
CBCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #30

>>> We're keeping an eye on the house of commons. Coming up, we'll go to ottawa for today's round of question period. That's still ahead on cbc news network. [ ] >> Andrew: question period is starting. [speaking french] >> [voice of interpreter] the prime minister promised that interest rates would stay low for canadians, all this while the bloc is voting in favour of $500 billion of inflationists, increasing interest rates. When will the prime minister cut waste and lower interest rates? >> The honourable deputy prime minister and minister of finance. >> Mr. Speaker, the conservatives don't have a hard time paying their mortgages. The conservatives have refused to support our canadian charter for mortgages, which is something that would help canadians. The only thing they are in favour of is cut, cut, cut. >> The leader of the opposition. >> Cutting taxes, absolutely mr. Speaker. Quebec taxpayers are being bled dry. Obviously, it's not a surprise to see that 75% of respondents to a poll said that they're not getting their money's worth. The liberal bloc meanwhile wants to increase taxes, so why not at least accept my common sense plan to suspend gas taxes for the summer. >> The honourable deputy prime minister and minister of finance. >> Mr. Speaker, the reality is that the conservatives don't have a plan. The conservatives want to cut our plan, our dental care plan, which is popular in quebec. They want to cut our school food program they're not going to support our plan for young children. Very important for quebecers as well. [end of translation] >> The leader of the opposition. >> After nine years, this prime minister is not worth the cost of mortgages, 76% of which will be more expensive the next three years, according to the federal banking regulator. This is after the prime minister said that rates would stay low for long. We know his massive government deficit has driven rates 2% higher than they would have been according to scotiabank. Will he accept my dollar for dollar plan to bring down interest rate so canadians can keep their homes. >> The honourable deputy prime minister and minister of finance. >> Mr. Speaker, we know that the conservatives don't care about canadians who are struggling to pay their mortgages. We know that. When we put forward something concrete to support those canadians canadians, they refuse to support it. When we put forward a plan to help first time homebuyers, the conservatives voted against it. The only thing that these conservatives know how to do is cut, cut, cut. They only care about themselves. >> The honourable leader of the opposition. >> Mr. Speaker, we voted against everything that this prime minister has done to balloon the cost of living for canadians, to increase food bank use by 50%, and one quarter of all canadians are skipping meals because they cannot afford a home. A 30% increase in homelessness since 2019, 50 new homeless

encampments in toronto, 256 in the biggest city in the country. Why is it that the more they spend, the more canadians hurt? >> The deputy prime minister and minister of finance. >> Mr. Speaker, we will take no lesson from the conservatives when it comes to supporting the most vulnerable canadians. The poverty rate in canada was 14.5% when they left and now it's 9.9%. The canada child care benefit lifted hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty. The G.I.S. helps 900,000 senior seniors. The only thing they know how to do is cut, cut, cut. >> We know how to cut taxes mr. Speaker, that's why we have affordable homes eight or nine years ago when the common sense conservatives were in government since that time, mortgage has doubled, rent has doubled, homeless encampments are up by hundreds of percents. We have 1 in four canadians skipping meals because they can't afford the cost of food. Will the government finally stop, stop the policies that make canadians poor, get off the backs of the working people, and let canadians keep their homes. >> The honourable deputy prime minister and minister of finance. >> Mr. Speaker, we know what the conservatives really believe and what they really do. We know what conservatives do for programs that support the most vulnerable. Cut, cut, cut. We put forward a dental care program, national early learning and child care. They want to cut those programs, we won't let them mr. Speaker. [speaking french][voice of translator]: >> The honourable member. >> Nothing has happened since then. I'll remind the minister that he said the status quo was no longer acceptable. Our public services are having a hard time, we have a working group that is not working. Is there a working group? When will they fools that don't change ideas. Will they stop demonizing quebec and buy time and make sure this situation is fixed? >> The honourable minister. >> It's true mr. Speaker, we know that the bloc québécois does not understand the capacity and desire to welcome, but we will work to make sure asylum seekers are welcome across the country. There are several provinces taking on a higher number and that needs to be fixed. [end of translation] >> It's hard to find the words to describe what is going on in rafah. Children and witch were burned alive in tents. They were told they were in a safe zone, in a refugee encampment. They were burned alive. What will it take for this liberal government to send a message to netanyahu that what has happened is inexcusable? What will it take for this government to take actions to prevent this genocide from south.

