
CBCN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #21

julia was listening as well to the U.N. top court, the world court as it's known as it released its information. Just maybe you want to bolster what I was just saying, julia, what stood out to you as you listened to what the president was laying out there. >> Perhaps not a big surprise with the verdict but still a stark assessment of the situation in gaza, particularly since israel started its offensive in rafah. Just a couple of weeks ago. And the deterioration as the president of the international court was painting a picture of a very difficult situation in terms of the humanitarian conditions on the ground, and he was referencing particularly the facts that there had been evacuation orders issued in advance by israel, warning that it was going into rafah, that led to the displacement of some 800,000 people, according to the united nations. And what I think was interesting from this ruling was the fact that the judges found that that wasn't good enough, the fact that there had been advance warning. They said that the situation to where -- where the people had been moved to simply wasn't good enough, they were living without roofs, without water, without any kind of sanitary conditions, and of course very limited access to aid, which is why the icj has made its judgment that the rafah crossing needs to be reopened. We've been hearing major concerns about the fact that since israel took control of the gaza side of that crossing, there hasn't been any aid coming from egypt into gaza over the last couple of weeks. And although there are other routes and israel has insisted that it isn't blocking aid, that's been a major sticking point for aid groups where we heard the judges talking about the world food program, not having access to a warehouse in rafah as well. So a really stark picture of what's going on there, but, yes, the headlines effectively that the court is ordering israel to halt its rafah offensive, open the rafah crossing and allow investigators in to ensure that israel is complying with an order from earlier in the year by the icj that it meets to prevent a genocide in gaza. >> Heather: just again, getting a little bit of context to all of this, again, ordering the stop to the rafah incursion, some had expected the icj could go even further and order a stop to the entire wars the entire offensive in gaza broadly, that has not happened, nor did it happen with the initial ruling back in january. So this is rafah specific. Interesting that the votes in all of these were 13-2, and the american representative on the international court who's a justice by the name of sarah haul cleveland, she voted were the majority, so she voted in favour of these provisional measures. In terms of the southwestern ontario come of this, this is legally bind bug there is no power to enforce these orders from the international court of justice. By way of understanding, this is brought by south africa, it's part of the larger case, south africa alleges that israel has been involved in acts of genocide. It filed that back last december and this is part of what's making its way through the international court of justice. The main case which deals with that main accusation of genocide it's not expected to start until next we are. Israel has of course denied the case, but this is part of that within what is being investigated and that's part of the, as you said, julia, must be open to any investigators lookings at some of these allegations and looking for evidence. So this is the context to the ruling today. We already know, again, not able to be enforced, israel has already made it clear it will nod adhere to this, whatever it was going to be. No power on earth will stop israel from protecting its citizens and going after hamas in gaza. That's what a government spokesperson has already said. So what is this likely to lead to, as far as israel's response, and I would also like you to look, julia, if you could, to how the world will respond, the kind of isolation, the kind of criticism that we may hear as a result of what the icj has just ruled. >> Well, absolutely. I mean, israel did defend itself at the court last week because it is a member of the united nations and it has to effectively put forward its rebuttal to the south african allegations, so certainly it has been participating in these proceedings and although they are legally binding, as you say, incredibly difficult to enforce on the ground, south africa continuing to press israel on its actions in gaza and although the broader genocide case could take many years, it wants to see pressure put on israel at every stage, particularly as the situation on the ground is evolving. Certainly, we have seen israel already dismiss international courts' efforts to intervene in gaza, saying that israel didn't start this war, it didn't want this war, and it needs to carry out its offensive, it says, in rafah because it's -- the last stronghold of hamas. It says that's necessary to route out hammond every hamas.

