
CBCN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #14

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Bigger. -Dad is a superstar wherever he goes. Two-one! -Daddy marketing works! >> Marianne: good morning. I'm marianne dimain. The university of toronto has issued a protest notice. An encampment was set up on university grounds more than three weeks ago, and both the university and protesters continue to negotiate for a resolution. The cbc's albert delitala is on the story this morning. Albert, what happens next? >> Reporter: marianne, they face up to a five-year expulsion if they don't leave by 8:00 A.M. on monday. Those are the latest developments following three weeks of protests in the encampment at the university of toronto. And that was set up, of course, in solidarity with other pro-palestinian encampments in the world. And it also comes after protesters rejected the latest offer from the university of toronto. In it the university said it would not end partnerships with israeli universities, but did invite students to attend a board of governors meeting next month to present their demands. It offered a working group to consider options around disclosure and increasing transparency of investments. And they had until 4:00 P.M. yesterday, around then, to accept that deal. But they didn't. They rejected it. And they called -- the protesters called it an ultimatum. And they said the university was essentially offering them a process that already existed and they want commitments instead. Those commitments they want are that the university discloses the financial dealings, divest from investments. And cut ties with israeli academic institutions operating within the prison occupied if territories. Here's one protester on where she sees this going from here. >> I do not plan to leave any time soon. I want to come back to the reason that they issued us this notice. They put out the first offer to us yesterday. More of an ultimatum that they're framing as the final offer. You have seen those how to bargain. They bargain with unions on campus all the time. The first offer cannot be the final offer. We're currently preparing our counteroffer. And hopefully we're able to discuss that at the 5:00 P.M. meeting on sunday. >> Reporter: meanwhile, it's a very different scene at McMASTER in hamilton, west of toronto. The tents are set to come down today. And that's after protesters agreed on terms with the university. Those commitments include a framework for human rights considerations in international agreements and annual disclosures of all direct investments. >> Marianne: it's not just in ontario, of course, albert. The university in montreal has filed an injunction against protesters. >> Reporter: that's right. The officials at the university québec allege protesters there are posing a safety risk. So they have filed an injunction. And that encampment there. You can see some scenes there. It went up over a week ago. And the officials allege there that protesters are obstructing access to the property and engaging in vandalism. Lawyers for the protest told the court yesterday that they have voted that the protesters -- the protesters voted to allow people to come and go from the property as they please. The judge, though, said that he would make safety the key concern in all of this. >> Marianne: thanks so much for this, albert. That's the cbc's albert delitala in the newsroom this hour.

>>> Police in los angeles have made an arrest three weeks after a mob attacked pro-palestinian activists at the university of california. The suspect has now been identified as 18-year-old eden an. Ucla police say he's charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He had no affiliation with the university and was reported by local media to be a beverly hills high school student. His mother told cnn he plans to join the israeli defense forces. His arrest was the first by police as they continue to investigate violence that flared up on campus between pro-palestinian activists occupying a tent camp and a group who attacked them late on the night of april 30 30th. The confrontation lasted into the early morning of may 1st. Police forcibly dismantled the encampment the next night arresting 210 people. >>> Now for a look at the latest on the fighting in gaza. Israeli is once again launching airstrikes in rafah, despite an order from the world court for it to stop its military offensive in the city. According to news reports, israeli carried out strikes on multiple places in rafah, including a refugee camp and a nearby hospital. Gaza's hamas-run health authority says 5 palestinians were killed, with 93 wounded in the latest bombings. Also reports of several raids in the occupied it west bank overnight and this morning. The U.N. agency for palestinian refugees says that while one war rages in gaza, the conflict in the west bank goes unnoticed. Journalist irris makler is following this. She joins us this morning from jerusalem. Irris, how do we expect israel to proceed? >> Reporter: well, I think you're right. At the moment the indication is there won't be any change in the plans. We see that from the action on the ground, as you say. Fighting within just the last hour. Fighting continues to. Hand-to-hand inside western rafah. So that's one reality. The other reality is the far-right members of this government saying there will be not be any calls. They're not in the war cabinet. They do not necessarily represent the prime minister. The prime minister is known to believe in a continuation of this war as well. I have heard some legal interpretation, suggesting this is not actually an order to halt the fighting in rafah, in order to halt the fighting to provide evidence to the court that sufficient provision being made for the civilians who have moved out of the city. And there is a suggestion that perhaps that can be dealt with separately and that evidence brought to the court. I did hear the judge who was reading out the judgment yesterday saying it's an unforcible judgment, of course. They could send in inspectors within four weeks to see if the orders were being followed. Back to the reality, which is that what is likely to follow with an unforcible order, is a motion in the united nations security council. And for that the -- israel needs U.S. support and a veto. >> Marianne: let's talk more about humanitarian aid. That is, of course, very important right now in calls to get that humanitarian aid in have been going on for quite some time. The icj called for the aid to be allowed into gaza. What's the latest on that? >> Reporter: we have seen a breakthrough of sorts, also as a result of pressure from washington. We've seen the big problem I guess is the closure of the rafah border crossing. That began on the 6th of may, when israel moved the forces into rafah. A dispute between rafah, between egypt and who is to blame for that. What we heard now is there is an agreement that that aid can go in with the nearest border crossing inside israel. That's a huge advance. For these 19 days, those trucks have been piling up on the egyptian side of the border. And so this would make a difference. >> Marianne: constituencies are voting today, including seven in delhi. Our reporter has the very latest. One big factor there this morning is the temperature. They're in the 40s today. So how are the turnout -- how is the turnout of the polls impacted by that heat wave?

