
CBCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

>>> As many as 670 people are presumed dead in papua new guinea, after a huge landslide swept through remote villages, burying people and homes in its path. Rescuers are racing to free people trapped under debris. The disaster was sparked by an earthquake that hit the northern part of the southern pacific country friday. >>> At least 15 people were killed as violent storms and tornadoes swept across the southern U.S. this weekend, destroying homes and knocking out power to half a million people. Multiple tornadoes touched down in texas, killing at least seven people, including two young children and leaving a trail of destruction. >> When it hit, it was -- it was just so loud. It was like something just crashed into us. >> Erica: powerful storms and twisters also ripped through arkansas and oklahoma, taking lives and flattening homes and businesses. >> Just everything that you had and worked so hard for all of these years is gone. >> Erica: over half a million people across nine states lost power. As warnings about large hail and more tornadoes continue. >>> Donald trump got a rough ride on the campaign trail this weekend, appearing at the libertarian party convention in washington. He was loudly heckleed and booed as he hit the stage. Alison northcott now on what fueled the hostility. >> And I am truly honoured to be invited here tonight. >> Reporter: he may have been invited but it was clear that donald trump was not welcomed by everyone at the libertarian convention on saturday. >> Now I think that you should nominate me or at least vote for me and we should win together. >> Reporter: as trump sought support, he faced boos and jeers, but struck back too. >> You know, only do that if you want to win -- if you want to lose, don't do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years. >> Reporter: the libertarian party believes in limited government and more individual freedoms, values that trump has championed, but some libertarians distrust trump over his covid policies and adding to the national debt. >> He's going to say anything that he can to get more votes and push more people in his direction. >> I'm very, very happy to be here today. >> Reporter: another presidential hopeful, independent candidate robert f. Kennedy jr., spoke at the convention friday, criticising trump and biden's pandemic policies. As americans prepare for a trump-biden rematch in this fall's presidential election, both candidates have to contend with R.F.K. jr. And the risk that he could dilute their support in key battleground states. >> This is shaping up to be another extraordinarily close presidential election. >> Reporter:THIS political science professor says that trump's appearance shows that he's looking to win over any support that he can as he and biden look at the kennedy campaign with trepidation. >> For biden, they're worried that kennedy will appeal to old-school democrats who have fond memories of kennedy's father and his brother, president john f. Kennedy. But from the trump campaign, they're worried that this is somebody who is running on anti-vaccine sentiment, who is running on the host of sort of conspiracy theory ideas that are very appealing to a lot of folks on the right. >> Erica:AND, alison, after a busy weekend of campaigning, trump's legal issues will keep him busy in the days ahead? >> Reporter: yes, erica, and for weeks he had to juggle his stops with court appearances at his criminal trial in new york and he'll be back in court on tuesday for closing arguments over whether he falsified the business records to cover up payments to conceal an alleged sexual encounter with stormy daniels, allegations that trump denies. The judge will then instruct the jury before deliberations can begin. >> Erica: okay, we'll be watching. Alison northcott in washington tonight.

