
CBCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #18

me informed about what's happening. >> Well, you've certainly been helpful to us as we've tried to cover this as well as we can. Don't take this the wrong way, sir, but I hope this is the last time during the wildfire season that we speak, if you know what I mean, you are probably known for the same thing. >> I know exactly what you mean and I agree. It's going to be a long summer. >> Well, I don't know that it is going to be the last time we speak. You are still on evacuation alert, we should make very clear at this point. >> What is the status as we speak today? >> Well, the parker lake fire is still burning. It's mostly burning itself out but it is still burning. The big wind event, it could potentially break over its borders. And just to the north of us, of course we have the patrick fire which is a huge fire that is the same. The edges are not getting any bigger, wildfire service is doing everything it can. But if we get some dry weather and some wind, we're back in the same position as we were before. So we are going to get the community together, we're going to talk about the experiences, we're going to reinforce our evacuation plans and we're going to really have a go at our wildfire resiliency plan and see what we can do to bolster that before that happens again. >> We're not even to the end of may, so you are right, there's a lot of summer ahead. Are you expecting a day of high emotion in fort nelson? >> Yes. >> Yeah. >> Very high emotion. As people reunite with the folks who stayed and the volunteers and firefighters who helped fight this fire locally, there's going to be a lot of family reunions happening this morning and this afternoon. >> I was thinking that. Links I appreciate all of our conversations through all of there. Enjoy at least for now hopefully for a long time but enjoy everybody coming home to your town. Thanks a lot. >> Thank you, heather. >> Mayor fraser, up in fort nelson, british columbia. [ ] [ ] >> Here's what else you should know as you start your monday morning. There's another royal portrait raising eyebrows today. This version of the princess wales generating as much talk as the latest official portrait of king charles. And today on commotion, ellamine is going to look into the controversies, that's this morning on the cbc radio and cbc listen app. Are you feeling extra stressed-out on the job? You may be part of what experts are calling the great exhaustion, burnout, not just overwork but over we should anxiety over the state of the world. There's a really interesting piece on that up on our website this morning and on the cbc news app. In case you missed it, two of australias, those are unusual animals now have an equally strange cousin. Scientists have discovered a new prehistoric egg-laying mammal which they are calling the akidnapus, a cross between a platypus and an akdna, it's like finding a whole new civilization existed 100 million years ago. Canada's picking up more gold on the way to the olympic games. >> Coming through the line. Here we go. It's canada, back at the top of the roster, gold medals for them. >> Gold medal win for the canadian women's eight rowing team. They shot past the finish line yesterday at a world cup regatta in lucerne, switzerland. The time, 6 minutes 4.47 seconds. So that was good for gold. Great britain with silver, the U.S. bronze. This is a real tune-up for the paris games beginning this summer and canada, the defending gold medal terrorist. This is cbc morning live. >> Andrew Chang: May is Asian Heritage Month. Join us in celebrating the many contributions that Asian Canadians make to Canada. Tap into BetMGM Casino and you're entering a huge library full of exclusive games. Games you won't find anywhere else. Looking for jackpots? Right this way. You'll always find someone ready to give you a hand. Or some dice. Your favorite games waiting for you... On BetMGM Casino. This Is Pretection.The everyday skinprotection ritual that protects your skinfrom mosquitoes. Pre-BBQ Pre-Walk Pre-Everything off! PreventionIs The Best Protection sc Johnson I'm lost in love... (Electronic chime) So lost in love with you Get started for free on eharmony. (Giggling) Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Michael j. Fox:When we see Team Canada on the world stage, we're witnessing pure greatness. What we don't see is their struggle. We don't see Maggie Mac Neil navigating her anxiety. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander getting cut from his high school team. Or Ellie Black hearing she's just too old to compete. What we don't see

