
CBCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #26

are. As you can see here today, the attackers completely failed. We are more united than ever. We are more committed than ever to support each other. We are more determined than ever to fight anti-semitism wherever it happens. >> And we say to this coward, these cowards, we will find you. You will be held responsible. >> Reporter: toronto's police chief was also there this morning as the investigation continues, also assuring those in the school community that there will be stepped up police patrols in and around not only the school but also in the community, also at other jury -- jewish schools and synagogues throughout the city. Here's more from the principle of the school on the conversations that will be happening in class today. >> I have two groups of students and we are splitting them in half. The younger students first and then the oldest students and we are going to have those conversations. We are going to discuss what happened and we will discuss moving forward how we plan to continue doing what we are doing. >> Reporter: parents also speaking out at the rally today about what things are like for their children in the wake of what happened over the weekend. >> We are angry and shocked. Angry that we have to explain to our girls why this is happening and shocked that, you know, it has gone this far. >> Reporter: it is not clear how long the police patrols will be stepped up around the school but they are expected to remain that way for the coming days. >> Natasha: police west of toronto say they have laid hundreds of charges and recovered stolen vehicles with tense of thousands of dollars. Widely considered the car theft capital of canada. >> Since october of 2023, we have been investigating hundreds of stolen automobiles that have been destined for foreign markets. This is a highly orchestrated criminal operation where several individuals were responsible for stealing the vehicles through various methods, many of which we have come to know that include violent carjackings, as well as other methods of stealing vehicles for the intention of shipping overseas. >> Reporter: project odyssey led to the arrest of 16 people with 10 arrest warrants already outstanding. Police say they have laid 300 charges. 369 vehicles have been recovered that are worth more than $33 million. The suspects were reportedly working with organized crime to export stolen vehicles through the port of montréal to the united arab emirates and oman.

>>> There is a new call for facebook to do more to crack down on scammers. It comes from a new brunswick woman and she is going public after her account was hacked and hijacked and her friends were targeted. If you use social media, you should be vigilant because the scam is still makinghe rounds. >> We have stayed in touch through facebook and messenger over the years. >> Reporter: these former neighbours were reunited after being sucked into a facebook scam that is designed to play on the goodwill of friends. Here's what happens. A fraudster hacked her account, pretending to be here, they posted an ad claiming she was selling her dad's things after he moved into long-term care. Several friends sent you transfer deposits, losing thousands of dollars, including carol stevens. >> I thought it was my friend lisa and she is the most honest, trustworthy person I know. >> Reporter: lisa and her friend repeatedly reported the crime in progress to facebook but the company did nothing to stop it. >> They had a loof pele saying, this is a scam and they didn't do anything about i. >> Reporter: last year, canadians reported xing $174 million in social media scams according to the canadian antifraud centre. There's more. Will public found page after page of the same scam running rampant on facebook. Same words, same photos. We asked meta, the company behind facebook why it is failing to remove a scam they already know about. They didn't respond. >> As a result, what starts as a small issue is exacerbated into a massive identity theft or identity fraud. >> Reporter: meta made about $185 billion in revenue last year. The cybercrime expert says it is time it invest more into protecting users. >> The organizations need to respond to people's actual needs. >> Reporter: posing as a customer, go public contacted several of the scammers. >> 300 upfront. Okay. >> Reporter: when we called one of them out and asked if facebook could ever shut them down, they didn't seem worried. Mehta says over 15,000 reviewers across the globe review potential violations on facebook and instagram and receive in-depth training. The two women say they have lost trust in social media but they are grateful to have someone they can trust back in their lives. >> We will not go so long before our next visit together. >> Yeah,. >> Natasha: prime minister justin trudeau wellhead to france next week to mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. The large allied seaborne invasion of europe during the second world war. 14,000 canadians stormed juno beach in 1944. A canadian ceremony will be held stare on june 6th. More than 5,000 canadian troops were killed in the battle of normandy and on june 5th, a memorial will take lace at the canadian war cemetery -- take place at the canadian war cemetery. We will air that ceremony live next wednesday. And on d-day, thursday june 6th at 4:00 am eastern time, we will have special coverage of the ceremony at juno beach. Adrienne arsenault will host. That will air on cbc news network and on cbc television. And you can also get it on our online platforms. >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. This Is Pretection.The everyday skinprotection ritual that protects your skinfrom mosquitoes. Pre-BBQ Pre-Walk Pre-Everything off! PreventionIs The Best Protection sc Johnson Financial goals. Fidelity knows we've all got them. Maybe you want to own a home, or never own a home. Maybe you want to travel. Or have a kid. Or travel with your kid. Yours could be retiring early. Or never retiring at all. At Fidelity, we know everyone has different goals. But the one thing we share? We all want to get to them sooner. ( ) Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. [explosion] [dynamic] How can any of this be fair? They might think, hey, we just need more doctors, but that's not really it. Ah, Russian's came here. Shows you where it starts, where it ends. Were you really willing to risk that job? Yes. At Thunder Bay's favourite festival "Wake the Giant". Ta-da! There it is.

