
CBCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #19

largest lgbtq2+ library in alberta. >> This space is designed to help young lgbtq2+ people feel safe in edmonton but staff here worry new policies from a little's government could jeopardize, that policies they haven't been asked to weigh in on. >> We've not received any consultation from the beginning. The ones who will be most impacted are those ones that are not from affirming safe spaces. And that is a life-long sentence of pain and suffering. >> The province says it is looking for feedback on proposed changes to gender policies including banning hormone therapy for children under 16 and barring transgendered women athletes from competing in women's league. Alberta's government sent 40 invites to physicians working in gender affirming care, bioethicist and members of the trans-community but to attend you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Nda's have tools the government has used in the past, in this case, the indefendant nda's ensure confidentiality but some people outright refused the invite, calling on premier danielle smith for more transparency. >> If she really wants to hear what she has to say, she can hearing a public hearing where those of us who are part of the medical community can be on record. Many of my patients say that their mental health has worsened as a direct result of these policy proposals. >> This comes as more than a dozen 2 slgbq plus groups in alberta band the united conservative party from attending pride events. >> Those policies are directly infringing on what pride is about which is celebrating your uniqueness, the identity, your integrity of you as a person as par of the community. >> The ucp declined the interview, instead stating the party supports and celebrates all albertans. Sam samson, cbc news, edmonton. >> Prime minister justin trudeau will be heading to france next week to mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. He will spend two days in france to pay tribute to those who served and sacrificed, gave their lives in the second world war. A canadian ceremony will be held at juno beach the morning every june 6th. 14,000 canadians stormed juno beach in 1944 as part of the massive allied operation, more than 5,000 canadian troops were killed in the battle of normandy. It was a brutal fight that gave the allies a foothold on the european continent and eventually led to the listennation of western europe from the nazis. On john 5th, there will be a memorial at the canadian war cemetery, more than 2,000 canadian soldiers are buried there and we will have that ceremony on cbc morning live starting at 6 A.M. eastern next wednesday. Then the following day, d-day, thursday, june 6th. Special coverage of the canadian national ceremony at juno beach. Our chief correspondent, adrienne arsenault will be there to host 4 A.M. eastern for that special commemoration. And the second world war, very much on the mind of americans today as we look live at the world war ii memorial in washington, right at the national mall. More than 16 million american soldiers served in the U.S. armed forces in the second world war, more than 400,000 died, and this honours them and of course all of those who supported the war effort from home as well. It is memorial day in the united states, a federal holiday there. This is cbc morning live. [ ] Hi, I'm Mae Martinand I cannot tell youhow stoked I am to get a bunch of selfies with celebs at theCanadian Screen Awards. [beep] I mean, I can't tell you how excited I am to host the awards. That is the main and most important thing. [ Anncr]: Fact versus Fiction with Bath Fitter. Fiction: Some bath remodels just cover up water damage. Fact: Bath Fitter cleans and repairs your tub before installation to ensure a watertight fit. Bath Fitter. It just fits. Go to to book your free consultation. ( ) It's Chicken and Ribfest at Swiss Chalet. Our marinated bbq Back Ribs are cooked low and slow to fall off the bone perfection. And basted in your choice of sauce. Starting from only $17.99. Hurry into Swiss Chalet. ( ) Savings is the name of the game for us when we shop. I thought we were playing charades? So, we use Rakuten to get Cha-Ching. While we're gaming? Go. We get Cash Back at hundreds of stores. Cha-Ching! Health and beauty, clothes, electronics... No, no. Office supplies? Uh huh! Shoes, Home and Garden... Travel! On all of that and more. [buzzer] So, even when we're losing game night, we're winning. Gulliver's Travels. So close. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search.

Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. This Is Pretection.The everyday skinprotection ritual that protects your skinfrom mosquitoes. Pre-BBQ Pre-Walk Pre-Everything off! PreventionIs The Best Protection sc Johnson (Keys jingling, click of light switch) Your boss' name is Heather And she made you have an awful day Let me sing all your problems away Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. [ ] Pick-up is quick and easy. Rub a535 will go anywherein the name of treating pain. Whether it's injury pain. Youch. Or muscle and joint pain. Whatever the pain, there's a rub a535 for you. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Owning an nhl team. Penguins head office went through your offer and it looks good. Wow. [he chuckles] Get me on the phone with Copps Coliseum, tell them I want to buy it. [upbeat rock] >> Heather: a new study from the montreal's children's hospital has found on average one child goes to the emergency room in quebec every day. One child a day for drowning or near drowning over the summer months. The study isn't due to be released formally until september but the authors found their own findings so alarming they had to get the word out early. >> I find that number high. But as a parent, I found that number concerning. It's certainly high enough for me to be more vigilant with my own family. >> The researchers found that for every fatal drowning, ten kids are hospitalized. The number one cause, lack every supervision. Younger kids between one and four were most likely to drown in backyard pools. For older kids, the danger is more from open water, lakes and rivers. The quebec government requires all new backyard pools to be fenced in, but pools built before 2010 don't fall under that, they have to be fenced in by october the 2025. >> Indigo shareholders are voting this morning on a deal that would put the company back in the hands of its founder and her husband, and scott is following the details here. >> Yeah. The story here is -- you've heard it before, buy low sell high and the shares are historically at low prices or flirting with them anyways and hence it seems that the controlling shareholders want to take this over before making any big investments in the company itself. Take a look at the share price and this tells a story of basically that fundamental rule you want to buy stock when it's low. So $2.50 is the offer price and that's sort of flirting with lows that you can see there going back a few years. And the ownership structure of this company is interesting. One gerald swartz, the founder of onex corps, he owns 59 per cent of already the indigo shares through a variety of holding companies, also he's married to the ceo, heather reisman. She owns about 5 per cent of indigo shares through her holding company, so together, that's almost two-thirds of the company there. But this offer, $2.50, it's going for a vote this morning at 11:00 o'clock, and if it goes through today, it should mean that by june, the company goes completely private, de-listed from the stock exchange, it requires two-thirds of the shareholder and just a majority of the shareholders not connected with the holding funds. And again this is 11 a.m., a lot of analysts are saying that indigo needs a lot of money for re-investment. They lost $50 million last year, let go people as recently as january so it does need some money in flux and they figure if the analysts are saying if the owners own the whole thick, it's a better return if they buy the whole thing outright and then do a massive investment. So we'll see what kind of incarnation this company goes into, whether it becomes public again sometime in the future. >> Okay, 11 A.M. eastern, we'll be watching that. Now, as far as other stocks and other companies, less to watch today because it's the holiday in the U.S. >> Yes. So we're going to see a gentle breeze in these markets, not a lot of things are going to happen, a lot of sideways movement. Price of oil, flirting with about $78 a barrel. The canadian dollar, the euro and the british pound up very slightly against its U.S. counterpart and a lot of the overseas markets from asia to

europe a little bit to the up 1stDOWN wrought that big direction from the U.S. markets. >> Thank you, scott. >> Thank you. (Horn honking) Hi, Dad! (Vehicle departing) How's your visit with Noah going? He took out my Jag! (Chuckle) But he doesn't know how to drive stick. He doesn't? (Tires screeching, thud) Ah, f... Fix Auto! The first words that should come to mind after an accident. [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] When it comes to small business, Desjardins is a big fan. So to celebrate another 150 entrepreneurs across Canada who each received a $20,000 GoodSpark grant, we rallied their biggest fans, to cheer them on. Oh, what the heck! [cheering] Desjardins is also a big fan of what you do. I love you guys so much. See how we're cheering on small business at (Desjardins sting) [rock] we're legendary Man: You don't scare me. Look out! [explosion] Ain't nobody gonna stop me. Stadium announcer: We have a new world record. Arena announcer: She scores! Both: Oh my God. Woman: We're a team. [woman yells indiscernibly] we're legendary We fight the best we can. Stadium announcer: Unbelievable. >> Heather: watching the very wet clay courts in roland paris today. Several of the first round matches at the french open have been suspended including that canadian, felix auger aliassime. We've moved on to bianca andreescu. And denis shapovalov will be stepping on to that soggy clay, I guess hopefully it will dry up and clear up, tournament underway run through until june the 9th. And as I continue to bewilder chris with my vast olympic knowledge and studying conditions, we were talking about that earlier, that's where all of the tennis is being played for the olympics