
CBCN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #18

to block any enforcement action being put through the U.N. security council. That will be the next step, but first we'll hear from the icj, from those judges in just under an hour's time. >> So, again, alex, as we talk about this binding but not enforceable israel unlikely to follow whatever the court decides, but fully aware, I mean, I've been reading some of the israeli media reports this morning that the expectation is the court will issue something against israel, and that it will fall into this growing international pressure on the netanyahu government and the war cabinet. >> Yeah, you are absolutely right. Because the other major international court in this city, the international criminal court is seeking arrest warrants for prime minister netanyahu, for gallant, the defence minister, as well as the leader of hamas in gaza and the leader of the political bureau as well as the deputy hamas leader in gaza, all for crimes against humanity, all for war crimes. If those arrest warrants are issued by the icc judges, that would mean that prime minister netanyahu is severely limited at the very least in where he can go around the world, were he to travel to germany, belgium, france, anywhere here in europe. He would have to be arrested by the local authorities there. That will very much tighten, it will limit his ability to travel or certainly to move around the world. Not so the united states, they are not the signatory, they do not recognize the international criminal court. The other diplomatic pressure being placed out of europe clearly is european countries recognizing palestinian statehood. We've seen spain, island, norway announcing, that slovenia saying that they will follow suit in the next couple of weeks as well. So a growing pressure against israel to push for a two-state solution and to end its military operations in rafah in particular, for now, the israeli government saying no force on earth will stop them from protecting their civilians. >> Alex, thank you very much, appreciate it, as we continue to await that ruling from the international court of justice. We are also getting word from israel's military today. There are the live pictures of what we're going to be covering very closely as of the next hour. The military is israel says the bodies of another three hostages have now been recovered from gaza. >> It is with a heavy heart that I share that last night, israeli special forces in gaza rescued the bodies of our hostages,. >> Israel's military says the men were killed in that hamas attack on october 7th and their bodies were taken into gaza. The israeli government says finding and freeing the remaining hostages is a key goal for a ground offensive pushing into rafah. About 130 hostages are believe today remain in gaza but israel acknowledges now many of them are dead. The director of the cia meets today with the head of israel spy service in a fresh bid to revive stalled talks on the hostages and the cease-fire. >> Outrage over the ongoing war in gaza continues to spark strong reaction and protest in this country. A pro-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto's main campus has just eight hours now to responder to the school's latest bid to end the demonstration. Meagan fitzpatrick is once again live on campus with the details of u of. It's offer, meagan, and ultimately the ultimatum, meagan? >> So, heather, the university publicly released the offer that has been presented to students at around 3:30 yesterday. So it outlines the proposed responses to the protesters' demands. When it comes to the students' demands around u of t divesting from companies that support the israeli military, that's one of the demands of the students, not to have any university money invested in those kinds of companies, the university is proposing to set up an advisory committee to do a review of the universities' investments, essentially, and that advisory committee would be made up of students and staff and faculty and alumni and they are saying representatives from the encampment request suggest membership on that committee and that committee would be asked to report back to the president by no later than the end of october. Also on the students' demand for more disclosure around the universities' investments, the school is proposing to set up a working group to look at that, looking at ways of increasing transparency around investments, and that group would be asked to report back by mid july. On the protesters' demand around u of t cutting academic ties with some israeli institutions I think the university on that point is essentially saying that's a no go, that the