>> The images are horrific. Women and children have been burned alive. What will it take for this government to send a clear message to netanyahu that what he is doing is inexcusable? What is it going to take for this government to finally act to prevent this genocide? >> The honourable minister of global affairs. >> Thank you mr. Speaker. The images out of rafah are horrible, it's heartbreaking. We have been clear now for weeks. Palestinian civilians don't have anywhere to go. Killing innocent civilians is completely unacceptable. The decisions of the international court of justice are binding. The level of suffering for canadians is catastrophic, which is why there must be a ceasefire immediately. [end of translation] >> The honourable member from calgary forest lawn. >> Hunger and homelessness is up and many canadians are food insecurity. They are not worth the cost. They are calling for the federal fuel tax to be axed this summer so canadian families can save an average of $670. Will this finance minister stop the road trip wrecking and implement this common sense conservative ask, yes or no? >> The honourable deputy prime minister. >> Mr. Speaker, the only thing that the conservatives believe in is austerity and the only thing they know to do is cut, cut, cut. There is no surprise they would like to cut the carbon rebate that is putting money in the pockets of 8 out of 9 canadians. They want to cut a school food program. They want to cut our national early learning and child care plan. Mr. Speaker, they have no real plan but they're letting the country burn. >> Andrew: you have been listening to question period. We heard from pierre poilievre, the leader of the opposition saying that the rising cost of mortgages in this country, that is happening because of higher interest rates, which is happening because of government spending and deficit. We heard chrystia freeland say that the conservatives don't care about canadians they don't support their plans to help out canadians and they believe in cut, cut, cut, and the poverty rate in 2015, when the conservatives were in power and the liberals came into power was much higher than it is now and pierre poilievre responding they do know how to cut taxes. We heard from the bloc québécois talking about asylum seekers and the N.D.P. about the air strike in rafah. The cbc's karina roman has been following along with me from ottawa. What stood out to you? >> Karina: so let's talk interest rates. Let's talk about the rhetoric back and forth between the opposition and the government benches. So at this point, it's rhetoric. It's the overgeneralization and you just hope that people see through it. Is the only thing that the conservatives know how to do is cut and the only reason we believe in u.s.a.ster austerity. I don't think that is true. That isn't that only one party believes in one thing. Is it the fault of the federal government and the liberal benches for the state of inflation and housing costs and food costs? No, it's not all their fault for that either in terms of the contribution to inflation, of course all spending has some impact. It's quite a small proportion. I couldn't give you the percentage at this point, but a small percentage. Government spending as a whole and we're talking abilities all levels of government. That adds up and builds but it's not the purview of the federal government. So it's really important to realize that especially in question period and any time politicians speak, even if we're 18 months from an election or less than that, there is a lot of grandstanding and it perhaps doesn't stand up to scrutiny. >> Andrew: let's listen into the minister of public safety. He has been speaking about the shooting at a jewish girls school over the weekend. >> So I was obviously shocked as

we're all canadians of the news of violent acts targeting a jewish girl's elementary school in toronto. I had a chance on the weekend and again this week to talk to the rcmp who informed me they are working collaboratively with the toronto police service. The rcmp has a responsibility from a national security context and they are engaged with the toronto police service and I hope the community in toronto understands that we're bringing every law enforcement to bear and hold those responsible for this hateful and violent crime to account. [speaking french] >> [speaking french][voice of translator]: I was very shocked to hear about a shooting in a jewish school in toronto. I know the police are doing the investigation and they have a lot of experience with this type of investigation. The rcmp has informed me this weekend and again today that of course they are working in collaboration with the police forces in the city of toronto, the rcmp has faith in the work of the toronto police. Of course, this type of attack is completely unacceptable. It is scary. We are thinking of the jewish community. It's an antisemitic act that is worrisome and I hope with the collaboration of the rcmp and toronto police that those who have acted in a violent way will face justice. [end of translation] >> Reporter: we saw your government do it during the pandemic. Given the etc.scalation and violence towards the synagogue or mosques, from this conflict, is your government open to legislating any bubble zones or additional protection? >> Changes in the criminal code is properly in the hands of my colleague, the minister of justice. I can say as a government, all of us are extremely concerned about this rise in violent, hateful acts. The recent one in toronto is sadly but another one in a series of worrisome incidents in cities big and small across the country. I am from new brunswick. I saw a violent incident that a synagogue in fredericton some months ago. This is something that worries us. I would think that the government is open to looking at all the measures appropriate to better protect places like this and the minister of justice may have something to say about it. My job with the rcmp and csis is to ensure that local police have all of the information, all of the tools necessary and I was very reassured by the briefing I had today in terms of the work they're doing with the toronto police service and in some cases, the montreal police or local police. They are engaged in these. From a law enforcement perspective, we will do everything necessary to keep people safe. Merci beaucoup. >> Andrew: you have been listening to dominic LeBLANC talking about the shooting outside a jewish girls school over the weekend in toronto, saying that the rcmp is involved in collaboration with the toronto police, saying that it was shocking, it was completely unacceptable, that it's scary and an anti-semimix -- semitic act. So karina roman joins me now, so the national security context is involved in the situation. >> Karina: yes, we don't know exactly what that means except that there are national security concerns. You get a sense from him that he wanted to reassure people are bringing in the rcmp or having them support the toronto police service is no way confidence in them doing that. This is an added resource to reassure people that they are, you know, really taking this seriously. These joint task forces are needed when a scary event happens. You got a sense there that he didn't want to undermine the toronto police service in this

