
BNN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

but like I south, we have a lot of complaints about donald trump but elections are about choices. It is a or b. You don't have to be all or one. You don't have to be extreme one way or the other. If you want democracy to work, you have to do out there and vote. And a lot of people are saying, we don't like the bombastic style of trump, but we need a change. We need results. We need someone to do something about inflation on the border. Those are the top issues. Nikki did a great job pointing that out. People care about issues. You have to talk about these issues. You can just say, we know you have record credit card debt, nor that. You are all fine. We call that gas lighting. Basically not validating the reality that a lot of us -- a lot of individuals are feeling right now. If anything, that is where biden has screwed this thing up. It is telling people it is working when it is not. Joe: understood. Some would say with donald trump's association with the economy that we see bearing out in the polls but that does not match with his record on the deficit, which is a big issue for you and nikki haley. Did you help her work through this. Sen. Sununu: no. I love nikki. I think she is the best. Since she got out of the race, I wanted her to be nothing but happy, spending time with her family. Her husband got home after nearly a year long deployment. I know she is spending a lot of time with him. She came out, had an event yesterday. She said she was going to vote for trump. She also made a really critical point, which is that there are voters out there who have to be earned. Trump has to do some work. He has to do work on the issues, to make sure all of those folks that may not have voted for him in the primary woke come home. They are not going to do it just because. There is time for him to do that. Biden has a bigger challenge on his hands. I think biden's base has walked from him more than the trump base has walked from trump. I think independents are walking away from biden. I think younger voters that should be all with biden, a lot of them just won't vote. Biden has his own set of chores in the next -- joe: that is clear. It is bearing out in our own polling. The trump face won't budge even as he sits in criminal court. As you point out, more than just that she was going to vote for him. . There was one particular line that stuck out to me. A loud part of each party wants us to abandon our allies, appease our enemies, and focus only on the problems we have at home. She said this worldview has put america in great danger, and the threat is mounting by the date. That she is speaking of, -- of donald trump. Sen. Sununu: when it comes to foreign policy, appreciating that you get world peace to america's strength, I think there is no one better in understanding those issues then nikki haley. She is spot on. Joe: is she worried about -- sen. Sununu: it is not just the republican party. When you look at folks who say international issues are the most important, it is about a 50-50 split. Trump portrays an image of strength. Biden does not portray that. Some of haydn's policies were more in line with where we should be, but he does not portray the strength. He has gone back and forth on israel. I am a big supporter of israel. He was unquestionably with them on may 7 and may 8. By the way, we will withhold weapons you can have your foot half in and half out. That inconsistency is a problem for biden. I think some of trump's statements, quasi-support of putin and calling him the smart guy, that stuff scares people as well. I think they both have a lot of problems on the international front. Joe: this is an interesting view to hear from you on both of these. It is supposed to be my job to try to make you turn into a pretzel, to explain why you want to vote for donald trump or plan to vote for donald trump. After effectively mounting a strong campaign against him, and helping nikki haley. You have already done that interview. I want to bring you back to the snowshoe club, the night before the primary peer there was hope inside the barn that night, that something different, that there was an alternative. And this person, nikki haley, had everybody talking. Wondering what might happen the next day, after you did a lot of work in the state for her. What happened to those old-line reagan republicans? What happens to the donors who followed nikki haley or the suburban women who support, and still, some are really -- some early primaries, they are still showing up in primaries for nikki haley. Do they stay home? Sen. Sununu: the majority of them will come over and vote for trump. I think nikki made a great point. There are still a lot of them that have to be earned. It's not that they can't be earned. Will the donor base come over to trump? Probably not. Not like they have in the past. I think a lot of the significant republican donor base will put their money into the senate seats, the governorships, the congressional races. Really try and drive that home. Trump has co-opted the rnc to be his donor feeder system.

they have had some success. I don't think like -- think it will be like it was in 2016 and 2020. The voters themselves, those are the ones that have to be spoken to. There is you have time for trump to do that, if he wants to earn them on the republican side. I don't there is any policy changes biden could implement today to get an appreciable different result that would drive people back over to him. Biden is in a tougher position right now. Where it goes where everyone is looking at the trials. I don't think the trials have an appreciable difference in this campaign. Joe: does that feel different? Sen. Sununu: no. Three things will happen. He is either innocent and that is a big win for trump, not only would he be off on this one but he would claim all of the others are politically motivated. It would put a shadow of a doubt. Conviction, people say, yeah, I just don't think it will drive people away from him. And if you are driven away by that, I respect your right to say that is a line too far. Joe: it keep independence away from him? Sen. Sununu: I don't think so. If they have already broken away from biden, it is because they don't like the convictions, they don't like january 6, but they are getting crushed by inflation. Inflation is the issue of the day. There is no question. And the border. Those remain to be the top two issues. And those are really bad when biden does not do well with those at all. Joe: you can find my full conversation with governor chris sununu from new hampshire on the terminal and online. This is "balance of power" on bloomberg tv and radio. ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. The world of investments is growing, offering more alternatives than ever. ( ) Choose an alternative that invests, in what's here to stay. ( ) Things you can see and touch. ( ) Things that are part of our everyday lives. ( ) Avenue Living brings a different approach. ( ) One that's steeped in history, experience, and trust. ( ) Choose a proven alternative. Talk to your advisor about Avenue Living today. ( ) joe: this is "balance of power." on bloomberg tv and radio. I am joe mathieu. Thank you for joining us. Kenyan president ruto is on a three-day visit to washington. This is a three, which he spent largely at the white house after meeting with congressional leaders and executives, potential -- potential investors. Tonight, the finale with a state dinner on the south lawn. Trade has been a major issue. Bloomberg's tyler kendall is here now with more on that. Tyler: it was interesting because president biden decided to kickoff this state visit by inviting executives from both kenya and usa's companies to the white house to sit down with the kenyan president who came into this visit saying he was looking for tangibles when it came to strategic investment in his country. That even included the cfo of google's parent company alphabet. Some really big names, gearing up for this investment. Earlier, we heard from national security advisor jake sullivan. He was talking about this push by the U.S. to renew a partnership between silicon valley and what is being called the silicon savanna. >> Emerging technology hub.

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