university rejects that demand, saying they will nominee terminate any partnerships with israeli universities or engage in any academic boycotts. They say they will continue to look at ways of increasing opportunities for listen scholars here at the university of toronto. So those are sort of the bare bones of some of the -- the -- the offer that the school is presenting to the protesters, in terms of the timing and why this offer now, here's a bit of what the u of. It's president, merrick gardener, said about that. >> It's also clear that many members of our community feel increasing distress by the presence of the encampment. They feel up safe, they have reported feelings and experience of discrimination and harassment. We have also had reports of hateful speech and hateful acts, which we have reported promptly to toronto police service. After hearing these complaints from our community and after recognizing how long the use of the space has been denied to other members of our community, we felt now is the time to act. >> My apologies, that's merrick gertner, not gardener. He says the offer presented to the students is conditional on them clearing the encampment, not setting it up anywhere else on campus, heather, and letting convocation ceremonies proceed uninterrupted. That first convocation ceremony set to be held on june 3rd, right over there. And the president saying those ceremonies will go ahead, regardless of whether the students accept this offer. >> So we await the student response as to whether they will accept. Any sense of what the response is likely to be, meagan? >> Yeah, we're hoping to hear from them this morning about where they are at, in terms of what they think of this offer presented by the school. When they set up this encampment about three weeks ago now, they have been saying that they were prepared to stay here for the long-haul, essentially, and not leave until all of their demands were met, saying reith recently that they live here now, that they've cleared their schedules for the summer and that they -- they are not going to go anywhere until their demands are met. So we'll see what they say in response today, heather. They have said in past days that they feel lining some of the predatorses by the -- some of the presidential his by the university are an effort some of the presidentials are an effort to stall the university is saying if this offer is rejected, they are -- trespass notices or taking other legal steps, asked if they would call in the toronto police to clear the current, the president saying they are not eliminating any options. >> Meagan, thank you, so we will pay close attention at 11:00 A.M. eastern for that student response, we expect, and meagan there to cover all of it from the campus of u of t today. As we look to another composite in montreal for new developments on a pro-palestinian encampment there. This is university de quebec in montreal, uqam as it's known, seeking a prosecutingal injunction from the speck superior court to deal with what the university director calls is a deteriorating situation. The school is asking for any tents and equipment within three meters of school buildings to be taken down. Uqam alleges protesters are blocking access to campus, vandalizing university property. The protesters have demanded the university cut ties with israel and israeli institutions. The school says it has no investments in the arms industry and does not have any current links with israeli universities.

>>> If you have a child on a wait list for daycare, or maybe on several wait lists for daycare, you are far from alone. Thousands of canadian families are in that situation. In fact, data collect biden cbc news shows that most providers have signed on for the $10 a day daycare program, but demand for those affordable spots are skyrocketing, so waiting times are ballooning. We have the story this morning from marina von stackelberg. >> Sherry regier's daughters are on 15 child care wait lists. The family, like many across canada, is struggling to find a licensed provider. >> Some of them are saying that, like, we won't have a spot for, like, two or three years. >> It's been two years since the federal government signed its last deal with provinces, to spend tens of billions of dollars to create more child care spots and eventually cut fees parents pay to $10 a day. Daycares have overwhelmingly taken part. And that has caused growing pains. >> As child care has become more affordable, we hear from parents that want to access it, that are having trouble finding spaces. >> Providers say they are struggling to operate the spots they already v the funding hasn't kept up with inflation and the need to pay child care workers a liveable joining we do need to take into consideration those costs and those will only increase as the demand goes up. >> As part of the deal, daycares also capital raise their fees, an option they had in the past to offset costs. Some private child care centres in ontario who can access those public dollars have threatened to pull out of the program all together unless they get more money. >> The funding will have to rise, across the whole sector, but it is not coincidental that this game of chicken is not being played by anybody other than the for-profit sector. >> It's hard to know exactly how many child care spaces are needed. Each daycare has its own wait list and many families are on