
CBCN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #33

you have to be careful when you analyse these practises to determine what the impact is on the economy. Just because it is "an exclusive clause" doesn't mean it reduces competition. There are a lot of examples where it can be pro-competitive to have these things. >> Jacqueline: so the commissioner is looking at these two grocery giants and saying the way this is being done is anticompetitive. What is it about how they're doing it that they think is anti-competitive. >> At this point, they are investigating. They haven't reached any firm conclusion that it is or isn't anti-competitive. Let's say how could it be? That would be if it's widespread enough that all of the potential or most of the potential locations for a new grocery store chain that wants to enter the canadian market, that say they come and they start looking for locations and they can't find any because they're all locked up by these exclusive clauses. So that would be the concern, that it prevents expansion by competitors. >> Jacqueline: what do you think? If there weren't these clauses, there could be more competition in the grocery sector? >> So I don't know to be honest. My instinct is that there are a lot of plazas and land out there. I'm dubious as to how big of a problem this is. >> Jacqueline: yeah, I guess the commissioner doesn't know either because this is something they noted as wanting to investigate to try to figure out, you know, the right balance to strike here I suppose. >> That's right. They will investigate. They will look at all the papers. What part of the order they got is an order to get information from loblaws and sobeys. So this is going to help them in their inquiry. They will look at the documents, they're going to talk to people, and they will investigate. It takes a long time, by the way. They may or may not bring a case in the competition tribunal, depending on what their investigation finds. >> Jacqueline: why do you think they are investigating these chains and it's legitimate to treat them as being jointly dominant. The act allows for this. It's always been there. It would be the first time if this case is brought, it will be the first time that anyone attempts to bring a case like this. >> Jacqueline: just one last sort of hypothetical here michael. Let's say they go through this investigation and find that these property controls are hurting competition, that the way that these grocers are going about it is anticompetitive. The government decides, we don't want property controls in the grocery space because we know there is this big push from the federal government to try to get more competition in the grocery sector. Is that something they can change? Is it something that they could limit? >> Yeah, so there are two ways they can attack this. One is through a proceeding in the competition tribunal. They would have to show that all the elements of the division is met. The other would be for provincial governments to enact legislation that makes these clauses in commercial leases unlawful and they can do that. The federal government could not. This is a provincial jurisdiction. Provincial governments could, if they consider that it was the appropriate thing. Again, one has to be careful. These laws can have unintended consequences. You know, there are good reasons why retailers want limits on competitors that can be present in the same plaza. For that matter, most landlords probably want mixed plazas that have one pharmacy, one bakery, one bank, so forth and not just a plaza full of all of the same kinds of stores. >> Jacqueline: good points there michael. Great to get your thoughts on this today. Thanks so much for coming in. >> You're most welcome. >> Jacqueline: that was michael osborne. >> Andrew: border and customs officers could go on strike as early as next month. Workers with the canada border services agency have voted 96% in favour of job action. There is no strike date set, but

