
CBCN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #13

it just didn't work, and I suspect we're at that place in the cycle where what worked for scheer, what worked with o'toole will not work with poilievre. >> Rosemary: well, I would argue that scheer and o'toole gave much more ammunition to the liberals, to make their point. But talk to me about where this level of debate tells us where we're at? >> Well, I can think of 100 things that are wrong and parliamentary decorum is the 101. For all the things that are going on in parliament, I can assure you that a lot worse is happening on social media and during the campaign, a lot worse will be happening. We talked about framing or defining. Let's call it what it is, smearing, and that's what they do to each other. That has become part of, as I say, the world of politics. There's no doubt that pierre poilievre has brought a particularly snippy elbows up style to politics in general, but the liberals have a number of ways of showing contempt for parliament procedurally. This is a government that has stonewalled committees, refused to let witnesses appear before them, refused to release documents that parliament has demanded. So procedural contempt and rhetorical smears, I think I know which is worse for parliament, except with the proviso that if poilievre were in power, we'd have both. I'll just close with this point, that when you see people behaving as childishly as M.P.s do, it is usually a signal of their own lack of self-respect. If parliamentarians were a bigger deal, if being a member of parliament was a more dignified decision, I suggest you'd see less of the childish displays that you do, but when people standup and sit down when they're told, that is the behaviour that you get. >> Rosemary: maybe, but social media is a big player, as well. Chantal? >> Except when the liberals invented what's called the rat pack, basically a group of M.P.s whose only role was to make life miserable for the mulroney government, and still, that is the antics that they go to, if that put a spring in their step, the liberals, they're in pretty bad shape. Do you think that chrystia freeland and those around her are proud of her tonight? Do you think it enhances her reputation? It doesn't. If you think it does, god, that kool-aid must be good. >> Does anybody know what that line on earth was trying to get at, other than poilievre was wearing make up. The thing that's interesting with poilievre, talking about the rat pack, it used to be the leader stayed above the fray and you left that to your backbenchers and your extremes and your henchmen. With poilievre, he's the guy that's keeping the people's party people in the tent and he's still the best attack dog, so he's pioneering a new style leadership policy in that regard. >> Rosemary: last quick word to you, althia? >> Well, I think with the comment, she was trying to paint a picture that poilievre is a phony, that who he thinks he is is not who he is. The liberals are going to these lengths is because they don't have any money. They aren't pushing out any ads so they're using politicians to deliver those ads, and I don't think that's a wise strategy. >> Rosemary: okay. We'll leave it there. We covered make up and decorum and everything in that conversation.

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more people start to think again about the P.Q. the quebec city area is now edging away from the P.Q. the other thing is quebec liberals at this point do not have a leader but recent polls have suggested very mildly that the return of this issue might actually be the kiss of life for the quebec liberals. >> Rosemary: interesting. Andrew, what are you thinking when you hear all that from chantal? >> Well, a lot can happen in the next two years, and turning to polarization on that issue that's served the P.Q. and the liberals well over the years. But let's not kid ourselves. If the P.Q. gets in despite their stance on the referendum, they will seize the opportunity and try to provoke confrontations particularly over immigration. I will note that this return to the fray follows several years in which the C.A.Q. government has been launching one constitutional provokation after another and has had no serious response from any preliminary leader in ottawa. When quebec nationals push and nobody pushes back in ottawa, when the leadership acts as if they don't believe the country have a moral foundation, that they don't believe we have a right to exist and exist as a federation, quebecers have the right to withdraw the conclusion that if they don't care, so do we. We ought to learn that doesn't care doesn't work, and we'll learn that in spades if the P.Q. gets back. >> Rosemary: it's not poking a stick into the cage. That's what some political leaders believe works. Over to you, althia? >> It's not ideas held by a sovereigntist in quebec. If you inflame on bill 21, as the liberals have learned, if you inflame on bill 96, which is the language bill, you'll worry about your seat count. If you're the liberal party, that's where a number of your seats come from, is quebec. I think it's really interesting that the P.Q. is advertising in english. I think frankly it's positive because it feels like anglophones in quebec that they're part of a quebec project and not on the sidelines and not included in the idea of what a quebec nation or a country would look like. His argument about the financial incentive to separate to me makes absolutely no sense. It's not even factually accurate, so I don't know why he is choosing that front. I think one legit criticism and concern shared by many quebecers is the immigration question, that not just immigration quebec, not having control over the asylum seekers coming in through roxham road and other places, support has dropped. It used to be 25% of francophones in the country in 1975, and now we're down at 22% or something of the sort, so continuously, every time we have a redistricting of the seats in the house of commons, basically quebec gets an additional seat grandfathered in because their population doesn't justify the wait that they have, and there are concerns that the more immigrants that there are in the province and outside the province the less important quebec becomes and the less important french becomes, so I think it is an important criticism and it's a criticism that federal leaders come the next election that they'll absolutely have to deal with, and if the liberals are leading in the polls, it'll be who can be captain canada, and I think the leaders will be judged on that front. >> Rosemary: chantal? >> I can see things that the current leader and other members could do to make quebecers more interested in the sovereignty issue on matters that have nothing to do with the constitution or even immigration but that have to do with climate change, with the future of radio-canada and other industries. These are things where the consensus does cross the line between the average centrist and quebecers. The moment you say whatever is going on in parliament, whatever those policies are, we

