
CBCN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #27

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some of the laggards in the alliance once again about their spending. Also of course it is a presidential election year. We know there are always various ebbs and flows in the threats to canada to step up calls for its accountability on defence spending, depending on who's talking. Of course donald trump on the stump has threatened not to come to the defence of nato allies who are not paying their share. On the other hand, the biden administration itself has been more measured in its criticism. Joe biden's ambassador in ottawa, for example, david cohen when he has spoken about this this spring, talked about a whole range of factors the U.S. considers when it looks at canada's nato contributions, that percentage of G.D.P. is just one of them. Also noting the overall trajectory for canada's defence spending is increasing. And I'll note also when germany's defence minister was in ottawa just a few weeks ago, reporters were pushing him to see if he would offer a criticism of canada not meeting its target and he diplomatically declined to do so. Not everyone feels as strongly as these senators, nevertheless, it is interesting to see them sounding those notes ahead of the key summit in july. >> Natasha: the cbc's janyce McGREGOR reporting from ottawa. You're watching cbc news network. [ ] Do you remember when I gave you that? 50 years ago, and I'm still trying to figure it out. Well, one thing we did figure out was a better way to waterproof decks and balconies. Certainly did. It takes no time at all to solve your decking needs at I've got good news. There is a murderer - Oh! - walking among us. [gasps] Fantastic! I'm sorry, what? She watches a lot of true crime. Welcome to the family. There's so much new stuff happening out there. I just can't keep up. Well it's too far to swim back now. This is amazing! I promise you I'll not let you down. Stream the best of British tv only on Britbox. Watch with a free trial at Air Wick. How far would you go to set the ambiance of your space? Try the Air Wick way with Air Wick Essential Mist. Infused with natural essential oils, to fill your moment with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. Now that's a breath of fresh Air Wick. Chuck's getting a checkup thanks to a recent health scare. He's also thinking about his family, and how to protect them should anything happen to him. With North Cover Life Insurance, he'll be so well covered that it'd be like he's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Looking good, Chuck. With North Cover Life Insurance, Applying is easy. It only takes one phone call, with no medical, blood tests or forms. [Music] Chuck, there's a step stool behind you. Your family may get an advance payout to cover funeral costs. And they will be looked after with a cash payout up to one point five million dollars. Plus, if diagnosed with a terminal illness, one-hundred percent of the benefit can be received upfront. Being well protected does feel good. North Cover - Insurance the right way. Get a quote today. Call 1-833-567-1010 now or visit I play with myself. I just started playing with myself. I still play with myself. I'm playing with myself right now. Casino Days - register for free today. Yes yes yes! My brother and I started Duradek when that wardrobe was- groovy. For 50 years now, we've been waterproofing decks and balconies so people can relax and enjoy rain or shine. Duradek. Some things never go out of style. [ ] >> Natasha: some alcoholic drinks available for sale in ontario will become more widely available and much sooner than expected. Ontario premier doug ford made an announcement just a few moments ago. Essentially, beer, wine, and ready-to-drink cocktails will be sold at licensed convenience stores, supermarkets and even gas stations. The cbc's linda ward takes us through some of the changes. . >> Linda: we knew these changes were coming and that there would be an expansion where these beverages could be sold in ontario and that was announced back in december. It was announced this would be in place no later than january 1, 2026. Now we know this is coming in much more quickly than originally anticipated and it will start on august 1 with a three-phased approach. Now, this approach, as I said, august 1st means that a grocery store that already sell beer and wine in the province will now be able to sell coolers and