>> Reporter: well, the heat is sadly affecting the turnout to a certain degree. I'm outside one polling booth. You can see behind me, not a long queue of people, because it's smack in the middle of the afternoon. This is usually when people do not want to come out and start voting. Most people prefer to do that earlier in the morning or later in the evening, when the temperatures are a bit more comfortable. It's about 44° right now. And it feels just painful to be here at this moment. And, you know, that gives you a sense of how it must be for the voters here as well. I'm in delhi where things are slightly organized. We've got shade. We've got trees. A lot of facilities are not available, but we've seen in many parts of the country that the election commission has organized a lot of things like mist fans, coolers, dessert coolers and things like that to ensure that more and more people are coming out to vote and exercise their democratic right to vote. >> Marianne: when it comes to india's muslim communities there's divisiveness. Talk about how that impacted the election? >> Reporter: the prime minister modi's alleged comments and opposition parties have been saying he's made the elections very polarized in the sense that there has been an increasing rhetoric against the minority communities. But the force has defended itself saying that the prime minister is not actually attacking the minority communities. He's only quoting what the party is saying. One of the statements that the prime minister made, which caught a lot of backlash is when he referred to india's muslim population as infiltrators. Later on they defended him and says the prime minister was not using his own words but quoting somebody else. So now these type of comments have led the opposition parties to say the indian elections are polarized. Some analysts pointed out, ample, it's a possibility that these sort of statements actually rile up his voter base and ensure they're coming out and voting in large numbers in his favour. They're also saying that it's probably one of the reasons, along with the massive developmental agenda that prime minister modi has, it's one of the reasons why he may be cruising to a third term this time around. >> Marianne: ishan garg in new delhi, thanks.

>>> Hundreds of people feared buried by a major landslide in papua new guinea. It covered highways and buildings under mounds of mud and rock. The slide hit a remote area 600 kilometres northwest of the capital. For more on this we're joined by dominic valitis, who is tracking the story from london this morning. What more can you tell us about what's happening there today? >> Reporter: well, marianne, this landslide actually happened in the very early hours of friday morning, about 3:00 A.M. local time. We're only really getting a sense now of the true scale of this disaster. The death toll has been revised. Initially thought 100 people had been killed. There are now reports, marianne, that more than 300 people may have, in fact, lost their lives in just one village, after this landslide buried more than a thousand homes there. And as I say, several other villages are thought to have been affected. As such, authorities are warning the number of dead is likely to rise even further. We are now seeing as well more footage coming in from the scene. Images of villages frantically digging through soil for survivors. It's heartbreaking to watch. And for them extremely dangerous as well, because the area itself is still very, very unstable. And that means other villages could now also be at risk if this landslide continues down to the mountain. Marianne. >> Marianne: because it is still quite a fluid situation there, as far as the safety. What about the aid? Has it been able to reach the area? >> Reporter: well, we understand, marianne, some emergency services have arrived at we've got large amounts of teams doing assessments, carrying out analysis on what exactly is required, as we then look at responding. >> Reporter: now part of the problem, marianne, as you mentioned earlier, is the inga province is an isolated place. It's several hundred kilometres from the capital of papua new guinea. But the conditions on the ground, in the affected area, are what's really giving emergency responders big, big problems. Officials say that the debris caused by this landslide is in some parts 8 metres deep and covers more than 200 square kilometres of land, including a large stretch of the only highway leads in and out of the province. So access for those emergency responders is proving extremely difficult right now. Marianne. >> Marianne: that's dominic valitis from london. Thanks, dominic. >> Reporter: thank you. >> Marianne: this is a look at beaumont, france, this morning. That's where the remains of an unknown soldier, who served in the royal newfoundland regiment during the first world war will be repatriated. Reservists are accepting the casket. It is an emotional ceremony happening there in northern france this morning. A delegation of about 100 canadians, including some from newfoundland and labrador, are there to watch as the remains are returned home, returning to canadian soil. The unknown soldier will lie in state for three days at the provincial legislature in st. John's. On july 1st, which is beaumont ham ill memorial day in newfoundland, the remains will be buried at the newfoundland national war memorial. We'll have more on this and the emotional reaction later this morning. You're watching cbc news network. >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. Parrots are incredible animals. [Parrot] Another overdue bill! Yeah. They're also extremely intelligent. [Parrot] Forgot to pay again! They also repeat things they hear a lot. The new bmo eclipse rise Visa card rewards you with points for paying your bill on time every month to help build a routine. [Parrot] Rewards you with

