
CBCN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #23

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it shows the consumers are being pinched and don't have the extra cash from month to month pick let us look at the markets. A bit of a bounce back after a severe decline in yesterday with the dow jones down 600 points. Price of oil creeping back about 30, 40 cents this morning. The canadian dollar, euro, british pound are stronger against the us counterpart. And let us get to those markets. The tsx down about 145 points yesterday. Up 122 this morning. Dow jones up 16 points. Those markets are really worried but still, hoping interest rates are coming down, and the us federal reserve is holding onto that. >> Natasha: thank you, scott. We are talking about shopping pick let us go to a grocery store, as promised. This is live in toronto, and ontario premier doug ford announcing that some corner stores will be able to sell alcohol starting this summer. >> Natasha: scott from the ontario craft brewers, richard from ontario craft wineries. Debbie from grape growers of ontario. Matt from ontario craft cider association, cj from. Canada, and all of our association partners here today. It was just a few months ago that we were together talking about our plan to give people more choice, and more convenience. When it comes to buying beer, cider, wine and other alcoholic beverages in ontario. The response from the public, stakeholders, small businesses, has been absolutely overwhelmingly positive. People are excited that they are going to enjoy the same choice and convenience as other canadians and other people right across the world. To buy a case of beer or a bottle of wine on the way up to the cottage, or maybe you're going to start up the grill in the back yard, summer barbecue, they are excited to hear that they are finally being treated as adults. And, today I am thrilled to announce that we are not only keeping our promise and delivering on our plan, we are getting it done faster. In fact we are getting it done starting this summer. Beginning august the 1st. People will be able to buy ready to drink alcoholic beverages like coolers and seltzer's at grocery stores that currently sell wine or beer. These stories will also be able to sell larger pack size beers like the 30 pack that is popular in québec. And peter, this is back where you originally came from, and do love those 30 pack cases of beer. While you do not have to go to québec to get that any more. You can get it right here in ontario. End on september the 5th, convenience stores like this one will be able to sell beer, cider, wine and ready to drink alcoholic beverages. And as of october 31st, every convenience, grocery and big box store in ontario will be able to sell beer, cider, wine and ready to drink alcoholic beverages. As we enter this new marketplace, the beer store and the lcbo will continue to play a big role. Spirits like vodka gin and whiskey will continue to be sold at the lcbo. The beer store will remain active in distribution, recycling and as a valued retailer. And I have to pause to think the lcbo and beer store for being amazing partners throughout this entire process. And, in particular, I want to thank our workers and give them every assurance that we are going to have your backs. I also want to recognize the province's retailers, industry associations, the alcohol and gaming association of ontario and brewers and wine producers. As well as the many members of our public service, led by our amazing secretary of cabinet, michelle. She is a champion. And I want to give special thanks to the thousands of comedians and operators across ontario run their stores safely and responsibly each and every day. And who will continue to do so in this new marketplace. This has been a true team ontario effort. We expect that this new marketplace will introduce up to 8,500 new stores where consumers can purchase alcohol products. I want to be clear. The government is creating the conditions for a more open and convenient marketplace. It will be up to the individual retailers and businesses to make their own decisions. About how they participate and win. But this is an exciting time for consumers and businesses.

that is because our plan will create new growth opportunities for local brewers, wineries, retailers and small businesses. It's going to support local jobs and most importantly it's going to give people more choice and convenience. A change of the size and scope will not be without bumps in the road, after 97 years of making a change you always have a few bumps, but I'm confident you will get through those bumps. I've never been more confident and team ontario to quickly address any challenges we might face. Since we were first elected to office in 2,018 our government has been working hard to make life easier and more convenient and affordable for ontario families. All across government we are putting customers first. We are modernizing outdated regulations and cutting the unnecessary red tape that caused -- because it's people and business time and money. We are working for you and we are getting it done. Thank you for joining us today and may god bless the people of ontario. Thank you. [ Applause ] >> We will go to reporters questions. Please identify yourself. One question, one follow-up. First question? >> Reporter: good morning, premiere, richard southern with 680 newsradio. I'm sure there are ontarians wondering why they are on the hook for urgency here. My question is, why is 225 million taxpayer dollars going to the beer store just to speed this up a year and a half, what is the rush? >> Let us be clear, it was a promise we made in 2,018 and were moving forward with it. But it's not going directly to the beer stores. It's going to making sure we protect the beer store employees, to make sure that we know that they will be taken care of. We will audit every single penny to make sure it goes to the right place. So it doesn't go in to the big breweries pockets or anything like that. It goes to the front line people who we support to make sure the transition as we go through the next few years, the beer store plays a critical role in recycling and distribution. And we will make sure we protect employees. >> My understanding is this is money that would not have to be paid if it started in 2026. My follow-up, the lcbo is going to offer rebates for a certain amount of time. A wholesale price of alcohol. Can you tell ontarians how much money this is going to cost the lcbo? And why is this a good use of taxpayer dollars. >> Richard, you may think it's not good news after having a monopoly of 100 years, the only jurisdiction in the entire world where you cannot walk into a grocery store, retail, convenience store, and pick up a case of beer, or wine. We are moving it forward. The monopoly with the three big breweries, they are done and gone. We will make sure it's convenient for people and be treated like everyone else in the country. Be treated like everyone else down in the us, north america, everywhere. You can walk in to a store and pick up a can of beer, a case of beer, a bottle of wine ready to drink. And that is why we are doing it. We are keeping our promise and we will move forward on this. And it is overwhelmingly popular. Overwhelmingly. I have never seen numbers this high before. >> Good morning, premier. Liem casey with the canadian press. A lot of your former staffers lobby on behalf of brewers and grocery stores. Did that play a role in your sped up timeline? >> Not at all. We promised this in 2,018 and we are just going to move forward for the people of ontario. They want it and we are going to do it. >> Reporter: other health organizations recently called you out for not having a provincial health strategy on alcohol. You've allocated 10 million over five years for extra social responsibility measures. Is 2 million a year enough to handle this huge expansion? >> Let us be clear with the numbers. The real numbers are $3.8 billion over ten years, in conjunction with the federal government for mental health and addiction. No government has ever had a minister of mental health and addiction. Michael damol has done a incredible job. We take this seriously. We put more money into mental health and addiction than any government in the history of this country, the history of this province. Were doing fairly well with that and we will continue working with people that need help and support. And our healthcare spending since we have been in office has jumped over 30%. It has never been done before. Our budget is over $85 billion. We are hiring more doctors,

