
CBCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #20

contributing to the safety of this region. It could not have been done without them and so without further delay, I would like to introduce detective greg o'connor from our commercial auto crimes unit to give you further details on this investigation. >> So you've been listening in live for the chief of police for peel region, brampton, and mississauga and again because of the bad weather we're taking some hits in our signal. So we have the gist of what is being called project odd des circumstance the most significant auto theft investigation in peel region, according to the chief. I was mentioning as we were getting underway with that, the peel region has the title, the title of auto theft capital of canada, and as you heard the chief say, they are laser focused on changing that. So some pretty eye-popping numbers for project odd des september. Ever since october 2023 they have been investigating organized crime, they have individuals, they have targeted individuals responsible who have been stealing cars and vehicles through violent carjackings, for example, and other methods, and then through the port of montreal, sending them off to the eae and to the port of -- here are the numbers from what project odyssey detectives have done with their work. They have arrested 16 individuals so far with ten more outstanding warrants. They have laid 322 charges. They've recovered 369 stolen vehicles and repatriated those, brought them back. They would have gone overseas to the tune of more than $33 million in value, and they were talking about how these are resid visits, these are 14 of the 26 people involved here either are released or out on bail because of previous auto theft charges. So they know what kind of an organization this is, and the organized crime links to this. There are the numbers again for project odyssey, part of a much larger regional wide focus, and that too has yielded some significant results since january of 2023. But just focusing on the outcome of project odyssey and its successes in bringing people to justice for the thefts of vehicles in peel region. Wear' going to continue to watch that briefing as it continues in the rain and bring you any new details as we get further clarification and information on how the detectives have been doing their work and where it's led them. >> More on that to come, but let's focus on what is going on in just a couple of hours in fort nelson, british columbia thousands of people from fort nelson and the nearby fort nelson first nation are going to be allowed to return home as of 11 A.M. eastern which is 8 local time. About 4700 evacuees had to flee two weeks ago when strong winds threatened to push the parker lake wildfire right into their communities. This morning, the evacuation orders rock rescinded and marry ann is following the story for us. >> The mayor of fort nelson saying that this has been a roller coaster ride not only for him but residents his community for the past few weeks. As you mention in just under two hours' time, they will be returning to their communities in fort nell suspect and the fort nelson first nation. They've been away for several weeks, since may 10th. And so critical services have been restored in preparation for their return, but they are still being told to be patient as well as prepared. They are being told to make sure they fuel up their vehicles, arrive with several days of food and any essentials they may need because it's going to take a while for not only the community but also local businesses to rebound completely. They've been out of their homes as I mentioned since may 10th. Because of that evacuation order, not only for fort nelson but fort nelson first nation as that parker lake fire continued to grow and get closer to their community. Many of those residents went south to fort st. John. But when they return, they are going to see that damage. In fort nelson, about 11 properties were destroyed, including four homes that were completely destroyed at the fort nelson first nation, no structures were damaged, but areas of cultural significance, particularly in the area of snake river, they were destroyed as well. So the mayor speaking this morning, saying that it's going to be emotional not only for the reunions that will be happening in his community, but as residents there survey the damage. >> In the rural areas, they are going to see a lot of damage, particularly out on the edges of community to the north, the firebird right up to the highway, so it's blackened trees. There's going to be some places they are not going to be able to go like they used to be able to go, like the parker lake recreation area is blocked off just because of so many danger trees across the road. So there is some significant damage to the north and west of the community, you know, that's going to make them feel sad. >> So residents prepared for what that will be like for them. Also, the message is maybe delay your return for now. It's going to be very busy for those who are returning today. The highway will be jam packed, but if you have any specialized health needs, the advice is to delay your return if possible because there will be a slow