>>> A keynote of donald trump is nato failing to meet its promised spending promises. Now they are targeting justin trudeau directly and urging canada to honour their alliance commitment. J.P. tasker now with their call to pay up. >> Reporter: prime minister justin trudeau was in the hot seat again over defence spending. In a rare move, a bipartisan group of 23 U.S. senators blasted canada's commitment to the nato military alliance. Writing in a letter, "we are concerned and profoundly disappointed canada won't hit the target of spending 2% of G.D.P. on defence this decade." adding "canada will fail to meet its obligation to the alliance to the detriment of all nato allies and the free world without immediate and meaningful action." >> We would sure like to have our closest neighbour and closest friend step up a bit. >> Reporter:CANADA'S latest defence plan suggest that spending will reach just 1.76% of G.D.P. by 2029, that's up from the current 1.4%, but still falls short of the target. >> Frankly, there are very few countries in nato that are doing less in terms of the percentage of their grchlt different p. Than canada, and we would like to get that number higher. >> Reporter: nato estimates that more members will hit 29% target this year, 18 of 31. This defence analyst says that canada's reputation is on the line as it falls behind other allies. >> Do you think that this letter is a bit of an embarrassment? >> Obviously, we have a lot for not meeting our targets. We're increasingly isolated. >> Reporter: trudeau says that other people in the U.S. think that what canada has planned is sufficient. Massive investments in arctic safety and security, and recognising nato's western and northern flank is canada's arctic are all extremely well received by the americans. >> Reporter: and if a big order for submarines goes through, the country could hit the 2% target sooner. >> We know that we've got work to do, we've acknowledged that from day one, that there's more that we need to do. >> Reporter:THE U.S. say they want trudeau to spend more before than the nato summit in july. Defence experts that I spoke to said that canada could lose out on funding or leadership roles if it doesn't come through. J.P. tasker, cbc news, ottawa. >> Erica:AS the alberta government seeks feedback from its proposed gender identity policies, cbc news learned that some advocates were not included. The invite list limited to just 40 groups and individuals. And as sam samson tells us, to attend they must agree to keep the conversations confidential. >> From what I am told it's the largest lgbtqsia2 library in alberta. >> Reporter: this space is to help lgbtqsia plus people to feel safe in edmonton, but the staff here worry that new policies from the alberta government could jeopardize that, policies they haven't been asked to weigh in. >> We have not received any consultation from the beginning. The ones who will be most impacted are those ones that are not from affirming safe spaces. And that is a life-long sentence of pain and suffering. >> Reporter: the province says that it is looking for feedback on proposed changes to gender policies, including banning hormone therapy for children under 16, and barring transgender women athletes from competing in women's leagues. Cbc news learned that alberta's government sent 40 invites to physicians working in gender-affirming care, bioethicists, and members of the trans community, but to attend you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. N.D.A.s are tools that the governments have used in the past for other topics like budget discussions. In this case the province says that the indefinite N.D.A.s ensure confidentiality, but some people outright refused the invite and calling on premier danielle smith for more transparency. >> If she really wants to hear what we have to say, she can schedule a public hearing where those of us who are part of the medical community can be on record. Many of my patients said that their mental health has worsened as a result of these policy proposals. >> Reporter: this comes as more than a dozen 2slgqts plus groups did not attend pride events. >> They are infringing on what pride is about, which is celebrating your uniqueness and your identity and the integrity of you as a person as hart of -- part of the lgbtq community. >> Reporter: the U.P.C. declined an interview and stating that the party supports and celebrates all albertans. Sam samson, cbc news, edmonton. >> Erica: the family of golfer grayson murray confirmed that he died by suicide. Murray was playing in the charles schwab challenge in texas this week. He withdrew from the tournament during the second round on friday, citing an illness. Murray was a two-time pga champion and spoke about his challenges with addiction and mental health in the past. In a statement today, his parents said, "please honour grayson by being kind to one another. If that becomes his legacy, we could ask for nothing else." murray was 30 years old.

>>> There are calls for facebook to do more to crack down on scammers. >> They had a lot of people saying that this was a scam, and they didn't do anything about it. >> Erica: how fraudsters hijacked one woman's account to steal thousands of dollars from her friends next. ( ) >>> Could québec put an age limit on social media? >> Social media has an impact on mental health for many kids. >> Erica: and nicki minaj apologises to fans after being arrested this weekend. >> He asked me if I had anymore in those purses and I said, no. [dynamic]Andrew:Where we're all aboutexplaining and expanding. ( ) ( ) Power through your to-do list... ( ) ( ) and create a space that makes a splash. Find stihl tools, starting at $179.99. Shop local. Buy stihl. Find yours at With fastsigns, signage that gets you noticed turns hot lots into homes. FastSigns. Make Your Statement. ( ) (i am by your side ) Thanks! Anytime! (i am by your side ) ( ) I'd do anything Welcome to the new PetSmart Treats rewardsTM. Ready go Collect points with every purchase. And save big on their favourite services. Anything for you PetSmart. Anything for Pets. Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. >> Andrew Chang: May is Asian Heritage Month. Join us in celebrating the many contributions that Asian Canadians make to Canada. >> All right,Family Feud Canada'sback and survey says... [board dings] >> Audience: Apply now! >> Go to and you could end up on this very stage. [cheers and applause] [theme plays] ( ) it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocio us even though the sound of it >> Erica: oscar-winning composer richard m. Sherman has died. A generation of families will be familiar with his work, alongside his late brother robert, he wrote songs and music for classic films like "mary poppins" and "the jungle book" and "chitty chitty bang bang." sherman was 95.

