
CBCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #28

>> Reporter: the rally took place outside of the base high jewish girls school in toronto. Dozens of people gathered in the rain, some holding flags, some holding signs, one that said "you are not alone." the message from any there is that students have a right to a safe learning environment and hate would not be tolerated in this school. Many families with children who attend the school in the city of toronto say they are shaken up after hearing about what happened over the weekend. According to police it was around 5:00 am saturday when armed suspects went to the school. They appeared to have opened fire as several gunshots hit to the school. Known was there at the time, no one was injured but suspects did leave. The toronto police dens and gangs unit and the hate crimes unit is investigating the hunt for the suspects. Today outside of the school this morning, many dignitaries as well as the mayor of toronto where they're speaking out and here is some of what was said. >> What happened here this weekend crossed a dangerous line. It was an attempt to intimidate and to isolate the wonderful people, the wonderful children here and it was a deliberate attempt to spread fear across our entire jewish community, to make us cower and hide who we are. As you can see here today, the attackers completely failed. We are more united than ever. We are more committed than ever to support each other. We are more determined than ever to fight anti-semitism wherever it happens. >> We say to this coward, these cowards, we will find you, you will be held responsible. >> Reporter: toronto's police chief was there this morning as the investigation and continued. Also assuring those in the school community that there will be stepped up police patrols in and around the school, but also in the community and at other jewish schools and synagogues throughout the city. Here's more from the principle of the school on the conversations that will be happening in class today. >> I have two groups of students. We are splitting them in half. And her students first and then the older students. We are going to have those conversations. We will discuss what happened and we will discuss moving forward how we plan to continue doing what we are doing. >> Reporter: parents also speaking out at the rally today about what things are like for the children over what happened. >> We are angry and shocked. Angry that we have to explain to our girls why this is happening and shocked it has gone this far. >> Reporter: it is not clear how long the police patrols will be stepped up around the school but they are expected to remain that way for the coming days. >> Andrew: coming up, new brunswick's premier says a sex education group is represented is content for kids and the premier is moving to band their presentations. The latest on the controversy just ahead on cbc news n Announcer:Closed captioning ofthis program is brought to youin part byDesjar Insurance with a heartso big, it shows. Visit,today. Is that the new Smarties Cookie Collision Blizzard? Your favourite Smarties now with cookie dough. A sweet leap forward in treat innovation. [dramatic orchestra sounds] Well, speaking of sweet leaps! Nice work, buddy! For a limited time at dq®. The all new GoDaddy Airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. Just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. Make now the future at ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) [surfer rock plays] [giggling] Ahh! Adult Mark Critch: I was a Grade Nine. [upbeat rock] Mr. Critch, you need glasses. Glasses? No! I just think the chalk is just a little soft. One of these days we're going to have to grow up, but today is not that day. I don't want us to get older either. Announcer: Son of a Critch. Watch free onCBC Gem. [ ] >> Natasha: the new brunswick premier says he will ban in school presentations from a sex education group from québec. He says the nonprofit group

