
CBCN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

>>> People in ontario will soon be able to buy alcohol in a lot more places. Premier doug ford and the provincial government is rolling out an expansion on booze sales starting this summer, and as nisha patel explains, it comes 1.5 years earlier than scheduled. >> Reporter: for this small convenience store, selling beer and wine is a big opportunity. >> So yeah, I think there will be a boost in the sales, as well. >> Reporter: a more open marketplace is one reason ontario's premier says the province is accelerating its expansion of where alcohol can be sold. >> Our plan will create new opportunities for local breweries, wineries, retailers, and small businesses. It's going to give people more choice and convenience. >> Reporter: starting august 1, grocery stores in ontario, which already sell beer and wine, can sell ready-to-drink cocktails. By october, grocery stores and convenience stores will join the mix. That could add up to as many as 8500 new retailers. >> Just having the opportunity to be able to grabbing it wherever makes sense. >> I actually like the law of it being in separate stores. >> Reporter: alberta is looking into the possibility of expanding liquor sales, but to bring in these changes, ontario will have to pay up to $225 million in taxpayer money to end a ten-year agreement that have given the privately owned beer store a near monopoly. In change, the beer store will keep hundreds of locations keep as well as the recycling programme. Local beer makers, though, toasted the move. >> The fact that beer will be in big box, beer will be in costco, beer will be in corner stores, it's great. The more distribution the better for us craft brewers. >> Reporter: nisha patel, cbc news, toronto. >> Erica: some daycare providers are threatening to pull out of the government's national child care programme as costs are soaring and wait lists are, too. >> Reporter: sherry reiger's daughters are on many wait lists. The family, like many, are struggling to find a licensed care provider. >> Some are saying they won't have a space for two or three years. >> Reporter: the government spent tens of millions of dollars to create more spots and cut the amount that parents pay to $10 a day. >> As child care has become more affordable, we hear from patients parents that access it that we need more spaces. >> Reporter: daycare providers are already struggling to afford the spots they already have, but costs are soaring as well as inflation is affecting a liveable wage. As part of the deal, daycares can't raise their fees, an option they had in the past to offset costs. Some private care centres in ontario who access those public dollars have threatened to pull out of the programme altogether unless they get more money. >> It is not convinceindental that the only ones playing this game of chicken are the private daycare providers. >> The funding is great. It's a great incentive to get us mums back out to work, but again, if I can't access it, what is the point? >> Reporter: to add to sherry's anxiety in finding daycare, she's expecting her third child this fall. That baby doesn't have a name yet but it's already on a wait list. Marina von stackelberg, cbc news, ottawa. >> Erica: a change to the rcmp's dress code is being criticized by some indigenous communities. Ribbon skirts, symbols of identity and strength, will be an optional part of the ceremonial uniform. Cameron mcintosh shows us the praise and the push back. >> Reporter: this week, the

dress uniform of the rcmp got an addition. A ribbon skirt featuring four colours representing four directions after a push by female indigenous members and elders, including judy pelle. >> It really signifies how we have pride in our womanhood, how we're matriarchs of our communities. >> Reporter: many indigenous women see it as a symbol of their identity. For the rcmp deciding to adopt it makes it insulting to some. At this march in winnipeg for residential school survivors, strong feelings. >> We need to focus on the justice and the truth and reconciliation which I don't believe the rcmp has done today. >> I think that's an insult to our people. >> Reporter: but not everyone feels that way. >> It represents the woman and how we're just growing stronger. >> Reporter: the push for an rcmp skirt came after rcmp officers gave one to a young saskatchewan girl shamed at school for wearing hers. Pelle is the girl's grandmother. In a lengthy instrument, the rcmp says it consulted indigenous staff and advisors. The rcmp also allows I thinkndigenous officers to take an oath on an eagle feather and wear indigenous sashes. >> The rcmp doesn't own the ribbon skirt, it's owned by the members that wear it. >> Reporter: the rcmp says there are about 300 indigenous members of the force eligible to wear the skirt as conversation around it underscores the complexities of reconciliation. Cameron mcintosh, cbc news, winnipeg. >> Erica: tonight, louisiana's governor signed a controversial new law designating two commonly used abortion pills as dangerous controlled substances. It's believed to be a first of its kind. If someone is found to be in possession of the drugs without a prescription they could face fines or even prison time. Louisiana already bans abortions in most cases. Doctors say it will make it harder to prescribe the pills which are used for treating miscarriages and inducing labour.

