
BNN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> Number two on that day microsoft. One of the best known stocks in the world. You can see the return there total return 31% since july of last year. >> Mm-hmm. Well, think about it, july last year you had a pretty good run in the first half of the year and then we certainly sort of banked some profits in a lot of the software companies and then we put it over into the sort of magnificent seven. So currently trading right now around 4.25 U.S. we had a 12 month -- so 431. We have a 12-month price target of 469. So there is just a bit of a runway. Just for those you know when you think about a big -- the world's largest company and try to put it in perspective so we always sort of look at it it has three segments that it it plays in. Sort of the business processing segment which is all about the office 365 but now actually includes the microsoft 365 copilot. Then you have the whole intelligent cloud segment which really has a lot of the -- well, of course azure for the data centre side but it also has that visual studio and the number of enterprise services and then the third sort of business line that they have in here is the personal computing segment which is all about windows and device but it also includes the gaming. So they just have an awful lot of horses in the race. One thing I'll mention about microsoft and a big deal these days is this m eia m eia 100 chip and this is a chip that is supposed to go head to head with the nvidia chips. And also the bellwether that they have coming out. And of course you know they also had that OpenAI side of it. They had a tremendous amount of things going on. So buy it here around 4.25. Remember that 469, 470 price target. If you ever see it down close to 400 pick it up and down around 375. >> Paul: number three on that day meta platforms another megacap tech stock, m-e-t-a on the nasdaq. Total return 58%. >> Which is interesting, right, because they outperformed certainly over the last year they outperformed microsoft and they are probably pretty equal to that of google and of course and comparing google with meta it's all about advertising, you know. Google gets their advertising from the search side, right. But on the meta it's all about generating. So they don't have the search side but they have the generation side. And so they do have different advertisers out there. So currently trading what, around 471. We have a 12-month price target of 526. So I think you could pick it up here, but remember, down at levels like around 445 and certainly around 420 is a good place to buy. >> Paul: okay. Those are kim bolton's past picks and how they returned over the period from july 11th last year to today. Marvell technology, microsoft and meta platforms. We want to take a moment to say thanks and happy birthday to a long time viewer of "market call." donna McTRODY has been watching the show for years and uses the insights of our guest as one of his inputs into the portfolio decision he makes as he manages his family's investments. Dominic works as a dentist in woodbridge, ontario. His wife also a dentist brought dominic to downtown toronto and to a complete surprise into the newsroom where the couple met some of the bnn bloomberg team and dominic's daughter serena had this cake made to celebrate big day. That's got to be a first at bnn bloomberg birthday cage. We like it. Dominic, from all of us at bnn bloomberg happy birthday.

>>> We will be back with kim bolton right after this. He is president and portfolio manager at black swan dexteritas. Energy Fuels, a leading American uranium producer, is ramping up production to supply expanding nuclear markets and diversifying into rare earth elements, key ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. Energy Fuels. In today's environment. Canadians want more from their investments. Invico Diversified Income Fund has provided investors with portfolio diversification and downside protection for over a decade. What could you gain by investing in one of Canada's leading alternative income funds? Invico, reach for the future. The world of investments is growing, offering more alternatives than ever. ( ) Choose an alternative that invests, in what's here to stay. ( ) Things you can see and touch. ( ) Things that are part of our everyday lives. ( ) Avenue Living brings a different approach. ( ) One that's steeped in history, experience, and trust. ( ) Choose a proven alternative. Talk to your advisor about Avenue Living today. ( ) Mulvihills Canadian Bank Enhanced Yield etf gives investors premium exposure to Canada's big six banks with monthly distributions and a 9.3% yield. Cbnk is the highest yielding Canadian Bank etf. Mulvihill. We all strive for peace of mind, whether in life or our investments. But that's not easy with today's market complexity. For over two decades, Goodreid has helped Canadians from coast to coast to achieve their financial goals, through both good times and bad. Working with our portfolio managers, you can navigate tomorrow's financial uncertainty with confidence. It's time. Take control of your wealth. I'm Gordon Reid. Invest with confidence, invest with peace of mind. To learn more,visit At Odyssey Trust, we're more than just a transfer agent. We're on a mission to deliver peace of mind by making things simple, fast and easy. We're proud to be the trusted partner of over 1000 clients in Canada and the United States. (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. >> Paul: welcome back. Let's resume with your questions to kim bolton. Karl is in toronto and he is on our next caller. Casuals thanks a lot for calling. >> Caller: hi, paul. Thank you for taking my call. About 18 months ago you spoke about converge technology solutions and you were pretty favourably disposed to the company and I think you had a target of mid auts at this time. Were you less enthused in september because you thought it was a very competitive industry and you were worried that they weren't making any profits. Well, I think the company listened to you. They hired pretty much of a cracker jack cfo and they seem to be much more focused on the bottom line now and as a result they are integrating some acquisitions instead of just inning to acquire more companies and they have had some good share buy-backs and they are lowering [indiscernible] and the stock price has almost doubled since you spoke about it last september w that in mind I am wondering whether you are now more favourably disposed to kcs and how you -- cvs and how you see the company going forward. >> Thanks, karl. I should hire you. So yeah, we have been following it and with the new expertises they brought into the company. It's really sort of come up on the radar. We have -- we have a 12-month price target of right up at the peak there around the 6 ® level which isn't that -- it's a dollar away. I think if you actually can sort of break that top, karl, I think that will be an opportunity to actually get back in and you can see it sort of roared back up toward -- you know if it goes through that 6.25 it has that sort of 6.75 and then there is nothing between there and like $10. Karl, we don't tone right now. We are watching it very, very carefully. Thanks for dogging your homework with on that. And yeah, if it goes over 6.25 we will be back in.