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>>> New changes are coming to the look of the rcmp. Traditional indigenous ribbon skirts are set to become an optional part of the ceremonial uniform. Some are calling this a sign of progress, while others worry it ignores the role the rcmp has played throughout indigenous history. Cameron macintosh has more. >> Reporter: as canadian of a symbol as it gets, the rcmp's red surge, this week the dress uniform got an addition. The ribbon skirt featuring four colours representing four directions. After a push by female indigenous members and elders, including judi pelley. >> It's really signifies how we have pride in our womanhood, in our, you know, being matriarchs of our community. >> Reporter: many indigenous nations see the ribbon skirt as a symbol of identity. For the rcmp to adopt it is upsetting to some. Due to the role of red-clad mounties in colonizing residential schools. In in march in winnipeg, strong feelings. >> We need to focus on the justice and if the truth and reconciliation, which I don't believe the rcmp has done today. >> It's an insult to our people, because they're the ones -- >> Reporter: not everyone feels that way. >> I represent the woman and we're just growing stronger. >> Reporter: the push for the rcmp skirt, -- pelley is the girl's grandmother. >> It gave us a sense of pride for who we are and as women. >> Reporter: in a lengthy statement, the rcmp said it consulted indigenous staff and advisers. The rcmp permits indigenous officers to take an oath on an eagle feather and wear metis sashes. Sandra has consulted on issues including missing and murdered women and girls. She gets the concern, but also sees it like this. >> The rcmp doesn't own the ribbon skirt. It's opened by the members. >> Reporter: the rcmp says there are about 300 indigenous members of the force eligible to wear the skirt. As conversation around it underscores the complexities of reconciliation. Cameron macintosh, cbc news, winnipeg. >> Marianne: it's paramedic services week. A way to acknowledge first responders for what they do. And for one saskatoon woman, it was the perfect opportunity to thank the paramedics who saved her life. >> The careers that these individuals have chosen may be called paramedics. However, I have a different name for matt and mitch. They're my guardian angels. There are no ways to fully express my gratitude to them. I stand here with the utmost sincerity and say thank you. >> Marianne: on the morning of april 15th, nicole craig went into cardiac arrest in saskatoon. It was matt and mitch who arrived after that 9-1-1 call. They shocked her twice, revived craig, and took her to the hospital where she would have emergency surgery.

>>> Coming up, a crucial game three in the championship series of the inaugural professional women's hockey league. Boston and minnesota both looking to break the deadlocked series and move closer to hoisting the walter cup for the first time. We'll have all the highlights here on cbc news network. Michael j. Fox:When Hugo lost his brother in a tragic accident, he could have easily given up on his dreams. But he chose the hard road instead. [intense] - -[crowd cheers] a new arrival alarms the brotherhood of muscle. Muscular features signal power and performance. Attributes they've never seen in this build. ( ) Behold a new breed. Ready to swarm, ready to sting, ready to electrify. ( ) The defiant power packed hybrid electric Dodge Hornet r/t. Performance electrified. Welcome to the Wayborhood. With Wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] Yes! When the music stops grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] I'm sorry, Carl. This is me in chair form. I don't see you. -Oh, come on. This one's perfect for you. But you. Love it. I told you we should have done a piñata. I explained it so many times. Um-hum. They're not sitting. -And it rocks... You need to sit down. Wayfair. Every style. Every home. Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. Air Wick. How far would you go to set the ambiance of your space? Try the Air Wick way with Air Wick Essential Mist. Infused with natural essential oils, to fill your moment with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. Now that's a breath of fresh Air Wick. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. >> Marianne: the pwhl finals continued last night for game three of the walter cup finals between boston and minnesota. The team split the first two games in boston before heading west. >> On the far side. Drops to centre. Control and the backhand. She scores. [Buzzer] >> Marianne: that's mikayla from thunder bay, ontario, who scored minnesota's third goal of the game. They would add an empty-netter to beat boston 4-1 and take a 2-is series lead. The teams play again on sunday night.

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