
BNN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 01:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #8

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the problems in data from gpt for two gpt 10 and how do we have the means to production to do all that. >> About the action of labeling such data because I know you've been thinking a lot about ai safety and the development, of the biases insuring that's thought about in your business. But there was a lot of concern in 2023 about hugh you employ to label data and a lot of that work being done in the global south. What rate you are paying them. How is that being solved like technology? >> Ultimately we believe the future of ai data rests on three principles. Data abundance, frontier data and there was abundance. One of the clearer areas we need to ensure we are able to build a data foundry that ushers in an era of data abundance. These are becoming increasingly data hungry due to the scaling laws. Every model requires more data. We need to ensure we are able to build the systems and the means of production that allows us to not resign yourself to scarcity. A lot of the key for us is it the second bullet point. As we develop progressively more and more powerful ai systems we need to be building from -- data that's pushing the boundaries of ai capabilities towards more advanced areas such as complex reasoning, multimodality and more. This production frontier data requires human experts all around the world so our view is humans and expertise are critical component of this process. >> I remember august of 2019, you are on a previous iteration of the show, 22 years old and he would just on $100 million series c. Fast-forward to today you've announced a european hq in london value to $14 billion. What's that like? How do you feel? >> Ultimately the most gratifying piece for me and I think from the company has been how far ai has come in that timeframe. In 2019 it was a very primordial early days of alternative ai. Even on that program we did not talk at all about the exciting things that openai your other companies were doing. You fast-forward to today we've gone from gpt to to gpt four and beyond. We have ai systems that are significantly more capable and I think we see a past ai improvement in anyone's desk in everyone's live was more of a pipe dream 2019 so I hope five years later if I'm back on the show that we are looking back on the technology and seeing even further development and artificial intelligence. Even further impact from ultimately what we view as the most exciting technologies our time. >> I hope it is sooner than five years time. Alexander wang, thank you for joining us on the latest funding news. More funding news also in the world of artificial intelligence. Deep l announcing a 3 million-dollar investment today. A 2 billion-dollar evaluation to the company that provides ai language solutions. It ceo and founder joins us now. Tell us about what you're providing to your enterprise clients because there's been a lot of excitement about the translation capabilities of the latest chatgpt 4.0. how are you different? >> Thank you for having me. I think it's amazing how translation actually is the first frontier in which ai has been excelling since quite a few years and was founded in 2017. We've been kind of researching on how this translation technology can be as reliable and accurate and on the point all the time so that it suits the needs of the enterprises. It's really not about translating this menu in a restaurant where you ever foreign country. It's really about enabling companies to just go and send the emails to the customers and their respective languages of those are speaking and really going global as quickly as possible as they can with as much efficiency as possible. >> You have been managing to scale your business clients and government clients with this offering. I'm interested what the new round of money will be doing. How will you be beefing up. Is it marketing and getting others to get your story. >> It's basically all of them. The company is been investing all of those fronts.

we are a company that is investing very heavily on the research side. We are running our own models and have been doing so since the inception of the company. But at the same time the customers we are working with, all of those enterprises that actually need this technology, they -- we need to work with them and enable them to use this brand-new ai and help them in doing so. That's a very large part of where our investments go to? -- of where our veterans go to. >> You are keen to underscore it's not just simple translation. It must mean training based on multiple data sets and calling on multiple data sets and the inference. Just explain the challenge. >> It is first and foremost about accuracy and quality. You want to be sure and confident that whenever you are communicating at the right point comes across and it's really not only about this accuracy itself it is also about the fluency of the language. You want to convince, to make sure that you are being understood as a professional. For that, you do not only need models that are great at getting the facts right but you have to go beyond that and have all the language fluency in them. It makes of the research work that goes both on the data side, that goes into the algorithms but also into the feedback loop and making sure that our translators are assuring the quality of whatever comes out of the models. >> You're joining us from cologne, germany. We show the graphic with all the customers you have. Where are you growing fastest? Are you making money, what does growth look like? >> We are a global company from the very beginning and it's pretty understandable given the product. It is really truly one of the very international products out there. In key markets for us are germany, japan and the U.S. so it can be more distributed than that. But the U.S. is a pretty strong foothold for us. Right now we opened an office a few months ago in austin and we will be working more and more with U.S. companies that want to expand their footprint globally. Caroline: -- ed: great to have you on the program here on bloomberg technology. We will be right back, this is bloomberg technology. Closed captioning of this bnn Bloomberg program is brought to you by Avenue Living Asset Management. Investing in the Everyday. Text on ScreenText on ScreenText on ScreenText on ScreenText on ScreenText o Are your floors as clean as you think? Try Swiffer Sweeper Wet. It gives me the cleaning power of a mop and the convenience of a wipe. These cloths trap dirt and grime. Even hidden dirt you can't see. So it doesn't get pushed around. Swiffer Sweeper Wet. Love It or Your Money Back. Harvest Healthcare leaders Enhanced Income etf. Maximize your monthly cash flow from Canada's leading healthcare etf. More income from Healthcare Leaders. Harvest ETFs, income happens here. We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. This might be the perfect place to build my future. I'm going to be a mom. I've got regrets, but... It's no reason to just give up. Life's got a way of showing you what your next move is going to be. As long as you're open to seeing it. Sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv stream on all your favourite

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