>> Paul: okay. Thanks for the call, karl. Let's get to brad now. Brad is in markham, ontario. Hi, brad. >> Caller: good afternoon. I am calling today about avista networks. Kim, can you explain what they do and whether you own it or would recommend it. Thanks. >> Thanks, brad. We don't own it. We follow it very, very closely. You can see it just sort of turned over recently and really very much because of cisco that came out and gave their earnings I think it was just last week, and they seemed to be getting some market share. So currently trading right around that 319. A lot of the analysts including ourselves out there are sort of around anywhere from sort of 305 to 325 so it's sort of fully priced right now. Actually, karl -- or brad, I'd actually recommend if you own avista I would hold on to it and if you have some money that you were going to invest in avista I would actually put some into their competitor cisco. By the way, the management team -- or the very senior management team of avista actually came from cisco. That was many moons ago. >> Paul: okay, thanks, brad, for your call on avista. Let's go to vancouver. >>> Katie is on the line. Hi, katie. >> Caller: thank you for taking my call. I just wanted to find out, you know, taiwan semiconductor was always around 100 or lower and then now it's starting to move up quite a bit. So is it still a good time to buy and what is the future prospect? >> Thanks, katie. Currently trading right around that 154. Sorry, 156. The average analyst out there, katie, has a 156 price target right where it is right now. So it's pretty -- but you know they are running at a hundred per cent plus some. It will be interesting to see how it actually pans out tonight with nvidia because nvidia is one of the biggest taiwan semiconductor's biggest clients. So, katie, I wouldn't sell it. But with it trading up at this level I would actually write some calls. The volatility on taiwan semiconductor means you can probably get some pretty good premium out of writing calls up around a that sort of 159 to 160 level. And keep new it as long as you just track it and you just don't get traded out of it and get taken out of your position. That's what I would recommend. >> Paul: okay. Let's go to frank. Frank is calling from mississauga. Hi, frank. >> Caller: hi, thank you for taking my call, kim. You definitely need to be on bnn more often. My question is for elan but I think you touched on it when you spoke about micron. So I don't know if you want to expand on that. I was listening to nvidia's CEOs announcement yesterday I think with what they did with del and they were taking to service now cu as well and specifically [indiscernible] spoke about the use cases in the adoption of from a software perspective and of that made me kind of think about it from an infrastructure specifically elan which will provide the computational power across the communication layer. Is -- >> Paul: okay. We lolls our connection. Alab is the question. >> You know I got to say, it's amazing having done this program over the number of years how well educated your audience has become. >> Paul: I agree a hundred per cent. I agree a hundred per cent. >> So hats off to all of you. Asteria, this just ipoed maybe two months ago. If I remember correctly it was priced at $38. Opened at $58. Scooted all the way up to the 88 around 88 and sort of come back. So asteria. Their product is high speed connectivity solutions leveraging technologies that cxl and so on which are basically retimers and switchers

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