
CBCN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #21

dark and ugly for many canadians. We'll continue to see the potential for those passing showers into the late afternoon, especially for kingston and then out towards ottawa. The thunderstorm risk will decrease by the time we get into the evening. And then québec you'll be staying dry through the day today. But into the evening hours, that's when you'll start to see some of those showers filter in into montreal and high pressure builds going into sunday. That was perfect timing. Also the trough here lingering through the west. That holds on to the thunderstorm risk. Places like edmonton look at showers as we go into sunday. >> Marianne: at least good for the flowers. All right. Thanks so much, rachel. >> Rachel: you're welcome. >> Marianne: time to get your dance on alt canada's biggest latin music festival. Montreal's fuego begins tonight at atlantic park. The festival sees a dozen internationally renowned artists in reggae, pop and more. Tonight's headliner is malooma. Thanks for spending part of your weekend here on cbc news network. [dramatic] Announcer:What's new? What's breaking? What's really going on? Cbc News Network. What would you like to payfor your hotel room tonight?$249, $225, or $199? Same room, same service.Just different prices. It's really up to you. Well, nobody asksyou this at reception, but that's exactlywhat trivago does. trivago compares hotel pricesfrom hundreds of booking sites. So, save yourselfvaluable time and money. Use trivago,compare hotel prices and save up to $50 a night Hotel? trivago. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. ( ) Get that ojo Feeling with big progressive jackpots and no playthrough requirements, plus all wins paid in cash - restriction-free. ( ) feel the fun play ojo [men shouting names] They'll find them. Doctor! [all talking frantically] Give this little one a bed! There are no more beds! [speaking Ukrainian] No. We'll find you some place. And Laura wouldn't have died if this community could agree on a real hospital. [door opens] If we can forget our differences. [in Ukrainian] Narrator: Our community did get together and built a real hospital with free services. Maybe we started something. Welcome to Canmore, Alberta. This will be your toughest day yet. -Get back up! Boom! -Don't eavesdrop. -i can't shut my ears off. Well then shut your mouth off. Announcer: Canada's Ultimate Challenge. Watch free onCBC Gem. >> Marianne: hi. Good morning. I'm marianne dimain. You're watching cbc news network. Here are some of the stories we're following this morning. The remains of an unknown soldier from newfoundland, who died in france during the first world war, are on their way home. Hundreds of young men died during a disastrous battle at beaumont-hamel in 1916. The soldier will arrive in newfoundland today and a solemn re-burial ceremony is planned for canada day.

>>> And water levels in great slave lake are the lowest ever recorded because of two years of drought. It's also affecting parts of the McKENZIE river and that's leaving some communities stranded. We've got the details coming up. >>> Plus, g7 finance ministers are meeting in italy this weekend. They backed a plan to use frozen russian assets to help ukraine but it's not sitting well with russia. We'll have more coming up. >>> We begin with a day that's been waited for for a long time by many people. The remains of an unknown soldier, who served in the royal newfoundland regiment during the first world war, are now returning home. >> Marianne: these are scenes from a ceremony this morning in beaumont-hamel, france. A party of canadian armed forces personally accepted the casket. Premier andrew furey was also in attendance. The cbc's heather gillis has more on the ceremony and the journey ahead. >> Reporter: the unknown soldier from newfoundland is back in the hands of fellow members of the regiment and the canadian military. He was transferred at a ceremony here at beaumont-hamel in france. An important sight for the regiment, because this is where they suffered catastrophic losses during the battle on july 1st, 1916. Today this area is a park honouring those lives lost and no better place than to hold that transfer ceremony. The unknown soldier is going to the airport under a police escort, where there will be a ceremony again loading time in an airplane. Once he's back on newfoundland soil, there will be another soil, where he's back on newfoundland ground for the first time in over 100 years. Then he'll be taken past places he once visited. Pleasantville where the regiment trained and that is where fellow members of the regiment will stand guard and pay respects to the soldier as he passes by. The unknown soldier will lie in state at the province's legislature next month, before his full military funeral on memorial day, that's july 1st. Then he'll be put in a tomb with labradorite remembered permanently. Heather gillis, cbc news, beaumont-hamel, france. >> Marianne: the town of cumberland house, a remote community in northeastern saskatchewan, has declared a state of emergency. And people who live there are unable to leave. Heavy rains have washed out the only road to and from the village. Highway 123 is the only access route for transporting food, fuel and emergency services. The mayor says essentials like milk, bread, baby formula and prescription medications are in short supply. Community leaders are calling for emergency meetings with the provincial and federal governments. One of the most crucial waterways in canada's north is in deep trouble. The McKENZIE river is a vital artery for community tas rely on barges to deliver supplies. For some that's now impossible. The river is fed by great slave lake, canada's deepest. But juanita teller shows us it's the lowest ever recorded this time of year. >> What we're seeing now is totally unprecedented. >> Reporter: like nearly everyone in the region of the northwest territory, this man has never seen the McKENZIE river this low ever. >> How is it affecting the fish, the water that we drink, the birds, the animals. >> Reporter: he monitors the water cycles on the river for the first nation in first simpson. >> Everyone is worried. >> Reporter: it's not just the group. They integrate great slave lake, which is the deepest in canada. The led fed by yellowknife now exposed. >> We're see the extreme low water levels are the result of extreme drought over the last two, two and a half years. >> Reporter: water levels dropped over one metre since drought conditions started two years ago. This is the lowest it's been since at least 1932, as as far back as records go. >> Very low rainfall. Very high temperatures. We've seen a lot of evaporations. A lot water has been lost and it's not been replenished. >> Reporter: the drastic decline in the water levels is having a major impact on this summer's shipping season. Barges cancelled for two communities. That's going to delay major building projects in the area, too. >> It's going to have a big effect on us, too. Throw us back about a yea >> Reporter: now the territorial government is working with indigenous governments to figure out a plan. >> Mackenzie river is a highway.