[ ] >> Natasha: officials in papua new guinea now say more than 2,000 people may have been buried by friday's landslide. Tons of debris engulfed homes in the middle of the night when the villagers were sleeping. Rescue attempts are being hampered by the isolated location and the lack of heavy equipment. Dominic valitis reports. >> Reporter: one official at the national disaster centre in papa new guinea says that the landslide may well have killed more than 2,000 people. That is much higher than the united nations suggested over the weekends. It said 670 people were killed. It is, of course, a very difficult to establish of the exact figure. That probably won't be known for quite some time but certainly we are looking at a huge loss of life. Here are local residents. [Speaking Alternate Language ] >> Natasha: you saw it they are. At least 18 of his family members are feared dead as a result of the landslide which crashed through six villages on the early hours of friday morning. Many peoe in thos communities would have been sleeping in their homes at the time. Days have passed since that terrible moment and still, residents on the ground arguing just using spades, sticks and even their bare hands to shift through the deep debris in terms -- and trying to reach for any survivors. So far all they are finding are dead bodies. There is a wider rescue and recovery effort that is going on but it is facing significant challenges. Tribal warfare has forced rescue and aid workers to travel in armed convoys and return to the provincial capital every night. It is not safe for them. Even when they can get to the site, the conditions are extremely treacherous. Here is the u.n.'s international organization my question. >> The problem is it is so deep, it is very difficult to room cover -- to recover bodies from under the heavy debris. The land is still sliding. >> Reporter: the disaster response is being held -- handled by papua new guinea's emergency authorities. The international community is also responding. Australia has announced an initial $2.5 million aid package and is sending experts to help with the rescue and recovery operation and today china too said it would be providing assistance. >> Natasha: it you heard there in his report a clip from the chief of mission in papua new guinea for the international organization for migration. Earlier we asked them to paint a picture of the devastation he has seen firsthand. >> Certainly. The area is certainly active and volatile. Access is a major problem and and end under two hours, 96 hours would have been left behind. Up until now, for me to descris you the devastation and the situation and how difficult it is, only five bodies could have been recovered. This is basically at a time when everybody needs to be considering how long their hope can be kept up. One of the reasons why I mentioned is indeed, I appreciate dominic's assessment and view on these things. There is one other challenge I would like to mention. It is true that community members are using these simple tools, but there are also cultural aspects in this because they do not like any heavy machinery to come because if they start to be operated, that my harm the integrity ofhe corpses of their loved ones. And for that reason, there is also there us -- this superstitious leafs that are coming into play that are not warmly welcoming the deployment of the heavy machinery. Notwithstanding, the government has to take some action because one of the lifelines of this province, the highway is currently blocked. The road that goes to the

goldmine and several other settlements along the road are now currently being deprived of any supplies. They are delivering some assistance but it is not sustainable. That is one aspect of the problem. The second is there is a serious displacement that is going on and it has been increased because the landslide still continues, creating a more than ever serious risk with all the energy that is accumulating to basically wipe out anything that can come along its way if no measures are undertaken. Therefore the authorities and the inhabitants of the nearby areas, especially those who are further down and still gradually moving, to evacuate their places and move and seek shelter temporarily with their neighbours and relatives. Close to 1600 people have been displaced. Overall, the number of people affected one way or another through the destroying of the resources, the gardens, the wedge wood gardens and other services, we are estimating that at the end, up to 6,000 people may have been affected. Not everybody would have been displaced but the situations not improving budget worsening with every minute that is left behind. >> Natasha: still ahead, deadly tornadoes have left a trail of devastation across multiple states. We will bring you the details here on cbc news network. Michael j. Fox:When we see Team Canada on the world stage,

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>>> As many as 120 million americans remain under an extreme weather threat and recovery efforts continue after weekend tornadoes devastated parts of four states. Officials say four children are among 21 dead across texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky. Hundreds of others are hurt, at least 11 tornadoes were reported yesterday alone. Reporter steve futterman is with us from los angeles. Such a terrible loss of life. So much destruction. So just a short time ago we heard from kentucky's governor what is the latest there? Which market is supposed to be a memorial day holiday weekend here. Not much celebrating for the people in these four stakes -- states. Today many of them are trying to see the remnants of their homes and some of these areas have seen entire small towns destroyed, foundations are only left where places once had homes. We have also heard harrowing stories about people finding ways to survive in one case a person going to inside and when he came out the entire restaurant had been destroyed. Only the cooler survived. Some of these harrowing stories. One of the big problems is electricity. Hundreds of thousands of people without power. The kentucky governor talked about that today. >> Currently 154,000 customers are without power. You can see that here in the eeoc. Crews are working around-the-clock to make sure power is restored. For a lot of people from kentucky, especially in larger cities, we expect that to happen today in western kentucky. It could be days until power is restored because there was significant damage to the power infrastructure. >> Reporter: that is one of the big problems right now getting power back to some of these people. To tell you how powerful these tornadoes were, there are some examples of giant to greek trucks just being blown over like they were just a toy, just remarkable the power of these tornadoes. >> Reporter: the weather continues to be a threat. What are we seeing in the forecast? >> Reporter: this system has sort of left these states but it is still there and moving east. Areas are really under an extreme weather watch right now up and down the east coast from new york, philadelphia, washington, D.C. down to savannah, georgia. These are areas that could have extreme weather. Could he tornadoes, could be wind, could be hailed hail. All sorts of extreme weather. In texas, the weather system has left but today texas faces extreme weather. In del rio, texas today temperatures are expected to hit 43 degrees. It is extreme weather of all different types throughout much of the U.S. >> Natasha: thank you. [ ]

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