as well on those famed clay courts at the rolled gary resources rows, that will be exciting for team canada later in the summer as well. >> I know you've played tennis. Have you ever played on clay before. >> I play on clay all of the time. >> It's completely different. >> Yes, but I have a hamstring injury, I haven't played until february and I'm out until fall. But that's a whole other story. >> A long-term injury -- >> Let's talk forecast. Because those who play tennis might want to do so in parts of the country, but maybe not there. >> And perhaps indoors. We have our low pressure system in the pacific and that is bringing in some spirals of showers for the next few days on the west coast, in the interior as well. And even up towards the north. So temperatures below seasonal values, but this rain -- now, today's showers on the west coast as opposed to, you know, a deluge of rain, and higher elevation snow showers. There's your main trough coming in for tomorrow. So up the sunshine coast through the lower mainland. That's where you get some steadier rains through the day friday and then note again not a whole lot of rain for the okanagan valley, but you go eastwards with that westward facing slopes of the rockies, get into more what you call aura graphic lift. That's the lift provided bite mountains, that brings you more rain showers and wednesday's still unsettled, below seasonal values, but again we need this rain because we know once things start to dry up, things can heat up, things can turn dangerous. We'll take whatever we can get. 40 to 06 millimeters, that's two inches of rain for the sunshine coast and about half of that for the west side of the rockies. Potential strong winds and hail up in northeastern bc and northwestern alberta. How will that impact the fire zones up there, well, the wind would not be good news. Let's hope we get some rain out of that too. Beautiful day in southern alberta and southern scamp. The snow, it's over southern manitoba, thanks goodness. Temperatures are going to be cooling down across alberta likely midweek, so these temperatures in the 20's won't last. And when they come back, we will talk about the thunderstorm potential in ontario and quebec, which would include heavy down tory pours and damaging w >> Adrienne Arsenault: You are constantly on the move, and so are we, making sense of the moments that matter. >> Are you ok? >> Been quite a day, to be honest. >> I'm Adrienne Arsenault. This isThe National. This is the all new Tempur-PedicBreeze mattress. And it's designed. To help you feel cool. So no more sweating all night. No kicking off the covers. Or blasting the air conditioning

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>>> We're going to begin this hour with breaking news out of toronto. The university of toronto is seeking an injunction now against protesters in a pro-palestinian encampment that has stood on school grounds for 25 days. The university filed the request this morning, just after the 8 A.M. eastern deadline for protesters to dismantle the encampment came and went and the protesters stayed put. A rally in solidarity on campus is going on right now with students and protesters joined by members of the ontario federation of labour and other organizations. Let's take you live to the scene right now, meagan fitzpatrick reporting on things on a very rainy morning. >> What is the latest in terms of what's happening, there meagan, on campus? >> Yeah, the rally still underway here, heather, a number of speakers addressing the crowd. Quite a large crowd here, braving these poor weather conditions this morning. We've heard from several of the representatives from the encampment who talked about how they are steadfast in their demands, but I will talk first about the latest information we have from the school in terms of the action they are taking against these protesters. So u of t putting out a statement this morning saying the lawyers representing the school have filed the necessary paperwork this morning seeking a court injunction from the ontario superior court of justice. And they say they are also asking for an expedited case hearing, case conference for scheduling. So they want this matter dealt with urgently. They also said in a statement that they had a long and productive meeting yesterday with the student representatives and that they do plan on meeting again today, and that they continue to engage in discussions, they remain hopeful that they can reach an agreement and bring the unauthorized encampment to an end. Now, this latest court action, heather, comes after this trespass notice that was issued to the statement protesters on friday evening. Advising them that they should vacate by 8 A.M. this morning. That trespass notice was issued in the wake of a proposal from the university being rejected by the students. So the school had offered, for example, in terms of responding to the student demands to set up an advisory committee, to look at the issue of divestment, also setting up a working group to work at how to increase transparency around the university's investments as well as allowing student representatives to address the governing board of council at a meeting in june. The school was not prepared to meet the demand around cutting ties with certain academic institutions, israeli academic institutions. The uful t says that that would its commit tomorrow academic freedom. That's sort of where we are at now as of this morning, with the encampment still going, obviously and now u of t taking this court action this morning. >> Meagan, thank you very much, we'll check back with you as you continue to cover that in the rain on campus at the u of t we're going to take you to the greater toronto area, the rain also a factor there. And we're going to listen into this live. Peel regional police about to