12,500, 80,000 new nurses. $50 billion built on 50 sites. New hospitals or expansion in hospitals. Hiring more healthcare workers than this province -- this country has ever seen. We will continue to do that. We are adding new medical schools across the province and producing great healthcare workers. And I am very grateful for all the work they do day in and day out. >> Reporter: hello, premier. You recently said that your government is 100% -- 100% opposed to drug decriminalization. And you also announce new legislation to deal with impaired drivers. Now this announcement. Don't you think these measures could be seen as contradictory? >> Not at all. But thank you for that question. We have zero tolerance for drinking and driving and we have increased the vines as well. The police came out yesterday about reckless driving and speeding and raising on streets. We are going to make sure that if someone gets caught doing that we will increase the suspension. That announcement will come soon. Let us talk about the decriminalization of drugs. I know that some of the medical officers who came out with it, it's an absolute nightmare. Imagine decriminalizing drugs like heroin, fentanyl, cocaine. We saw what happened in bc. We saw what is happening in the us. They are all reversing it. And it was a big mistake. They did it out in bc, and I am proud of premier eb for saying they are going to do it -- not going to do it anymore. I want to thank the federal government for giving him the jurisdiction in putting that into the hands of the province. As long as I'm premier we will never decriminalize hard-core drugs. I believe we need more detox centres, more rehabilitation centres, but we sure as heck do not need people shooting up and doing drugs in neighbourhoods like etobicoke or mississauga or anywhere in ontario. And the other thing I want to address is I sent a letter to the federal government on safe supply. Safe supply. A drug addict can go up to a location and get free drugs. Hard-core drugs. And what do they do? They don't use it. They cut it with fentanyl and tap the deaths are from safe supply. And we are out there promoting that these people are going to be distributing and selling drugs, getting cash buying other drugs. It is a disaster. And anyone who thinks it's okay is wrong. It's not being done here in ontario. We are going to make sure we have safe streets and we support the people with addictions. >> Natasha: premier doug ford making an announcement about making alcohol more readily available at corner stores and drugstores and at grocery stores. This is a promise that the premier -- repeated again and again. He sped up the process and this will happen august the 1st of this year. Let us turn to linda ward who is listening in. Linda, what stood out for you. >> Reporter: natasha, the premier they're saying that he is going to get it done faster. You mentioned that this is something that had been promised earlier, back in december. But then it was supposed to come in to effect january 1st 2026. About 16 months earlier than was anticipated. And he laid out a three-phase approach to does. As you mentioned new products, the cooler, ready to drink beverages. Increased pack sizes. Up to a 30 pack of beer available at grocery stores that currently sell beer and wine as of december fifth. All eligible convenience stores selling beer and wine. Ready to drink. And october 31st, all eligible grocery stores and big-box stores I do not currently sell alcohol will be eligible to sell. Now the premier there was questioned about the cost of basically paying $225 million to the beer store. Taxpayer dollars. In december they notified bruder -- brewers retail, which owns the beer store, that a long-standing agreement that they had with them would not be renewed, that expire december 31st. But now because you are bringing it in early you're going to get them $225 million. Asked about that, why ontarians are on the hook to speed up the process here. He said this was not speeding it up. This promise was made in 2018 and this money is going to protect beer store employees to aid in this transition. He also said that they would audit every penny of this money. He also was asked about the lcbo and how much money the lcbo is

