaining, tight, nervous times for oilers fans, but for sure this should be a good game tonight, and I think it's going to be a lot of fun to see how it plays out. >> Linda: nervous times but exciting if we can keep that

season going. I want to ask you also today about the pwhl, just the latest on sort of the last steps towards crowning a champion in the inaugural series. We have 30 seconds left. >> Reporter: another really good series, minnesota against boston. Taylor heise is looking close to putting them over the edge. But watch for the goalie forcing a game five. >> Linda: thanks very much for this. Always interesting to talk to you. Freelance journalist ed klajman in toronto. >>> The euclid space telescope released five mesmerizing photos of our universe part of a european space agency mission to look at drnlg energy. These will beark energy. These will be captured over the next years and more than a [surfer rock plays] [giggling] Ahh! Announcer: Son of a Critch. Watch free onCBC Gem. A delicious McWrap can be hard to put down. But with new Creamy Avocado Ranch sauce, it's even harder. So what'll it be Sarah? Juicy text, or juicy bite? Obviously. For the McWrap fans. ( ) The future is not just going to happen. You have to make it. And if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and Now becomes the Future where you grew a dream into a reality. The all new godaddy airo. Put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. ( ) In here... you can expect to find... crystal clear audio... expansive display space... endless entertainment... and more comfort for everyone... But even with all that... we still left room... for all the unpredictability... spontaneity.. and unexpected things... you'll find out here... Jeep. Grand Cherokee. The most awarded suv ever. You do all sorts of thingswhen you're a parent.(Laughter) Wiping up Bomb disposal Taking outLife Insurance Welcome to Cover Direct, you're speaking to Sally, how can I help? Hi, I'd like aquote for your Family LifeInsurance please. Ok. If you'reaged 18-70, you can get coverage for upto $1.5 million dollars, and help give your familysome peace of mind. You won't need a medical or blood testto be approved, there are justa few health and lifestyle questions... ...for $100,000of coverage, prices start from $9.66a month, or just 32 cents a day. That's less thanI thought! And with that money, we could pay the mortgage and a few expenses. I'll go right ahead. We're Canada's MostTrusted Direct Life Insurance Provider. To get a free, no obligation quote, call one ofour trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-934-3220 or visit [ ] >> Linda: you're watching cbc news network. I'm linda ward. Coming up, a new study shows that ozempic may cut the risk of death from kidney disease in diabetics. We'll break down the results with a regular contributor on our network, dr. Christopher labos.

>>> Also ahead, the remains of an unknown soldier from newfoundland who died in france in world war I are on their way home. >>> The oilers will try to take control of their semi-final series against the stars tonight in dallas. We begin with ongoing tensions on some of this country's leading university campuses. School officials at the university of toronto are waiting for a response after issuing a trespass notice to pro-palestinian protesters. The students set up an encampment more than three weeks ago protesting the war in gaza. The cbc's albert delitala has the datest. >> Albert: well, we're counting down to 8:00 A.M. local time on monday. That's the new deadline that protesters have to leave campus or potentially face a five-year suspension or even expulsion from the university. And that comes after more than three weeks of an encampment set up there and that was in solidarity to the protests across north america, pro-palestinian protests that seek to see the war between israel and hamas end. That offer, though, that they were considering, they did decline that offer and in it the university said they would not end partnerships with israeli universities. That was one of their demands. They invited students to attend a board of governor council meetings to make their demands then and also offered a working group around disrowr and increasing transparency of their investments, another demand those students were making. They were to accept that by 4:00 P.M. yesterday, that was the deadline, but they rejected that offer. They said the university was essentially offering them a process that already existed and they want commitments instead around their demands. Here is one protest who said they remain resolute around all of this. >> We do not plan to leave any time soon. I also want to come back to the reason they issued us this notice. They put out their first offer to us yesterday, more of an ultimatum that they are framing as a final offer. They know how to bargain. The first written offer cannot be the final offer. We are currently preparing our counter offer and hopefully we're able to discuss that at the 5:00 P.M. meeting on sunday. >> Albert: one representative with halil ontario spoke with cbc news. They advocate for jewish students. He didn't say whether police should go into the encampment, but he did say it has to end. >> Ultimately what we want is peace, coexistence and we want to be able to study and learn and live and work on a campus with everybody. Unfortunately, these unlawful occupations have brought intimidation to campus and it is time that our campuses and government leaders and well-meaning canadians stand up and say enough. >> Albert: at McMASTER university in hamilton west of toronto, a similar situation. You can see images of that encampment going on there for three weeks. It's set to come down today after students reached an agreement with the university. That framework includes human rights considerations in their international agreements and also an annual disclosure of all of the direct investments they make. >> Linda: albert, in montrealed, a university there has filed an injunction against protesters. What do we know about that? >> Albert: that's at the university de quebec montreal. That university did file an injunction as you said against the students who have been camping on their campus for just over a week now. I think we have some pictures of that situation. They're seeking for those tents and other objects they've set up not to be closer than 3 metres away from buildings. They also say that safety is a concern, they allege vandalism has taken place. A lot of those accusations the students do deny, but the judge in this case has yet to rule but says safety will be top of mind in that decision, linda. >> Linda: the cbc's albert delitala.