ready-to-drink cocktails and seltzers. Beverages that come in a can premixed. Also increased pack sizes. They will be able to sell larger packs than what they are allowed to now. A 2-4 or even a 30-pack. The premier says. As of september 5th, all eligible convenience stores can sell beer, wine, R.T.D.s and ciders. October 31, all other eligible grocery stores, and big box stores that don't currently sell beer and wine can sell alcoholic beverages. Premier ford in that press conference today said this means 8500 more stores across the province will be eligible. >> Premier Doug Ford: we promised this back in 2018 and we're going to move forward for the people of ontario. They want it. We're going to do it. >> Natasha: linda, this move comes with up to $225 million of public money for the beer store. What does the premier have to say about that? >> Linda: that raised a lot of questions because taxpayer dollars, he is going to face questions on that when it comes to opening up sales of alcohol. In december the government notified the beer store that a long-standing agreement that they have to limit the number of stores authorized to sell alcohol will not be renewed, but that was supposed expire december 31, 2025, ahead of when this was supposed to come into play. So now it's coming into play earlier and they are giving $225 million to the beer store. The premier was asked why taxpayers are on the hook to speed up this deal. >> Premier Doug Ford: but it's not going directly to the beer stores. Where it's going is to make sure we protect the beer store employees, to make sure they know they're going to be taken care of. We're going to audit every single penny to make sure it's going to the right place. It's not going to the big breweries' pocket or anything like that. It's going to the front-line people who we support. >> Linda: he also said it is going to keep the stores open for their popular recycling and bottle return program. That program will keep running until at least 2031. Now, it is also important to note hard liquor, gin, whisky, vodka, things like that will still only be sold at lcbo stores in the province. They will be making less money. They will act as a wholesaler selling to these new outlets but at a discount. Ford was asked how much this will cost the lcbo in money that would otherwise go to the government and he didn't give an answer to that. He was also asked about concerns from health advocate groups, addictions advocates who say that this is going to create bigger health problems in the province. He said that his government has made major investments in health services and didn't go much further than that in terms of their concerns, natasha. >> Natasha: cbc's linda ward reporting. [ ] How can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. My SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. And for most plans, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Call or visit now for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. That's [dramatic] >> Does public transit really need more police officers? So this is it. >> Welcome to the Greenbelt. [missles fire] >> It is now believed the Titan was destroyed. >> It makes sense that they get a larger share. Or does it? >> All of this just [indiscernible]. >> Yes. >> What do we know? How is that even possible? Well, with a little bit of help, I think we can explain it. >> Announcer:About That with Andrew Chang. Watch free onCBC Gem. [ ]

>> Natasha: canada's competition watchdog has launched a probe into two grocery giants. Documents viewed by "the canadian press" the commissioner is looking into loblaws and empire to decide if they are blocking competition by other food retailers, something that limits choice and can keep food prices high. Jeannie lee is looking into this for us. What exactly is the competition bureau looking into? >> Jeannie: well, natasha, it will be poring over a ton of documents by the looks of it because there will be a lot to consider if the competition bureau is going to prove if there is any kind of anti-competitive behaviour going on. Here is what we mean. If you look at the federal court website, it shows the steps taken so far. There is the initial application of the commissioner of competition versus empire company and versus george weston which is parent company of loblaws. Each of them have exhibits a to m, that's a lot of exhibits, filed on may 6 and there will be more to come. Each dossier has documents and no court date. We know these food giants by more familiar names like sobeys and no frills and fresh co and loblaws. There are multiple grocery stores under each of the banners. So that means a lot of leases. They are such big tenants that there is a question of whether they hold a lot of power in being able to build in terms and conditions that will dictate who can set up shop near them and what kind of businesses those can be. This apparently according to the competition bureau sets up conditions for the customers. We have higher prices and less choice which is not good for consumers. >> Natasha: how does the bureau go about deciding what is normal, capitalist competition versus downright anti-competitiveness? >> Jeannie: that is an excellent question because obviously you do need some protections as a business in some cases if you're going to even set up as a business. So there are a lot of arguments here about how much we can expect companies to have in the way of restrictive covenants. Let's take a look at some of those. Those restrictive covenants or just controls on property dictate who can lease property. For example, I tried to buy an ice cream cone the other day, I had to walk a long way around the neighbourhood to find an ice cream store. I'm not saying that's the case, but basically you don't want too many businesses right up against each other because otherwise who can survive is the argument. There could be a common practice to have these property controls to justify the company making the investments, opening the stores and even expanding. You wouldn't do that if you had too much competition. Again, overly controlling, you have the ability to block rivals from expanding, that's not good for competitors or consumers. Those are the two sides of the argument. We'll be watching to see how this shakes down. >> Natasha: okay, thanks, >> Adrienne Arsenault: You are constantly on the move, and so are we, making sense of the moments that matter, together. >> I really like the good ideas that come out of these conversations. >> Adrienne: With you, and for you. >> Are you ok? >> Been quite a day, to be honest. >> I'm Adrienne Arsenault. This isThe National. I'm lost in love... (Electronic chime) So lost in love with you Get started for free on eharmony. (Giggling) Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way.

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