
BNN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 11:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

that they got, you know, it originally was for 2.25 peace. Now it's at 2.50. And I think normally when you look at these types of deals, you're looking at where the shares are trading leading up to a vote. And at this point, you know, it's looking like it's just below 2.50 right now. So that could typically mean that shareholders are okay with the pricing that they're getting and they will likely vote for the deal to go ahead. But the fact that that gap is so narrow right now, mean, it's really hard to tell if this is the end of it. And if you know, they are going to, if they are going to sort of capitulated, say okay to 50's. Good. I think the other thing to look at is when you pull back the chart of indigo shares. And one point it was at $5 during the pandemic. You know, so it's half of that with this sweet for our shareholders, you know, wanting to wait to see if the stock can do better. Are they wanting to wait for even higher bed? Is there the possibility of someone else coming in to play? I think that 3rd option is much lower at this point, considering, you know, a white knight could have come in at any given time at this point, we still haven't seen that. But still, I think I think perhaps is a little bit of of tenterhooks where people are sitting, just waiting to see what the decision will what the vote will look like much it comes through. >> Seems like the market is also waiting to see what happens in china with a new fund to help their to mystic chipmakers. Tell us more about that developing story. >> Yeah, I'm not sure if I'm surprised or if I should have expected this, you know, they have basically pull together 47.5 billion dollars in a very short span of time to create this find that will help with funding. You know, a lot of semiconductor domestic companies within china itself, you know, we obviously have tensions brewing with the U.S. where the U.S. wants to pull back what it is that they're supplying to china at this point. They're, you know, pointing to privacy concerns, national security concerns. And that's really what they're trying to do in china, sort of fighting back right now. We've creating this huge find that's a lot of money to put into china. And as we know, china, despite how huge it is, can move very fast when they do have the capital to put behind something. So I think the question here just becomes, you know, how quickly can they move? They incorporated the find 3 days ago and it now has almost 48 billion dollars in there. To put that into perspective, you know what we've seen in the numbers of the U.S. and how much they put out in terms of grants and funding. It's about 100 billion dollars when it comes to ai chips. A lot of the semiconductor companies in china and hong kong rallied after the news. So we'll just have to see what happens when the U.S. open how these chip stocks in the U.S. will took a real quickly, a also on the move once again. Yeah, so I think this is like much highly anticipated news. The sec has now agreed that a lot of these venues, like the 90 and staff can take on tts 4 spot etf that led to a huge rally in d fair. We're seeing a 26% gain in the last 7 days. Now I these bets going to intensify begs the question, can it get as many as much inflows as bitcoin etf, that's going to be the next step that we want to to be a thanks for the breakdown will be watching closely. The theory in price and that they on these other stories also appreciate to be a ball to joining us. When we come back, we'll talk about the confidence levels in this country ahead of a key gdp report. >> Coming up later this week. So, it's a financial approach that just flows together. Kinda like this: Investments in the front... Insurance in the back. We do both. [phone ringing] ( ) You never know what surprises life has in store. Invico Diversified Income Fund has provided investors with a decade of positive performance. Prepare for whatever's next with Canada's top alternative investment solutions provider, Invico. Reach for the future. Upbeat music ( ) ( ) Get more from trusted us Treasuries with hbnd. Canada's first covered call bond etf providing attractive monthly income with the strength and security of U.S. government bonds. Hbnd, more income, every month, from Hamilton ETFs. ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Gold is soaring and copper demand is at all time highs.

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