>>> A landmark settlement in the U.S. could change the landscape of college sports. It paves the way for future and college athletes to be paid, a change many say is long overdue. Alison northcott has more on the payment and what's still up in the air. >> Reporter: some of the biggest names in sports started here in college. U.S. athletes in college sports have long been considered amateurs, but a settlement on a lawsuit would see athletes paid directly. This attorney sued the ncaa, alleging it violated antitrust laws by restricting athletes' access to compensation. The ncaa denied wrongdoing. >> For ten years, the athletes will be entitled to share revenue including lucrative broadcast, ticket sales, and media deals that the schools and conferences have. >> Reporter: the settlement includes $2.8 billion in back pay for thousands of former college athletes. The ncaa called it an important step in the continued reformation of college sports. >> It's the biggest development since the ncaa was founded in 1906. >> We have coaches paid $70 million to $100 million, and athletic directors making over $100 million, but the athletes who generate this get zero. >> Reporter: there are questions whether canadian athletes in the U.S. would be eligible. International visas restrict opportunities for contracts with sponsors which their american teammates have been able to do since 2021. >> If canadian athletes cannot, like name, image, and likeness, we may see some canadian athletes choosing to stay home. >> Reporter: athletes could be getting paid as soon as the 2025 fall semester. Alison northcott, cbc news, washington. >> Erica: documentary film maker morgan spurlock, best known for his film "super size me," has died. >> I think I'm going to have to go super size. >> Erica: for the film, spurlock ate only McDONALDS for 30 days to illustrate the harms of a fast-food diet. His other work touched on issues like corporate power and the U.S. war in afghanistan. He died of cancer at his home in new york. He was 53.

>>> A shipping route serving the northwest territories is once again being disrupted as a major river runs dry. >> What we're seeing here is very low rainfall, very high temperatures. >> Erica: what's behind the record low levels. >>> A bus driver is honoured for his quick thinking that saved 23 children. >> You're a foot away from that truck. >> Erica: and a diver's prehistoric discovery. Michael j. Fox:From feeling the pressure of 16 black belts in her family to knowing they always have her back. - -[crowd cheers] I I was standing ( ) You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us apart ( ) I I was standing You were there Two worlds collided ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylenol. It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol. Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims ( ) Milestones aren't for looking back— They remind us to keep moving forward. Introducing Mazda's largest 2-Row suv. With hybrid power... ...and spacious versatility. Made for more meaningful journeys. The first-ever Mazda cx-70. Available as a Mild Hybrid Inline 6 Turbo or as a Plug-In Hybrid. ( ) >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. >> Andrew Chang: May is Asian Heritage Month. Join us in celebrating the many contributions that Asian Canadians make to Canada. >> Erica: one of the most crucial waterways in canada's north is in deep trouble. The McKENZIE river is a vital artery for communities which rely on barges to deliver supplies. For some, that's now impossible. The river is fed by great slave lake, canada's deepest, but juanita taylor shows us it's the lowest ever recorded this time of year. >> What we're seeing now is totally unprecedented. >> Reporter: like nearly everyone in the dehcho region of the northwest territories, this man has never seen the McKENZIE river this low ever. >> How is it affecting the fish, the water that we drink, the birds, the animals. >> Reporter: he monitors the water levels on the river in fort simpson, and it's not just the river. The great slave lake is the lowest it's ever been in canada, the river bed now visible. >> These extreme low water levels are the result of extreme drought over the last two, 2.5 years. >> Reporter: water levels in great slave lake have dropped over a metre, the lowest it's been since record keeping began. >> We've seen a lot of evaporations, a lot of water loss, and it hasn't been replenished. >> Reporter: the level of the water is having a major impact on this construction season: deliveries have been delayed. Now the federal government is working with indigenous communities to figure out a plan. >> McKENZIE river is our highway. If a large major city like toronto had the 401 closed, imagine the disruption and imagine the cost. Now put yourself in remote indigenous communities and that's even amplified. >> Reporter: people want -- here want to know when the