if the 401 was closed, imagine the disruption and imagine the costs. Now put yourself in remote rural indigenous communities and that's even amplified. >> Reporter: people here want to know when the water will return. The hydrologist says that will take record amounts of rain. And it could happen eventually, but not soon enough for the communities struggling now. Juanita taylor, cbc news, yellowknife. >> Marianne: the university of toronto has issued a trespass notice to a pro-palestinian contemporary on its -- encampment on its grounds. Protesters moved in three weeks ago and continue to negotiate with the school. The cbc's albert delitala is on this story this morning. And and he joins us now. The big question, albert, what happens next? >> Reporter: it is, marianne. We're waiting to see what happens at 8:00 A.M. on monday morning. That's the new deadline that protesters have to leave campus or they could face a five-year suspension or expulsion from the university. And it follows the latest rejection of the university's offer to them following about three weeks of the encampment you see right there. It's in solidarity, of course, with other pro-palestinian calendars across north america, calling for the war between israel and hamas to end. In that offer, the university said it would not end partnerships with israeli universities, one of their demands. But it did invite students to attend a board of governing council meeting next month to present their demands. It also offered a working group to consider options around disclosure and increasing transparency of investments and another demand they've been making. They had until 4:00 P.M. yesterday to accept that offer, but they didn't. They rejected it. They said the university was essentially offering them a process that already exists. They want commitments instead from the university officials. Here's one protester on her plans. >> I'm not planning to leave any time soon. I also want to come back to the reason that they issued us this notice. They put out the first offer to us yesterday. More of an ultimatum that they're framing as the final offer. U. Of t. Knows how to bargain. They bargain with unions on campus all the time. The first written offer cannot be the final offer. And so we are currently preparing our counteroffer. And hopefully we're able to discuss that at the 5:00 P.M. meeting on sunday. >> Reporter: one representative with hello ontario, the group represents jewish students and advocate for them. He said the -- he's troubled the university is speaking with the protesters there. He was citing some messaging over the past few weeks he seeing as anti-jewish. >> Jewish students, like every other student, deserve to be able to go to university, on a campus free from harassment and intimidation. And the university has a responsibility to follow its policies and procedures to ensure the safety, as I said, of jewish students and all students. They haven't been doing that. >> Reporter: and that seems to be there at McMASTER university in hamilton, west of toronto. It's set to look very different today. Those tents set to come down. Because of a deal struck between the protesters and the university. It includes the framework for human rights considerations on international ingredients. And an annual disclosure of any direct investments they make from the university. >> Marianne: I know you're keeping an eye on what's happening there in ontario but also in montreal some developments there with one university filing an injunction against protesters. >> Reporter: yeah. The université du québec montreal filed the injunction, citing the safety risk they see imposed by students there with an encampment at the university going on for just over a week now. What they want to see is for them to be prohibited from setting up tents, like those closer than three metres away from buildings. They claim that protesters have been obstructing access to the building, also engaging in vandalism. The lawyer for the protesters have been saying in court that the protesters have voted to allow access to the campus. And they do dispute some of those claims. The judge saying that safety is really the major concern here. So we'll be watching that, marianne. >> Marianne: all right. Thanks for this, albert. That's the cbc's albert delitala in the newsroom this hour.