return of certain medical services including in-person emergency care which will be still transferred out of the community. So the message is if you can, if you need that extra help, maybe stay back a little bit for now. Also there's a visitor centre for anyone who is eligible for certain vouchers like fuel vouchers, so they have to welcome residents also. >> We've talked to mayor fraser so often during this emergency and we were talking about how I hope this is the last conversation we have that this disaster is behind them. But very pragmatic in that it may not be. It's early in the season and there still is an evacuation alert in place. >> The evacuation alert remains in place which means residents, although they are returning back today they have to be ready to leave at a moment's notice, not to mention the parker lake fire is still burning and there are other fires still burning in the area. Take a look at this map here. You can see just north of the parker lake fire is the patry creek fire. It's a hold over fire from 2023. That's also contributing to poor visibility and poor air condition right now and that's why those residents being told to stay indoors. But residents returning also know that they have to be ready to leave also. >> Reorganize the trailer, you know. We left in a hurry. The trailer was sort of ready to go. Reorganize, clean the trailer, reorganize clean the house. And actually on our family list is we are going to be repacking the trailer because I have a feeling that we're going to be sent out again this summer. It's so dry up there and there's so much forest, it wouldn't take much if we got told to leave again. >> That's something we've also heard from officials with the bc wildfire service, the situation still really dry around there and over the coming days, heather, a critical wildfire situation when it comes to the conditions. They are also keeping an eye on that. >> All right, you will stay on the story and watch it. But again, 11:00 o'clock eastern, 8:00 o'clock local, the people get to come home, thank you maryann for this morning. >> There are tens of millions of people in the united states who are under an extreme weather threat this morning after a weekend of deadly storms. Officials say four children are among 19 dead across texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky. Hundreds of others are hurt. At least 14 tornadoes were reported sunday alone. So it is a big concern this morning, and steve futterman is live with us from los angeles on the story. Wide swath of destruction. I mean, these pictures are incredible, steve, through the U.S. midwest. What's the latest you are hearing in terms of just the extent of the devastation? >> Well, there's massive destruction in these four states that you mentioned, texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky. You know, this is a holiday weekend here in the u.s., but it's not been a holiday for many people in those four states. You've mentioned the death toll, not just destruction, but death as well. People telling these remarkable stories of how they survived going into their laundry room, going into their bathroom, finding places that might be secure. This is one man in texas telling how he survived when the tornado went through his town. >> The owner came around honking his horn, warning everybody to get out. I don't know I didn't heeded that warning. Glad I did. >> I grabbed my dog, we headed for there and it just -- the -- it was just unbelievable the sound of all of the destruction going on around us. It's terrible. It's amazing, the destruction and the loss that has been experienced in this tornado. Not only here in valleyview, but at the other locations here in north texas. >> And you heard that gentleman mention valleyview. That town alone suffered seven deaths. We've heard these stories of a restaurant that was completely destroyed. There was a cooler in the restaurant, that's where people hid when they left the cooler, there was nothing left but they survived. Millions -- not millions, but hundreds of thousands of people are without electricity in these four states and I heard one story, heather, about a giant big rig truck that was just blown over. That's the strength of these tornadoes in the severe weather. >> I mean, really, just every picture is just -- >> Yeah. >> Wrenching to look at what these people have lost. And the extreme weather threat continues this morning, steve, I know there are millions under various watches and warnings and threats. What's the latest weather forecasting detail? >> Well, this -- this weather system is moving east. It's leaving texas, kentucky kicks oklahoma and arkansas but moving east. So people on the east coast are going to be hit by possibly extreme weather as well. You mentioned there's extreme weather watches and really many states going up and down east coast from new york to savanna, georgia. So they could face really some potential problems there. The possibility of tornadoes, hail, strong winds, and we mentioned texas, yes. These storms are out of texas, but today in texas there's