makes us who we are. We're all bravely facing the odds in our lives. Now bravery is our victory. - -[crowd cheers] >> We have breaking news from the university administration every toronto, a statement just out from the prests u of t, the deadline has come and gone for the encampment, the pro-palestinian demonstration, the encampment to be torn down. And it is still there. So what u of t has now done as this update indicates, lawyers representing u of t have served documents and now seeking an injunction from the ontario superior court of justice. They've asked for this to be expedited in that it's an ongoing situation, this camp has been in place since may the 24th here's what the university is asking, wants to pursue this legal avenue to return king's college circle to the university community, the university says it continues to engage in discussions with students and talks about a long and productive meeting yesterday, they say they are meeting today with the student protesters and the last line of the statement, we remain hopeful that we can reach an agreement and bring the unauthorized encampment to an end. There will be updates from u of t but for now they are seeking an injunction from the ontario superior court of justice. >> We're watching the united states today, it's a holiday monday and on this day, many in the U.S. are worried about extreme weather after a weekend of deadly storms. Officials say four children are among now 19 dead across texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky. Hundreds of others are hurt and look at the damage. At least 11 tornadoes were reported yesterday alone. Steve futterman is working on this holiday, glad to see from los angeles, steve, this morning. The destruction, it is total and such a wide swath of the U.S. midwest. >> What is the latest that we're hearing from state officials, steve? >> Well, heather, they are doing the cleanup activities right now but in the four states that you mentioned, texas, arkansas, oklahoma and kentucky, vast amounts of destruction and one town in texas called valleyview, at least seven people were killed there. And you look at these pictures and some sections, not obviously these entire states, but in some pockets, you have virtually total destruction, homes that could not survive, the tornadoes completely torn apart. We've heard really many stories of people surviving, how they survived, hiding in this location, that location, let's listen to one of the survivors from texas, how did he survive? >> Grabbed my dog, we headed for there and it just -- the -- it was just unbelievable the sound of all of the destruction going on around us, in a matter of two minutes, it's gone, everything is gone. But I got my dog and I got me. >> So he's a survivor. I mean, you just thank for those small blessings right now. I heard one story from one gentleman who went with people inside a giant cooler inside a restaurant. The restaurant completely destroyed. The cooler was able to keep them safe and just these remarkable stories, you talk about trees coming down, thousands and thousands of people without electricity. There were even, heather, these giant big rig trucks, they were toppled over, that's how strong the winds were. >> Incredible, steve, I just can't take my eyes off this footage. This is a holiday weekend there in the united states, so for many people wanting to be at the barbecues and the beaches, and yet, the extreme weather threat continues for so many this morning. So what do we watch for today? >> Well, this storm is -- this weather system's not over. It's moving east. So maybe the worst has been felt in the four states we've been talking about. But this weather system is moving east. It's going to hit the east coast sometime today in the next 24 hours. So you have these really massive weather -- severe weather watches going on. Doesn't mean these areas are going to be hit by the same extreme weather, but there are watches on from new york down to is a vava, georgia, so more than 100 million emergency on these extreme weather watches. There's going to be some problems today, will it be tornadoes, hail, strong winds, we don't know, but many people are sort of on the alert today that they could be facing some really severe and dangerous weather. >> Steve, I really appreciate the reporting, thank you very much, steve futterman live from los angeles. And as we turn to the forecast here, let's bring in chris. Anything you want to add to what steve was saying as it tracks a little bit more to the east now? >> Just a exactly what steve was

saying. I mean, in a typical year, about 50 to 60 -- 50 to 60 americans lose their lives as a result of tornadoes, but we go back to 2011, and that number was up around 550. So we are starting to get shades of that year that could happen, because we've had multiple severe outbreaks and today, that risk is moving eastwards, new york city can get into these thunderstorms as well, up and downed the mid atlantic states. That's all associated with that front that's currently moving through alberta hasn'ta, the southern end, and the low pressure system it's attached to is impacting the great lakes today. We've got rounds of rain showers. These are thunderstorms around trois-rivieres and heading towards quebec city. Those are thunderstorms there that move through the ottawa gatineau region and those are thunderstorms around the southern end every lake huron. So we have multiple locations here and the risk of heavy downpours potentially damaging winds, especially as we get into this afternoon and evening, eastern ontario and southern quebec, but there's also a small little window there for the north G.T.A. towards lake -- georgian bay, pardon me, that cost get into that severe weather. Fair-weather for you in the maritimes. Warm in labrador and improving across newfoundland. Your risk of thunderstorms into quebec, eastern areas continue into tomorrow as will the maritimes. It will be your turn tomorrow to get into some storms. The snow that's daunted southern manitoba after impressive amounts but mid to upper teens, beautiful day in much of saskatchewan and alberta, northeastern b.c., including the fire zones in northwestern alberta, the risk of thunderstorms with hail and strong winds, the wind would be bad news. And significant rain for the next few days for coastal bc and on the west side of the rocky mountains. >> The weather update is brought to you by the -- the the weather update is brought to you by the "off! Cast" mosquito forecast. Off, >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. [ Serene music playing ] Welcome to the Wayborhood. The Wayfair vibe at our place is Western. My thing, Darling? Shine. Gardening. Some of us go for the dramatic. How didn't I know Wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] This. Wow! Do you have any ottomans without legs. Sure. You'll flip for the poof cart. in the Wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. Wayfair. Every style. Every home. ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylenol. It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol. (sigh) Italy... KFC's $5 Sandwich of the Day is back. Only in Canada. Have a great trip... What? Sit down. Not everyone's happy. But you will be. ( ) Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. Man: My Charlie is always going on adventures. So brave. A lot more brave than I was at that age. (Camera shutter clicks) There's something I discovered on Ancestry that I'm reminded of at these moments. Our ancestors were some of the earliest Portuguese immigrants to Canada, and settled in Quebec. It was such an unknown for them, but they learned to speak French, and turned it into a home. For themselves, and for so many that came after them. Get to know your family story. Order your dna kit at >> Heather: breaking moments ago, the university of toronto is now seeking a court injunction to remove pro-palestinian protesters who have been camped on the school's campus for nearly a month. The administration revealed its lawyers have filed the