water will return. Hydrologists say it will take time and a lot of rain. But the bad news for communities is it won't happen now. >> Erica: seniors are looking for creative ways to stay in their communities. We'll show you the different ways that some people are choosing to live together. >>> And the U.S. government is going after megaentertainment company live nation. >> Ticketmaster ought to look in the mirror and say, I'm the problem. It's me. >> Erica: eli glasner explains >> Andrew Chang: So you want to watchCBC News Explore, a new kind of news channel. Here's how to find us. We're on theCBC Newsapp, onCBC Gem, and on your smart tv. Stream any time. It's always free. Cbc News Explore. Bleeding gums? Hold on. It could be a sign of gingivitis. Listerine mouthwash contains antibacterial essential oils that kill up to 99.9% of germs and fight plaque and gingivitis. Listerine. Trusted for generations. With 125 years of germ-killing power. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. Mother: My family loves to travel. Whoa... (Exhaling) And I love it when they all come back home. Toffifee combines what everyone loves. Caramel, hazelnut, nougat cream and chocolate. (Laughter) Nice Dress! -You too. The best part? It has pockets! - It has pockets! I know! I know, right! Oh my gosh! Well that, and the Cash Back. -What? With Rakuten. It's a shopping app. I saved a ton on our dress. This is unbelievable. - This is unbelievable... I know, right! You're going to get so much Cash Back. Okay, I'm going to go change 'cause... Her particular skill set can be helpful to us. -She's a con artist. I need to get off that boat and back to being a full time detective. And you need to stay out of prison. The best way we do that is to keep our heads down and do as we're told. >> Erica: a nova scotia school bus driver is being recognised as a community hero for his quick action when a tractor trailer fell on the highway in front of him. Last week, we told you about the crash near halifax. With 23 students on board, terrie brown stopped the bus going 100 kilometres an hour in just six seconds to avoid the truck. >> Everybody's calling me a hero. I'm not a hero. I'm just doing my job the best way I can do it. >> Erica: brown was presented by a community hero by south southland, the school bus company, and his school, as well as a cheque for $500. No one was injured on the bus or the truck.

>>> Millennials and gen-z votes could makeup close to half of the electorate in the next election, and as ashley burke shows us, the prime minister and members of his caucus are trying to use social media to reach them. >> Reporter: these staffers work for environment minister randy boissonnault but in this case they're calling the shots. >> I'm going to say with confidence you're walking away. >> Reporter: they're directing social media videos that could hit with millennials and gen-z like this. The liberals have heard from young canadians they want authentic politicians. This is one way they're trying to wintrust. >> Going to have some videos that are fun and edgy and that say I'm real. >> Reporter: it's all part of an effort to win young voters. >> It's answering the questions that they have, speaking to the issues that they have on platforms that they are on. >> Reporter: trudeau's liberals need to win the support of canada's largest voting demographic or risk losing the next election. >> Right now, liberals are in the worst position with millennial voters and gen-z voters. >> You want to be able to afford rent? Then you have to vote for pierre poilievre. >> Reporter: in the last year, the liberals have pivoted with housing announcements and a budget focused on younger canadians. >> To ensure fairness for every generation. >> Reporter: but how do you get that message to younger voters who don't watch traditional news? Talk to content creators including danica nelson. She says that content creators are a way to meet this generation. >> They want to meet people where they are, and a way to do that is on social media. >> Reporter: the prime minister's office is also sharpening its social media game, doing more interviews with podcasters and making more videos explaining policy. >> Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: you may have heard of the capital gains tax. >> Reporter: that video getting millions of views, but whether that translates into trust and votes is too early to tell. Ashley burke, cbc news, ottawa. >> Erica: now it's time to dig deeper into the stories shaping our world. [ ] >> Erica: we found different ways seniors are using to avoid care homes and age in place. >> Turned a cold apartment building into a warm community. >> Erica: but first, canadians say yes to the U.S. government's vow to break up live nation and cut ticket prices. >> I think it's a great idea. >> Yeah. >> Erica: washington says it means business. Entertainment reporter eli glasner is here to breakdown the coming battle and what it could mean for fans. Well, eli, how did we get to this point where the U.S. is trying to break up ticketmaster and live nation? >> Reporter: so you may remember back in 2022 tickets for the taylor swift tour went on sale. There was massive demand, and the essentially the system crash buckled under the weather of the fans. Swift took ticketmaster to task, saying, "i'm not going to make excuses for anyone because we asked them multiple times if they could handle this kind of demand and they assured us they could. It's amazing that 2.4 million people got tickets, but it sucks that a lot of people went through several bear attacks to get them." this led to ticketmaster executives being hauled before congress and senators quoting swift song lyrics and the C.E.O. apologizing. >> May I suggest respectfully that ticketmaster ought to look in the mirror and say, I'm the problem. It's me. >> Senator, we absolutely agree. There are a lot of problems in this industry, and as the leading player, we have an obligation to do better. >> Reporter: but behind the scenes, the department of justice had already launched an investigation two years of looking how the company monopolized the industry. You'll remember that the U.S. country allowed ticketmaster