going to lose. They are the ones that sell liquor in this province. He said he did not have an answer for that, but the lcbo in this case will become the exclusive wholesaler. They say there will be growth on that side of the business. >> Cbc's linda ward. And I want to note we are watching reaction to this, because the canadian mental health association and the canadian cancer society have said they are very concerned about how this would affect people who have substance abuse issues. We will continue to watch cbc's linda ward. Thank you so much. >> What assurances can you give to Canadians watching this at home? Is that everything you needed to do, or everything you wereableto do? >> We're not going to make a decision on a budget we haven't seen yet. >> Let Canadians decide. >> Announcer: David Cochrane forPower & Politics, today at 5:00 p.m. Eastern onCBC News Network. Rosa's a new mom and wants to feel confident knowing her new family is well protected, should anything happen to her. With North Cover Life Insurance, she'll be so well covered that it'd be like she's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Speaking of which, ready to change that diaper, Rosa? With North Cover Life Insurance, applying is easy. It only takes one phone call, with no medical, blood tests or forms. You're covered for death by any cause once coverage commences. It's okay, Rosa, it's supposed to look like that. Family members will receive a cash payout up to one point five million dollars. And if diagnosed with a terminal illness, one-hundred percent of the benefit can be received upfront. Well, being protected sure has its benefits. North Cover - Insurance the right way. Get a quote today. Call 1-833-680-1010 now or visit The all new GoDaddy Airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. Just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. Make now the future at ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) Parrots are incredible animals. [Parrot] Another overdue bill! Yeah. They're also extremely intelligent. [Parrot] Forgot to pay again! They also repeat things they hear a lot. The new bmo eclipse rise Visa card rewards you with points for paying your bill on time every month to help build a routine. [Parrot] Rewards you with points! And you get 5x the points on things like groceries, dining and recurring bill payments. [Parrot] For paying your bill! —But also you can... — [Parrot] Every month! —And just remember. —[Parrot] Build a routine! [Parrot squawking] He is a talker. When a bank helps you make real financial progress. That's the bmo Effect. Bmo Her particular skill set can be helpful to us. -She's a con artist. I need to get off that boat and back to being a full time detective. And you need to stay out of prison. The best way we do that is to keep our heads down and do as we're told. Announcer:Stories that make you think. -Will you lower prices? Announcer:If it matters in your home -I'm going to get in more debt. Announcer:or to this country -Affordable housing. -Climate change. Announcer:it's onCanada Tonightwith Travis Dhanraj. Watch onCBC News NetworkandCBC Gem. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Owning an nhl team. Penguins head office went through your offer and it looks good. Wow. [he chuckles] Get me on the phone with Copps Coliseum, tell them I want to buy it. [upbeat rock] Rosemary:Every week the issues that matter to Canadians. -These are acts of desperation. Rosemary:Connecting politics to people. -We will always protect and defend all nato allies. -Some people have lost everything. Rosemary:Sundays, join me for Rosemary Barton live. [ ] >> Natasha: hello, everyone. Welcome inside the cbc news network newsroom. I'm natasha fatah. We begin with breaking news on the israel-hamas war. The international court of justice in the hague ordered israel to halt its offensive in rafah. South africa is hailing today's decision as a victor. Although the larger question of the genocide allegation will be determined at a later date. Israel has also been ordered today to reopen the rafah border crossing to allow for the flow of aid and humanitarian measures. >> Israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the rafah area

which may inflict on the palestinian group in gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. >> Natasha: reporter alex cadier is outside the court in the hague and he has more on the ruling and the potential impact. >> Reporter: certainly this ruling we suspected would send a very clear message and it has done that. The court ordering israel to halt operations in rafah. They are not convinced that israel has put enough in place to cater to the evacuation of civilians. One there is the stopping of all military operations in rafah and to allow access to the united nations fact-finding mission in rafah as well. Clearly a message from the world court that israel has to and must do more and things have not improved since it last ordered israel to do so. The issue of the consequences is a little bit more complicated. Although these are legally binding orders they are not enforceable. The international court of justice does not have a police force. What the U.N. can do is have the U.N. security council to pass resolutions and have weapons embargoes and actions. But those can be vetoed by the united states. Crucially the relationship between israel and united states is crucial going forward. >> Natasha: as you're speaking there is a wire out. Allegedly hamas issued a statement saying they're urging the U.N. security council as you mentioned to implement the I.C.J. ruling. Let's move away from the I.C.J. for a moment and turn to the I.C.C. where the lead prosecutor is seeking those arrest warrants for the israeli prime minister, other israeli top officials as well as leaders of the hamas leadership. Let's talk about the increasing international pressure including where you are we can hear people screaming and that pressure on israel. >> Reporter: well, there's certainly diplomatic pressure. We've seen european union nations, ireland, spain, norway saying in a matter of days they will recognize palestinian statehood and others will follow suit. Germany and france say the conditions have not been met to recognize palestine as a state. That remains a big issue. The international criminal court requesting those arrest warrants. That decision will be made in a couple of months. That would mean prime minister netanyahu and his defence minister would not be able to travel to around 124 countries around the world including canada and most of the european union states as well for fear of being arrested. Now, also the leadership of hamas, those leaders of hamas who organized the atrocities of october 7th as well subject to those arrest warrants. But you're right to say there is a building diplomat pressure. Perhaps one difference is the new dutch government led by geert wilders which will form in the next few days is more supportive of israel. More pressure on israel to do more, but there are some exceptions. >> Natasha: alex cadier reporting from the international court of justice in the hague.

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