multiple. But the latest data from statistics canada shows half of canadian families now report struggling to find a spot. >> The funding is great. It's a great incentive to get us moms back out to work. But, again, if I can't access it, what is the point? >> To add to sherry's anxiety in finding daycare, she's expecting her third child this fall. That baby doesn't have a name yet, but is already on a wait list. March rena von stackelberg, cbc news, ottawa. >> Heather: there's more coverage of this on our website this morning. Michael crawley has a piece up about a toronto daycare that says it may have to close if its funding situation doesn't improve. That's common across the country, according to advocates, so the piece up on the website and on the cbc news app as well. There are new developments this morning in the cyber attack on london drugs. Some of the data that was stolen is now being traded on line. The company has refused to pay a ransom. Linda ward has the latest developments and also what we know about this data and what it contains. >> Yeah she and we're still waiting to learn more about that data because the company says that this hack did so much damage to their systems that they actually don't know yet. They have a lot to do and it's going to take some time. But what they do know is that this was employee data that has been released tonight dark web. The company said they wouldn't pay this ransom request and the hackers released the employee data on the dark web. So no patient or customer data, we understand, has been released, at least according to the company. You will remember this breaches discovered on april the 28th, it forced the closure of about 80 stores across western canada for about a week on saturday. The company confirmed some employee information was compromised. On tuesday, the company admitted that they had been party to this ransomware attack by what they call a sophisticated group of global cyber criminals, the company again saying they were unwilling and unable to pay that ransomware, so what they are doing now is that they are informing the employees that have been affected by this data breach. They are working with signer security investigators as well as with police and they are offering employees some credit monitoring services for at least the next couple of years while they try and figure all of this out. >> British columbia has been hit with a number of cyber security incidents. They haven't all received as much attention as the london drugs story. So remind us what's been going on. And I'm curious whether officials think there's any connection among these incidents. >> So the bc government was -- was part of an attempted cyber attack around the same time that the london drugs situation was unfolding. We also know that the first

nations, bc first nations health authority was also atanninged, cyber attacked. Some employee personal information was accessed during that specific attack. We're not sure exactly what was accessed during the hack on the bc government at this time, but bc premier david eby was asked about this yesterday and asked if there was any connection between these and he said at this point it doesn't appear so. But they are working to try to get to the bottom of it. >> The threat to people's information and their financial security is very real and growing worldwide. And our internal government processes for core government had included upgrading our defences which enabled us to detect the attacks we were facing at the provincial level. >> So the province says that they are upping their game, trying to get ahead of these cyber criminals, but experts say no matter what you do, there's always going to be gaps. It's most effective if you can kind of get ahead of them and detect them really quickly. Here's what one cyber analyst told us. >> I think the strategy here in british columbia for organizations to be focusing more on getting better at practicing how quickly they can spot when something's gone wrong and to have a game plan to know what to do when it's gone wrong. >> And employees, he says, need to know when it's gone wrong for them, to be very, very careful especially when opening text messages, e-mails, any communications at all realistically at this point in time, better safe than sorry, just as if you got an e-mail from your bank or your credit card, you might want to take a second look at it before clicking on that link. >> That's important tip for us this morning, linda, thank you so very much, linda ward. Next to the drama in dallas, the nhl western conference final, it lived up to billing last night. Edmonton with the first win. >> It's over. 32 seconds in, redirected from the slot. >> 32 snowbirds to double overtime and connor McDAVID with the game winner. How must he have felt? Because in the first overtime period, the sat in the penalty box for four minutes for high sticking. And he was asked about that after the game how it felt in the box. >> Felt long, really long. Really, really long. Miserable. I hated every second of it. But