certainly that has been its perspective, and although it will be difficult to enforce this, there does add to a growing sense of pressure and isolation on israel, there have been many countries expressing concern about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in gaza and specifically about the situation in rafah as well which the united states warned against this offensive, although we heard a couple of days ago that the U.S. said no red lines had been crossed there so far. But it does certainly -- verdicts like this, judgments like the icj's judgment today do add to that pressure and help shape the international response, for example, in russia when the icj ruled that its invasion of ukraine was unlawful, that certainly added some legal weight to many countries giving weapons to ukraine. So that is the kind of picture we are expecting going forward there. Could be stronger responses from western countries as this situation in gaza continues. >> We already had, as you and I were talking about, the three countries, spain, ireland and norway going ahead to declare that they will declare an official palestinian state as of next week. Again, as part of this international pressure and growing international condemnation. Julia, thank you. I will let you go for now. Julia chapman going to continue watching the story out of our bureau in london. And as we return to the scenes outside, we do see a small group of pro-palestinian demonstrators. We would expect reaction to come to this judgment from the international court of justice. What we've seen previously is the lawyers for south africa will respond and also the legal team for israel as well. But julia raises a number of questions, what will come of all of this? Will there be suddenly today or increasingly international condemnation? Will any countries go to the point of new sanctions and will there be, as some have been concerned about from the israeli perspective, will this then lead the united nations security council to declare some new form of declaration which would then require the united states to use its veto power in support of israel in all of this? There are many diplomatic and political repercussions to come even if there is no power to enforce this decision just out from the international court of justice. We'll have more on the story for you as it continues to unfold from the hague. This is cbc morning live. [ ] Announcer:Stories that make you think. -Will you lower prices? Announcer:If it matters in your home -I'm going to get in more debt. Announcer:or to this country -Affordable housing. -Climate change. Announcer:it's onCanada Tonightwith Travis Dhanraj. Watch onCBC News NetworkandCBC Gem. When you live with diabetes,confidence comes from knowing your glucose levels and where they're headed. Manage your diabeteswith confidence with Dexcom g7. Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims With fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. Fastsigns. Make Your Statement™. Kevin and Sarah have one of the world's largest collections of souvenir plates. [crash] They also have a teenager, so they got their plates insured. But they don't have life insurance. Kevin's worried his diabetes will make it hard to qualify, and Sarah does not like medical exams. So we got them some new plates to tell them about Canada Protection Plan. Canada Protection Plan hassolutions for both the healthy and hard to insure. With no needles or medicalexams required on most plans. You'll get great coverageat a price you'll love and there are no paymentsin your first month. Anybody between18 and 80 can apply and there are greatmember benefits including rewards for activeliving and giving back. As part of the Foresters family,your coverage is backed by our excellentfinancial strength. Contact your advisor or call now to get a no-obligation quote in minutes. Canada Protection Plan. Protecting what matters most... you. [crash] We all need fibre for our digestive health, but most Canadians only get about 50% of the fibre they need. Good thing Metamucil Gummies are an easy way to get plantbased fibre. Three gummies have the same amount of fibre as 2 cups of broccoli. Metamucil Gummies. The easy way to get your daily fibre. I'd do anything Welcome to the new PetSmart Treats rewardsTM. Ready go Collect points with every purchase. And save big on their favourite services.

Anything for you PetSmart. Anything for Pets. >> Andrew Chang: So you want to watchCBC News Explore, a new kind of news channel. Here's how to find us. We're on theCBC Newsapp, onCBC Gem, and on your smart tv. Stream any time. It's always free. Cbc News Explore. >> Under the genocide convention, as israel must immediately halt its military offences and any other action in the rafah -- >> Breaking this hour, as you just heard live on cbc morning live, the united nations international court of justice has ordered israel to halt its offensive, its incursion into rafah, which began earlier this month. The icj has ordered israel to keep the rafah border crossing open, to allow investigators access to the gaza territory, and to report back on the measures israel has taken in one month's time. This is all in response to a request from south africa for a cease-fire, the court's ruling is legally binding, but the icj cannot enforce it and israel has already indicated it will not respect the court's decision. >> Outrage over the war in gaza continues to spark strong reaction and protest in this country. A pro-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto's main campus has just over six hours left to respond to the school's latest bid to end the demonstration. Meagan fitzpatrick is on campus today. >> The university publicly released the offer that has been presented to students at around :30 yesterday. So it outlines the proposed responses to the protesters' demands. When it comes to the students' demands around u of t divesting from companies that support the israeli military, that's one of the demands of the students, not to have any university money invested in those kinds of companies, the university is proposing to set up an advisory committee to do a review of the university's investments, essentially and that advisory committee would be made up of students and staff and faculty and alumni and they are saying representatives from the encampment can suggest membership on that committee and that committee would be asked to report back to the president by no later than the end of october. Also on the students' demand for more disclosure around the university's investments, the school is proposing to set up a working group to look at that, looking at ways of increasing transparency around investments, and that group would be asked to report back by mid july. On the protesters' demand around u of t cutting academic ties with some israeli institutions, the university on that point is essentially saying that's a no go, that the university rejects that demand, saying they will not terminate any partnerships with israeli universities or engage in any academic boycotts. They say they will continue to look at ways of increasing opportunities for palestinian scholars here at the university of toronto. So those are sort of the bare bones of some of the offer that the school is presenting to the protesters. In terms of the timing & this offer now, here's a bit of what the u of. It's president merrick gardener said about that. >> It's also clear that many members of our community feel increasing distress by the presence of the encampment. They feel unsafe, they have reported feelings of -- and experience of discrimination and harassment, we have also had reports of hateful speech and hateful acts which we have reported promptly to toronto police service. After hearing these complaints of our community and after recognizing how long the use of this space has been denied to other members of our community, we felt now is the time to act.

