
CBCN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #48

in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. >> What assurances can you give to Canadians watching this at home? Is that everything you needed to do, or everything you wereableto do? >> We're not going to make a decision on a budget we haven't seen yet. >> Let Canadians decide. >> Announcer: David Cochrane forPower & Politics, weekdays at 5:00 p.m. Eastern onCBC News Network. [CBC Newstheme] Announcer:The clock is ticking for demonstrators ata pro-Palestinian encampment to clear out from the groundsof Canada's largest post-secondary institution. The University of Torontohas issued a trespass notice for protesters toleave by 8:00 AM on Monday after a previous deadlineexpired without a resolution. The encampment was set upearlier this month to call on the university to cutalleged financial ties with Israel overthe war in Gaza. [Ciarniello] These areall the bear locations since release. [Suzuki] Four months after their release, the rewilded grizzlies location plots reveal the unexpected. That's where Arthur is now, right, and these are his locations from release to present, and then we stick on Raven, we can see that Raven and Arthur are always together. Siblings never stay together is what I was told over, and over, and over again. ...and we stick Isa on. These three are certainly proving that to be wrong. You have the three lines all together, then all together, and then they're all together. So now we've put Cedar on. She moves around. She does the most moving of all of them. So the locations are going to be somewhere in here, right? What's the name of the bears in that area? -Cedar? -Yeah, yeah. [Suzuki] Lana and Kim are heading back to the release area to check on how the four rewilded grizzlies are surviving. [Ciarniello] You're going to 52.03972 north. Aside from getting visuals on them, I want to know what they're eating, and how much they're eating. [Griujs] This is the first time that I've been out here after they got released, so, hopefully, get to see how my kids are doing. [Suzuki] Lana and Kim track the triplets' prior GPS locations, to explore areas where the bears have been foraging. [Ciarniello] There's the helicopter here, and then we checked out all this area here, so this is all the young forbs, like, in the avalanche chute area What I do is I look at where locations for each bear are clustering. All the bear locations are clustering, a big cluster of them right out in here, and that is all super thick blueberry, huckleberry, and mountain ash. Then what I'm interested in is are they feeding on a broad range of food. I want to make sure there's nothing big, like a critical food that they are missing. Is this fresh, from the last few days? [Suzuki] From nibbled sedge grass and wild crab apples... [Ciarniello] You can see they're capitalizing on them. [Suzuki] dug-up rice root and skunk cabbage, everything indicates the rewilded triplets were foraging like wild grizzly bears. The rice root? [Ciarniello] But that's what's left over -after she ate the rest of it. -Yeah. There's so much good food around here, and they're finding it. [Suzuki] But to really see how the bears are surviving, Lana needs to get eyes on them. My number-one thing is to see them, and make sure those collars are not growing into their neck. So, our next job, we're going to go find Isa. [Suzuki] Lana zeroes in on the signal from Isa's collar. [Griujs] We found out that Isa had split from Raven and Arthur. [Suzuki] Though Isa has spent most of her time with Arthur and Raven, she's also prone to wandering off on her own. [Ciarniello] I could see her neck fully. The collar was not too tight. [Griujs] She looked really good. No sign of injuries, no limping. [Suzuki] Further upriver, Lana detects both Arthur and Raven's frequencies, but can't see them from the air. [Griujs] I was worried that they might not be in good shape, that they lost a lot of weight, maybe they got injured. I think all the worries like every caretaker has when you let them go in the wild. [Ciarniello] They are literally right there, and they are moving right, but not fast. Come on, children. You see them? They're beautiful. [Griujs] The first sight we saw from Arthur and Raven, they looked amazing. All happy, and chubby, and... [chuckles] healthy kids. [Suzuki] Raven, the smaller and darker bear. is focused on the river, while her big brother, Arthur, keeps a lookout. [Griujs] When Raven was hunting for fish, Arthur kept looking around and seeing if there was no bigger bear coming their way. It was really cool