application with the ontario superior court and did so just after an 8 A.M. deadline passed. The school gave protesters that time to clear the camp, as I said, it's been in place for nearly a month. We are watching what is happening at u of t now as a result. I'm heather hiscox, and also making news on this monday morning, wildfire evacuees from forth nelson, british columbia, will be allowed back home this morning. The evacuation order is being lifted at 8 A.M. local, so that is 11 A.M. eastern. Nearly 4,700 people were forced to leave their homes when wildfires threaten the community two weeks ago. The community will remain under an evacuation alert because fires continue to burn in the area. And powerful storms and tornadoes are cutting a deadly and destructive path across parts of the central U.S. the storms have killed at least 18 people in four states. North texas and oklahoma were hit with some of the worst of the system. It's now moving east and nearly 5 million people are under a tornado watch today. >>> There is a catastrophic update to a landslide in papa new guinea to tell you about this morning. Officials now say as many as 2,000 people remain buried alive three days after the disaster hit. These are images into us from the south africa nation. Officials say the tons of earth and debris bury their remote mountain village on friday. It hit around 3:00 o'clock in the morning, most of the people were fast asleep. Dominic valitis has the latest. >> It all happened in a very remote part of papa new guinea where it has been difficult to get an accurate population estimate and indeed the government's last credible census was way back in 2000. But either way you cut it, hundreds and hundreds of people were killed in this landslide. Its local resident, take a listen. [speaking alternate language] [speaking alternate language]

>>> Well, you heard it there, heather, 18 of her family members feared dead as a result of this landslide which crashed through 6 villages in the early hours of friday morning. Many people in those communities would have been sleeping at the time. 72 hours have now passed since. Residents on the ground are stylusessing spades, sticks, even their bare hands to try and shift through the deep debris in an attempt to reach any survivors, but so far, all they've found are 7 dead bodies. Now, there is a wider rescue and recovery effort going on here but it's facing significant challenges. Tribal warfare in the area has forced rescue aid workers to travel in armed convoys and return to the provincial capital every night. It's just not safe for them. And even when they can get to the site, the conditions are extremely dangerous. Here's the U.N. international organization for migration. >> The problem is if it's so deep, it's very difficult to recover the bodies from underneath the heavy debris. And the land is still sliding. Rocks are continuing to fall. >> The disaster response, heather, is being handled by papa new guinea's emergency authorities. The international community, though, is also now responding. Australia has announced an initial $2.5 million aid package and is sending experts to help with the rescue and recovery operation. And today china too said it would be providing assistance, heather. >> Dominic valitis, thank you very much. >>> Newfoundland has welcomed home its unknown soldier and it was an emotional ceremony. The soldier was a member of the newfoundland regiment and current members of that regiment tasked with bringing him home. The casket arrived several hours after a moving morning ceremony at the beaumont hammel memorial in france. The pallbearers involved at home said they felt quite a wave of emotion. >> I'm feeling surreal. It's a monumental moment. To say it's an honour is an understatement and I'm so proud to carry one of our boys home. >> Knowing that it's one of your own. Knowing that it's a fellow newfoundlander, knowing that he was young, he went away, he fought for freedom, and he fought for us to be here today. That was -- that was what moved me. >> After the casket arrived, there was a solemnly procession passed several historical sites with connections to the newfoundland regiment. People gathered along the route and around the national war memorial and is there the remains will be interred on july the 1st, and the national war memorial will be rededicated. We'll be there for that. What a privilege to be broadcasting from st. John's on july the 1st, early in the morning on what is memorial day there when they pay tribute to those who sacrifice, served in sacrifice in what was before part of the diminish I don't think so the dominion of newfoundland of course before newfoundland joined canada. So we will be there for the memorial for all of the ceremony as newfoundland welcomes the unknown soldier interred, and the national war memorial rededicated. Watch it live on cbc news network. Inu Nagamu is one of Canada's largest Indigenous and alcohol-free music festival. In the heart of the Cote Nord region in Mani-Utenam, Inu Nagamu Festival proudly celebrates its 40th edition to the rhythm of Indigenous artists from near and far, in addition to presenting world-class performances in a family-friendly atmosphere. We look forward to see you in Mani-Utenam from July 30th to August 4th, 2024. There's so much pressure these days. Work doesn't seem to stop. And parenting never does. So when my time comes, I want to make things as stress free as possible for my family. Welcome to Seniors Choice. How can I help? I'd like to get a quote please. If you're a Canadian Resident aged 50-80, you can choose the right amount of coverage for you and your family up to $250,000. Okay. You can choose to apply over the phone now in just minutes. With no medicals or blood tests, just a few health and lifestyle questions. It's that easy? Depending on the coverage you choose, it would be as little as $14.88 a month. That's just 49 cents a day. That's cheaper than I thought and this coverage could save my family from having to pay for my funeral when the time comes. There might even be some left over as a gift for them. I'll go ahead. Seniors Choice are the #1 Direct Choice for Canadians Over 50. To get a free, no obligation quote, call one of our trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-848-8154

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