the guys did an amazing job. >> Stepped up, as the saying is, and kept up the momentum into the second overtime. Madeline cummings is covering the series for us for cbc news. She's in,she has more highlights for you from game 1. >> The western conference finals got off to a good start for the edmonton oilers who won their first game against the dallas stars. The score was 3-2, settled in double overtime. >> Scores! >> After a scoreless first period, leon draisaitl and zack hyman scored two goals for the oilers and then tile erbil seguin got the stars' one gold. In the third period, the oilsand managed to hang on for the lead, but with a few minutes remaining in play, tyler seguin scored again. >> Scores! Tyler seguin, canada's finishest. >> In the first period of overtime, connor McDAVID received a four-minute penalty for high sticking. >> There's no question the battle is happening, the stick comes up and gets him right in the nose. >> He was not happy with the call. But in the second overtime period, he managed to get his redemption. >> Scores! It's over! >> Edmonton fans who were here watching the game in dallas say that they are thrilled and ecstatic about this outcome and a little tired given the length of the game. >> Relieved. Relieved. >> Yes, yeah, it was super excite willing, a really good game. >> I'm just ecstatic. I'm tired, I'm ecstatic. >> That was amazing, such a good game. Both teams brought it tonight, it was just fantastic energy. >> Both teams have not won a stanley cup since the 19 the 0's, and edmonton remains the only canadian team left in these playoffs. The oilers will face off against dallas stars in game 2 here in dallas on saturday. Madeline cummings, cbc news, dallas, texas. >> Thank you, madeline, and here's what else you should know as you start your friday morning. Apple music's list of the 100 best albums of all time, that's getting a lot of hot takes these days. Some surprise about what was number one as berevealed earlier this week. Lauren hill's one and only solo album. While gathering critics for the

group chat, talking about the list, commissions, errors, all of that, 11:30. The wnba expansion into canada is already inspiring a new generation of basketball players t was cbc sports sharime ahmed who broke the news that the wnba was coming from toronto. She was reporting officially yesterday and on line today she's looking at what what this all means for young women who want to play basketball professionally and get to stay at home in canada now. There's a piece up in the website and on the cbc news app as well. And, boy, a lot of people looking at these pictures. The iconic pier 39 in san francisco, really the hottest spot in the bay area right now because thousands of sea lines have flocked to the pier to feast on anchovies and you can see them on the pier anticipates webcam that's been set up and you can look right now as a matter of fact, right now it's show time! >> When I was a teenager, a trickster demon terrorized the entire family and tried to force me to marry hi. I believed he was gone forever until you found this in the attic. >> That's beetle juice. >> The juice is on the loose again. There is a new trailer out for beetle juice, beetle juice, what was a classic film from 1988. The trailer has all sorts of eye-popping visuals and, yes, michael keaton is back. Catherine o'hara is back, joined by new cast members this time, ortegga and william dafoe. The movie will hit theatres in september. This is cbc morning live. >> That's what we're here to find out. >> Beetle juice. [inspirational] Michael j. Fox:From breaking on the streets to battling on the world stage. - -[crowd cheers] They'd help you too (Applause, cheers) See you through Whatever life looks like to you, we're here for it. For life as you know it. Insurance, investments, advice. Canada Life. [ Serene music playing ] Welcome to the Wayborhood. The Wayfair vibe at our place is Western. My thing, Darling? Shine. Gardening. Some of us go for the dramatic. How didn't I know Wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] This. Wow! Do you have any ottomans without legs. Sure. You'll flip for the poof cart. in the Wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. Wayfair. Every style. Every home. It always hungers for more because it's seldom full. (Engine roaring) ( ) Behold the Subaru Crosstrek Wilderness. (Mixed gasps) ( ) Announcer:Who cries more, winners or losers? Cry if you want to cry. Announcer:Can heartbreak help break records? You want to be great, you need to sacrifice. Announcer:Do bigger fans have higher blood pressure? How's your heart rate? Announcer:Why do we love rooting for underdogs? I support the home team. Announcer:What makes top dogs go the distance? How far will champions go to win? I was just curious. Announcer:Does it matter if they have nothing to lose? Is that a yes? Announcer:When you get curious, you getCBC. >> We are looking live at ottawa here. Parliament hill and the streets around ottawa, all through the city, boy, they are going to be packed with