
BNN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

thought we knew that the itself had kind of a different message. >> Well, took 50 years of garfield moore in the comic strip and ignored pretty much all of it. I mean, was on that's the you know, calling card, I guess for garfield, but is also supposed to be sardonically z sleeps all the time. You know, frequent napping they got rid of all of that and placed him in the middle of what is essentially really generic actions story for kids. And I think kids will enjoy 10 or 11 year-old parents. I don't think there's a lot there for goals, it's not a girl full movie, even though it's called regard to movie, it's not really true to its origins. All >> At the end of the do so. It sounds like you think inside out is going to be a movie that can get people into the theatres this summer, that the studios could still walk away if not with some winds this summer, maybe with a a new thinking around what the messaging is around that are in theatres versus the streaming window times. >> All you have to do is look back to a top gun. Maverick. That movie was done before covid and tom cruise said I'm not releasing it to streaming. This is a theatrical experience. And when it goes to theatres, it has to stay in theatre star can remember the exact date, but it was specific. Number 176 days or something like that. It went on to make a billion and a half dollars because if you wanted to see it and a lot of people wanted to see it. It's a sequel to well, what movie big action scenes, all kind of the perfect kind of summer movie. People wanted to see and they had to go to the theatre to see it. That's what the studios have to get back to. Otherwise we're going to big movies like furiosa like the fall guy, I think underperform because people will maybe I don't want to spend the money of the theatre. I'm already paying for the streaming service on just a hole, right? Richard, good analysis is always appreciate the time. Richard joining us. He's also the host of the last call with richard crouse podcast. You can check that out. I'm almost movie theatre like to watch the U.K. general election plans, which are now set for july 4th. Will have a preview coming up nex Energy Fuels, a leading American uranium producer, is ramping up production to supply expanding nuclear markets and diversifying into rare earth elements, key ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. Energy Fuels. Harvest Equal Weight Global Utilities Enhanced Income etf. The world's top utility companies in one etf, global Utilities and steady monthly income. Harvest ETFs, income happens here. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. ( ) This is not just another E-Class. Because it evolves with you. It adapts to you, the generic It is the first E-Class made just for you. For you, for you ( ) This is not just design. Because your E-Class: it adapts to you, recognizes you, understands you, empowers you, energizes you, feels you. It evolves with you. The new E-Class. ( ) We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. Looking to maximize your monthly income? Our yield maximizer your ETFs, combine your favorite sectors with a high yielding, income first strategy to help you meet your goals. More income every month from Hamilton ETFs. You never know what surprises life has in store. Invico Diversified Income Fund has provided investors with a decade of positive performance. Prepare for whatever's next with Canada's top alternative investment solutions provider, Invico. Reach for the future. (Upbeat electronic music) >> Welcome to the open here on bnn bloomberg. I'm jon erlichman. And we are now 30 minutes into the trading day, a quiet session with the tsx getting the spotlight attention on this monday morning. Positive date, toronto that will break down the story of the canadian equity market is going to be a busy week for the canadian

banks. And already the anti money-laundering probe against td in the united states could be a wake-up call for other canadian players. Will talk little bit more about that developing story with an expert. And on today's edition of the list. Some dividend friendly stocks that are staying competitive with the bond market for investor attention. That's coming up a little bit later this half hour. Let's start with some of the other stories that we're tracking in our bnn bloomberg newsroom. G7 finance ministers and central bankers wrapped up their weekend gathering in italy with a strongly worded message for china. The group's official statement taking issue with that country's policies, accusing china of hurting the economies of its trade partners. Member nations also warned they'll consider taking steps to ensure a level playing field for global trade. Shareholders of indigo are set to vote this morning on whether the retailer should accept the sweetened offer to take the bookstore chain private the $2 and $0.50 per share bid comes from 2 firms controlled by gerry schwartz, the husband of indigo ceo heather recent, the other, the offer already has the support of a special committee of independent directors. Elon musk's ai startup x ai has re 6 billion dollars to speed up its challenge to his former allies at open ai. The financing round coming less than a year after exe eyes debut. Musk had been an early supporter of artificial intelligence and was one of the original backers of open ai. He later withdrew his support from that venture and has advocated caution because of the technologies potential dangers. Right now. We're looking at a positive session in toronto. A reminder that with the memorial day holiday, we're not seeing regular action in new york sold spotlight indeed on the canadian equity landscape were may has already been a pretty good month for the markets. And in intraday trading today, we are seeing 8 out of 11 subgroups that nets us out to a 3 tenths of percent advance overall materials, consumer discretionary and utilities have been the best performing subgroups this morning. Let's take a look at some of the individual asset classes beyond equities. Oil prices are gaining ground there up about one percent at this hour. Wti, new york trading at 78 50 gold stocks have been gaining some ground in toronto, thanks to bullion's advance it, who's up in the neighbourhood of one percent right now. The futures market showing in advance of $23, an ounce to 23 79, almost 23 80 at this hour. We'll talk a little bit more about the road ahead for the bank of canada later in the hour. Right now, the canadian dollar is stronger against the greenback at 73 33 us. And as we've been talking a lot about the cryptocurrency market recently through the lens of a that. Digital asset is up another 2% today. It's rallied about $1000 per coin of the last month. A lot of excitement about rollout of theory etf similar to what we saw with big coin earlier this year. Bitcoin itself is up about 4 tenths of a percent at this hour. (Funky hip hop music) okay, let's check in on some of the early movers today. And paul bagnell kind enough to join us for that. The mining sector once again on your radar list once again, jon, the early movers on the tsx cops said their early gainers are. >> The mining stocks. Gavin graham was our featured guest on the street this he is bullish on copper. He's bullish on copper, silver and gold mining stocks. The name several during his appearance with us this morning on the street that he likes, including one that will see in just a moment. Pan american silver. He recommends this as a buy right now. It as the name clearly implies and I think is most viewers know this is a silver mining company. Silver was trading up more than 31 U.S. dollars per ounce this morning. Gold and copper were also these are the top for movers by percentage on the s&p tsx composite in the early going hudbay minerals pan american silver. Endeavour mining and the other one as well. There you see ivanhoe's the other one. So there they're the 3, a 3 of the 4 and we'll take a look at endeavour to endeavour's the only one that really has specific news tied to it. And that's analyst has boosted the the price target on shares of