>>> Israeli defense minister says israel must, quote, continue fighting despite an order from the world's court to halt military operations in rafah. He spoke with U.S. secretary of state antony blinken after the ruling. Key talking points were hostages, keys fire plans -- cease-fire plans and the need for humanitarian assistance. Journalist irris makler was following the world court's ruling from jerusalem. Irris, let's start first with where do you think israel will go from here? >> Reporter: well, we can see over the past 24 hours, since we've heard from the i.c.j., the international criminal court, no let up. We've seen airstrikes. We've seen reports of hand-to-hand fighting actually on the ground in rafah. And both sides, you know, israel says that it's finding tums that are bringing smuggling tunnels from egypt. Interesting with this international court of justice judgment or recommendation, it doesn't have the police force. It's not enforceable. So what would happen possibly if israel continues not to obey an order of that court is a motion in the united nations security council. So this would be depending once again on america, you know, america has always opposed the large military operation in gaza. So we see that. There may be another step, you know, within the last hour we have heard that there could now be a resumption of talks. Talks on cease-fire deals. Talks on hostage return. That could be another way to solve this. We have heard that, because there was a meeting between the head of the cia, the prime minister. They met in paris yesterday. They're going to meet again with egyptian leaders. It's been two weeks now with no hostage talks. That might be a positive sign. That could be a solution from another van stage point all together. >> Let's talk more about humanitarian aid. Because the I.C.J. called for israel to allow the aid into gaza. What's the latest on that front? >> Reporter: that's right. There's been a big problem with aid over the last 19 days, since israel entered rafah on may the 6th. Egypt said -- egypt-palestinian border crossing. A lot of aid through there. Egypt said it would not continue to allow aid to come in while israel was there. Both israel and egypt blaming each other. But what the reality of all of this is means there's hundreds of trucks backed up there. What we now have an intervention from the U.S. to the egyptian president, an agreement to move aid in from an israeli -- nearby israeli border crossing in the south. The problem, as always, will be distribution. But, nevertheless, that is a breakthrough, because that aid in those trucks however, an independent review found that israel didn't provide any evidence to back its claims. Most key donors, including canada, have resumed their assistance. We'll have more news ahead on cbc news network. >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. [ticking clock] Are you gonna tell me how you did it? [heist music plays] [music intensifies] Grrrr! [applause] Kevin and Sarah have one of the world's largest collections of souvenir plates. [crash] They also have a teenager, so they got their plates insured. But they don't have life insurance. Kevin's worried his diabetes will make it hard to qualify, and Sarah does not like medical exams. So we got them some new plates to tell them about Canada Protection Plan. Canada Protection Plan hassolutions for both the healthy and hard to insure. With no needles or medicalexams required on most plans. You'll get great coverageat a price you'll love