people. That's one of the biggest annual events in the nation's capital this weekend. Ottawa's race weekend. Chris, have you ever seen this? I'm telling you, it is a blast. I happened to be there in ottawa last year at this time, thousands of people because they have kids' races, 2k, 5k, 10k, saturday, and then on sunday they have the half marathon and marathon. So, so far this year, 37,000, 37,500 runners have signed up. And usually they get around 40,000 runners around 200,000 spectators, so I'm just telling you. A busy time in ottawa and you are key. >> Yes. Can you race in more than one race? >> I think you probably could, if you can. Which day is going to be the better day? >> I would say sunday would be the better day, but near the day's a write off, that's for sure, heather. Today, first of all, for stretching, for limbering up and

loosening up, 19°. Normal's 21. So in my books, that's a beautiful day, quite a bit of cloud cover. 26 in toronto and hamilton and get towards sudbury and huntsville around 20°. So that's a nice day. Let's talk about the precipitation. So not really any in the forecast today. Northwestern ontario, you are getting into that rain. Southern ontario tomorrow, passing showers and scattered thunderstorms. So ottawa, there's about your 40% chance tomorrow, meaning at this exact same scenario happened 10 times it would bring rain four times out of 10. So it doesn't mean -- 40% does not mean rain 40% of the day. 40% doesn't mean 40% of the city will get rain, it means that you literally have a four times out of 10 chance of getting rain tomorrow. So thunderstorms probably just outside your region, which is good. We want to keep it that way. And those thunderstorms wouldn't even be all day long if you get them. So ottawa, chance of showers tomorrow, perhaps tomorrow late day, sunday looks beautiful and then next week, cooling down. Speaking of cooling down, it is cold, it is wet, it is raw, it is going to be like this all day long. This is a moisture laden system coming up from the u.s.,

slow-mover and over towards the red river valley, through the parklands, the interlake region, the pembina and souris river valleys and even the risk of some wet snow in the higher ground. But this is a cold rain 50 to 60 millimeters of rain. This is like tractors getting stuck in the fields kind of rain for you. Now, saskatchewan and alberta, you will have the risk of scattered showers and thunderstorms again today. Eastern bc same story. Coastal british columbia, vancouver, light rain today, again tomorrow, and we talked about the east coast where we've got very warm temperatures in the maritimes, cooler with clouds and showers across newfoundland. >> The weather update is brought to you by the "off! Cast" mosquito forecast. Prevention is the best protection from mosquitoes. >> Andrew Chang: May is Asian Heritage Month. Join us in celebrating the many contributions that Asian Canadians make to Canada. Tap into BetMGM Casino and you're entering a huge library full of exclusive games. Games you won't find anywhere else. Looking for jackpots? Right this way. You'll always find someone ready to give you a hand. Or some dice. Your favorite games waiting for you... On BetMGM Casino. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. Your best defense against erosion and cavities? Is strong enamel. Nothing beats it. New Pronamel Active Shield actively strengthens the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a game changer for my patients. It really works. ( ) Ever wonder what's around the next corner? ( ) ( ) Past the trees. ( ) Over the mountains? ( ) That's where adventure lives... ( ) Take a Nissan suv and go find it. ( ) Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the difference! Genacol® Makes me feel so good! >> The international court of justice will release its decision on south africa's request for an israeli cease-fire in gaza. The court order coming out in just 30 minutes or so, it could order israel to stop its offensive, its incursion into rafah but it could go farther and demand an end to israeli operations across all of gaza. The court's ruling is legally binding, but the icj cannot enforce it. The decision as I mention coming out at 9 A.M. eastern, cbc news will take you live to the hague for all of the proceedings there. I'm heather hiscox. Also making news on this friday morning. The university of toronto has issued an ultimatum to the pro-palestinian protesters who are still encamped in the heart of the school's campus. Administrators say they have until this afternoon to accept the university's latest offer, then they must break down the camp. If the deadline passes, the school says it will issue trespass noticing, it has yet to decide if it will call in the police. The encampment at u of t. One of the largest in the country and is now into its 4th week. And a detoration hearing is set for today for the truck driver who caused the humboldt bronco cash. Sidhu pleaded guilty to dangerous driving in the 2018

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