endeavour. There's a and everett still down 11% on a year-to-date basis, but it has enjoyed that rally. The most of the mining stocks have enjoyed since the middle or latter portion february, although that rally and the endeavour is not as dramatic as we've seen elsewhere. But once again, the mining stocks doing well again this morning, jon. All right. And I know the world has been focusing on a handful of technology stocks in us this year. But there is a canadian tech player that is a in many ways capturing the attention of a lot of canadian investors because of long-term performance. >> Different story for the stock today, but you're watching consolation soft. Again, I don't think there's a specific news catalyst for this, but I notice at the top of the large decliners today is constellation software near over the overtime and there's one year. But over the multi-year period, this has been a big big winner for a its shareholders. However, stocks to go up every day. Of course. And today, this one is losing some ground, perhaps some profit taking on investors who have done well on constellation over the past there's constellation over 10 year at 10 years, the return of nearly 15 100%. Some other stocks moving down. And again, I don't think there are specific news catalysts for this enerplus, energy, a player and nexgen energy, the uranium company. Both of those stocks trading down in early trading as well. Jon. Okay, all thanks very much, paul bagnell with some of the early movers he's watching. You know, the other thing that investors have to gear up for this the election story, a lot big elections around the world, of course, ever is going to watching what's happening stateside as we move into the fall. >> Meantime, the U.K. has set a general election for july 4th. And we're going to get some insight and analysis on the economic realities behind that decision next. The main focus of Urbana is asset growth. Building the assets of this company. We invest in public securities. Everybody does that, but we also combine it with private equity investments, which is very, very important. And that's where you can make some real money. And the beauty is you're buying it at a discount a discount from asset value. I think we do contain risk extremely well. We have a very, very experienced team and we've got results over a long term period of time. ( ) This is not just another E-Class. Because it evolves with you. It adapts to you, the generic It is the first E-Class made just for you. For you, for you ( ) This is not just design. Because your E-Class: it adapts to you, recognizes you, understands you, empowers you, energizes you, feels you. It evolves with you. The new E-Class. ( ) [stomach growling] ...It's nothing. Sounds like something. When you have Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea. Pepto Bismol coats... and soothes.. for fast relief when you need it most. (upbeat music plays) ( ) ( ) ( ) Get all the benefits of a bond and more in an exchange traded fund. Introducing the td Target Maturity Bond ETFs a new suite of fixed income investment solutions that are designed to act like individual bonds, providing income and final payout on specific maturity dates with the added benefit of liquidity, diversification and professional management from a leading asset manager in Canada. Td Target Maturity Bond ETFs. >> Well, U.K. is on track for an election this summer as it currently stands, the nation could be in for a political shakeup as it battles some economic issues that we're dealing with in this country. High interest rates, low growth and significant productivity challenge. Certainly some parallels to the canadian story and more broadly, a changing political mood across canada and the u.s.. Of course, there's american election that's set to take centre stage later this year. We'll see what happens with the canadian elections story, but let's get some insight and analysis on the U.K. story. David oliver, public affairs strategist and founder of minerva strategy. Good to see you, david. You it is that a fair characterization kind of similar parallels to what we're dealing with here in north america right now. Very I think he was, I think there's a lot of a surprise. I see that the election was called not least in design

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