
CBCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

there's been no awareness. So for me to be watching "hockey night in canada" the other day with my family and, like, my face pops up and saying that toronto is playing montréal this week and I am like oh, I forgot -- amazing. But it is so cool to be able to see that because we are front and centre and some people have access to us like never before. >> Ian: some of the athletes are front and centre and you're definitely one of them. And one of the interesting things about the kind of public persona that you have is that on the one hand you played a sport that is rough and tumble and aggressive and there's body checking in this league. But at the same time, you are not afraid to embrace this -- can I say -- sort of feminine image on instagram, for example. Like, how do you balance that? What kind of image are you hoping to portray? >> Yeah, I've always struggled with this because as a child, again, I played so many different sports, but I loved a dress and I loved playing with dolls. So there was one time that I walked into my hockey game at like 7 years old with a dress on and a hockey stick over my shoulder. And that's me -- just how I have always been. So I want to be the person that, like, 7-year-old sarah could look up to and be, like, my gosh, I could be like her, because I didn't have anybody to look up to in that lens. Playing sports, playing hockey, I was always taught that I had to be like brutal and like vicious and I was like that's just simply not me. On the ice I'm a competitor, but off the ice, these are my interests, and I think that is okay. I think that femininity is a sliding scale. I think that my version of femininity is going to be different than the next woman or the next man's version of femininity, and I just want to allow everybody the space to know that they can be who they want to be. I like hockey and it's not who I am, it is something that I do, but I can also like several other things and they can be combined, pretty awesome. >> Ian:THE average male hockey player is usually asked probing questions about getting pucks in deep, or how the power play went. Are you tired of answering the questions that I asked you today about all of these different issues? >> Definitely -- 100% I do. [laughter] but I thinkssues? >> Definitely -- 100% I do. [laughter] but I think that it's been so important, because we have to share our story and we have to continue the movement. And it's important for the next generation of female athletes. So to be able to speak about this is so important. And now being a professional hockey player, I'm seeing the other side of the glass, and I am answering questions about getting pucks in and what is going on with our power play and why we're not being successful. Like, toronto media? They are kind of rough. So it's great. I think that it is great. Now I get to answer questions about both and I hope that one day young girls, girls in my position, are just talking hockey. >> Erica: and the success of the pwhl's first season was just plain to see. It was just honoured as breakthrough of the year at the sport business awards. In the first five months the league set six attendance records for women's hockey.

>>> When we come back, a rare catch off of the coast of nova scotia. >> Just yellow -- bright yellow. There was no missing it, that is for sure. >> Erica: the story behind this colourful lobster next. ( >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. They'd help you too (Applause, cheers) See you through Whatever life looks like to you, we're here for it. For life as you know it. Insurance, investments, advice. Canada Life. When you live with diabetes,confidence comes from knowing your glucose levels and where they're headed. Manage your diabeteswith confidence with Dexcom g7. The Jeep No Limits Eventis here.Which means more trailsto blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoyno payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee,the most awarded suv ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off msrp for up to eighty sevenhundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. Bleeding gums? Hold on. It could be a sign of gingivitis. Listerine mouthwash contains antibacterial essential oils that kill up to 99.9% of germs and fight plaque and gingivitis. Listerine. Trusted for generations. With 125 years of germ-killing power. (Keys jingling, click of light switch) Your boss' name is Heather And she made you have an awful day Let me sing all your problems away Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. ( ) Interrupted by dry eyes? Get fast-acting relief with hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Made with a naturallysourced lubricant. hydraSense eye drops. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. (Inaudible chatter) (Waves lapping gently) (Inaudible chatter) (Waves lapping gently) (Silence) >>The Great Canadian Baking Showis back. >> It's time to get whisked away into a magical tent. >> Whisked away? I see what you did there. It has begun. >> Alan, please don't start with a - >> Donut. >> - pun competition. >> I got my eyes on the pies. >> I'm jayme poisson and tomorrow on cbc's daily news podcast "frontburner," we're talking about the announcement of a snap election in the U.K. and why after an era of unprecedented dominance, the tories could be on their way out. Listen wherever you get your podcasts or on YouTube. ( ) >> Erica: they are calling it a one-in-30-million catch. A yellow lobster caught off of the coast of pictou island in nova scotia. It was a big surprise when it turned up in their traps. They told their story to tom murphy. And tonight it's our "moment." ( ) >> Just bright yellow lobster, something I have never seen before. We were just on the west end of pictou island, just regular and hauling our trowels and they stopped and said, look down at this trap here. And so it was all operations came to a stand still and this stood out from the rest. Just yellow -- bright yellow. Yeah, it was. I mean, there was no missing it, that's for sure. And it was almost like just found a can of yellow paint more or less. So the first thing was first, of course, everybody had their cell phones out and a half dozen pictures or more were taken and,