the union expects to be in a legal strike position in early june. 90% of border officers are considered essential and can't walk off the job. Job action could cause delays for travellers at borders crossings and airports. [ ] When Heart to Home Meals delivers my order. It takes me back to the good old days. When I don't feel like cooking, I have great tastingmeals on hand that are just right for me. And Jeff will even put themright in my freezer, if I like. He's an old soul. I simply order my favorites,like beef stew and honey garlic chicken,and there's no contracts. I just pay for what I order. Heart to Home Mealsmade for seniors. Why cook when youcan simply enjoy. - Men, are you urinating more often? Are you waking at night to go? Most men will develop symptoms of b-p-h during their lives, and half of them will have more frequent urges to urinate. Reduce the symptoms of bph with Super Beta Prostate. It's proven to help you reduce the extra bathroom trips. Reduce getting up at night to urinate, and take back control. To reduce the symptoms of bph, don't wait, get Super Beta Prostate. Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it. Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Payment plans available at Terms apply. There's so much pressure these days. Work doesn't seem to stop. And parenting never does. So when my time comes, I want to make things as stress free as possible for my family. Welcome to Seniors Choice. How can I help? I'd like to get a quote please. If you're a Canadian Resident aged 50-80, you can choose the right amount of coverage for you and your family up to $250,000. Okay. You can choose to apply over the phone now in just minutes. With no medicals or blood tests, just a few health and lifestyle questions. It's that easy? Depending on the coverage you choose, it would be as little as $14.88 a month. That's just 49 cents a day. That's cheaper than I thought and this coverage could save my family from having to pay for my funeral when the time comes. There might even be some left over as a gift for them. I'll go ahead. Seniors Choice are the #1 Direct Choice for Canadians Over 50. To get a free, no obligation quote, call one of our trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-848-8154 or visit [ ] >> Jacqueline: people in ontario will soon be able to buy booze at their local convenience store. The provincial government announced they are speeding up the expansion of alcohol sales. >> They are going to enjoy the same choice and convenience as other canadians and other people right across the world. To buy a case of beer or a bottle of wine on the way up to the cottage or maybe you're going to start up the grill in the backyard or summer barbecue. >> Jacqueline: starting in august, people in ontario will be able to buy coolers and other ready made cocktails at grocery stores that currently sell wine or beer. A wide selection of alcoholic beverages will be on the shelves at all convenience, groceries, and big box stores in an effort to help the transition, the government is providing $225 million to the beer store. Provincially run lcbo locations will remain the sole retailer of hard liquor spirits. >> Andrew: a toronto daycare says they're facing a financial crisis because of uncertain funding from the province and delays in implementing ottawa's $10 a day program. It appears that many not-for-profits are in the same situation. The opposition N.D.P. spoke about that daycare's plight and what they consider the larger problem. >> Having failed to provide certainty and sustainable funding, the ford government has pushed centres like sunny side garden to the brink. The centre made it very clear, without immediate intervention, sunny side faces two options, either withdraw from the $10 a day child care program and increase fees significantly for parents or stay the course and risk insolvent sit. >> Andrew: the opposition wants them to share now so they can plan the budget for the coming year. They're asking for emergency funding so they can stay open

until the federal program is in place. If you want to know more, the cbc's mike crawly has the story on our website about the threat of the closure at sunny side garden daycare and they delve into the funding issues that plague many not-for-profits in ontario. That's on or on the cbc news app. [ ] >> Andrew: still ahead, the latest instalment on the high octane mad max saga roars into theaters. Eli glasner joins us with his view of furiosa coming up on cbc news network. >> Protect the green place. >> Give me this Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. Financial goals. Fidelity knows we've all got them. Maybe you want to own a home, or never own a home. Maybe you want to travel. Or have a kid. Or travel with your kid. Yours could be retiring early. Or never retiring at all. At Fidelity, we know everyone has different goals. But the one thing we share? We all want to get to them sooner. ( ) ( ) (Wincing) Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. >> Adrienne Arsenault: You are constantly on the move, and so are we, making sense of the moments that matter, together. >> Asking what? Why? When? >> Soon as the ban was announced, Dermott ordered more. >> Adrienne: To the centre of the biggest stories, meeting the people living them. >> I really like the good ideas that come out of these conversations. >> Adrienne: Making sense of our world. >> Are you ok, by the way? >> It's been quite a day, to be honest. >> What on earth? Why didn't you leave? >> Adrienne: With you, and for you. I'm Adrienne Arsenault. This isThe National. >> My mother. >> My childhood. >> I want them back. >> Andrew: after almost a decade, we're returning to the world of mad max. Furiosa is in theaters today. It's george miller's follow up to fury road. A young furiosa fighting to return home while chris hemsworth play it is war lord in her way. Cbc's eli glasner gave fury road the full five stars and let's see if the spin off is just as thrilling. Some of your recent reviews called out franchise fatigue. Is this part of the fatigue? >> It's true, I've been railing against the reboots and sequels and this is a movie set in the pre-existing world of the mad max movies, the waste world. So we are essentially looking at the story of the girl that would become furiosa but if hollywood has to keep making sequels and prequels, let them be as manic and mad and courageous as furiosa, a mad max saga. This is a movie that is still, even though I seen it before, brimming with originality. Where else can you find a film, characters created by miller with names like toe jam, the history man, it's like an iron maiden album cover come to life, a world of desert and dust, of fire and flames, I will tell you andrew, no word of a lie. I was so enraptured by this film. I watched the entire thing. I felt like I was frozen in my seat. Then I got up to leave the theatre and I was limping. I think I was standing so still watching the film that I was just so tense that it took a little while to get things flowing again. That is how much I want to witness every frame of this film. >> Andrew: okay, so we gone from rant to rave, but where does the story start? >> With furiosa, not the woman, but the girl.

