
BNN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 01:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

they're selling them and all of a sudden became lower quality became lower price and was simply meant to try generate more basics. That would be an example. I think of string not saying they're doing that at all. But as the revenues get larger, it becomes much harder to find that incremental purchaser as the price point remains elevated becomes much harder to stretch to an audience that's going to continue buying it. And so that's what we've seen historically. We watch for him stretched beyond their 4 healthy. Well. And that's what you want to look for. That's when you want to figure as it's going to be another. 90 where they have a tremendous amount of or is it going to be diversion? A to pick on michael course that we brought in on court to gather you watch very big brands. Come back down to the saturation binding. That's what we think about brands in general. Not release specific but brands in general. That's what we're looking for, healthy revenues as we've trained to chase revenues, but not all revenues are good thing. Do they have global potential of being can they replicate their success in north america and europe in asia? I mean, into other fresh countries are, could they be running up against barriers there? >> It's a great question because it's sort of easy question to answer yes, right here talking a lot of the answer there is yes. How do I know he's already doing it. So you brought up that there are 10 to 11 million will be just under 11 million dollars or so total revenues this year call high single-digit billions of that initiative. That will be no be america's, which means you've got another 2 to 3, does not. They are doing a very nice job. It very nice business extremely and I think it will continue to grow up. Question is how large and the question I think from a staff perspective is how much do you want to pay for international opportunity, if you're worried about domestic, if north american continue to grow. This selloff is going to approve a great opportunity. It cannot, it's just, it's going to be the beginning. And I think that's part of the equation. We have route that's the market perform because they think they said a very important point in their history. But your question internationally, there's any reason they should be able to have a nice international business. We better jump semyon. Thank you very much. Indeed. You gave yeah, some food food for thought there on the could to be running up against that invisible barrier. Thanks a million. >> Simeon siegel, managing director equity research at bmo capital markets. Coming up a, there are concerns that canada is falling behind in the ai race. We are going to get bruce croxon to weigh in on the debate. I find out what moves could be made to put this country ahead of the pack. Stick with us. (Upbeat instumental music)Canadians are facing a newnormal with interest rat and investment options. The Capital Direct OneIncome Trust is in a growing asset class thatprovides stability and is income-generating forportfolios. Here from Capital Direct areEire Gorman and Aaron Narayan, great to see you again. Thank you for havingus back, Mark. Eire,how are interest rates impacting the Capital DirectOne Income Trust? It's really important tounderstand the timeline of the loans that make upthe income trust. These are fixed-term vehiclesthat don't have the volatilityof a variable product. That means we're less-vulnerable to interest rate changes for18-24 months. Aaron, what arethe pros and cons for the trust if interestrates go down? First off, we love stability. Looking forward, we believe interest rates willact in our favour. If rates go down then (Unclear)or now Cora drops which means the cost of capitalis actually cheaper. And what if interest ratesstay around these levels? Aaron: If interest ratescontinue to stay the same we continue to kick out similarreturns as we have been for our investors which makethem extremely happy. So the trust holdsresidential mortgages. Based on what you're seeinghow would you say Canadian homeowners are coping in thisnew interest rate environment? This is a good news story. Canadians arefinding ways to cope. Our mortgage investments andflexible lines of credit have allowed homeowners toconsolidate at a lower rate and continue todo the things they love while owning their own homes. As we said here, homeownershipis so important to Canadians and we've seen the choices thatthey have made to remain in this privileged category. And it's also important to notethat throughout this new normal we've kept our loaned valueat a very comfortable 52%. 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For Junior Hockey supremacy, here we go the stage for the chl's ultimate prize is set. One of the hardest trophies to win in all of hockey as champions have emerged. In the ohl the whl and the qmjhl to take on the host team. Saginaw spirit Saginaw is ready for the one hundred and forth time .. Mission accomplished! The memorial cup, presented by dow only.on tsn >> Canada's >> Banking regulator warns that many homeowners may face, quote, payment shock when they renew their mortgages in its latest risk outlooks. The office of the superintendent of financial institutions identified 4 key risks to the financial system, including market just are the so-called negatively amortizing says it expects payment increases to lead to an increase in loans. Defaultig. We are going to find out more when we hear from the superintendent of financial institutions today on the close at 4:00pm eastern time. London drugs says it's on willing able to pay a multi-million dollar ransom to cyber criminals who claim to a stolen data in an attack that shut down its stores for more than a week. The company says the criminals could leak stolen corporate files containing employee information and calls the situation deeply distressing as the company is providing staff with a credit monitoring and identity theft protection. We're watching shares in power corp today. There are reports of the company has closed its china investment units and dismissed all staff. The reports say the closure is a strategic decision may need you to the economic slowdown rising geopolitical risks. And there's the tsx slipping from yesterday's our record high close still up 10% in the past 12 months. And look at the U.S. markets, similar story we are seeing some selling. Last month, the federal government launched a 2.4 billion dollar fund to boost canada's artificial intelligence sector and create a new ai safety institute. But when individual company such as microsoft and measure are spending many times that much is canada's investment. Anything more than just a drop in the bucket. Our guests as we can still win in the ai space. But to do so, canada has to shift its focus so that it's dollars go further. We're joined by bruce croxon, co-founder round 13 capital. It's great to see a good to see it too, because this is a worry out there. I see op-ed in the globe by profs that water, no doubt. And clearing the head of the cheriton school of computer science and ai expert data saying that this money is going to hardware kind of our most of it is and that it's a mug's game trying to compete with the likes of the U.S. government. I thought it was a well written and thoughtful article and I think they they know that. So kudos to the globe on that >> And it's, it's not the 2.4 billion is a drop in the bucket. It's it's a good chunk of money and will be well well, well welcomed in the ai racism to to a sign that 2.4 billion to the same bucket that meta and microsoft and amazon are all spending billions already on. And in fact, I think 2 days after the announcement of 2.4, we heard from google sorry, met out that their lama system is as just been upgraded released and it's got 30 billion dollars worth of computing power behind it. Right? So where where you go into battle right? Is that is that, does that make sense or you know, how about this? We had a very active and vibrant venture capital and private equity community here in canada for the past 15 years, government's done, I think ad real job of of backing those sectors. And we've got a lot of small to midsize companies that are making their way. That should be I using ai to boost their own performance efficiency, knowledge and know-how and unfortunately, as we sit here today, latest survey by the canadian chamber of commerce. I believe it was them that did the survey, don't quote me on that, that