>>> My apologies, that's merrick gertner, not garden temple in he said the offer presented to the student is conditional on them clearing the encampment, not setting it up anywhere else on campus and letting convocation ceremonies proceed uninterrupted. That first convocation ceremony set to be held on june 3rd, right over there. And the president saying those ceremonies will go ahead regardless of whether the students accept this offer. >> That is meagan fitzpatrick on campus at u of t this morning. >> There is breaking news just now from canadian border and customs officers, that they could go on strike as early as next month. In a release just out this morning, their union says workers with cbsa, canada border service agency have voted the 6% in favour of job action. Now, there's no strike date yet, but their union expects to be in an illegal strike position in early june. 90% of border officers are considered essential can't can't walk off the job but it could cause delays for travellers at border crossing as and at airports of course right at the time of the busy holiday season. Now this. >> Hey, this is andrew McCARTHY calling you. >> Hey ally. >> Hey, molly. >> Let's call rob. >> Hello. >> Judge? >> Andrew McCARTHY tracking down the gang for a new documentary about the brat pack. It's been almost four decades since the breakfast club and those films made all of those people 80's icons m are still a-listers, others are rarely seen on movies or television now, but brats is going to bring back all of the memories it airs on disney plus in canada. >> They said what's more important to you, the movie off your life? And I said the movie! Andrew! How can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. My SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. And for most plans, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Call or visit now for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. That's I'm such a fan of this show. Announcer:Listen to the podcast,Q with Tom Power. The story itself is so unbelievable. The energy wasn't set up for me to thrive in. The presence I feel now is not something that I believed to be possible in the past. So many people thought I couldn't do it. They doubted me. I felt like I like, ripped my whole heart out. I didn't realize how formative 25 to 30 would be. I have to kind of repress my own self doubt. You're one of my favourite interviewers, so, I was pumped. Get out of here. Announcer: q with Tom Power. Available now onCBC Listen or wherever you get your podcasts. >> Under the genocide convention, israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the rafah -- >> Breaking this hour, the international court of justice ordering israel to halt its offensive into rafah which started earlier this month, stopping short of ordering a halt to the entire operation in gaza, focused on rafah. Also ordering israel to keep the rafah border crossing open for basic supplies for humanitarian aid, to allow investigators access to the territory in gaza to investigate what is at the basis of the south african allegation of genocide, and report back on all measures israel has taken in a month. Those are the four key points from the decision you saw live on cbc morning live, this is all in request for south africa's request for a cease-fire. The ruling is legally binding, the icj cannot enforce it. Israel has already indicated it will not respect the court's decision. Now, we're looking here at live pictures outside the building known as the peace palace, this is the icj, the international court of justice, and we do expect to see as we've seen in past moments on this case lawyers from both sides on the steps of the courthouse responding to the icj decision. We will have that for you live just as soon as we see. As far as reaction, we are just

hearing through reuters from, palestinian authority, here is the statement from the palestinian authority, welcoming the icj decision and saying it represents, quote, an international consensus to end israel's war on gaza. That again from the palestinian presidency, a spokesperson to the reuters news agency. And we will continue to bring you reaction, there is just some reaction and now again to reuters from israel's finance minister, saying that after this ruling, those who demand that israel stop the war are demanding that it should decide to cease to exist, israel will not agree to that. That gives you a sense of the kind of reaction we will see from both sides to come. So we will watch that story very closely through the day here on cbc news network, and just before we go, let's touch base one more time with chris murphy and our forecast heading into the weekend, race weekend in ottawa, all sorts of activities outdoors, all across the country, chris, have a good one. >> Thank you, you too, heather, yeah, big travel weekend in the states, memorial day weekend and again from the upper midwest right down to the southern plains, severe weather there. We've got rain on the north side of our low pressure system. This is the biggest weather maker for today, certainly, in southern manitoba, where we could be looking at more than 50 millimeters worth of rain by the time it ends tomorrow. This is a slow-moving system and locally heavy bands of rain and it's a cold rain, 4° in brandon, 10 in winnipeg, and you will be lucky if you see 10 and we could be getting into wet snow towards riding and turtle and duck mountain, those kind of parts, a little higher elevation. Over towards southern alberta and southern british columbia, another day where we can get some more showers and thunderstorms. Medicine hat has had 110 millimeters of rain so far in may. That is more than double what you would normally get. We could get more thunderstorms there. So there's your heavy rain and wet snow lifting northward, so by tomorrow afternoon, that rain is winding down in the south. More scattered showers and likely thunderstorms into the bc interior and for the south coast, you've got some scattered showers, for the next few days and below seasonal values as well. So the west is