she lives in a world of abundance. It's green, it's lush, there is love. This is a hidden little paradise in the waste world. Then what happens is she, well, you can see right there, she's snatched by scavengers, her mother realizes what's happening and gives chase. Within minutes, literal minutes, we have bikes, you have horses, we're running down sand dunes, there is mum, things are not looking good. She gives her little girl an order, take a look. >> Whatever you have to do, however long it takes, promise me you will find your way home. Protect the green place. >> Give me this one gift. >> She calls it a gift, but this is a burden. This is a 12-year-old girl abandoned, alone, now the prisoner of doctorr. Demetus, let's have a look at that guy. >> Who do we have here? >> She is from a place of abundance. >> What is your name? >> Tomorrow, I will follow the tracks that brought you here and I'll take you on. >> No this is not jesus christ superstar, that is chris hemsworth. You may not recognize him with the beard and the roman nose, but he is dr. Dementus. We have seen him as the handsome leading man, and the charming goofy man, but this role takes those things that come easily to hemsworth and it weaponizes his charisma. You may think that he's not such a bad dude but inside, he is a sadist, a war lord looking for more power. When he learns that the other war lord we met in the previous film, that guy has water and women. He sends his army of bikers to lay seeing. Iege. Take a look. >> You'll rule with me in the splendour splendour. >> Look at those visuals and there in the middle of the roar of the bikes and the exhaust is furiosa, nowair, from these paragliders, carrying bombs. This thing goes on andrew for about 20 minutes. Now if it was just this vehicular mayhem, I would be amused but distracted, but there is so much more there and that sequence you're watching, look at that weapon go into action. This took eight months, eight months of filming. So if the film was just that, that giddy sense of momentum, that would be a nice distraction but superficial. What makes it so remarkable is there she is, anna taylor joy, at the centre of everything, as this woman and her fuel is high octane revenge. She is driven on the mission, her mother gave her. You look at that face, you look at those eyes, she is almost like a silent film star. She only has 30 lines in this film. She doesn't need the dialogue because it's about the physicality, it's about the intense, this warrior woman going up against the villain, two souls warped by the wasteland. I think it's time to look at my star rating. Let's roll it. [ ] >> Nearly perfect, 4.5 stars out of 5, a giddy return to the wasteland. I hope you enjoy it like I did. >> Andrew: eli, thank you. That is senior entertainment reporter eli glasner. >> Jacqueline: documentary filmmaker morgan spur lock has died. He was best known for his groundbreaking 2004 film super size me. >> I think I will have to go super size. >> It's hard for me to watch him go through this. >> Jacqueline: spurlock consumed McDONALD'S foods for 30 days straight. He would always say yes to sioux

sizing his orders when asked. He gained 25 pounds and suffered from liver dysfunction and depression as a result. Spurlock directed a variety of other projects, including a film about osama bin laden, a one direction concert film, and homer simpson movie. He died from cancer complications at 53. [ ] >> What assurances can you give to Canadians watching this at home? Is that everything you needed to do, or everything you wereableto do? >> We're not going to make a decision on a budget we haven't seen yet. >> Let Canadians decide. >> Announcer: David Cochrane forPower & Politics, today at 5:00 p.m. Eastern onCBC News Network. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. I've got good news. There is a murderer - Oh! - walking among us. [gasps] Fantastic! I'm sorry, what? She watches a lot of true crime. Welcome to the family. There's so much new stuff happening out there. I just can't keep up. Well it's too far to swim back now. This is amazing! I promise you I'll not let you down. Stream the best of British tv only on Britbox. Watch with a free trial at A new arrival alarms the brotherhood of muscle. Muscular features signal power and performance. Attributes they've never seen in this build. ( ) Behold a new breed. Ready to swarm, ready to sting, ready to electrify. ( ) The defiant power packed hybrid electric Dodge Hornet r/t. Performance electrified. Kevin and Sarah have one of the world's largest collections of souvenir plates. [crash] They also have a teenager, so they got their plates insured. But they don't have life insurance. Kevin's worried his diabetes will make it hard to qualify, and Sarah does not like medical exams. So we got them some new plates to tell them about Canada Protection Plan. Canada Protection Plan hassolutions for both the healthy and hard to insure. With no needles or medicalexams required on most plans. You'll get great coverageat a price you'll love and there are no paymentsin your first month. Anybody between18 and 80 can apply and there are greatmember benefits including rewards for activeliving and giving back. As part of the Foresters family,your coverage is backed by our excellentfinancial strength. Contact your advisor or call now to get a no-obligation quote in minutes. Canada Protection Plan. Protecting what matters most... you. [crash] Andrew Chang: It makes sense that they get a larger share, or does it? -Welcome to the Greenbelt. Andrew: All of this, just single detached homes? -Yes. Andrew: What do we know? I think we can explain. Announcer: About That with Andrew Chang. Watch free onCBC Gem. [ ] >> Jacqueline: the european space agency has a treat for stargazers. They're sharing new images from the space telescope. They are stunning. This is a star formation shrouded in interstellar dust. You may think the specks of lights at the centre are stars but zooming in reveals they are dozens and dozens of galaxyies. That's exciting because these images are a taste of the photos and data yet to come. The telescope launched last year. They're conducting a large scale survey of one-third of our sky. The project should take about six years. >> Andrew: beautiful. A mixed bag of weather in your weekend national forecast. Let's check in with chris murphy at the weather network. >> Chris: if you have plans to step out this evening, it's very mild across southern ontario and the northwest, there will be periods of rain, some passing thunderstorms in the maritimes and umbrellas needed between newfoundland and labrador. Temperatures will be a little bit cooler. The showers and thunderstorms are moving from northwest to southeast across new brunswick, p.e.i., and nova scotia. Not everybody is going to get a storm. The steady rain is going to be in the north-central areas of newfoundland today, in to tomorrow. The temperatures, what a difference between st. John's and fredericton. Etchven in halifax and charlottetown, your temperatures will be cooler than today.