are not -- we are not going there, and that is probably the place -- climate change, I know it doesn't sound sexy like talking about bill 21 and bill 96, but what's missing from the sovereigntist support is the younger generation of quebecers. >> Rosemary: very quickly, andrew. >> Let's suppose we get 100 million by the end of the 21 century, and french falls to 21%. That still means you've got 12 million french speakers in quebec versus 8 million today, so the notion that quebec is going to be drowned by this deluge of immigrants or it's going to lose all of its clout in the federation, after world war ii, it was much less powerful than it is today. It's not a function of a simple share of your population. >> Rosemary: okay. I've got to leave it there. Thank you for your conversation. With that, I'll send things back to adrienne in toronto. >> Adrienne: thanks, rosie. >>> >>The Great Canadian Baking Showis back. >> And the winner is... >> Alan, no, it's too soon for that. [upbeat jazz] >> How about after? >> Give me that. >> Ok, sure. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! ( ) Interrupted by dry eyes? Get fast-acting relief with hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Made with a naturallysourced lubricant. hydraSense eye drops. With fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. Fastsigns. Make Your Statement™. Menopause can change your hair. I have thinning happening here, which I noticed when I was taking a selfie. Using our thickening treatment fights breakage for fuller looking hair. I feel good. So I want products that are made for where I'm at. Hair Biology. Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home When you live with diabetes,confidence comes from knowing your glucose levels and where they're headed. Manage your diabeteswith confidence with Dexcom g7. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. When arthritis pain makes the stairs feel like a summit... There's Tylenol Arthritis. With 2 layers of pain relief, one acts fast, one lasts for up to 8hrs and it's gentle on your stomach. Tylenol Arthritis: made for everyday moments. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. >> Moments that are so on trend right now. Ticket prices. Artificial intelligence. Being a Swiftie. Commotion,available now onCBC Listenor wherever you get your podcasts. >> Adrienne: a family in newfoundland woke up to a pretty unusual guest right at their front door. A moose checking out their house, all, of course, caught on camera. It seems that even wildlife wants to be a prospective

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[inspirational] - -[crowd cheers] >> Heather: good morning. It is friday, may 24th. I'm heather hiscox. In just a few hours the world court will reveal a ruling on the war if gaza. The international court will rehe lease a response to south africa's ceasefire demand. We'll look at the option s on the table. Look at how israel may respond and examine the potential effects on the civilians who are sheltering in gaza. Coping with a child care crunch. Cbc news compiles data that shows a pursuit of affordable daycare is tightening options. >> Some of them are saying that, like, we won't have a spot for, like, 2 or 3 years. >> Heather: more on the struggle to finds spaces and the growing demands for ottawa to boost funding for daycare providers. >> A breathtaking open or in the stanley couple playoffs. The oilers beat the stars in double overtime in game 1. >> It's over! 32 seconds in! >> Heather: we'll bring thank you fan reaction to that dramatic conclusion and look ahead to game 2 of the western conference final set for tomorrow night. Also ahead, could could red lobster be off the menu for canadian seafood lovers? The fate of the chain's location here in jeopardy. Plus ... >> Scott: good morning. More upheaval and an unlikely comeback. Why the clothing maker's ceo, co-founder is likely returning to power. >> Chris: good morning. Heavy rain for southern manitoba continues and possibly some wet snow in pockets as well. And we'll have your weekend forecast in your weather outlook. >> Heather: thank you, chris. We're going to dpin this morning with the word we're waiting from the hague today. A ruling from the international court of justice. That could order israel to halt it offensive in gaza's southern city of rafah. At 9:00 eastern, just 3 hours from now, the judges will rule on a rehe quest brought forward by south africa. It comes amid sustained international pressure for israel to stay out of rafah where more that be 1 million palestinians have sought shelter. This is new video into us this morning. Deserted streets in one of the main refugee camps. About 950,000 palestinians have fled rafah in recent weeks following wide scale evacuation orders from the israeli military. The idf has since tape and closed the rafah border crossing only palestinian side and israeli troops are now fighting and advancing into residential areas. The united states and the international community have repeatedly warned israel not to attack rafah, but israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has remained definal, claiming rafah hold it is last hamas stronghold, which israel intends to destroy. So we're going to begin our coverage with julia chapman from our london bureau. Looking ahead to the icj ruling today and the potential implications for the court's ruling. Julia. >> Reporter: this ruling comes after arguments put forward by south africa that an offensive in rafah was hampering aid, getting into gaza with crippling medical system already on it knees and displacing hundreds of thousands of people. It calling for a ceasefire in rafah, as well as unfetterred access for aid workers, investigators and journalists to get into gaza to establish what is going on and make sure aid is getting where it needs to go. It says a ceasefire is essential to upholding previous court order s from the icj. One in january ordering israel to prevent a genocide in gaza, and another in march to ensure that food aid is getting in. Which israel insists it is. It says although it has taken control of the rafah crossing and aid isn't getting through there, there are other ways that aid is gettsingering through. And in its defence, israel has argued that it's fighting a war that it didn't start, that it is taking extraordinary measures to prevent civilian deaths. It's even gone as far as arguing that south africa is helping hamas by putting forward these legal challenges. But certainly what we're going to see today, the verdict will be legally binding, but it is very difficult to enforce what it will ultimately serve to do if it rules in fave of south

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