getting some beneficial rain, although when you start talking about 50-plus millimeters, we're talking tractors getting stuck in the field. So that's not necessarily good news. But overall, this moisture pattern in the west has been what we needed. Just wish we could get a little bit further north, scattered thunderstorms as mentioned possible, 5 to 15 millimeters of rain for the west coast and this again, portions today, tomorrow, and then there will be more additional rain sunday with those cooler temperatures. Beautiful day in much of the lower great lakes, st. Lawrence river, very warm in the maritimes. Now, keep an eye on your northwest sky because we've got the cold front coming in, so scattered thunderstorms along were it, northwestern new brunswick mid afternoon spreads its way southeastwards through the late afternoon and evening hours, not everybody's going to get a storm, but at this point, we think below severe warning criteria, and there's going to be a chance overnight tonight that southwestern ontario could get a couple of nocturnal storms. That will spread their way eastwards tomorrow, but it's not an all day event saturday. >> The weather update is brought to you by the "off! Cast" mosquito forecast. Prevention is the best protection from mosquitoes. >> Is that everything you needed to do, or everything you wereableto do? >> You cannot walk away from this money. >> A quick explanation. >> Announcer: Join David Cochrane forPower & Politics, today at 5:00 p.m. Eastern. Do you remember when I gave you that? 50 years ago, and I'm still trying to figure it out. 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so people can relax and enjoy rain or shine. Duradek. Some things never go out of style. [ ] >> Natasha: hello everyone, welcome inside the cbc news room. I am natasha fatah. We begin with breaking news on the israel-hamas war and a ruling just out from the international court of justice in the hague. The judges at the icj had reaffirmed earlier orders in a case brought by south africa, and today they have ordered israel to halt its offensive in rafah. Israel has been ordered to reopen the rafah border crossing to give investigators access and to allow for the flow of aid and humanitarian investors. >> Israel must halt its military actions and any other actions which may inflict on the palestinian group in gaza or conditions of life that could bring about the significant destruction. >> A reporter is just outside the court in the hague where that ruling came down. Alex, what can you tell us about the ruling and the potential impact? >> Certainly this ruling we expect would send a clear message and it has done that. The court ordering israel to cease all military operations in rafah. And explaining some of the logic behind that decision. They say the humanitarian situation in rafah can be seen as disastrous, and they are not convinced that israel has put enough in place to cater to that humanitarian support, or to allow for the safe evacuation of civilians. Two fold measures, one, the stopping of all military operations in rafah, and to allow for the axis of the united nations fact-finding mission in rafah as well. Clearly a message from the world court that israel has to do more, must do more, and that things have not approved -- improved since they last ordered israel to do so. Now the bigger question is a bit more complicated. Although these are legally binding orders they are not legally enforceable. The international court of justice says that palestine does not have a police force to enforce these orders. What they can do, or what the un can do is have the security council pass resolutions to sanction israel, force embargoes on israel and have enforcement actions on these orders, but those can be vetoed by the united states. So crucially the relationship between israel and washington dc is not crucial going forward. >> Reporter: as you are speaking, alex -- alex, allegedly hamas has issued a statement, saying that they are urging the security council to implement the icj ruling. Let us move away from the icj for a moment and turn to the icc, where the lead prosecutor is seeking an arrest warrant for the israeli prime minister and other top israeli officials, as other -- as well as other members of hamas leadership. Let us talk about the increasing international pressure, presumably, where you are as well, we can hear that screaming, and all the pressure on israel? >> Certainly diplomatic pressure, we have heard spain, ireland and norway saying in a matter of days they will recognize palestinian states. Slovenia and belgium and others should follow suit. But crucially germany and france say the conditions have not been met to recognize palestine as a state, and that remains a big issue. The international criminal court requestinghose arrest warrants , and that decision will be made in a couple of months. That would mean that prime minister netanyahu, defence minister gallant, would not be able to travel to 124 countries around the world, including canada and most of the european union states as well for fear of being arrested. Now also the leadership of hamas , the leaders of hamas who organized the atrocities of october seventh are as well subject to those arrest warrants. But you are right to say that there is a building diplomatic pressure. Perhaps one difference is the new dutch government that will be formed in the next few days, and they seem to be more supportive of israel than the previous one. Globally speaking, more pressure on israel to do more, but there are se excepti >> Natasha: alex caddy eight, at the hague. Thank you. Let us get closer to the actual war. Let us go to gaza, where the israeli army says they have retrieved the bodies of three more hostages killed during the october 7th attack by hamas militants. The military says the recovery was part of a special operation in northern gaza which had seen erce fighting in recent days. Irris makler joins us now from jerusalem. She is tracking not part of the story. What do we know at this stage?

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