revelation that the rcmp is involved. Clearly he is trying to provide assurance that if the rcmp is coming in, it's obviously something they are taking very seriously. >> Andrew: karina, thank you. Karina roman in ottawa. We'll be back in a moment. [ ] Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it. Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Payment plans available at Terms apply. While we were out, my husband John had the commonsigns of a heart attack:chest pain, sweating, nausea. We called 911 and he chewed2 aspirin 81. If you think you'rehaving a heart attack, call 911, then chew 2 aspirin 81mg. It may helpsave your life. Kevin and Sarah have one of the world's largest collections of souvenir plates. [crash] They also have a teenager, so they got their plates insured. But they don't have life insurance. Kevin's worried his diabetes will make it hard to qualify, and Sarah does not like medical exams. So we got them some new plates to tell them about Canada Protection Plan. Canada Protection Plan hassolutions for both the healthy and hard to insure. With no needles or medicalexams required on most plans. You'll get great coverageat a price you'll love and there are no paymentsin your first month. Anybody between18 and 80 can apply and there are greatmember benefits including rewards for activeliving and giving back. As part of the Foresters family,your coverage is backed by our excellentfinancial strength. Contact your advisor or call now to get a no-obligation quote in minutes. Canada Protection Plan. Protecting what matters most... you. [crash] This Is Pretection.The everyday skinprotection ritual that protects your skinfrom mosquitoes. Pre-BBQ Pre-Walk Pre-Everything off! PreventionIs The Best Protection sc Johnson [ ] . >> Andrew: police west of toronto said they laid hundreds of charges an recovered stolen vehicles worth tens of millions of dollars. It's widely considered the car theft capital of canada. >> We have been investigating stolen autos destined for foreign markets. This is a criminal operation where several criminals were responsible for stealing the vehicles through various mets, many of which we know include violent carjackings, as well as other methods of stealing vehicles for the intention of shipping overseas. >> Andrew: project odyssey led to the arrest of 16 people with 10 arrest warrants still outstanding. Police say they laid more than 300 charges. The 369 vehicles recovered are worth there than $33 million. The subpoenas were -- suspects were working with organized crime to export vehicles to the united arab emirates.

>>> After demonstrators ignored a deadline to take down their encampment, the school is seeking an injunction to evict the protesters. >> They went into court to get an injunction to compel the court to call the police. They don't want to do that. They understand that it's optically horrible to call the police on their own students so they are trying to use the courts to compel the police to come here. >> Andrew:ENFORCED, the judge ordered protesters to clear a 2-metre space alongside the building where they are set up. They have been ordered to remove any materials blocking doors, windows, and security cameras. The university is not seeking the encampment's complete dismantling but they asked the judge for a 3 metres space around buildings to be clear to ensure people can move unobstructed. You're watching cbc news network. [ ] ( ) Get that ojo Feeling with all your favourite games and no playthrough requirements, what you win is yours to keep. ( ) feel the fun play ojo Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) >> Adrienne Arsenault: You are constantly on the move, and so are we, making sense of the moments that matter, together. >> Asking what? Why? When? >> Soon as the ban was announced, Dermott ordered more. >> Adrienne: To the centre of the biggest stories, meeting the people living them. >> I really like the good ideas that come out of these conversations. >> Adrienne: Making sense of our world. >> Are you ok, by the way? >> It's been quite a day, to be honest. >> What on earth? Why didn't you leave? >> Adrienne: With you, and for you. I'm Adrienne Arsenault. This isThe National. [ ] [ ] >> Andrew: shareholders of indigo books and music accepted an offer to take the company private. This comes after public struggles lately. Jeannie lee joins us with what this means for the retailers. Walk us through what happened today. >> Jeannie: this result andrew was expected because of course just last month, there was a specific committee of directors that looked at the deal and decided that it was in the best interest of the company and so today, the shareholders got to vote and they also agreed with that. Have a look at this page that is turning chapters. The deal is for $2.50 per share, which adds up to $69 million, and consider that the market value of this company had dropped to as low as $29 million about six months ago. This is obviously quite a premium on what it was trading at for a while. Now the buyers or the companies that are taking over the chain would be trilogy investments and trilogy retail. They already own 56% of indigo and these companies belong to gerald schwartz, who is known as a master of taking companies over, turning them around, and also providing private funding. Now schwartz is the husband of indigo founder and current C.E.O. heather. So they own 60% of indigo and 40% of the shareholders looked at what this deal was and obviously thought it was fine, considering this chart. You'll probably agree.

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