to see a big brother watching over his little sister. [chuckling] We were really holding our breath and hoping that she would catch a salmon, because that would be the ultimate reward. Yeah, she tried really hard, "A" for effort, but, unfortunately, while we were there, she didn't catch any. [Suzuki] The next day, Kim spots Raven and Arthur again, this time at the mouth of the river. [Griujs] They had their nose down, and they were sniffing. They clearly picked up a scent of something, and then, all of a sudden, Raven stops, and she picked up a spawned-out salmon. It was great to see they're not just eating berries and plants, but they also get their proteins. Shortly after, Arthur found a fish, too... ...and he, of course, devoured it all, and he thought he could snag a piece of Raven's fish... [growling] ...but she wasn't having it. She's like, "I worked hard for this, and this is mine." It's really good to see that they're not starving and panicking to look for food. They can feed themselves really well. They went to all the good feeding areas, and nobody taught them that. They figured it out themself. Instinct is amazing. [Suzuki] Lastly, Lana and Kim check in on Cedar, who's spent the past few months on her own in the high alpine. [Griujs] When we closed in, she started running. She looked in decent health, but we only had a really short window to see her, and she was out of sight pretty fast. We had pretty high hopes for Cedar, because it's high up, far away from possible interactions with people. We thought she had a safe spot there. Well then, the next news we got from Cedar really wasn't good. [Suzuki] Two weeks later, Cedar suddenly descended from her high alpine habitat down to the coast, moving northwards. [Ciarniello] Cedar makes this really big movement almost in a straight line, and then eventually swam across the arm towards Bella Coola. For me, it was nerve-racking. I constantly looked on the map and see her movement. She ended up right smack in the middle of town. I was like, "Oh, this is not good." [Angelika] She showed up, basically, in exactly the same areawhere she was orphaned when her mom was shotas a problem bear. [Suzuki] Cedar honed in on a property where salmon remains had been left out. [Griujs] The conservation officers tried really hard to deter her, and chase her out of the area... She didn't really want to go. She wasn't aggressive, or attacking anybody, but she just wouldn't leave either, because this was easy feeding, and she just stood her ground. So, the conservation officers, they ended up having to shoot her and kill her. I get very angry at those people who cannot manage their attractants, and the bears always pay the price. [Suzuki] Now just the triplets, Raven, Arthur, and Isa, survive. Like other grizzlies in the area, they'll need to dig a den to ride out winter. [Griujs] There's always a concern that they might not make it, a question if they know how to make a den that keeps them dry and safe throughout the winter, because no mom really taught them that. [Suzuki] In early winter, Lana receives Isa and Raven's last GPS locations very close to one another, suggesting they may be denning together. But Arthur's last location was far from his siblings, and his collar has alerted Lana that it hasn't moved throughout the winter. So it's telling me that it's been laying motionless for at least 12 hours to go on this mode. I'm pretty sure he's just dropped it. [Suzuki] To determine whether Arthur is alive and denningwith Isa and Raven... [Suzuki] ...Lana tracks down their den, and motion-detecting cameras are set up to video the bears if they emerge from hibernation. Two months later, Kim and the Langens receive the den-camera images. Is that the den? Mm-hmm. [Griujs] That's Raven... ...and that's Isacoming out now.

