
BNN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

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if they want to close the gap and get additional voters, that is a huge concern. Americans have voter fatigue right now. They are tired of the chaos and all of the charges. I do not think it helps his case at all. Joe: one of the takeaways, half of swing state voters think they should be worried about violence. Surrounding the election. That could include conventions. We have heard about the potential for violence in chicago. When you see democrats and republicans worried about something like this, what does it tell you? >> It is reflecting what we have known. There is a lot of insecurity out there. They do not feel like either candidate for leadership in the U.S. for a long time has been able to put them at ease. Everyone went through the pandemic, january 6, the george floyd protests, the list goes on and on. People do not feel safe in their house or neighborhood and they want leadership to address that. They feel like the election will only exacerbate this and make things worse. We all hope that is not the case but they are reflecting a very real concern and doing it -- this poll comes out today. Just 24 hours ago we had donald trump's campaign with a video, 0 seconds up for 18 hours with nazi propaganda in it. How can you expect for people to feel safe and secure with the selection if you have someone channeling something like that and then blaming it on a staffer? It is a pattern. It is deeply troubling to both sides. Kailey: especially as we consider not just the protests we have seen on college campuses, the george floyd protest and the aftermath of his death, january 6, as well. You work for former speaker kevin mccarthy for a long time. You spent a lot of time on the hill. I am sure in the days before and after if not on january 6, 2021. Given what happened that day, we saw what americans are capable of doing, do voters have any reason we will not see something like that happen again? >> This poll makes so much sense. Of course if you like there would be violence or threatenings about democracy. We saw it on january 6. Republican members are calling them hostages. The narrative has completely changed. The voters do not feel that way. The voters are reeling from the trauma of that day. It is a blemish on our democracy. It is embarrassing. It is embarrassing that that is the way the republican has decided to go. Kailey: our panel will stay with us. We will talk about jim mcgovern who had his words about donald trump and his ongoing legal issues stricken from the record on the house floor today. We will get reaction from this political panel next on "balance of power" on (upbeat music plays) ( ) ( ) ( ) The future is not just going to happen. You have to make it. And if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and Now becomes the Future where you grew a dream into a reality. The all new godaddy airo. Put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. Febreze! I use Febreze Fabric Refresher everyday. To make my house smell amazing. On my bed... My couch... My jacket or jeans in between washes... Even shoes. Febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them... ...and freshens! Over one thousand uses. Febreze Fabric Refresher. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. We all strive for peace of mind, whether in life or our investments. But that's not easy with today's market complexity. For over two decades, Goodreid has helped Canadians from coast to coast to achieve their financial goals, through both good times and bad. Working with our portfolio managers, you can navigate tomorrow's financial uncertainty with confidence. It's time. Take control of your wealth. I'm Gordon Reid. Invest with confidence, invest with peace of mind. To learn more,visit ( )( )

( ) ( ) ( ) (Upbeat electronic music) >> Candidate for president of the united states is on trial for sending a hush-money payments to a porn star to avoid a sex scandal during his 2016 campaign. He is also charged with conspiring to overturn the election and stealing classified information and a jury has already found him liable for rape in a civil court. In this republican-controlled house, it is ok to talk about the trial but you have to call it a sham. It is ok to say the jury is riggied. >> The gentleman will suspend. Kailey: that was democratic congressman jim mcgovern on the floor of the house and those words were in fact taken down from the record. Back with us now is our political panel. I am not sure this would have gone down much differently under former speaker kevin mccarthy under the speakership of mike johnson, but you take downwards that were essentially a listing of actual crimes that donald trump has been charged with, what does that say about where we are in this house of representatives right now? >>. We are completely divided I think we have been for a few years. I think mcgovern made an excellent point. Republicans are able to talk about this trial and call it a sham but when he brings up actual facts, they want to strike his words down. . In the house, when you are going to give a speech on the floor, you are not allowed to call members weathered indirectly. Perhaps that is how house republicans will go about it. . Ultimately he was telling what the news was reporting. Joe: this brought business on the floor to a halt for about an hour. The fact of the matter is it strikes me that if nothing was said about this it probably would not have made any news and nobody would have heard what mr. Mcgovern said. The democrat from massachusetts has been known to be a flamethrower. I feel like I have heard him say more controversial things about donald trump. Now we can go raise money on this. This is the cycle. This is how this goes. >> I agree it sounded benign. This litany of facts about charges against donald trump. I am listening to this the other day with marjorie taylor greene and the eyelashes and then you listen to this and people are screaming, "strike it from the record!' what will striking it from the record do now that it has been all over social media and c-span? It seems counterproductive. Maybe in 1800 it made sense but not now. This is a party, the republicans, who like to talk about free speech. I understand. She is right there are rules in the house. She did not say anything against a member. That said, I do worry when he said afterward he could keep doing it. I think he said that in jest because he got under their skin but I really wish congress would do something productive for the people. An hour stalled from doing anything as a result from pretty much nothing said. It makes you wonder why anybody has faith in congress at this point. Kailey: part of the reasoning we hear as to why things are so hard to get done in congress is we are working with slim margins. It has been one vote. It will now be two because your former boss' seat got filled. Now that we are this deep into an election year, how much does one vote matter? >> Not much. I know him from my time working in speaker mccarthy's office. I think he will do wonderful things for the district but the majority is so slim and whether it is one vote or two, we will continue to be stalled and not get anything done. It is a presidential election year so I do not think we will see much more. Joe: what will kevin mccarthy be doing in the next several years? >> I hope celebrating life and

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