thunderstorms in the U.S. midwest could be severe. Overnight, some of these may clip southwestern areas of ontario. Some models are showing them dissipating before them. And there is the lightning energy in southwestern ontario, possibly the golden horseshoe as well, up towards the shores of lake superior. So there could be small hail, local wind gusts, not an all day storm. Ottawa, a big weekend. You have all the races happening, 21 on saturday, and sunday looks like the better day is not only for ottawa but toronto and cottage country as we expect more sunshine and drier weather to take hold. If you missed out on the storms last week and your area is getting parched, next week cooler temperatures and more widespread rain is in the forecast. We have winter storms up in far northern yukon and the northwest territories. Thunderstorms are along our warm front in eastern B.C. and our cold cold front in western manitoba. It's windy too. >> Andrew: you're looking live at the pro-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto. The school said they will issue a trespass notice if protesters don't accept their latest offer and dismantle the tents. That offer runs out in just a few minutes. We'll bring you the very latest here on cbc news network. [ ] Announcer:Stories that make you think. If it matters in your home or to this country, it's onCanada Tonight with Travis Dhanraj. Watch onCBC News NetworkandCBC Gem. Discover BetMGM casino [Lion roar] and leap into a world filled with all your favorite casino games. Including popular picks like mgm Grand Millions. And premium Blackjack Pro. All of it, right at your fingertips. BetMGM casino. Start your adventure. The King of Casino's is available in Ontario. Bleeding gums? Hold on. It could be a sign of gingivitis. Listerine mouthwash contains antibacterial essential oils that kill up to 99.9% of germs and fight plaque and gingivitis. Listerine. Trusted for generations. With 125 years of germ-killing power. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. I love walking, but it can be frustrating if my legs and feet are slowing me down. My pharmacy recommended revitive Medic Circulation Booster and I haven't looked back. Drug-free Revitiveis clinically proven to actively improveleg circulation, relieve achesand pains and help youwalk further. Revitive Medicis also suitable for peoplediagnosed with Osteoarthritisor Diabetes. I believe using Revitive has really helped me. Give it a go today! For latest offers on the Revitive pain range see instore or Leo's having a hard time hitting that bullseye. Leaving his family unprotected, should anything happen to him, is throwing him off his game. With North Cover Life Insurance, he'll be so well covered that it would be like he's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Leo, let's give this another shot. With North Cover Life Insurance, take comfort in affordable coverage - for whatever life throws at you. Keep your family protected with a cash payout of up to one point five million dollars. If you're diagnosed with a terminal illness, you'll receive your benefit upfront. And if you're not sure where to start, don't worry, applying is easy. Expert insurance advisors are a phone call away. They'll help you hit the bullseye on a plan that fits your needs. North Cover - Comfort in being protected. Get a quote today. Call 1-833-345-1010 now or visit [explosion] [dynamic] How can any of this be fair? They might think, hey, we just need more doctors, but that's not really it. Ah, Russian's came here. Shows you where it starts, where it ends. Were you really willing to risk that job? Yes. At Thunder Bay's favourite festival "Wake the Giant". Ta-da! There it is. >> All right,Family Feud Canada'sback and survey says... [board dings] >> Audience: Apply now! >> Go to and you could end up on this very stage.

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