Where's Arthur? That's Arthur, right? Yeah, Arthur is the one that doesn't have a collar. -He looks great. -Mm-hmm. [Angelika] So, all three bears emerged out of the den. Well, that was awesome. [laughs] It looks like Arthur is still taking care of his sisters. [Griujs] I was super excited to see my children are doing good out there. And they're not skinny either. -No. -You would see it. [Suzuki] By surviving through winter, the rewilded triplets have passed a major hurdle, captured for the first time on camera. [Angelika] This was really, really important, because it's been documented that they went through hibernation. [Griujs] Raven looks like she's checking out the camera. [Ciarniello] Hey, bears! [Suzuki] Less that two weeks after the bears emerged from hibernation, Lana gets a phone alert. [Ciarniello] We're in the mountains outside of Bella Coola, and what brought me here was a text I received that Raven's collar was on mortality. [GPS locator beeping] It doesn't necessarily mean that the bear is dead at all. It just means that the collar itself hasn't moved, for whatever reason, for 12 hours. Okay, so I can hear it good through here-- I smell something-- dead animal or something. Yeah, I smell something dead now, too, Taylor, so let's go closer. [shouts] Hey, bears! [dramatic] Announcer:What's new? What's breaking? What's really going on? CBC News Network.All the news. Live. The Jeep No Limits Eventis here.Which means more trailsto blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoyno payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee,the most awarded SUV ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off MSRP for up to eighty sevenhundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the CIBC Smart Account. ( ) (Wincing) Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Bleeding gums? Hold on. It could be a sign of gingivitis. Listerine mouthwash contains antibacterial essential oils that kill up to 99.9% of germs and fight plaque and gingivitis. Listerine. Trusted for generations. With 125 years of germ-killing power. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen A&W root beer with sweet cream. (Horn honking) Hi, Dad! (Vehicle departing) How's your visit with Noah going? He took out my Jag! (Chuckle) But he doesn't know how to drive stick. He doesn't? (Tires screeching, thud) Ah, f... Fix Auto! The first words that should come to mind after an accident. I'd do anything Welcome to the new PetSmart Treats rewardsTM. Ready go Collect points with every purchase. And save big on their favourite services. Anything for you PetSmart. Anything for Pets. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. (Opening Mnemonic) (music throughout) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Welcome to Canmore, Alberta. This will be your toughest day yet. -Get back up! Boom! -Don't eavesdrop. -I can't shut my ears off.

Well then shut your mouth off. Announcer: Canada's Ultimate Challenge. Watch free onCBC Gem. Announcer:Can heartbreak help break records? You want to be great, you need to sacrifice. Announcer:Do bigger fans have higher blood pressure? How's your heart rate? Announcer:Why do we love rooting for underdogs? Gotta support the home team. Announcer:When you get curious, you getCBC. [GPS locator beeping] Okay, right this way. [Suzuki] Dr. Lana Ciarniello and field assistant Taylor Greene track a mortality signal from the GPS collar worn by Raven, one of the rewilded grizzly triplets that recently emerged from hibernation. [Ciarniello] There's more there. Like, look at all this hair. There's the hair there, there's the hair there. There's clumps of it everywhere. There, there. [Suzuki] They have come across a trail of bear fur. [Ciarniello] Let's follow it. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... [exhales] There's a dead bear right there, I see it. Yeah, I see it, it's a dead bear. [Suzuki] The condition of her remains makes it clear... [Ciarniello] She's been hammered by another bear. [Suzuki] ...that Raven was likely predated on by an adult bear. [Ciarniello] Bears eat each other, and one of the things that's typical of bear kill is that they invert the hide. They peel back-- it's like peeling open a banana. The hide is actually turned inside out. That is typical bear. Well, Raven, you fed someone. [camera shutter clicks] I was really happy for these bears. They passed the first level of success, but you know, if they die, then that's data, too. And so... when I found Raven, like, I didn't feel sad. I'm sorry, I sorta felt, like, um, okay... this was her fate. I'm really happy that we were able to find out her fate. It's information that we can now use to put to a better cause. Like, the study is on survival and what we think happened... ...and I think we have pieced this together as absolutely best we can. I think we're done. [Suzuki] Now there's one more collar to locate. It's right down here. [Suzuki] Just before Arthur hibernated, his collar broke apart... Yeah, it rotted off. [Suzuki] ...and recently, Isa's collar has stopped transmitting. I'm getting absolutely nothing from Isa. [Suzuki] There's now no remote means for Lana to track Isa and Arthur, the last two surviving bears in her grizzly-rewilding study. Where we're at is confusing right now. Are we going to try to somehow recollar