YEAH, JUST SAT THERE AND ADMIRED IT I GUESS FOR THE NEXT FEW MINUTES AND CARRIED ON, I GUESS. >> Reporter: HOW RARE DO YOU THINK THAT IT IS? >> ACCORDING TO GOOGLE, AND THEY SAY FROM MAINE, ONE IN 30, 35 MILLION. >> Erica: WOW, AND THAT MUTATION APPARENTLY IS DUE TO A PROTEIN THAT NORMALLY BINDS WITH THE SHELL'S PIGMENT. BUT A ONE IN 30 MILLION CHANCE OF DISCOVERING THAT LOBSTER? I WONDER IF HE WENT OUT AND BOUGHT A LOTTERY TICKET LATER THAT DAY. >>> FROM ALL OF US HERE AT "THE NATIONAL," THANK YOU FOR BEING WITH US. YOU CAN WATCH ANYWHERE, ANY TIME ON THE FREE CBC NEWS APP AND SUBSCRIBE TO "THE NATIONAL'S" YouTube CHANNEL. >>> I'M ERICA JOHNSON, TAKE CARE. ( ) ( ) >> Announcer: Breaking news that shapes your world. With localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home. It's news you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Loving the uncommon is a wonderful thing we have in common. ( ) Air Wick. How far would you go to set the ambiance of your space? Try the Air Wick way with Air Wick Essential Mist. Infused with natural essential oils, to fill your moment with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. Now that's a breath of fresh Air Wick. They'd help you too (Applause, cheers) See you through Whatever life looks like to you, we're here for it. For life as you know it. Insurance, investments, advice. Canada Life. ( ) Interrupted by dry eyes? Get fast-acting relief with hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Made with a naturallysourced lubricant. hydraSense eye drops. Happy birthday, big guy. Your old minivan? YOUR old minivan. It still runs? Like new! And thanks to Fountain Tire's trusted, reliable service, you'll be driving this for a loooong time. Never getting rid of this baby. Great. And of course! Quality tires. Why's that guy there? Because honey. Wherever you go, Fountain Tire's right there with you. Do you like music? I made a mixtape! (Parents excitedly chuckle) ( ) Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the difference! Genacol® Makes me feel so good! Do you worry about how much someone drinks? Do you feel angry or depressed? Most of the time. Do you feel neglected or unloved? Do you feel that if the drinker loved you, she or he would stop drinking? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Not everyone trapped by alcohol is an alcoholic. Families and friends are suffering, too. Al-Anon and Alateen can help. Call 1-866-200-0223 or visit Al-Anon dot org slash help. ( ) When we work to end inequity... ( ) we help start something better. Support Even the Odds. Michael J. Fox:When doubt started to chase Andre, he decided to leave doubt in the dust.