>>> A new brunswick woman is "going public" after her facebook account was hacked and then hijacked. Scammers targeting her friends, while the social media company did nothing to stop it. "go public" found that the woman is one of many being targeted in a scam that the social media giant is allowing to run rampant. >> We have stayed in touch through facebook and messenger, right, over the years. >> Reporter: these former neighbours were reunited after being sucked into a facebook scam that is designed to play on the goodwill of friends. Here's what happened -- a fraudster hacked lisa lowry's account, pretending to her, they posted an ad claiming that she was selling her dad's things after he moved into long-term care. Several friends sent e-TRANSFER deposits and losing thousands of dollars, including carol stevens. >> I thought that it was my friend, lisa. And she is the most honest, trustworthy person that I know. >> Reporter: lisa and her friends repeatedly reported the crime in progress to facebook. But the company did nothing to stop it. >> They had a lot of people saying that this is a scam, and they didn't do anything about it. >> Reporter: last year, canadians lost a reported $174 million in social media scams. According to the canadian anti-fraud centre. And there's more -- "go public" found page after page of the same scam running rampant on facebook, the same words -- same photos. So we asked meta, the company behind facebook, why it is failing to remove a scam that it already knows about. It didn't respond. >> As a result, what turns -- what starts as a small issue is exacerbated into a massive identity theft or identity fraud. >> Reporter: meta made about $185 billion in revenue last year. The cybercrime expert says that it is time that it invests more into protecting users. >> The orginisations need to respond to people's actual needs. >> Reporter: posing as a customer "go public" contacted several of the scammers. He wants $300 upfront, okay. When we called one of them out and asked if facebook had ever shut them down, they didn't seem worried. Meta says that 15,000 reviewers across the globe review possible violations on facebook and instagram and receive in-depth training. The two women say they have lost trust in social media but they're grateful to have someone they can trust back in their lives. >> We will not go so long before our next visit together. >> Reporter: rosa marchitelli, cbc news, calgary. >> Erica:OUR "go public" stories come from you. If you have a tip that you would like them to investigate, send an email to

>>> The remains of an unknown newfoundland soldier have finally returned home more than 100 years after the first world war. ( ) the casket arrived in st. John's saturday night after a repatriation ceremony in northern france that morning. Crowds lined the streets to pay tribute to the soldier. On july 1st, the remains will be interred in a new tomb at the city's national war museum. >>> Québec's premier is open to putting age limits on the social media that kids can access. >> We have to take action. >> Erica: we'll look at what a ban in the province looks like next. ( ) [ singing ] ever since I left the city >> Erica: plus, why does drake have so many companies? >> Now they put drake's net worth around $250 million and let's talk about protecting that wealth. >> Erica: we'll dig into the public records. >>> "the national" breaks down the stories shaping our world [rock] go hard go wild Woman: And the crowd goes wild! you fear the blood the sweat the tears We fight the best we can. Man: We build our own legacy. Arena announcer: She scores! Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. Meet the Melville's.They've had GlobalDecking vinyl on their deckfor over 3 and now they're readyfor a new look. By using global decking systemsdeck membranes. There'sno need to rip up the old deck and send to a landfill or purchase more lumberto rebuild a new one. Just pick one of our attractive prints and have it installeddirectly over the old one. Good for another 30 years. Global Decking Systems. The only decksurface you will ever need. (sigh) Italy... KFC's $5 Sandwich of the Day is back. Only in Canada. Have a great trip... What? Sit down. Not everyone's happy. But you will be. ( ) Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it. Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Payment plans available at Terms apply. >> What assurances can you give to Canadians watching this at home? Is that everything you needed to do, or everything you wereableto do? >> We're not going to make a decision on a budget we haven't seen yet. >> Let Canadians decide. >> Announcer: David Cochrane forPower & Politics, weekdays at 5:00 p.m. Eastern onCBC News Network. >> It makes sense that they get a larger share. Or does it? >> Welcome to the Greenbelt. >> What do we know? I think we can explain. >> Announcer:About That with Andrew Chang. Watch free onCBC Gem. [rock] we're legendary Man: You don't scare me. Look out! [explosion] Ain't nobody gonna stop me. Stadium announcer: We have a new world record. Arena announcer: She scores! Both: Oh my God. Woman: We're a team. [woman yells indiscernibly] we're legendary We fight the best we can. Stadium announcer: Unbelievable. >> Erica: rapper nicki minaj was briefly arrested in amsterdam on saturday for allegedly carrying drugs. >> The police officer told me that we'd have to give all of the luggage. >> Erica: in a video posted to the singer's instagram, her luggage would be taken and searched. Minaj was detained hours before she was supposed to perform in manchester. That concert was called off last minute. She later apologised to fans outside of her hotel.