extreme heat, in dell rio texas today, the forecast calls for conditions to be 43° celsius. So that storm, it's heat, it's lots of things in the U.S. >> As you say, not much of a holiday weekend. Lots to worry about as opposed to celebrate. Steve, thank you for everything this morning. >> Thank you, heather. >> Steve futterman is in los angeles. And we'll talk about how that storm system is affecting us when we get to chris in the national forecast ahead. But here's what else you should know as you start your monday morning. There's another royal portrait raising eyebrows. This version of the princess of wales generating as much talk as the official portrait of king charles, on commotion today. Ellamine digs into the controversy, that's this morning on the cbc radio and the cbc listen app. If you are feeling extra stressed-out on the job, you may be part of what experts are calling the great exhaustion, burn-out, not just overworked, but also wider anxiety over the state of the world. You can read more about it on our website this morning and the cbc news app. In case you missed, it two of australia's more curious animals have an equally strange cousin we now know. Scientists have discovered a new prehistoric egg-laying mammal which they are calling the akidnapus, a prosecute between a platypus and an akidna, and the researchers say it's like finding a whole new civilization existed 100 million years ago. Next another nail-biter in women's hockey. >> Boston-minnesota, in the final. Scores! >> Just like that, alina mueller winning a double ot thriller for boston the road against minnesota. That forces a fifth and final game in the first heifer walter cup finals in the pwhl. What a wild finish this one had, about main earlier. Sophie jacobs from minnesota thought she had scored the championship winning goal but it didn't count, look at this, referee overturning things because of goalie interference. So boston will play at home on wednesday. It's a winner take all game 5, sure to be electric for the final game of the pwhl season. This is cbc morning live. [ ] [ ] >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. [dramatic] >> Does public transit really need more police officers? So this is it. >> Welcome to the Greenbelt. [missles fire] >> It is now believed the Titan was destroyed. >> It makes sense that they get a larger share. Or does it? >> All of this just [indiscernible]. >> Yes. >> What do we know? How is that even possible? Well, with a little bit of help, I think we can explain it. >> Announcer:About That with Andrew Chang. Watch free onCBC Gem. >> Heather: and let's check in as promised with chris. I was just talking to steve futterman and he was talking about the devastation from the tornadoes in the united states. That storm system's already sort of affecting things for us here? >> Yeah, we've got around the low pressure system itself moving to the great lakes, the cold front extending from that storm, and that was the cold front responsible for so many of those devastating storms yesterday. That's moving its way eastwards, anywhere from georgia to the new englander states, risk of thunderstorms today, and on the north side of that front, around the low, well, we are in it too as well. In orange is the best chance of severe weather. There's a few pockets of it, so I'm going to break it down first in southern ontario, then southern quebec because I want to time this out for you. Just show you the widespread showers and the risks. So we've already seen them around the sarnia, lake huron area. So you pick it up through midday through the afternoon, early afternoon, risk of showers and

storms G.T.A. to georgian bay, also towards cottage country, haliburton, bancroft, ottawa, could get into another round of showers and thunderstorms and then perhaps this evening, a third round can come towards the morrisburg cornwall area and then those risk of showers and thunderstorms this evening diminishing for south central ontario. But tomorrow, the thunderstorms will be less numerous, still scattered showers and cooler air and then wednesday and thursday will be cool and dry. All right, into quebec, there's round one, those showers and thunderstorms have been moving north and east of trois-rivieres towards quebec city. Round 2, north of montreal, just north of the city and up towards mont tremblant the laurentians and if you get hit in montreal, I think the most likely occurrence would be this evening and again the risk of these storms heavy downpours, potentially damaging winds and we could get into some hail. So being weather aware today is going to be vital. >> The weather update is brought to you by the "off! Cast" mosquito forecast. Off, prevention is the best protection from mosquitoes. >> Andrew Chang: May is Asian Heritage Month. Join us in celebrating the many contributions that Asian Canadians make to Canada. [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is her why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at ( ) They say it lives way out there, deep in the city. I heard it wanders the streets at night in search of food. I hear it can carry two kayaks right on its back. It made