announce details of something called project odyssey. They are dolling a major auto theft investigation, and you see there on that -- you have the chief of police, you see detective, deputy chief, patrick brown, on the right, there the mayor of the city of brampton. Auto theft capital of canada. That is the title that brampton and mississauga have received, trying to combat that. They had 7,000 vehicles stolen last year, that's almost one an hour in peel region. So let's listen into these details live from peel regional police. >> The conversation that we're having especially as we deal with this announcement of a significant auto theft investigation which has led to several arrests, hundreds of criminal charges, and the recovery of tens of millions of dollars of stolen autos that we have and the team here behind me has dubbed project odyssey. Joining me as the sergeant mentioned is the deputy chief in charge of investigative emergency response and command. Our commercial auto crimes bureau investigative team, many of them who you can see behind us, we feel it's absolutely important to recognize the women and men that are doing the actual work, and so the project odyssey team is here. We also have members of our police services board that are here supporting us, mr. Albouton and of course brampton's mayor, mayor patrick brown, also a member of a police services board, thank you, sir, for being here and joining us. So since october of 2023, we have been investigating hundreds of stolen autos that have been destined for foreign markets. This is a highly orchestrated criminal operation where several individuals were responsible for

stealing the vehicles through various methods, many of which we have come to know that include violent carjackings as well as other methods of stealing vehicles for the intentionful shipping overseas. Through this investigation, we've ... [audio difficulties] family members were collaborating with organized group was individuals to facilitate the export of stolen autos through the united asia emirates and also to the ports in omanned, via the port of montreal. Our investigators were able to not only identify the suspects involved in this, but they were also able to intercept 369 stolen vehicles which were recovered and repatriated, which have a value of over $33 million. We have also arrested 16 individuals and laid 342 charges and also have an additional 10 warrants for other suspects that are spout standing. In total, 322 charges related to auto theft. I should note that this is a conversation where we see repeated individuals continue to victimize our community. That 14 of the 26 arrested, so that's over half of them, were already on a form of release or bail for auto theft related offences. This has been peel regional police's most significant auto theft investigation to date, and it's a testament to the incredible work of the individuals that are standing behind me and of which you will hear from detective greg o'connor shortly who has details of the substantive investigation. This investigation demonstrates [audio difficulties] often does get frustrated with the ability to respond and stop this problem. We have been strong advocates for the fact that it's not just the policing responsibility, but this is an example of how here at peel regional police we continue to invest in this space. I should note that over the last year, we have and thankful to the support of our police services board and elected officials, doubled the size of our commercial auto crimes unit which I must say is one of the largest in canada right now. And the outcomes are one in which you see today. And the last 18 months, our peel regional police commercial auto crimes unit has arrested nearly 200 individuals and have laid close to 1,600 auto theft related charges, and recover close to $100 million worth of vehicles, that are vehicles that have not -- our country because they've been able to intercept them and repatriate them. And to be clear, that's $100 million worth of vehicles that have not entered into the hands of organized crime. And also prevent activities such as [audio difficulties] and firearms related offences including drug offence that is plague our community. Auto crimes have evolved and before more complex, criminal groups as we know are expanding their efforts right across this country and internationally, we have seen how home invasions, carjackings have victimized our community because people are maximizing on the low risk high reward criminal activity. Also have to notice you will see once the media release comes out, a list of all those that are being charged or are associated to this project, but you will also see how these organized crime groups are victimizing young people, vulnerable young people, luring them into this equation of being involved for cash in exchange for the theft after vehicle. Peel regional police and with the support of our peel police services board have been unequivocal in our commitment for tackling organized auto theft and strengthening our enforcement to ensure that this no longer plagues our community, but with that, we will seize more vehicles, more arrests and more charges. Let me be clear. We are laser-focused on stopping those responsible and for holding them accountable. I would also like to acknowledge the support of the provincial government via the criminal intelligence service of ontario for their continued support of this investigation. I would be remiss to not also recognize the canadian board services agency support of montreal and the financial transaction and reports analysis centre of canada also known as fintrak for their assistance in this investigation. I have to say again I am proud of the women and men that are involved with this work. We know that 24/7 they are

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