>>> Québec's premier is suggesting that the province could move to ban social media for kids under the age of 16. Kwabena oduro shows us there's broad agreement on the harms of social media, but not everyone is onboard with a ban. >> [Speaking French] >> Reporter: speaking at his party convention, québec premier françois legault now says that he is open to a ban for social media for those under 16, calling social media platforms virtual pushers. This 16-year-old agrees that there has to be limits. >> I don't think that it would be too much of a limit for that banning to happen. I think that there are a lot of mental health issues that are caused due to -- due in part to social media. >> Reporter: experts say that social media is linked to the rise in negative body image, depression and anxiety in young people. >> It's really that social media ban before the age of 16, before they're ready for, um, the intimidation, the further action to handle the vulnerability that we know that social media offers. >> Reporter: in florida they have banned anyone from under age 14 from setting up social media accounts. But when it comes to social media accounts here, parents worry that children might find a way to bypass those age requirements. >> It won't change anything, you can't enforce it, and it could also be viewed as stifling free speech in a way. However -- however, there's ways that we can teach people how to responsibly use it. >> Reporter: still, some experts say that a universal ban sends an important message. >> With more people banding together and enforcing similar rules, and obviously coming from the government, I think that it would have a significant impact. >> Reporter: legault says that he wants to start a new committee to study the social media impacts on the health and the development of young people. No deadline has been set yet for the study. Kwabena oduro, cbc news, montréal. >> Erica: now we dig deeper into the stories shaping our world. ( ) on a special night for women's hockey, canada's sarah nurse gets personal about the pwhl and its exciting opportunity. >> Like little girls being like, I can't believe that I have a league to play in one day. >> Erica: but, first, how drake put his millions of dollars to work. >> Reporter: let's talk about protecting that wealth. >> When you have that amount of net worth, you kind of have a bull's eye or a target on you. >> Erica: there's a line of defense to safeguard his fortune. Drake's escalading feud with kendrick lamar got his critics raising questions about the companies owned by the toronto rapper. So while the two stars traded insults and bad-mouth rap songs, we did some digging. [ singing ] >> All right put out two diss tracks. >> Kendrick lamar dropped his diss track against drake. I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk >> Reporter: some people are digging into the toronto rapper's companies and it turns out that he's got a lot of them. Tweets that got hundreds thousands of views shows that drake owns at least 20 companies. What does that mean? And does it point to anything unusual? Now I looked close intoar this and we got access to some of the records that this stems from. The U.S. documents show that he has or had at least 52 incorporated entities, listing aubrey d. Graham, his legal name, as manager and C.E.O. >> In the u.s., the second that you say oh, let's start this business -- the first thing you would do is to create an llc, it protects you from liability >> Reporter: let's break this down. >> Hey, I'm ru and I'm an addict. >> Reporter: there are nine companies using the name dream crew, and there's 18 that feature his initials. Another four shows away from home, a reference to a song and two that reference owls, drake's trademark symbol for his company known as ovo. And a company with the name strix, which in mythology is an owl that eats humans. One is even called silence policy. >> So you want to keep every single one of those businesses, in effect, segregated in the sense that any risks related to that product and getting sued or going broke or anything to do with that particular project -- are isolated to that particular project and the assets of that particular entity and it doesn't sort of bring the rest of your entire business empire down. >> Reporter:NOW estimates put drake's net worth around $250 million. Let's talk about that wealth. >> It's very common with high wealth to have vulnerability. And that is a form of asset protection, you know, when you have that amount of network you have a bull's eye or a target on you.

