
BNN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

very much excited we could see some small dividend increases, maybe 2% by scotia royal bank, 4% by national. A cnbc not a lot of segment, but you know, sometimes boring is scene and that's what we have. And dividend yields are you know, drive the drug today we'll talk a little bit more about 17 yields later in the program, but >> You know, there are there any banks that carry the kind of characteristics that you would lean into more than you know, there's there's a lot of overlap. I think with the financial services sector. But are there any banks like more than others? That's a good question because it has been a stock picker's market in the sector. Looking over the last 1, 3, 5, years. >> Looking at says the october lows. You've had give away its lead. And so you know, there a point to 0.7%, whereas you have cnbc national royal bank for anywhere from 30 to 40%. And so you know, there's been sort of an equalization on more. A long line of recent results. We any of the individual names of reproduce them such that were playing him through structured notes instead for a number of different reasons, especially route risk. But you know, there's there's definitely you can see the, the, persians in a in a dividend yield. And so you got scotiabank at the highest 6 and a half percent and national bank are low 3.7% getting a little bit of a higher yield it's probably me work be worth looking at like scotiaban and cibc td of the higher yields to them. So you're getting paid for a level of of, of risk associated there it there, there certainly is it something south of the border that, you know, we're keeping an eye on. But on the you know, you are being rewarded or being paid a quarterly for the risk. And then I guess just to compare the equity opportunities with other opportunities in the marketplace. Lashley, we spoke with american strategist ed clissold, who was noting the percentage of >> S&p 500 companies that sport dividend yields that are greater than the 10 year treasury has come down quite a bit over the last few years as you know, that what you can get paid. The bond market has improved. So how do you decide on where to allocate market between asset classes right now? >> You a great question. >> You know, israel over is leaving it to work I think that's the starting point is is will 10 year yields come back down again and how a low will they go and that's where trying to get get their head space around. I'm of the camp that yields are going to be higher for longer. And so that's going to create a regards to the have and have nots how to invest in that type of environment. And so having a little bit of that inflation is good in the portfolio commodities and done this year. Also some some downside protection in regards to looking at alternative sectors outside of bonds. There are a number of different eras of alternate strategies that you can look at a structure outcome. Ets, for covered calls have been really popular. We like structured as a fixed income replacement. And then on the girls, I mean, really is hard to compete than nvidia's. And the tech sector in the u.s., albeit there's tremendous risk and so if you can stomach you know, maybe it puts in doubt by an overlay option, overland half ofand so it is really a tough market do it yourself or and this is where it's helpful to get. Has a professional by says too, how a navigating the asset allocation strategies in this new type of environment that we're facing. No kidding. All right. Some food for thought for our investing stomachs this morning. Martin, thanks very much. Appreciated martin pelletier, senior portfolio manager. >> The tribe as well as at wellington-altus private counsel. When we come back, the g7 finance ministers and central bankers wrapping up a weekend meeting with a critical message for china will dig into that. When we come back. (Upbeat electronic music) Take advantage of historically high yields while reducing risk. Td Asset Management offers a large suite of active and passive fixed income investment solutions that can provide income and stability to your portfolio. Td Asset Management.

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( ) as hollywood enters the crucial summer box office season. There are some troubling signs for the movie business this year. Early receipts for this past weekend show. It will be the weakest memorial day long weekend in nearly 3 decades, new releases furiosa and garfield projected to take in roughly 31 million dollars each by the end of the day-to-day. >> With the latest mad max film underperforming expectations for reaction to all this. Let's bring in film critic richard crouse. Richard, great to have you back with what happened? >> Well, I think the studios have changed the way that they release films. And by extension, we have changed the way that we watch them. So over covid the studios were unexpectedly stock with some very big movies that they didn't really know what to do theatres were closed, been who would be able to predict when they were going to reopen. So turned to their streaming people at home got used to seeing what would have been first run in theatres. They used to seeing them at home, even though the experience, I don't think it is anywhere near the it is certainly cheaper to watch a film at there's no one texting in front of you. There's, you know, all the stuff to people complain about going to the you can now have the experience sort of kind of watching a movie at home with all without all the distractions. And so big movies furiosa in mad max idea come along or the fall guy a few weeks ago when that open to big stars ryan gosling and emily blunt at one. The studios were all marketed very heavily and people didn't turn up in the numbers that were expected. And now the fall guy after just, you know, barely 3 weeks theatres is already going to streaming. I think if we were to expand that window and say no movie. Actor clea released will be on the streaming service for at least 6 months that people would see the virtue of seeing it in a theatre say it's a special kind of event to go to theatre instead of saying well into 3 weeks will be able to washington home anyway. So I think the studios of really kind of stepped on their own feet with this new kind of marketing plan that they're doing, trying to make the movies as accessible as possible. And streaming has devalued the theatrical experience. Did you think they had a false sense of victory last summer with barbenheimer because I mean, oppenheimer. >> In that movie was unique as you've got a director and chris nolan who is going to shout from the rooftops about the importance of the cinema experience. They really they were able to carry that messaging through, I think, to make it really about getting out to the theatres and even barbie it was like a cultural phenomenon and everybody wanted to like, you know, I was there, I was wearing my pink doing all that stuff. So I guess I wonder if those were unique success stories. And now we're just back to what you talked about, which is the reality of the streaming world. Well, I think that they were certainly a the idea that. >> Organically online barbie and oppenheimer, 2 movies that could really not have much less to do with one another would become kind of connected and become this this phenomenon where people work dressing up to go see both of them you know, pushing both of them over a billion dollars at the box office does pretty special staff and that doesn't happen very often. I think that we in the summer moves on, if the studios handle properly. I think looking at inside to being a big head. I think fly me scarlet johansen and channing tatum has a chance of of really getting some people in theatres twisters. And then the one that everybody is looking forward to be kind of the saviour of the summer movie was, is good pool and wolverine ryan reynolds and hugh this is the movie that people are now setting their sights on saying this is the one finally that will get people back in years. >> As the interior part of the summer recipes we're just get back to that. We're almost out of time. But I the garfield movie, I was a little confused on that too. And I feel like I heard you talking about this before the release that for the garfield that some of us a

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