>>> There are new moves to kick start ceasefire talks between israel and hamas and they come as israeli forces defy a new U.N. court order and international pressure by continuing their assault on rafah. Israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu insists the ground and air offensive in the city must go on to rout out forces. There is hoped to be a truce to end the violence and see a new hostage release. Journalist irris makler has been keeping an eye on those talks from jerusalem. She says a revival of these talks is optimism. >> Irris: at the moment it's talks about talks, but it's significant, linda. What we've seen in the last few hours and there were these meetings in paris between the C.I.A. chief, the israeli mossad chief, the qatari prime minister and day say talks will resume. Next week there will be talks between the same three parties and then also egypt and then hamas will be brought in. So I suppose it is optimistic because we haven't seen any talks on this issue for more than two weeks. It's significant also because of the i.c.j., the international court of justice's order to israel to stop fighting and particularly to protect the civilians in gaza. That order was some 24 hours ago and in that time we have seen continued fighting. Israel says it is finding more tunnels and weapons of militants. And the hamas-run health ministry in gaza says in that period there's been dozens more casualties and dozens more deaths of palestinians. So if there were to be talks and if there was another way to solve this issue, this deadlock, it would be very welcome. >> Linda: irris, providing aid was central to the world court's ruling against israel. What can you tell us about any advances there? >> Irris: there has been a breakthrough brought about after a conversation between U.S. president joe biden and the egyptian president el-sisa. They had a conversation and it is now agreed aid will enter from egypt through karam shalom. That is significant because usually it goes in through rafah, but in the last days since israel entered rafah, no aid is going in. Israel and egypt blame each other for that. In a way it's not significant who is to blame. What is important is there are hundreds of trucks lining up on that border at the moment. Aid is not getting in. Fresh food especially is rotting there. So this is a huge advance. The important thing will be once the aid gets in, will it be able to be distributed and will it be able to be distributed to some 900,000 people estimated moving out of rafah to tents in an area el-moasi on the coast. Very small and cramped and they do need the aid. >> Linda: that's irris makler from jerusalem.