[inspirational] - -[crowd cheers] [CBC Newstheme] Announcer:At leasttwelve people were hurt during a Qatar Airways flightfrom Doha to Dublin today when itencountered turbulence. Six passengersand six crew members were among those injured. Officials say the planewas able to land safely in the Irish capital. It comes just days after aSingapore Airlines flight out of London ran intosevere turbulence. 1 passenger died on thatflight and nearly two dozen others requiredspinal surgery. The following program is availabe in described video. [ ] I'm a big fan of any attempt to rehabilitate and rewild grizzly bears back into their natural habitat, you know, because they start as very sad, tragic stories. Often, it's the mother gets shot or hit by a vehicle. Cubs are found, they're orphaned, they're brought to the shelter. [Dr. Lana Ciarniello] If we can rewild them, what we want to know is what is the long-term survival of these bears. [David Suzuki] It's been assumed that rewilded orphan grizzly cubs would not survive without a mother to feed and protect them. [John Marriott] There's no science behind that rewilded grizzly bears have survived out there. There's also no proof they haven't. [Suzuki] Now, a groundbreaking scientific study, following five unique grizzly cubs is testing whether they can survive a second chance at life in the wild. [Ciarniello] Naturally, we would expect some of these bears to die. [man shouting aggressively] Oh, Christ... [Marriott] I'm not gonna lie, it's a long shot... Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! ...that we're even gonna find these bears. Hey! [growls] [Suzuki] After decades of over-hunting and habitat loss, many of North America's grizzly-bear populations are under threat. but a one-of-a-kind project may help turn things around for grizzly bears. Yeah, let go, let go. [Suzuki] In Smithers, British Columbia, the Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter runs North America's only grizzly rewilding program. [Angelika Langen] The regulations right now, are that if an orphaned cub becomes available, it should go to the shelter and be rehabilitated. [bears groaning and growling] They come in at various stages as young cubs, and then stay with usuntil the following year. [Suzuki] The shelter has just taken in five orphaned grizzly cubs, all from B.C.'s Central Coast. [Angelika] Well, we have triplets. Two females and a male. Raven is the leader there. Very relaxed, very aware of what's going on, but kind of the queen of the mountain. Isa is a little bit more set back, lets Raven go first and has a look, but she joins in, and both of them play, and they're very active. Arthur is always hiding behind the girls, and is always nervous, and is the first one to run away when something happens. And then we have twins, two females. Cedar is the leader there, and then Muwin is very nervous and doesn't join in to the play games very much either. To see how intelligent these animals are, to be able to watch them and see them mature, and come into their own personalities, it's just priceless. And then in June, we will then return them to the areas where they came from, and release them back to the wild. [Suzuki] Over the past 14 years, Angelika and Peter Langen have rewilded 24 grizzly yearlings, all fitted with GPS-tracking collars, but none of these collars stayed on the bears past their first hibernation. [Angelika] We are still lacking the information of long-term survival. The majority of bears we don't know what happened to them. [Suzuki] Before their grizzly program can be accepted and adopted elsewhere, the Langens need scientific proof that their rewilded grizzlies are surviving, so the shelter partnered with the Grizzly Bear Foundation. It helped fund the first ever long-term study on the survival of rewilded grizzly bears. It's like listening to a radio station. They each have their own frequency. [Suzuki] And they hired

an independent scientist to oversee the research and track the bears. [Ciarniello] The main part of the study is survival. Do these bears survive long-term, but then also we want to know, are they getting into conflicts, will they approach people? We don't know, and that's what I'm trying to... to look at. [Suzuki] Dr. Lana Ciarniello has spent 30 years tracking and studying wild grizzly bears... ...and will now follow the lives of Raven, Arthur, Isa, Cedar, and Muwin. [Ciarniello] These bears are now research bears. It's very unfortunate for them that they lost their mothers, but I'm just happy that we were handed five bears that we can follow and look at. [Angelika] Out of those five cubs, we have four females, which is just super exciting because females in this program are just the gold. If we can follow them long enough, they'll tell us the most of how well those bears do out there, because we can prove that they are integrating enough to reproduce. [Ciarniello] If we're fortunate enough to keep these girls until they breed, that would be the definition of success. [Suzuki] Staying through the winter and into the spring, the cubs have now been in human care for seven months. But to keep human contact to a minimum, they've been looked after by one primary caretaker, who sets clear boundaries. Kim Griujs has over 10 years experience caring for the shelter's black bears, but it's her first time overseeing their orphaned grizzly bears. [Kim Griujs] I'm not going in with them. I feed them in a separate area. They go in, I close the slider, and then I clean their outside area. and I bring in enrichment. I love putting enrichment in. It's good entertainment for them, and it's all natural. Every time we put new enrichment in, it's like a party for them. They get all excited and play with it, and rolling around in it, and getting that smell all over their fur. It's really rewarding to see. [Angelika] They have really thrived, and they're looking fantastic. In a few days we're going to set them free. We chose to release them as yearlings, which is a year early than what they would leave their mother, to minimize the handling of them and the habituation concern. [Suzuki] Because orphaned grizzly cubs have to be released so young, it's been assumed that they could not survive in the wild, but these yearlings have one big advantage... [Angelika] I would say they're 250-300 pounds, and then just with the good food over the winter, just-- [imitates explosion] you know? -They just grow. -Right. [Angelika] We don't hibernate the grizzly bears. We feed them through the winter, and they're actually being released at the size of a two-year-old. [Suzuki] The shelter accelerates their grizzlies' growth, so that by release time, their yearlings match the size of young grizzlies when they start weaning away from their mothers. [Angelika] In the wild, the mother bear has to teach the young ones to stay away from the other bears because they potentially would predate on them. We can't teach them to stay away from another bear or from a cougar, and therefore, by not hibernating them over the winter, we give them that extra edge in size to defend themselves when they go out into the wild. [Suzuki] But it's yet to be proven whether their extra size gives them enough of an edge to survive on their own. [Marriott] It's hard to know which one to be aiming at. You're afraid you're going to be missing something. [chuckles] I've got a pretty long-standing relationship with the shelter. I am the bear photographer..., documenting this journey for these five bears as they get rewilded, and released back into the Bella Coola area. [camera shutter clicking] [Suzuki] John Marriott has been advocating for a similar rewilding program in his home province, Alberta. [Marriott] The grizzly bear is a threatened species in Alberta. Why are we not trying this kind of thing? [Suzuki] In Alberta, like elsewhere in North America, there are no grizzly rehab shelters. [Marriott] The alternatives to rehab are pretty grim, to be honest. One is a bullet to the head. You get a young little cub, and it's orphaned, and a conservation officer has to shoot it, whether they want to or not. Three Alberta grizzly bear cubs now call the Vancouver Zoo home.