this big loud sound... ( ) You know how nobody can find parking on gameday? It found a way. The new Subaru Crosstrek. The true Urban Legend. Welcome to the Wayborhood. With Wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] Yes! When the music stops grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] I'm sorry, Carl. This is me in chair form. I don't see you. -Oh, come on. This one's perfect for you. But you. Love it. I told you we should have done a piñata. I explained it so many times. Um-hum. They're not sitting. -And it rocks... You need to sit down. Wayfair. Every style. Every home. Hi Phil Swift here for FlexSuper Wide Duct Tape.Just check outhow wide this It's so widewe built this race boat. Not only can it speedacross the water, but our super strong backingcan take the pounding and our powerful adhesiveholds the boat together. Yee-Haa! Now that's whatI'm talking about. Woo Hoo! Get Flex Super Wide Duct Tape. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Rub a535 will go anywherein the name of treating pain. Whether it's injury pain. Youch. Or muscle and joint pain. Whatever the pain, there's a rub a535 for you. >> Heather: breaking this morning, the university of toronto is seeking a court injunction to remove pro-palestinian protesters who have been camped out on campus for nearly a month. The administration revealed its lawyers filed the application with the ontario superior court just after an evacuation deadline passed this morning. The school had given protesters until 8 A.M. eastern to clear the camp. I'm heather hiscox. Also making news on this monday morning, wildfire evacuees from fort nelson, british columbia, will be allowed back home this morning. The evacuation order there is being lifted at 8 A.M. local, that's 11 A.M. eastern. About 4,700 people were forced to leave when wildfires threatened the community two weeks ago. The community will remain under an evacuation alert because fires continue to burn in the area. >> And powerful storms and tornadoes are cutting a deadly destructive path across parts of the central U.S. the storms have killed at least 19 people in four states. North texas and oklahoma were hit with some of the worst of the storm system. That system is now moving east,

and nearly 5 million people are under a tornado watch. We'll have more on those stories and the rest of the day's news right here on cbc news network. This Is Pretection.The everyday skinprotection ritual that protects your skinfrom mosquitoes. Pre-BBQ Pre-Walk Pre-Everything off! PreventionIs The Best Protection sc Johnson Inside every Splenda product is a mission. To make it easier for people to cut sugar from their diet. From our factory to our stevia farm, Splenda's team of over two-thousand individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives, taking pride that every day millions say I Use Splenda. With a delicious, sweet taste, and quality you can trust, Splenda is the easiest way to cut sugar. This is our future, ma. GoDaddy airo. Creates a logo, website, even social posts in minutes! -How? -a.i. Ay I like it! Who wants to come see the future?! Get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo. Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. How can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. My SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. And for most plans, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Call or visit now for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. That's [tense] That same woman from the scc keeps calling, can I give her your number? No! [knocks on door] Michael Lazaridis, want to come and answer some questions? Why is the scc looking at us? I'm sure it's nothing. -I'm just wondering how you convinced all these engineers from around the world to come all the way to Canada? Do you know what the sentence is for multi-million dollar stock fraud? >> Heather: the edmonton oilers are at home tonight for game 3 of the western conference final, the series is tied at one game appease, the oilers came off a tough road loss in dallas. >> Happy with the split. Obviously, you would rather take 2, but going into good team's building, it's -- it's -- it's going to be hard-fought. I thought they had a push back last night, we expected. >> We're in a good position, you know. Before the series started, we said we were going to be 1-1 coming into this building, we would have been happy. But you win the first one, you always want to win the next one. >> So the team looking to do just that, get some pucks in the back of the net, walk away with the series lead two days, capitalizing on home ice advantage and soaking up that rogers place energy. Puck drop 6:30 pmountain. That is 8:30 P.M. eastern, and I'm going to get you set for the game tonight. A gentleman by the name of blair gladu, but forget that name, because you probably know him best as super fan McGOO and is he with me live this morning and is he ever with me live this morning, hello, super fan McGOO, how do you do? >> Good morning, canada, let's go, baby scram. >> You are ready for game 3, super fan! >> Absolutely ready, like the whole nation is ready, man. We are the last canadian hope man, let's go oilers, whew! >> Okay. Thank you for getting all dressed for me because it's super early in the morning. Give me the gear. Is this what you always wear on game day? >> Yeah, this is part of my outfit that I will be wearing