them and get them back online, or are we going to let 'em go? It just looked like a chunk of log until its head lifted. [Marriott] My goal coming here is trying to see if Arthur or Isa are still surviving. That's really key to knowing if this rehab has continued to be successful. If we're lucky enough to spot either Arthur or Isa, I will just be thrilled to see them doing something wild. You know, eating sedge grass, grabbing some barnacles or some mussels, anything like that, just some natural behaviour. I just want to lay eyes on them, and be able to go, "Oh, my gosh! I saw them!" [Suzuki] When grizzlies move into to the estuaries in the spring, it's a prime time for boat-based bear-viewing. [Marriott] We've been going 10, 15 kilometres back and forth and back and forth... No sign of Arthur, Isa. [Marriott] ...scanning all these different estuaries and sedge flats. [Suzuki] Because spring has just passed, John may have come a little too late. Hey, bear! [Marriott] We came out here hoping that the bears were still going to be eating sedge grass in the estuary. Hey, bear! [Marriott] We found fresh salmon berries all along the river and in the forest. Well, that's not good. Salmon berries are totally ripe, so that means that the bears are probably going to be in here eating salmon berries instead of out in the estuary where we can see them eating sedge grass. That's not good for our chances. I'm not going to lie. It's a long shot that we're even going to find these bears. [Suzuki] At dawn the next day, John heads out on one last search. [Marriott] We headed towards the first estuary, took a look... ...and there was nothing, and then sort of just slumped down and was sort of half paying attention. [whispers] Oh, my gosh, is that him? Okay, he's up on the grass.

Ah, he's running away from us. Dang. You know, I'm pretty sure its Arthur just from colour alone, like, he's such a distinct-looking bear. Oh, oh, I just saw him again, there. [whispering] There he is up on the log. Oh, look at that. [camera shutter clicking] Okay, I can clearly see his ear tag. Arthur looked amazing. Beautiful size, he had a bit of plumpness to him. He's obviously doing a good job of being a bear. He just picked up a dead bird of some kind. [Marriott] As we came in closer, there were a couple times where he looked out at us, and we were still pretty far away, you know, 250 metres, and he would look out, and he'd watch us for a little while. [camera shutter clicking] He's so occupied. Let's see if we can creep in just a bit more. As we crept in a bit closer where he slowly just decided, you know what, I have had enough of you humans, and he immediately turned and started walking away. He then started to run, just like a wild bear would, and to me, that was a really great sign to see that he is acting exactly like a bear should be acting. [Angelika] When I saw the photo of Arthur, I literally screamed with joy. My husband came running, and was all concerned what had happened. It was such a good feeling to see him there, and looking good, having gained weight from the last time that we saw him. Seeing Arthur after this length of time, it's a big step in the program, and gives it more weight to be considered by others. [Griujs] Let's move her over. Can you grab her hand? [Suzuki] The rewilding team prepare to release the next batch of yearlings, building on the lessons learned from Muwin, Cedar, Raven, Isa, and Arthur. [Angelika] Oh, I think the study is hugely helpful. Not only has it given us some strong data, but it also gives us, in the scientific community, a footprint that others can work on and go forward from. Long-term survival is still the one that we don't know about, and that we still have to work on. [Ciarniello] It would be really nice to have long-term data, that's what the project was set up to get. So, I would love to be able to re-collar Arthur and Isa so that we can monitor them until their end survival point. I know it seems heartless and a bit emotionless, but I really just want to get to the truth of whether rewilding works or not. Then, we can look at how to tweak it and make it better, or we can look at the fact that, okay, we're doing this because, as humans, it makes us feel good. [Griujs] After two years of this rewilding project, we're still learning with every bear we put out there, and even the ones that don't make it, it will only give us more motivation to do better next time, and see what we can do to make them more successful out there. [Angelika] The incident with Muwin last year that cost her life was very upsetting to all of us, and we immediately set about to find different ways of releasing the bears safely. [Suzuki] The yearlings are now tranquilized just once at the shelter, then transported fully awake in newly-designed crates. These can be slung directly to the release site, then remotely opened. [door mechanism whirring] [Angelika] They're right there, bright and alert, and ready to go out into the world. We still know that these bears face numerous challenges out there. We still know that some of them, or a percentage of them, will not make it out there... ...but it's an incredible feeling to set a healthy animal free... ...and giving them that chance. At least they get this chance.

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