and live nation to merge back in 2010. They're locking venues into exclusive contracts, targeting promoters and others. It controls 60% of concerts in the united states and 80% of ticketing. As the attorney general said, fans should be able to go to concerts without a monopoly standing in their way. The lawsuit describes what live nation itself has touted as its flywheel business model, charging fees, attracts artist -- attracting artists, and then locking them into long-term deals. Now, ticketmaster says the lawsuit against live nation and ticketmaster won't reduce prices and fees, that artists set prices for their tickets while the venues set and keep the majority of ticket fees, not ticketmaster. >> Erica: well, all that said, the big question is if they succeed will it actually mean better ticket prices? >> Reporter: you know, I don't want to scare anyone, but maybe. Some say that ticketmaster's size allow it to take a smaller portion of each concert, and if live nation and ticketmaster were broken up, artists could charge more since smaller promoters would take more. Others say convenience fees and service fees, that is part of the ticket price bloat so with less power and more competition those fees could trip. Now it's interesting to look at europe where they have legislation about open ticketing. That means that multiple companies can sell tickets for the same tour, which is why you may have heard about taylor swift fans flying to see her in paris. Even on its own, some say ticketmaster has too much power, and they're calling on the government to go further, breaking ticketmaster up into smaller regional companies. >> Erica: okay. In the meantime, while this suit unfolds, what can people do to score cheaper tickets? >> Reporter: first, be patient. These antitrust lawsuits take a very long time. We can get a whole new understanding and a look at the inner workings of live nation, but the change, even if it comes, is far down the road. If you can't afford a trip to paris, which is still a lot of money, we spoke with a personal finance expert, barry choy. He says the right kind of credit card could be an advantage. >> The only way around ticketmaster is hope that your credit card provider has exclusive concert offers. One provider had partnered with the taylor swift tours to get better access. That doesn't mean you get better prices, just better access to tickets. If you're an american express ticket holder, you get access to american express experiences. You can also look at any cash back or points you have. >> Erica: but with credit cards, you have to remember the interest fees. What are artists saying? >> Reporter: people who took on ticketmaster earlier like bruce springsteen, taylor swift, eddie vedder of pearl jam, they didn't say anything. I spoke to other artists who wouldn't go on record because of fear of reprisal. Some in the industry are looking at simpler solutions. Our colleagues at "marketplace" spoke to richard jones. He's the manager of the pixies. Last summer, in the past, they actually went around ticketmaster, selling their own tickets, and he has an idea to put cheaper tickets on the market. >> We'd like to see reselling tickets at a profit illegal. There will be more tickets to go around at the correct price. >> Reporter: others say there's always going to be a secondary market whether it's legal or not. >> Erica: yes. Where there's a will, there's a way. So that's the U.S. what is canada doing? >> Reporter: well, we spoke to the competition bureau. They said they are working with their american counterparts, but they also work

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