
BNN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> From the world of politics to the world of business. This is "balance of power." live from washington, D.C. joe: from bloomberg's washington, D.C. studios to our tv and radio audiences worldwide, welcome to "balance of power." kailey: a poll shows half of voters are worried about violence around the election. We will have analysis with our political panel. Joe:joe: this as biden meets with the canyon president at the white house alongside major tech executives. Shirley martey hargis discusses the visit with us coming up. Kailey: a long-awaited crypto market bill hits the floor with opposition from the sec and the white house. We will discuss with kristin smith. We have breaking news as we come to air this evening. Months after ending her 2024 presidential campaign, nikki haley said she will vote for donald in this election. She said she puts her priorities on a president will have the backs of our allies. Donald trump has not been perfect on these policies but biden has been a catastrophe she said so she will vote for trump. Joe: we heard that from the governor of new hampshire, one is bad but the other is worse. A soft endorsement. Urging donald trump to continue working for her supporters' votes, like she did in the speech she delivered on her way out of the race. Not a lot is new other than she will be voting for donald trump. She has mentioned she is not in contention for vice president on his ticket. Kailey: we have been waiting to hear from nikki haley. The question on whether or not she would come out for trump was something we were left with until this evening. We want to get reaction. We bring in a bloomberg sethis is not an outright endorsement. She is just and she will do so. She did not need to say this out loud. >> She did not at all unless she wanted to be viable in the republican party in the future. If the trump mill you still holds, if he loses in november. It is very surprising because in debate after debate after debate in the republican primaries, all you heard from nikki haley was I was his U.N. ambassador, I am telling you he is dangerous. We cannot have a man like that in the white house. Now she will vote for him. It is clearly political calculation. Joe: it reminds me of the day you were with us when mitch mcconnell announced his intention to step down as republican leader in the senate and the line you delivered was "the transformation is complete." [laughter] apac this is -- wendy: this is further evidence. Liz cheney maintain her position donald trump was dangerous and was chairwoman of the january 6 committee and she is effectively canceled by her own party. Her family heritage and all of that. She is literally out in the wilderness. Nikki haley obviously still wants to be part of the game and this is what it takes. It is remarkable. Kailey: she will be voting for donald trump but according to bloomberg's latest polling, a lot of voters in the seven swing states are pulling for him, as well. He is leading by four points against biden in the match up. If you look below the surface in each of the individual states, potentially there is more positive news for the president? Wendy: if the biden campaign looks deeper into the pole, they will see good news, which is the race has tightened. Trump was leading by six points in april and is now leading by four. What the poll showed is we have a question that asks, have you seen, read or heard anything about donald trump, joe biden or other people? For donald trump, 65% said they saw negative news. When we dug into the negative news, it was about the trial. The coverage of the trial relating to hush-money payments to stormy daniels, that has had an impact, we believe, on the race, making people feel more

squishy about 44 trump. However, he has not been convicted or acquitted. We are looking forward to seeing how people feel after the result of the trial. Joe: the question of violence made a lot of news. You saw this coming. You said this would be part of our research. Half of swing state voters fear violence around the election but equal parts democratic and republican. Wendy: the sad state of american politics were violence can plausibly be a part of it. A lot of us can remember where that was impossible. Now we have half of the electorate saying there could be. They have been sort of normalized to it. As the campaigns were heating up in 2020 when most of us were locked in our homes, george floyd was killed by the police in minnesota and there were a lot of social justice protests. There are social justice protests this summer over biden's handling old israel-hamas war and there were the horrors of january 6. People are feeling it is not out of the. . Rum of possibility anymore the interesting thing was they feared violence more than misinformation on social media or interference. Joe: this is worth your read on the terminal and online. Or latest bloomberg swing state poll. The new poll shines a light on what voters think about ai. We see democrats and republicans agreeing again in their fear. As we bring in michael sheppard for more. Swing state voters are worried about privacy in their lives. This is another area where people agree. Michael: interestingly in talking about the violence question, we are seeing the broader issue of insecurity that is afflicting the american electorate. They are worried about privacy. They are worried about in terms of the pole, we found there was a majority that supported the ban on tiktok. 66% said they were worried the app would allow for data collection and allow for manipulation of information in the U.S. what that tells us his people have this unease, a sense of insecurity but it also applies to employment. This will translate somehow into votes in november. We will have to see what happens. Kailey: what is remarkable is people are so hesitant around the technology or concern what it means for their lives but the demand is incredibly strong. A video reported hour ago after the bell, not just the report but the forecast suggesting there is strong demand for these ai chips. People fear it but they cannot stop the freight train. Michael: they cannot get enough of it. The companies, the industry, people have an interest in technology, in using technology both at a personal level, business level. Ai has this promise to transform the economy globally. We are seeing geopolitical competition between china and the U.S. and the other major economies around the world trying to get a piece of the action. The results really point to that. Our forecast for nvidia had been $28.6 billion in revenue, nvidia saying $28 billion. They are now the third most valuable stock in the s&p 500 by market cap. It is an extraordinary sign of how ai is here to stay and this wave will keep building. Joe: a remarkable story. The stock is moving closer to $1000. To your point, it is amazing, everything we just discussed with michael and wendie about this pull, it will be the fear driven presidential election on both sides. Michael: I think you are right. We are seeing this level of uncertainty heading into the conventions. Of course, those of us who are old enough to have a memory of 1968 and everything that happened there, it is a sense of unease. It transcends generations. We found it among older voters surveyed. There was more uncertainty about ai and what it would do and definitely more resistance to tiktok, as well. Kailey: bloomberg's michael shepard, thank you so much. We will have much more coming up this hour including what is happening as we speak on the house floor. An important crypto vote is coming up. Something else happened on the house floor earlier today which is remarkable. Congressman jim mcgovern, a

democrat, was basically laying out the various legal problems of donaldtle bit of that sound. >> Candidate for president of the united states is on trial for sending a hush-money payments to a porn start to avoid a sex scandal during his 26 campaign and then fraudulently disguising those payments. He is charged with conspiring to overturn the election. Is charged with -- a jerry has already found him liable for rape in a civil court -- a jury has already found him liable for rape in a civil court. >> Take down his words. Mr. Speaker I demand his words be taken down. >> It is ok -- >> The gentleman will suspend. Kailey: those words were taken down. They were stricken from the record. We want to bring wendy back in. All I heard was fact. Wendy: he could be reading from public court documents. We have heard republicans in the house or the senate say much worse things, opinions about joe biden. All of this congressman was doing was reading the charges that were there. The remarkable contrast when you saw trump's entourage outside the courthouse where he has legions of republican lawmakers including the house speaker talking about what a sham the trial is and handling the comments that trump is prohibited from making because of a gag order. It is a remarkable moment of one side -- the way to call it. Kailey: certainly something to see happening on the house floor. We will have more with our political panel. Coming up next, we will talk more about the crypto bill I was referring to that the house will be voting on. Market structure. We will discuss it more with kristin smith, ceo of the blockchain association on "balance of power" on bloomberg tv and radio.

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