misrepresented the content it would be sharing with students and went beyond the provincial curriculum and the materials it used. Here is more. >> Reporter: this all began as a result of a post on x. From the premier's personal account. The premier of new brunswick posted that he is furious with what he saw when someone sent him a pick. , kind of a snap of a presentation that was happening in a new brunswick school. On one slide there were questions, things like do girls masturbate, is it going to hurt when I do it for the first time? Questions that my typically come up during a sexual education class or a sex ed workshop that would be -- they would be questions like this. Perhaps when the presentation was being done by a group called cherry, hpv global action. They were there to talk about sexually transmitted infections. The premier says the topic on the slide being discussed in the presentation went far beyond the scope of what this group was there to present about. The premier says that they revoked their opportunity, their future dates to go and present in front of schools, to share information about hpv and sexually transmitted infections and sexual information generally to students, and that the province is reviewing its policies around third-party presentations like this in new brunswick schools. At the end of the note from the premier, there was a link to the P.C. party website where people can answer how concerned they are about this issue, about this topic it also signed up to volunteer for the party if they so choose. Perhaps some public feedback being collected as to how much new brunswick people care about this issue. As for the cherry, they are left scratching their heads. They say they have been doing presentations like this for years in new brunswick schools. They have been presenting a four different new brunswick schools. All of the material and contents that they present fall within the new brunswick curriculum and that material is approved in advance by the schools themselves. They are left with no longer the opportunity to share their messaging around sexually transmitted infections and the work that they were doing. Cbc new brunswick colleagues have asked the premier's office for more details about this decision and what it might mean going forward. We will get to receive a response -- we are yet to receive a response from them. >> Andrew: coming up, officials in papua new guinea say more than 2,000 people could be buried under friday's terrible landslide. Time and treacherous terrain are dashing the hope of finding survivors. We will bring you the latest just ahead on cbc news I'm such a fan of this show. Announcer:Listen to the podcast,Q with Tom Power. The story itself is so unbelievable. The energy wasn't set up for me to thrive in. The presence I feel now is not something that I believed to be possible in the past. So many people thought I couldn't do it. They doubted me. I felt like I like, ripped my whole heart out. I didn't realize how formative 25 to 30 would be. I have to kind of repress my own self doubt. You're one of my favourite interviewers, so, I was pumped. Get out of here. Announcer: q with Tom Power. Available now onCBC Listen or wherever you get your podcasts. Trouble sleeping? Sleep Cycle can help. It's an extended release tablet that's designed to help you fall asleep faster, temporarily promote relaxation, and increase your total sleep time. Look for Sleep Cycle at these stores. Chuck's getting a checkup thanks to a recent health scare. He's also thinking about his family, and how to protect them should anything happen to him. With North Cover Life Insurance, he'll be so well covered that it'd be like he's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Looking good, Chuck. With North Cover Life Insurance, Applying is easy. It only takes one phone call, with no medical, blood tests or forms. [Music] Chuck, there's a step stool behind you. Your family may get an advance payout to cover funeral costs. And they will be looked after with a cash payout up to one point five million dollars. Plus, if diagnosed with a terminal illness, one-hundred percent of the benefit can be received upfront. Being well protected does feel good. North Cover - Insurance the right way. Get a quote today. Call 1-833-567-1010 now or visit Happy birthday, big guy. Your old minivan? Your old minivan. It still runs? Like new! And thanks to Fountain Tire's trusted, reliable service, you'll be driving this for a loooong time. Never getting rid of this baby. Great. And of course! Quality tires. Why's that guy there? Because honey. Wherever you go, Fountain Tire's right there with you. Do you like music? I made a mixtape! (Parents excitedly chuckle)

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company as you can make big and bold decisions without having to answer to shareholders. This is what we should consider an we talk about companies going private. There would be more freedom to make decisions, especially big shakeups. A lot of people think that indigo, those big stores at a time of massive rent, et cetera maybe that is too much store for the fact that a lot of people are also shopping online. There's also less distraction when you are at a privately owned company. When you are fighting already some factors like tough competition in the book business, and also very fickle customers whose taste seem to change on a dime. And the fact is, retailing is hard. Indigo has adapted over the years to many different changes, but you still do require a lot of nimbleness, maybe even more these days when you react to the fast changes that are happening at the retail level. You have that a also have less scrutiny. For example, there was a period of time where a lot of stuff was happening at indigo where she stepped down as C.E.O. and was replaced by somebody who lasted a year that she came back after retiring for just a month and started to run things again. Raising all kinds of questions, which now don't have to be raised at all if you are a private company. >> Andrew: all right, thanks. >>> Police west of toronto say they have laid hundreds of charges and recovered stolen vehicles worth tense of millions of dollars. It follows a major auto theft probe in peel region largely considered the car theft capital of canada. >> Since october of 2023, we have been investigating hundreds of stolen automobiles that have been destined for foreign markets. This is a highly orchestrated criminal operation where several individuals were responsible for stealing the vehicles through various methods, many of which we have come to know that include violent carjackings, as well as other methods of stealing vehicles for the intention of shipping overseas. Project project odyssey led to the arrest of 16 people, with 10 arrest warrants still outstanding. Police say they have laid more than 300 charges. The 369 vehicles recovered are worth more than $33 million. The suspects were reportedly working with organized crime to export stolen vehicles through the port of montréal to the united arab emirates and oman.