The other alternative is shipping them off to a zoo, basically destined to a life of confinement, pacing back and forth behind bars. I've come up to the Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter this spring because I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the cubs right now... [camera shutter clicking] ...and see what was uniqueand different between each bear, have some idea of what behaviour they might exhibit when they're out in the wild. It'll not only help me identify them, but also help me figure out what they're going to do next. Right now, we've got one scratching on posts, two playing with a stick. I think it's really critical to see these bears as individuals, because they are individuals. They have all these different personality traits that they exhibit, and I really appreciate that these bears actually have names. So, instead of just it being "Bear M163", you know, male 163, it's Arthur. [Griujs] Arthur is still trying to prove himself. You can see him strutting and doing the cowboy walk... ...trying to impress everybody. [growling and roaring] He's definitely more brave than he was. He's always first in line to check stuff out. [chuckling] I wanted to get a look at their personalities to see who's the first one to the feed tub, who's in control of this pack, and who is the most timid, and later on, how is that going to play out in their survival? Isa's pretty timid. She's always in the background. She's always one of the last ones to come in the feeding area. It's the same with Muwin, like this underdog, too. She hangs on Cedar a lot. Cedar is always in the water, and then she does the... like, her head just above the water, and you can see her feeling the ground, and then like, "Oh yeah!" The excitement in the face, like, finds an old bone, or a perfect rock, and then she just plays with it and tosses it up. So, that's Raven over there, and she's, like the clown of the group. She's always playing. She moves different than the other bears. She runs out and swings her head around. She really entices the rest to play along. Once there's play going on, it's contagious. [bears grunting] [Suzuki] Tomorrow, Kim will say her goodbyes to Raven, Arthur, Isa, Cedar, and Muwin, as they start their journey back into the wild. [Griujs] They have no idea what's ahead of them, but I have high hopes for them. [Angelika] They have shown us over the last few weeks that they are really ready to go. They have been really trying to find a way out of the enclosure. So, at this point, for me, I'm happy to see them go because that's where they want to be, and where they should be. >> Announcer: News you can trust, delivered when you want, where you want, with localCBC Radio Onelive to connect us closer to home on theCBC Newsapp. Download for free. A new arrival alarms the brotherhood of muscle. Muscular features signal power and performance. Attributes they've never seen in this build. ( ) Behold a new breed. Ready to swarm, ready to sting, ready to electrify. ( ) The defiant power packed hybrid electric Dodge Hornet R/T. Performance electrified. I I was standing ( ) You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us apart ( ) I I was standing You were there Two worlds collided Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today.

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