tonight, my suit jacket. I got my gally, my oilers pants. >> Okay. >> I got my shirt on but I will be wearing my dress shirt and tie tonight. >> Dress shirt and tie. >> Yes, and one of the shoes as well as I will be painted up. >> And the hat. And the face paint's coming out tonight. The hat's there. Go back to that drum. That was a beauty. Tell me about that. It's a special drum for you. >> Yeah, so this is a special drum for me. This was actually made by a gentleman from a band. He got ahold of me through social media last year and he's, like, super fan magoo, I would love to make you a drum, I play in a band, you can bang is as loud as you can and I want you to use it for the playoffs. So here I am, man. >> That's rocky moran right from eknock cree nation, he's the one who gave that to you? >> No. >> No, that's not from him? >> That's a different drum. >> That's a different drum! >> This is -- this is made from a gentleman from an actual band, like, a band. >> A rock band, okay. >> Yeah, a rock band. >> Okay. That's ready to go. So you will have that. Where will you she tonight because I want to look for you in the stands. You are going to their be there tonight jacob blake you will see me front row in the stands, don't worry, the camera will find me, you will see me banging a drum, pumping tupac. Even hear the drum before the anthem starts. >> Okay. People have been seeing you for years, because super fan magoo, the nickname came almost 20 years ago, so you have been well-known to fans of the oilers for a long, long time. Where did your love of hockey come from? >> It all started in a small community called cooling lake, alberta, where I was raised by my grandparents. My grandma and grandpa would put me in front of a tv. We would only have one channel, about, and every saturday hockey night in canada, in the early 80's, my grandpa would put me in front of the tv and I would be watching the oilers, sitting there and that's how my love started for the edmonton oilers and then when they passed on, I moved to edmonton. And being on the streets of edmonton, right on the corner of 118 avenue and 82nd street, just a little kit wave ago flag, watching the edmonton oilers come by in a convertible with the stanley cup in the car was -- that blew me away and that's where it all started. >> So that goes right back to the dynasty days? Who's your all time favourite? Is it gretzky or who, super fan magoo. >> The one and only gretzkygy. >> Look at you. You need calf feet. Oh, you are double-doubling. You are ready for tonight. >> I'm ready. So you know what? >> What? >> All of canada is going to be watching, not only canada, all over the world are going to be watching the game tonight. We are canada's hope. So you've got to be cheering on the edmonton oilers. >> I think you are right. You've got to give a message. Is there anybody out there who's not yet on the oilers bandwagon? What do you say to them today? >> Yeah, I just have to say to them, you know, there's a lot of calgary flame fans out there that are -- the calgary stars, and as well as there's some toronto maple leaf fans that are also on the dallas stars bandwagon, but that's okay, you know, that's okay. We're going to go with practically all of canada is routeing for the oilers except for a few people. >> You never know. You may win them over, just with the conversation this morning. What are your game day superstitions and traditions, super fan magoo? >> So my game day superstitions and tradition secretary of state I wake up in the morning, I'm thinking oilers,gy to timmies, get my tim hortons, come back, I slap on the 80's and I listen to the 80's all morningment I iron my spout fit, get it ready and listen to certain songs throughout the morning and then I take my pug for a walk. I take her for a walk and a bike ride with my oilers bike and I come home and then so on so on. >> You have an oilers bike too? >> I have actually two oilers' bikes, and they are both lit up, like they have lights on them. >> Oh, to be in edmonton to see you today. Okay, so here's the hero tonight? >> I say it is either McDAVID, draisaitl -- >> I'm thinking draisaitl myself. >> Or hyman. >> Or hyman. Okay, how do you like the position they are in after split little series in dallas? >> Absolutely beautiful. Getting that home ice advantage is where it's at. Now, they are coming home 1-1, I guarantee you the roof is going to be blown off when they step on the ice tonight, get ready for this. >> I will get ready for it. I bet you've got orange -- your blood's not red, I bet it's orange. You are diehard edmonton oilers orange all the way through. I love talking to you, thanks so much for joining me today. Give me one last message before you go. >> Everybody out there ... Super fan magoo loves you, this one is for the edmonton oilers apes the edmonton oilers fans.

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