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>>> The charge relates to the fatal film set shooting of cinematographer halyna hutch yips in 2020. He was handed a prop gun containing live rounds. The armorer responsible for weapons safety on set was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in march. Baldwin's lawyers accuse the prosecution of misconduct during the jury selection process. The trial is set to begin in july. >>> Finance ministers from some of the world's leading economies are meeting in northern italy. On the agenda, how the g7 might be able to use frozen russian assets to help ukraine. For more on this and some of the other key points of discussion, here's megan williams in paris. >> Reporter: well, in a draft of a statement to be released later today, the finance minister's write that they're exploring ways of using the $400 billion -- canadian dollars worth of assets to help ukraine in defending itself against russia. This would be the interest from -- the annual interest from those frozen assets, which you know the interest alone amounts to billions and billions of dollars. The E.U. made a similar move earlier this week. They said that they will be giving the interest from the frozen russian assets here in europe to ukraine to help them in the war effort. Russia, of course, is not at all happy about that. It said it considers the move illegal and will retaliate. >> Marianne: what more can you tell us about the discussions about china's economic practises? >> Reporter: well, the g7 ministers are concerned about china. What they call unfair trade practises. Essentially the chinese supplementing a lot of their products are state subsidy days. So flooding foreign markets with the cheap products. The united states last week introduced a series of tariffs against chinese products and it's not asking g7 or E.U. leaders to do the same thing. But everybody is concerned. But they're also concerned about a chinese trade war. Nobody wants that, particularly in europe. The other issues are billionaire taxes. France has been pushing very, very hard to have a 2% tax, global tax on billionaires. Unfortunately the U.S. nixed that. But one global tax, that is moving forward a little bit, is a corporate global tax that is aimed for tech giants. >> Marianne: that was megan williams in paris.

>>> The cross of notre dame need has been reinstalled. It's part of a restoration effort after the cathedral was heavily damaged during a fire in 2019. The cross spans 12 metres and weighs 1500 kilograms. The restoration is expected to near completion later this year, with the hope of opening again in december. You're watching cbc news network. . I am pumped! Yes! Announcer:The finish line is finally in sight. Maestro: One team will be crowned Race Against the Tidechampions. Announcer:On this beach anything can happen. Mm. -Oh, It makes your heart pound, it's going to be really exciting, no matter what. [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] There's so much pressure these days. Work doesn't seem to stop. And parenting never does. So when my time comes, I want to make things as stress free as possible for my family. Welcome to Seniors Choice. How can I help? I'd like to get a quote please. If you're a Canadian Resident aged 50-80, you can choose the right amount of coverage for you and your family up to $250,000. Okay. You can choose to apply over the phone now in just minutes. With no medicals or blood tests, just a few health and lifestyle questions. It's that easy? Depending on the coverage you choose, it would be as little as $14.88 a month. That's just 49 cents a day. That's cheaper than I thought and this coverage could save my family from having to pay for my funeral when the time comes. There might even be some left over as a gift for them. I'll go ahead. Seniors Choice are the #1 Direct Choice for Canadians Over 50. To get a free, no obligation quote, call one of our trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-848-8154 or visit I heard it wanders the streets at night in search of food. I hear it can carry two kayaks right on its back. You know how nobody can find parking on gameday? It found a way. The new Subaru Crosstrek. The true Urban Legend. The all new GoDaddy Airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. Just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. Make now the future at (sigh) Italy... KFC's $5 Sandwich of the Day is back. Only in Canada. Have a great trip... What? Sit down. Not everyone's happy. But you will be. ( ) >> Marianne: the nhl stanley cup playoffs continue tonight in texas. Edmonton was able to steal a game in the western final opener on thursday night. >> Centre. Scores! It's over. 32 seconds in and redirected from the slot. >> Marianne: oilers' captain connor McDAVID O.T. winner overshadowed the double minor penalty when overtime started. The penalty killers have been crucial in the playoffs, successfully shutting down 19 consecutive power plays. Edmonton goaltender stuart skinner has three-straight wins since returning to the crease in game six of the second round. Game two happens tonight in dallas. >> Down the centre. Knocks it down. Scores! >> Marianne: and in the eastern final last night, barkley goodrose scored in overtime to give the new york rangers a 2-1 win. Levels the best-of-seven eastern final 1-1. The teams now move south to florida for game three tomorrow afternoon. Time for your weekend forecast with rachel schoutsen from the weather network. I would say we saw a lot of rain in the forecast. What when is the relief coming? >> Rachel: the last week of may looks wet for many canadians. We look in the long-range pattern, ontario and québec. Especially atlantic canada, too. You can see the cooler conditions have certainly settled in across the west. One of the warmest places actually up in yellowknife at 17°. That will feel nice. We're 2 # is° in toronto, ottawa today. Beautiful in halifax at 21. We're tracking act weather. What we're looking at here is this system that continues to move across ontario. This is the same system that brought the cold rain, even snow into dauphin and brandon. A bit of an extension into ontario. We're looking at the thunderstorm risk lingering on through the day today. So the skies have turned kind of

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