or there will be frivolous lawsuits at times, right? [ singing ] >> Reporter: another thing -- actor kendrick used his home for the cover of his diss track "not like us," drake's properties came into the spotlight. In his 2011 track the motto, he raps that he got a condo up in miami. And the miami was flipped to an nba player in 2012. The records show that drake brought that condo from a controversial property developer shaya boymelgreen, marquis developers, llc, one of the namesake partnerships. We don't know how much drake knew about the developer, but in the 2000s, leviev and boymelgreen were both accused of helping to build israeli settlements in the west bank which are considered illegal under international law. Drake's team declined to comment on the record and while leviev and boymelgreen didn't return requests for comments. [ singing ] ultimately using limited liability companies to invest in real estate is something that is typical of someone like drake. >> It is when you have that kind of net worth, to protect protect yourself from potential creditors trying to reach your assets through no fault of your own, whatever the case may be. >> Erica: and yesterday drake told fans on instagram he had placed his first ever bet on a cricket match, he put down a quarter million U.S. dollars. Today his team R.K.R. won the final in the indian premiere league. His reported payout? $420 million. >>> Up next, a conversation with hockey trailblazer sarah nurse. >> It's crazy to officially have to have that title and to be able to be part of the inaugural season of the pwhl. It is kind of a roller coaster. >> Erica: she opens up about a dream come true and her journey to becoming a star of the professional women's hockey league. [surfer rock plays] [giggling] Ahh! One of these days we're going to have to grow up, but today is not that day. I don't want us to get older either. Announcer: Son of a Critch. Watch free onCBC Gem. (Horn honking) Hi, Dad! (Vehicle departing) How's your visit with Noah going? He took out my Jag! (Chuckle) But he doesn't know how to drive stick. He doesn't? (Tires screeching, thud) Ah, f... Fix Auto! The first words that should come to mind after an accident. Air Wick. How far would you go to set the ambiance of your space? Try the Air Wick way with Air Wick Essential Mist. Infused with natural essential oils, to fill your moment with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. Now that's a breath of fresh Air Wick. Inu Nagamu is one of Canada's largest Indigenous and alcohol-free music festival. In the heart of the Cote Nord region in Mani-Utenam, Inu Nagamu Festival proudly celebrates its 40th edition to the rhythm of Indigenous artists from near and far, in addition to presenting world-class performances in a family-friendly atmosphere. We look forward to see you in Mani-Utenam from July 30th to August 4th, 2024. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. The Jeep No Limits Eventis here.Which means more trailsto blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoyno payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee,the most awarded suv ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off msrp for up to eighty sevenhundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. I play with myself. I just started playing with myself. I still play with myself. I'm playing with myself right now. Casino Days - register for free today. Yes yes yes! Hello! Dad is the master of marketing. So handsome, both of them. How big is my face?

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