
BNN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

Kim Bolton? >> Caller:Hello, thank you so much for taking my call. My question is regarding Fastly, which is a cloud computing services provider. I bought a couple years back during COVID surges for around $80, and now as you know is under $10. So, like, what's the future of the company? What is going on? And what are your thoughts in general? Thank you so much for taking time. >> Kim: Thanks, Capil. Well, Capil, you should give us a call once in a while when you buy some of the, you know, not profitable-- I love this company of Fastly because they're, as Capil was saying, they're cloud computing services provider. But where they're very, very much skewed to is toward that edge computing. You know, rather than in the data centre, they actually put their products and services out on the edge in devices. And it provides content delivery network, and also has a security component, load-balancing video and streaming services. The biggest problem with Fastly as with some of these is that they're trying their best to be profitable. You know, they're reporting well, their revenues are sort of in line. They did have to cut their guidance back when they reported on May 1. Capil, you've hung in there here this long. I'd actually write some calls against this and try to recoup some of that money. I know it's a lot of money to recoup, but you can, you know, you can write some calls, and I think that's probably the best place. I wouldn't buy it here. I think, you know, the average 12 month price target is up at $16.85. So it does have a good runway. But I wouldn't buy it right here. >> Okay. Let's go to Lawrence. He's in London, Ontario. Hi Lawrence. And thanks for calling. >> Caller:Good afternoon. My daughter would like to invest in the security company. Which company would you suggest? >> That sounds like cyber security. Is that what you're talking about, Lawrence? >> Caller:Yes, correct. >> Okay, go ahead. >> Paul, what is that, what's the ETF? If you're going to buy one, there's the famous ETF. We haven't used it in quite a while. >> Paul: I'm on it. >> I would, so Lawrence, when it comes to the... >> Paul: Evolve? The Evolve cyber security index fund, that's a Canadian... >> HACK! It's called HACK, H-A-C-K. >> Paul: Okay. >> Lawrence, that's where I'd go to. Because you'll get all of the major cyber security companies in there. >> That is called the amplify, correct, Kim? The Amplify cyber security ETF? >> H-A-C-K. >> H-A-C-K is the Amplify cyber security ETF. We can't put a graph up there, unfortunately, but it is an exchange traded fund, the U.S. seeking to provide investment results that correspond to the performance of the prime cyber security defence ETF. >> Yep, you know, just to leave it, if you want one, Lawrence, I'd buy CrowdStrike. And if you want to have a little bit more risk, buy SentinelOne. >> Okay. Lawrence, thank you very much for your call on cyber security. So the answer from Kim was HACK, the ETF in the U.S., and CrowdStrike, correct? >> CrowdStrike, and if you want to take a little bit more risk that competes with CrowdStrike, is SentinelOne. >> Okay. Thanks to everybody who put a question in to Kim Bolton. That's all the time we have for calls and questions today. But Kim Bolton's top picks are coming up next. The future is not just going to happen. You have to make it. And if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and Now becomes the Future where you grew a dream into a reality. The all new GODADDY AIRO. Put your business online in minutes with the power of AI. Discover AMUR CAPITAL. AMUR CAPITAL'S track record of consistent performance has delivered industry leading returns since inception. Why play games with your financial future? Choose AMUR CAPITAL - A Simpler Approach to Investing. -If you're looking for an investment with a strong, consistent track record, maybe it's time to look at a new approach. -Last quarter Capital Direct investors saw a return of over eight percent. That's impressive. It feels good to help Canadian homeowners accomplish their dreams. Find out why so many people have been trusting Capital Direct for over sixteen years.

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