>>> Still ahead to, extreme weather wreaks havoc in the U.S. midwest on memorial day weekend. Deadly tornadoes have left a trail of devastation across numerous states and weather warnings are still in place. We will get the details coming up on cbc news network. How can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. My SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. And for most plans, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Call or visit now for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. That's Hi, I'm Mae Martinand I cannot tell youhow stoked I am to get a bunch of selfies with celebs at theCanadian Screen Awards. [beep] I mean, I can't tell you how excited I am to host the awards. That is the main and most important thing. >> Adrienne Arsenault: You are constantly on the move, and so are we, making sense of the moments that matter, together. >> I really like the good ideas that come out of these conversations. >> Adrienne: With you, and for you. >> Are you ok? >> Been quite a day, to be honest. >> I'm Adrienne Arsenault. This isThe National. >> Natasha: the remnants of powerful -- of a powerful cyclone continue to hammer parts of south asia after carving a deadly and destructive path through india and bangladesh. Officials say 16 people have been killed across the two countries, including a man hit by fallen concrete and a woman who's mud home collapsed on her. Wind reached more than 130 kilometres an hour at the storm's height. Aliens remain without power.

>>> More than 100 million americans remain under extreme weather threat warnings and recovery efforts continue after weekend tornadoes that devastated parts of four state. Officials say four children are among the 21 dead across texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky. Hundreds of others are hurt. At least 11 tornadoes were reported on sunday alone. Severe thunderstorms are expected to strike along the east coast beginng this afternoon. Steve futterman is in los angeles with more. Such a terrible loss of life. So much destruction. Earlier we heard from kentucky's governor. What is the latest there? >> Reporter: this is a memorial day holiday weekend here in the u.s., but not much celebrating being done in many parts of the U.S. right now. You mentioned those four states. Oklahoma, texas, arkansas and kentucky. This is where most of the damage has been so far. The death toll continues to rise, now approaching 20. When youo to these small towns that have been hits, it is almost like total destruction. House after house after house destroyed, only foundations continue to exist. You see fallen trees, power lines down. In kentucky, they have been hit very hard as well. The kentucky governor talking today about the power outages in his state. >> Currently 174,500 customers are without power. You can see that here in the eeoc. Crews are working around-the-clock to make sure power is restored. For a lot of people in kentucky, especially in our larger cities, we expect that to happen today in western county and the trick county area. It could be days until power is restored because there was significant damage to the power infrastructure. >> Reporter: those numbers mentioned by the governor, those numbers could actually be higher right now as they detect even more power outages as the day continues. We have heard these harrowing stories about people surviving, people running into their basement, people running into their bathroom hoping that would save them and we heard this one remarkable story about a restaurant where there was a refrigerated cooler and that's where people jammed inside the cooler. When they emerged, the restaurant had been destroyed, only the cooler remained. We have even seen instances of giant big rig trucks tossed over on there sides like they are just toys. It is remarkable and very tragic pictures. >> Andrew: they sure are. It is unbelievable to see these images. The weather continues to be a threat. What are we seeing in the forecast? >> Reporter: this weather system continues. It has moved away from these four states but it is moving east right now. Other states could be in danger of the tornado, the hail, the strong winds, the heavy rain the east coast now is really an and extreme weather watch. People have been alerted that there could be problems all up and down the east coast from new york, to philadelphia, d.c., down to savannah, georgia. There could be more problems. Obviously everyone is hoping there won't be a repeat of what we have seen the last 48 hours but they have to be prepared. In texas where the storm has come and gone, today they have another extreme weather problem. It is one of the heat. In a city called dell rio, texas, the forecast calls for temperatures to be 43 degrees fahrenheit. You get one whether extreme going away and another extreme weather condition coming in. Very tough situations in the U.S. today. >> Andrew: U.S. president joe biden visited the arlington national cemetery today to mark the 156 national observance of memorial day. Memorial day commemorates the men and women who died serving in the U.S. military. Biden laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. The president also praised the dead servicemen and women for their sacrifice to protect democracy.

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