73% of businesses in canada have no to use ai or leverage ai or or, you know, or make use of this wonderful new technology. So how about 2.4 billion on promoting entrepreneurship use of ai, but not reinventing the wheel that already exists. That is is is open source and wide open for our companies to take advantage of 50%, however you want as we take advantage of our language modules that we have proprietary access to because they're our own companies. So that's, that's sort of the short version of get 2.4 billion. Thank you very much but not on hardware chips, things that are, you know, we're we're already behind the 8 ball on is this complacency by canadian corporations? Yeah, I think it the 74% stat. It really is like we're almost asleep at the you know, there's a whole conversation. We can have this to whether I am come across a new technology yet that overhyped at the beginning are delivered, right? So maybe paying predicting you know, there's that we can discuss that. But no, I think where we are in danger of falling having said that, a lot of the brains and intellectual capital have come out of this country to drive. What progress ai has, you know, it chief so far. So we're right there, right? We're right there. If we wake up, take advantage of what we have in our own backyard. And I just think, you know, the government well-meaning it as it as it may be, is just a little bit behind right in terms thinking it through and you know, listen, it's a new technology, it's not a simple technology. It's moving very quickly. So I'm not assigning blame and I'm not passing judgment, but we do need to refocus on the things that are going to make us when she, I suppose governments love coaching red buttons and saying we're spending all this money. I'm not sure they know what they're doing it when it comes to the 2.4 allocation of of this particular bucket. Having said that is we're talking here, maybe they're huddling in realizing that, you know, with all the recent announcements from the big tech companies in the states, that that is not a good, you know, use of the 2.4. hope springs eternal there. Kind I know this is a whole other debate, but this guy, this question of forcing pension funds or encouraging them to invest more of their money in this country, is not part of a truly be looking to our pension funds to support ai directly, you know, it, it's, it's, it's a great pension funds by their nature, I think are in the business of making sure their constituents get looked after when they retire. Right? So it's, it's incumbent on them to back the funds or direct investments that are going to return the best percentage for the, their, their funds. So any mandates to have to force it on canada, I think is very short-sighted and is is, is, is not free enterpris in my view. So no, I do not think the solution is there. How about this? We get so good at leveraging the, the investments we've already made. We get so good at applying ai to what we've already done that with the help of 2.4 plus billion into the sector. Education entrepreneurship that the canadian pension funds can't help but say hey, you know what? Best place to invest in ai is right here at home in canada. There's that alternative vision for more positive one more because bruce, thank you very good to see croxon, co-founder of round 13 capital. Coming up. We are going 0 in hot picks and the tech sector. Stick with us. Hi, I'm Taylor Thoen. Next time on btv Business Television. We are in a very unique position. We are the fifth largest open pit project in North America. There are not very many projects that have 7,000,000oz in a tier one safe jurisdiction. The future and the potential for this project to move forward are getting better. With all the work that we're doing to continue to de-risk it. Watch us online or here on bnn Bloomberg. At Odyssey Trust, we're more than just a transfer agent. We're on a mission to deliver peace of mind by making things simple, fast and easy. We're proud to be the trusted partner of over 1000 clients in Canada and the United States. Take advantage of historically high yields while reducing risk. Td Asset Management offers a large suite of active and passive fixed income investment solutions that can provide income and stability to your portfolio. Td Asset Management. -If you're looking for an investment with a strong, consistent track record, maybe it's time to look at a new approach. -Last quarter Capital Direct investors saw a return of over eight percent. That's impressive. It feels good to help Canadian homeowners accomplish their dreams. Find out why so many people have been trusting Capital Direct for over sixteen years.

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