>>> Some finance ministers are finishing up meetings in northern italy and one of the main items on the agenda is how the g7 can help ukraine using frozen russian assets. For more on this we're now joined by megan williams in paris. Let's start with those discussions regarding that loan to ukraine. What's the latest there? >> Megan: well, linda, the g7 released a cautious statement saying they are working to find ways to help support ukraine with interest from the hundreds of billions of dollars in frozen russian assets. Most of those frozen assets are here in europe. Now, the U.S. is pushing for that help to ukraine to be in the form of a loan. They would like to give ukraine a loan so ukraine should pay back that loan with the interest on these frozen russian assets. Now, russia of course is not happy with this. Last week or earlier this week the E.U. made a similar move. They said they're going to help ukraine using frozen russian assets here in europe. Russia says that it will retaliate. It has already taken over a number of western businesses in russia and I don't know what else it's going to do but it is threatening g7 nations if they move ahead with this, which they will likely do in mid-june at the next g7 meeting. >> Linda: and I understand, megan, there have been discussions about china's economic practices. What can you tell us about those? >> Well, the main worry about china amongst g7 countries is that they're flooding the market with cheap products. Those products are cheap because they're subsidized by the chinese government. So last week the united states brought in a whole host of tariffs against cheap chinese products. Everything from computer chips to medical supplies. The U.S. is pressuring europe to do the same thing. There are calls for unity. There's not a lot of agreement in europe over how they want to deal with china. They're of course worried about these products undercutting their own markets, but they also don't want a trade war with china. The other issues that came up today are taxing billionaires, it came up at the g7. That was mixed. France was pushing for that and italy was hoping to come up with some sort of a deal on global corporate taxation. There's some sort of commitment in the final paper. Italy's finance minister said he doesn't really have much hope that it will go forward. >> Linda: megan williams in paris. Thanks very much for this.

>>> It is a day that many have waited a very long time for. The remains of an unknown soldier who served in the royal newfoundland regiment during the first world war are now returning home. [ ] >> Linda: these are some of the scenes from a ceremony this morning in beaumont-hamel, france. A group of canadian armed forces personnel accepted the casket. Premier andrew furey was also in attendance. Our cbc team in st. John's spoke to people today to hear their thoughts on the soldier's return. >> I think that's amazing. I can't believe I'm here when it's happening. I'm from saskatchewan and just happened to be here at the same time this is happening. I had no idea. That's pretty cool. >> I think it is absolutely amazing that this is taking place today. I'm quite moved by it today. >> Certainly a very proud moment for the province. As the premier has mentioned, newfoundland and now newfoundland and labrador, was not part of canada at that time. So it's a very distinct, very important time for the province. >> I think it's a really good idea, knowing that he's back home and buried in a spot where even if he didn't have direct de-sende question /* descendents of his can now go and see where he is and pay respects. >> It means so much. I have a great-uncle who died during world war I and he is buried in france. [ ] Hey, let's go, man. [laughter] You're one of my favourite interviewers. Announcer: q with Tom Power. Available now onCBC Listen or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm lost in love... (Electronic chime) So lost in love with you Get started for free on eharmony. (Giggling) Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Is that a Cheestring? I'll trade you my bagel for it. How about my pirate's treasure? Mystery Orb? I offer Cthulhu, the World Eater! I'll stick with the Cheestring. Keep it Cheesy. Cheestrings, only from Black Diamond. ( ) ( ) Power through your to-do list... ( ) ( ) and create a space that makes a splash. Find stihl tools, starting at $179.99. Shop local. Buy stihl. Find yours at ( ) In here... you can expect to find... crystal clear audio... expansive display space... endless entertainment... and more comfort for everyone... But even with all that... we still left room... for all the unpredictability... spontaneity.. and unexpected things... you'll find out here... Jeep. Grand Cherokee. The most awarded suv ever. Inu Nagamu is one of Canada's largest Indigenous and alcohol-free music festival. In the heart of the Cote Nord region in Mani-Utenam, Inu Nagamu Festival proudly celebrates its 40th edition to the rhythm of Indigenous artists from near and far, in addition to presenting world-class performances in a family-friendly atmosphere. We look forward to see you in Mani-Utenam from July 30th to August 4th, 2024. >> What assurances can you give to Canadians watching this at home? Is that everything you needed to do, or everything you wereableto do? >> We're not going to make a decision on a budget we haven't seen yet. >> Let Canadians decide. >> Announcer: David Cochrane forPower & Politics, weekdays at 5:00 p.m. Eastern onCBC News Network. [ ] >> Linda: ozempic has been making headlines as a so-called miracle drug to treat type 2 diabetes. A new study shows that injections of the drug known generically as sumoglutide can reduce the risk of kidney and heart complications in diabetic patients. This study was funded by the maker of ozempic. For more on this story, we're joined by dr. Christopher labos, an epologist and cardiologist and thorough of "does coffee

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